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International Journal of Abrasive Technology

International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT)

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International Journal of Abrasive Technology (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • An experimental study on global contact stiffness of sandy particle layers under high loads in three body contact   Order a copy of this article
    by The Y. Doan  
    Abstract: In this work, the stress-strain behaviour of particle layers, namely, global contact stiffness is investigated by a series of uniaxial compressing tests. In our experiment, one up to three layers of quartz sand grade HB 34 are pressed between a block of steel and a rotating steel disk with the applied load varying from 0.03 kN up to 20 kN. The stiffness of abrasive layers depends on different parameters such as the applied loads, the thickness of the layers and the loading-unloading process. The dependency of the contact stiffness on normal loads and on different compression test conditions is studied. Based on the global stiffness of the particle layer, the local contact pressure in the contact zone can be estimated. We have built a uniaxial spindle tester and carried out various experiments. Accordingly, some mathematical expressions of contact stiffness in terms of applied loads in loading, unloading process were derived by regression algorithms.
    Keywords: contact stiffness; three-body abrasive wear; mathematical modelling; experimental investigation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10061429
  • Development of burnishing process using free-ball tools for surface modification and improvement of corrosion resistance of inner wall of water channels of die-casting moulds   Order a copy of this article
    by Masato Okada, Reyu Yamamoto, Yuji Kobayasi, Yuta Saito 
    Abstract: A burnishing process that use free-ball tools on the inner surface of a drilled hole was developed to prevent surface cracking and corrosion in the cooling water channels of die-casting moulds. In the developed burnishing process, a pressure bar with a hammering mechanism is used to apply impact forces to multiple hard balls placed in the target hole. The resulting compressive forced achieve surface modification at multiple contact points between the free-ball tools and inner surface of the target hole. These contact points are changed by stirring the ball tools, thereby applying a burnishing effect to the entire inner surface of the hole. Moreover, zinc powder is interposed between the free-ball tools and target surface, where it adheres to the target surface and improves the corrosion resistance.
    Keywords: surface modification; corrosion-resistance treatment; burnishing process; free-ball tools; surface profile; hole inner surface; hardened die steel; water channels; die-casting mould.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10062800
  • Effect of an iron-enriched aluminum surface fabricated via fine particle peening on tribological behavior under oil lubrication   Order a copy of this article
    by Yutaka Kameyama, Jun-ya Tachizawa, Kazuki Seo, Ryota Shimazaki, Hideaki Sato, Ryokichi Shimpo 
    Abstract: Although zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZnDTP) is a commonly used lubricant additive for suppressing wear, its effectiveness has been reported to be insufficient when it was applied to sliding components made of aluminium (Al). This study proposes a novel surface modification process that enhances the antiwear performance of ZnDTP on Al sliding components. Fine particle peening (FPP) was performed to transfer shot particle elements onto a peened surface. Fe elements that were to react with ZnDTP, forming an antiwear tribofilm during sliding, were concentrated onto the Al peened surface through FPP using steel shot particles. Results of tribological tests performed on the peened surface revealed that Fe elements introduced through FPP can act as an adsorption site of ZnDTP and contribute to iron phosphate formation. The Fe-enriched surface fabricated through FPP exhibited reduced wear compared to the untreated surface when the ZnDTP-derived tribofilm successfully functioned.
    Keywords: peening; material transfer; ZnDTP; lubricant additives; tribofilm; tribology; friction coefficient; wear; surface texture; Al cast alloy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10063647
  • Relationship between Push Depth and Spring Back of Smooth Surface Creation by Electroconductive Burnishing Tool   Order a copy of this article
    by Hidetake Tanaka 
    Abstract: The study deals with the mechanism of smoothing surface creation by tip-type burnishing process. The diamond tip type tool can burnish hardened materials. However, diamond chip burnishing tools are not yet generally used because the mechanism of the process was not established. It is considered that the height of this is the dimensional change amount caused by burnishing when the solid part is pressed and the void is filled in the burnishing process. Experiments of changing the indentation depth by the use of A7075 as workpiece material. And the objective of this study is to clarify the relationship between spring back effect and plastic deformation. From the experimental result, in the case of pushing the depth of pushing is equal to the depth of the lowest level of cutting surface burnishing tip; decompression depth is about 70% to 80% of indentation depth by spring back.
    Keywords: burnishing; surface finishing; diamond tool; electric-conductive burnishing tool.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10065521
  • Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on Abrasive Flow Machining of Helical Internal Gear   Order a copy of this article
    by Junye Li, Tiancheng Wang, Xinming Zhang, Liwei Sun, Lixiong Wang, Jianhe Liu, Weihong Zhao 
    Abstract: Numerical simulation of the effects of inlet pressure and abrasive concentration factors on the machining of helical internal gears by the abrasive flow. The effects of static pressure, particle pressure and wall shear on the processing of helical internal gears by abrasive flow were analysed for different processing parameters. A surface roughness profiler and a scanning electron microscope are used to examine and analyse the gear tooth surface profile on a macroscopic and microscopic scale. The simulation and test results agree well with each other, verifying the validity and accuracy of the model, and obtaining the optimal combination of machining parameters and the order of significance of each factor affecting the machining effect. The surface roughness of the machined tooth face was reduced from 4.205
    Keywords: abrasive flow machining; helical internal gear; large eddy simulation; particle pressure; wall shear force; orthogonal experiment; surface quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAT.2024.10065531