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International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems

International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS)

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International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Deterministic Approach with Markov Chain Algorithm to Impose Higher Order Security in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks (DWSN)   Order a copy of this article
    by M. S. S. Sasikumar, Narayanan A.E 
    Abstract: Wireless sensor networks are deployed based on their application environment. Since WSN are modality based, they sense data based on the type of data, they must sense. Unless otherwise we deploy proper algorithms and governance on to the sensor nodes, they behave in a normal way. We tried an attempt to provide a pilot scheme to establish a scheme called ORDER optimal retrospective decision enrichment for reliability, which analyses the previous tasks of the sensor nodes and categorise those nodes under different categories related to specific tasks. The algorithm ORDER analyses the tasks and assigns the tasks to the sensor nodes and monitor whether the tasks are being performed in a time bound manner without any compromise into security aspects. Our model is compared with the existing benchmarked approaches and found better in terms of reliability, data integrity and data consistency, throughput and BER.
    Keywords: ORDER; Markov chain; deterministic; retrospective; sensor nodes; reliability; FEDSEC; adversarial; security; federated learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2024.10058153
  • Controlling Dynamic Crowdsourcing Processes using Multi-Layered Algebraic Petri Nets   Order a copy of this article
    by Fateh Latreche, Hichem Talbi 
    Abstract: Crowdsourcing is an emergent model for decentralized and collaborative problem solving. Inventive tasks crowdsourcing processes are in most cases dynamic, they are subject to failure and exceptions arising at runtime. Most of the existing design and implementation notations for crowdsourcing processes do not adequately reflect important features of dynamic crowdsourcing processes. We propose a multi-layered high-level Petri net model (timed-meta ECATNets) to design and control dynamic crowdsourcing processes. In particular, the proposed model makes it possible to adapt crowdsourcing processes in case of task failure. Owing to its use of algebraic Petri nets, the model allows to express compactly : control flow, data flow and time constraints. The proposed model is implemented using Real-Time Maude. The reachability commands and the timed CTL model checker associated to Real-Time Maude could then be used to analyse the correctness of the dynamic and timed behaviours of crowdsourcing processes.
    Keywords: dynamic crowdsourcing processes; timed-Meta ECATNets; Real-Time Maude; timed CTL model checking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2024.10065481
  • Circumvent the Proliferation of Counterfeited Circulars Using Blockchain   Order a copy of this article
    by Gururaj H. L, Mohith C. Shekar, Priya Saravanan, Shreyas J, George Sebastian, Manu MN 
    Abstract: Organisations issue circulars to declare the decision taken by them to the concerned people. But in recent times, counterfeiting documents to spread fake information are getting increased. Also, such information is shared as scanned copies on Internet. This accelerates the growth of fake circulars at rapid rate. Hence, it causes dilemma to believe whether the circular is genuine or not. To overcome this, this paper proposes the usage of blockchain technology, and smart contracts embed the digital signature into the document. The proposed approach uses the public key to provide a unique digital identity. It enables any user to sign the circulars using the public identifier which in turn generates the signature parameters. Further, the documents are stored in decentralised peer-to-peer storage to make them highly accessible and tamper-proof. From the experimental results, it is stated that the proposed approach assures the originality of the document in a significant manner.
    Keywords: digital signature; interplanetary file system; IPFS; blockchain; Ethereum; cryptography; EIP-712.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2024.10065485