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International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies

International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS)

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International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (7 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Key barriers in the growth of engineering education in the context of Chhattisgarh state: a Fuzzy Kano and TISM integrated approach   Order a copy of this article
    by NAVEEN JAIN, Prateek Sharma, Bhagwaticharan Patel 
    Abstract: Today, countries depend on knowledge-driven innovation for economic growth which depends on the quality of the engineering education system and management. In India, the All India Council for Technical Education is the flag bearer of planning, formulation, and dissemination of technical education in the country. Since 20122013, there is a drastic decline in admissions in engineering courses across the country. Hence, there is a need to identify the barriers that dominate engineering education and hinder the students from opting for engineering as a career option. The proposed work focuses on determining the key barriers to the growth of technical education in the state of Chhattisgarh by an integrated fuzzy Kano model and total interpretive structural modelling approach. The result of the study will provide deeper insight and a better understanding of the higher engineering scenario in the state and will help decision-makers to take constructive and progressive steps to improve the engineering education scenario.
    Keywords: Kano model; total interpretive structural modelling; TISM; fuzzy Kano; engineering education management; key barriers; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; technical education; critical failure factors; CFFs; reachability matrix; HEI; digraph.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2023.10047241
  • Credit risk management: bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Punyata Butola, Preeti Sharma, Vijay Kumar Jain 
    Abstract: The study analyses the available literature on credit risk management using bibliometric approach over 23 years. The data is retrieved from Scopus database using the keywords (credit risk management AND profitability OR financial performance AND banks) OR (credit risk management AND profitability OR financial performance). The result shows a remarkable rise in the publications on credit risk management in the past five years covered in this study (i.e., 20172021). Malaysia published a significant number of publications and the research work from the USA received maximum citations. Professor Weber O. is considered as the most prolific author based on the highest number of publications produced. Journal Business Strategy and the Environment is found as the most productive journal. Moreover, the findings of the current study will serve as a reference point for those countries which contribute less besides encouraging them to conduct research on credit risk management.
    Keywords: credit risk; bibliometric; VOSviewer; Scopus; profitability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10067906
  • Evaluating relationship amongst soluble solids content and twist in soft drinks for modelling technical variability and system reengineering   Order a copy of this article
    by Kottala Sri Yogi, Atul Kumar Sahu, Sanju Kumar Nishad, Ch. Shankar 
    Abstract: Soft drinks are extensively used by the concerns at the market place all over the globe and are usually documented as the key sources of dietary energy. Accordingly, in present study modelling of soft drink is presented and empirical practices are carried out using an experimental design, i.e., central composite inscribed (CCI) design and response surface methodology (RSM) by the authors. The factors considered in CCI design were gas volume, BRIX, torque and net content. In study, mathematical models are produced using experimental datasets, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the fit of the models. The findings conclude that there is a statistically significant relationship between soluble solids content and twist. In study, the statistical approach is used and the coefficient of response variable across various soft drink brands is evaluated to report managerial facts. Study indicates that the correlations between variables might differ amongst various brands.
    Keywords: process parameters; soft drinks; response surface methodology; RSM; central composite inscribed design; CCID; decision making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10068131
  • Enhancing stock market predictions using hybrid machine learning approach with XGBOOST-LSTM and XGBOOST-GRU models   Order a copy of this article
    by Manoranjan Dash, Christo Aditya Bikram Bepari, Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan, Preeti Y. Shadangi 
    Abstract: In the ever uncertain and volatile global world, it is a trend to extract valuable insights to inform decisions within investment sector. Predicting the performance of stock indices remain a challenge, necessitating continuous data analysis with integration models. Recent application of hybrid ML-models uncovers it is potentiality to construct and work on such forecasting model. Also, the stock market periodically faces some of the unpredictable events like global financial crisis, COVID-19, Russia-Ukraine war, etc. which have created need to explore the hidden variations in stock index movements. To address this need, we use a machine learning approach that achieves predictive performance comparable to other established methods. We propose and evaluate various ML models, specifically the hybrid XGBOOST-LSTM and XGBOOST-GRU models, on pre- and post-COVID Bank Nifty Index data to identify gaps in our understanding of market movements and provide a more precise stock market forecast. It utilises XGBOOST to select an optimised set of features, which used to train the LSTM and GRU models. We discover models provided insights into index data movements, demonstrating superior accuracy and predictive capabilities of the proposed hybrid models.
    Keywords: deep learning; DL; COVID-19; machine learning; ML; hybrid model; stock market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10068133
  • Impact of emerging technologies on firm sustainable development: a comparison between internet-of-things and factory-of-things technologies   Order a copy of this article
    by Hongjuan Wang 
    Abstract: Internet-of-things (IoTs) and factory-of-things (FoTs) both are evolving AI-based models that revolutionise efficiency, productivity, and decision-making in various industrial sectors, worldwide. This study aims to explore the nexus of both models in terms of the sustainable development (SD) of corporates. First, the objective is to examine the linkage between IoT and sustainable development (SD) from the domain of industrial sector of China. Second, the core aim is to investigate the relationship between FoT and SD, respectively. In addition, the aim is to examine the directions of both models to subdimensions of SD, i.e., economic, social, and environmental development. The results confirmed a positive connection between IoTs and SD. Likewise, the outcomes assured a significant correlation between FoT and SD. Multidimensional testing confirmed the positive relationships of IoTs and FoTs toward each dimension of SD. This study endows with certain insights into IoTs and FoT that could be pivotal for SD of the organisations.
    Keywords: internet-of-things; IoT; factory-of-things; FoTs; artificial intelligence; sustainable development; SD; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10068191
  • Sustainable future initiatives to mitigate air pollution by Indian corporates   Order a copy of this article
    by Gurloveleen Kaur, Lalit Singla 
    Abstract: Particulate matters 2.5 is an air pollutant component sternly harmful to human health chiefly released by the operations of corporations. The present study is conducted to evaluate the proportion of non-greenhouse gas emissions. Five companies from the seven most polluted industries specified by the Center of Pollution and Control Board were chosen, based on higher market capitalisation from the steel, sugar, paper, cement, fertiliser, copper, and aluminium industries. The corporations were found to release a good amount of non-GHG emissions, but decent control on such releases has been observed in 2023. Certain measures like the installation of electrostatic precipitators, replacing clinker with advanced technology, using solar and wind energy, bicarbonate products, NONEL detonators, and other efforts were made. Lack of data, uniformity in reporting, least concern for the environment, and others were the observed limitations. Indian companies are suggested to protect the earth from harmful emissions with more effort.
    Keywords: green energy; sustainability; Particulate Matters 2.5; WHO; Air Quality Index; AQI; standards.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10068537
  • Integration of technology in second language acquisition: identifying and analysis of factors assisting English learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Ayesha Alice Mundu, Shabnam Swati Minz, Rajiv Bhushan, Doreswamy Doreswamy 
    Abstract: Since the passage of time, English language has occupied a significant position in the country because of which, dissemination of English language has long started in the schools and academic curriculum. Though schools especially non-English medium schools are able to ingrain knowledge of English language but it still lacks to develop in students, a standard level of proficiency which would help them to take advantage in education or career front. The paper hypothetically claims that assimilation of technology in teaching and learning practices can help learners to improve their English competency. Taking in consideration the assimilation of technology in English teaching and learning the paper explores factors of how technology assists learning English as second language. The study incorporates ISM and MICMAC analysis to examine the relationship of each factor which also helps in identifying the key drivers that have a significant impact on English learning process.
    Keywords: English as second language; technology; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; MICMAC.