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International Journal of Business and Data Analytics

International Journal of Business and Data Analytics (IJBDA)

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International Journal of Business and Data Analytics (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Data analytics in retail: envisaging a machine learning-based design thinking approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Swapnil Morande, Kanwal Gul 
    Abstract: The research explores the concept of ‘Phygital’, a blend of ‘physical’ and ‘digital’, in the context of the retail sector, leveraging a data-driven approach to provide an optimal customer experience. The study employs a quantitative methodology, using machine learning models to formulate ideal sales strategies for retail stores and tailor unique services for consumers. The results underscore the efficacy of the Phygital approach in enhancing both in-store and e-commerce sales, while effectively managing inventory-related challenges. Through data analytics, customer experiences are enriched with personalised offerings. This study is particularly beneficial for retail stores in identifying product associations, devising optimal product pricing, and reducing customer churn rates, presenting a compelling value proposition to consumers. The intersection of data analytics and the traditional shopping experience, fused with on-demand e-commerce, is identified as a key finding. The application of ML uncovers insightful strategic choices, contributing to improved yield, while highlighting previously overlooked aspects.
    Keywords: phygital; omnichannel retail; data analytics; digital ecosystem; artificial intelligence; texture of practices; machine learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBDA.2023.10059709