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International Journal of Abrasive Technology

International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT)

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International Journal of Abrasive Technology (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Effect of Process Parameters on Abrasive Water Jet Machining of Natural and Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites: a Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Karthick Rasu, V. Anbumalar, Vigneshkumar Murugesan, Gokilakrishnan G, Sugadeva Boopathi M, Ashwin Prabhu G 
    Abstract: Abrasive water jet machining (AWJM) has fascinated huge attention in the area of natural and synthetic fiber reinforced composites to make the production of complex industrial components and attracted the various production industries and researchers. Over the past 30 years, lot of research works has been studied on AWJM to define the machining performances among the investigated process parameters. This paper review the influence of various parameters such as pressure, traverse rate, standoff distance, abrasive mass flow rate on surface roughness, kerf taper, material removal rate and delamination during AWJM of natural and synthetic fiber reinforced composites. In addition to this, delamination control techniques, air abrasive water jet machining and submerged water jet machining are also discussed. The present review article will help the researchers in future to select the proper materials, advanced techniques and AWJM parameters to achieve better results.
    Keywords: AWJM; Kerf; MRR; Delamination; TR; SOD; AMFR; Pressure.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10067601
  • Investigation of the Coefficient of Friction, Wear, and Surface Morphology on a Sliding Contact Area due to the Large Particle Size of Solid Contaminants in Grease   Order a copy of this article
    by Aidil Ikhsan, Dedison Gasni, Meifal Rusli 
    Abstract: Solid contamination is one of the sources of failure found on bearings in the cement industry with very high dust concentrations. In this research, we investigated the influence of large particle sizes, types, and concentrations of solid contaminants in grease on the tribological properties and surface morphology of a sliding contact area. Tests were conducted on a ball-on-disk test equipment with several solid contaminants, such as clay, coal, gypsum, iron sand, silica, and limestone, with different particle sizes, concentrations, and sliding times, respectively. The test results show that the effects of several solid contaminants in grease on CoF, wear scar, and wear rate would vary with particle size, concentration, and sliding time. The harder the solid contaminant, the higher its CoF and wear rate. The stick-slip and starvation phenomena in the contact area were investigated. EDX analysis was also used to examine chemical interaction on the disk surfaces.
    Keywords: Solid large particle; solid contaminant; cement plant; two-body abrasion; grease; ball-on-disk.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10069006