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International Journal of Agile Systems and Management

International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM)

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International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (12 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessProposal of an integral model of human-food interaction: insights for social systems design
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Ysanne Yeo, Masahiro Niitsuma 
    Abstract: Designing social systems conducive to long-term positive outcomes for individuals requires a nuanced yet accurate understanding of humans as intricate systems. Despite a corpus of knowledge on human factors influencing behaviour, these are often studied in separate paradigms, challenging system designers to define complete and precise human requirements for humanenvironment interactions. Embracing the transdisciplinary nature of human factors, this research integrates these dependencies into a more comprehensive representation of human behaviour in a system model. Utilising a model-based systems approach, the paper proposes and validates a system model of humanfood interaction in modern society. The visualisation exposes how current ‘behaviour change’ solutions may be dulling our interoceptive sensitivity across the human lifecycle in favour of increasingly accessible external motivators of behaviour. This research advocates for human needs and highlights potential pitfalls of systemic assumptions of behavioural design approaches, contributing to more informed development of sustainable social systems.
    Keywords: human behaviour; human intelligence; human-environment interaction; transdisciplinary research; social systems; model-based systems approach; systems theory.

  • Success and Barrier Factors in Agile Transformation   Order a copy of this article
    by Frederico Batista, Leandro Pereira, Renato Costa 
    Abstract: Agile Methods have become an appealing way of working for organizations focused on improving their performance and matching their customers needs. Agile Methods were originally created to be used by small and independent teams, which leads to complex challenges when implemented in Large-Scale. The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the scientific literature on Large-Scale Agile Transformations. A feedback from 294 Agile Experts was collected through a survey strategy. Parametric techniques were used to rank and explain the most relevant factors as success and barriers for agile transformations in Large-Scale.
    Keywords: Agile Methods; Agile Transformation; Large-Scale Agile.

  • Integrated alliance system architecture for lifecycle risk management in large-scale complex engineering projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Mona Khan, John P. T. Mo, Lucy Lunevich 
    Abstract: In the era of rapid technological advancements, the alliance is a promising source of growth and competitive advantage. Complex engineering projects (CEP) with alliances entail more risk than normal projects, the greater risk factors are involved due to intricate interactions. Risk management is crucial for any large project’s success. Despite the significance of the alliance, it exhibits a high failure rate of up to 50%. A more comprehensive approach that can design the integrated alliance system architecture for risk management is necessary. This conceptual paper adopts 3PE architecture modelling and qualitative analysis through NVivo software for investigating alliance system risk management architecture. Two sectors of complex engineering megaprojects: infrastructure and manufacturing are examined. The research proposed an integrated alliance system architecture for risk management. The research suggests that a robust 3PE-based integrated alliance system architecture for risk management may assist decision-makers in maximising the success rate of alliances in CEP.
    Keywords: alliance system; risk management; risk analysis architecture; 3PE enterprise architecture modelling; CEP; complex engineering projects; SoS; system of systems; mega projects.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10064160
  • A transdisciplinary engineering framework for analysing initial public offerings financial behaviour   Order a copy of this article
    by Carlos Mario Aldana, Federico Trigos 
    Abstract: Effective decision-making is crucial amid uncertainty in the early stages of a business venture. Due to the lack of historical data, decision-makers face real-time challenges, relying on financial key performance indicators (KPIs) trends. This research addresses the need to overcome the uncertainty of initial public offerings (IPO) by analysing the trends using engineering control functions (first/second order with open/closed loop) to model the stock price in realtime, taking advantage of behavioural finance concepts. Stakeholders, including decision-makers, may anticipate and react to the initial steady state of a new venture in real-time. This approach sheds light on the role of behavioural factors and closed-loop adaptive control in shaping steady state outcomes in new market ventures. The contribution of this research is twofold: a) a transdisciplinary decision support framework to analyse the initial stage of IPOs and their behaviour; and b) two actual IPO analyses to illustrate the framework’s capabilities.
    Keywords: financial market dynamics; behavioural finance; real-time decisionmaking in finance; knowledge engineering in financial systems; systems thinking; adaptive control in financial markets; transdisciplinary financial analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10064696
  • A comprehensive model for assessing Industry 4.0 readiness in diverse enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Luis Mauricio Resende, Thales Volpe Rodrigues, Gustavo Dambiski Gomes De Carvalho, Joseane Pontes 
    Abstract: This research introduces a model designed to measure the readiness of industries for the seamless integration of Industry 4.0 technologies. Through a meticulous review of the literature, we systematically identified variables and structured them into two fundamental aspects, encompassing 10 dimensions and 55 prerequisites crucial for successful Industry 4.0 implementation. The model was applied to assess 19 companies across various sizes and sectors. Our findings revealed that small and medium-sized enterprises exhibited a lower readiness level, contrasting with larger counterparts who demonstrated a slightly superior readiness. Crucial determinants for technological development were identified as a culture conducive to innovation, employee training initiatives, and a well-defined strategy for implementing Industry 4.0. The TRI4.0 model represents a significant extension of existing frameworks in the literature, with a primary focus on organisational and operational considerations.
    Keywords: readiness; readiness model; Industry 4.0; maturity model; industrial revolution; advanced manufacturing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065028
  • Reinforcing public sector scorecard in law enforcement sector: prosecution institution of government of Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Frizkana Meilia, Bambang Tjahjadi 
    Abstract: The concept of a unifying public sector organisational framework strategy drawing, improving the quality of public services, controlling and assessing, is called the public sector scorecard (PSS). This approach is based on a broader version of the balanced scorecard to fit the added cultural factors and values of the public sector. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate, based on a case study approach in prosecution agencies, how PSS addresses a number of critical success aspects for performance management and service quality improvement in the public sector. The results of analysis at the prosecutor’s office in Indonesia show that PSS in the field of law enforcement with case studies of restorative justice, with the aim of accommodating rehabilitative values and reforming criminals. PSS is a management approach that is able to manage organisational elements to become more effective to produce high quality of performance.
    Keywords: public sector; performance management; balanced scorecard; PSS; public sector scorecard; governance; strategy mapping; prosecution institution.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065029
  • System dynamics simulation for reducing the number of lifestyle-related disease patients and medical costs in Japan by promoting behavioural changes in multiple generations   Order a copy of this article
    by Shingo Kawai, Masako Toriya, Tetsuya Toma 
    Abstract: Super-aging societies are emerging in many countries. In these societies, a significant proportion of medical costs is accounted for by lifestylerelated diseases (LDs). As LDs gradually worsen and develop into more serious diseases, behavioural changes should be promoted among the public to prevent the onset of LDs. In this study, we simulated a reduction in the number of patients with LD and medical costs through behavioural changes, using our recently proposed system dynamics model and statistical data in Japan. We investigated the contribution of each generation and showed that behavioural changes in multiple generations effectively reduced the number of LD patients and medical costs. The estimation error was reduced by selecting an adequate reference year. The versatility of our model was confirmed by comparing the rate of reduction in the number of patients and in medical costs calculated using the data for a subset of LDs with those calculated using the data for all LDs. Thus, if statistical data are available, our model can predict the number of patients with LDs and medical costs in any country.
    Keywords: system dynamics; lifestyle-related diseases; behavioural change; morbidity rate; agile goal setting; government policymaking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065075
  • COVID-19 and its impact on supply chain financing and the role of Islamic fintech: evidence from GCC countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Mustafa Raza Rabbani 
    Abstract: The present study analyses the COVID-19 situation in five GCC countries namely, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Kuwait and its impact on supply chain financing. All these oil rich countries are already severely affected by this pandemic and have taken several measures to control the spread of the virus from lockdown to social distancing and consequently resulted into the massive disruption in the supply chain financing. The study uses discourse analysis to analyse the COVID-19 situation in these countries and concludes that there is a need to design a long-term strategy with the increased role of financial technology (fintech) that includes every section of the society in post COVID-19 measures. The study also proposes a sharia compliant Islamic fintech model for supply chain financing to help in recovery post COVID-19 pandemic.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Islamic finance; fintech; economic policy; stimulus package; supply chain finance; GCC.

