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International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management

International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM)

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International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Mapping the Intersection of Liquidity and Profitability in Indian Automobile Industry: A Panel Data Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by KRISHAN KUMAR, NEHA YADAV, Jasvinder Kaur, Kamaljit Singh 
    Abstract: The nation’s thriving automobile industry is propelling the Indian economy forward. The industry has grown to become one of the most significant in India as well as the world, with millions of people employed and trillions of dollars generated in revenue. This study aims to investigate the impact of liquidity on the profitability of selected automobile companies in India. The statistics from April 2010 to March 2022 were examined employing panel data analysis. The top 10 Bombay Stock Exchange-listed auto manufacturing companies are picked as a sample based on market capitalisation in the financial year 2021
    Keywords: automobile industry; panel data analysis; unit root test; liquidity; profitability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJATM.2024.10064859
  • Joint Value Creation and Individual Value Capture in Automotive Innovation Ecosystems   Order a copy of this article
    by Arne Jeppe, Lisa Kraus, Heike Proff 
    Abstract: Innovation ecosystems allow companies to develop new technologies without large investments. Therefore, these structural alignments of a multilateral set of partners are gaining importance, especially among capital-intensive automotive companies. However, the risk of losing competence is high. This is why innovation ecosystems are still rare, especially in the automotive industry, although much research has been done on how the partners can jointly create value and individually capture parts of it. Therefore, we investigate which of the factors influencing joint value creation and individual value capture in innovation ecosystems managers of automotive companies see and what influence the two have on success. With exploratory structural equation modelling on the basis of a survey of 286 automotive companies, we show that governance mechanisms are most important to automotive managers, while value drivers have not yet been used in innovation ecosystems.
    Keywords: ecosystem; governance; innovation; joint value creation; automotive industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJATM.2024.10067474
  • Product failures in emerging markets: Product Design vs. Brand. Insights from an experimental study on Automobiles   Order a copy of this article
    by Pradeep Kesavapanikkar, Palaniappan Ramu, R.K. Amit 
    Abstract: A company needs to innovate and develop new products to be successful. However, some products fail after launch while similar products from other companies succeed. We study the effects of design and brand, the main intrinsic and extrinsic factors of a product, thus addressing the gap of integrated research on the combined effects of design and brand on product success in the context of the automobile industry in an emerging market. A 2
    Keywords: product development; brand equity; product design attributes; product design satisfaction; purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJATM.2024.10067475
  • Access to data from smart cars - does Article 102 TFEU open it up?   Order a copy of this article
    by Václav Šmejkal 
    Abstract: The paper addresses the issue of making available the data, features and automotive resources that are necessary for a competitive aftermarket to function and thrive. This issue is analysed specifically from the perspective of EU competition law, namely its prohibition of abuse of dominance. The analysis addresses the question of when a car manufacturer is in a dominant position and whether Article 102 TFEU can be applied when it denies or impedes access to data, functions and resources of the car it produces. While it is shown that there are some possibilities for using Article 102 TFEU, a more effective solution to the problem is likely to be an ex-ante regulation directly imposing obligations on car manufacturers.
    Keywords: access to vehicle data; functions and resources; abuse of dominant position; article 102 TFEU; refusal of access to data; European Union.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJATM.2024.10069042