  • Corporate agility: from functional to project-based organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Nuno Vasques, Leandro F. Pereira, Alvaro L. Dias, Raquel S. Martinho, Ana Harfunche 
    Abstract: The number of project-based organisations (PBOs) is increasing, as is the number of organisations trying to make the transition from functional to PBOs. The lack of information about this transformation is a problem for the organisations trying to change. This research demonstrates the importance of information for organisations to be able to analyse and make a conscious decision to transition to a PBO. Twenty interviews were conducted with professionals from different companies, with different roles and working in different fields of action, to better understand the relevance of the problem. Through a qualitative analysis, it was possible to conclude that most organisations are affected in their project efficiency, depending on the field of action in which they work and on their staff. To solve this problem, organisations should work on their characteristics to potentiate the cooperation and collaboration between the different areas in the organisation.
    Keywords: corporate agility; PBOs; project-based organisations; functional organisations; agile; Pereira problem-solving; qualitative analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10062953
  • A systematic literature review for the analysis of practices, measurement instruments and contextual factors inherent to supply chain agility   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad AlKurdi, Daniel Vázquez-Bustelo 
    Abstract: Globalisation, vulnerability, complexity, and evolving customer needs drive the growing importance of agility in supply chains. This necessitates effective management of disruptions through tools and practices supporting supply chain agility (SCA). The study of SCA continues to gain interest in the academic and practitioner communities. Thus, to comprehend how the academic community has been treating such concern a review and synthesis of the literature was undertaken in an identified sample of 986 articles covering the period 19992020 (last year included), ultimately down selecting the most relevant 373 peer reviewed articles exploiting a solid methodology in the preparation, collection, and analysis of the information obtained. This paper innovatively categorises SCA phases, practices, and concepts using a comprehensive concept mapping framework. It defines SCA constructs and measurement items, while also exploring contextual factors and the required alignment with firm and supply chain strategies.
    Keywords: SCA; supply chain agility; agility; measurement instrument; systematic literature review; measurement instrument; contextual factors; supply chain strategy fit; supply chain orientations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2023.10058745
  • Optimal scheduling and sequencing of medical tests in blockchain design   Order a copy of this article
    by Abbas Al-Refaie, Ahmad Al-Hawadi 
    Abstract: This research develops a framework for an electronic medical system by blockchain technology for optimal planning and management of medical tests that have been assigned to patients’ medical reports. Two mathematical optimisation models were formulated for scheduling and sequencing medical tests. Each medical test in the electronic patient medical record was treated as a block. Optimisation models were then utilised for chaining blocks, preventing unauthorised access, and guaranteeing secure storage of patients’ medical information. A real case study from a private healthcare center was employed for illustrating the adoption of the suggested framework in managing 110 patients’ medical records with 208 medical tests. Adopting the proposed digital system can effectively improve the service quality of patients’ treatment process and efficiently save valuable resources of healthcare system. In conclusion, the developed blockchain of patient electronic record system with optimal scheduling and sequencing models results in significant positive impacts on patient satisfaction and healthcare performance.
    Keywords: electronic medical system; blockchain; medical records; optimisation; medical testing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10064161
  • Agile management system with the financial technology: a case from emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Mayank Jindal 
    Abstract: Financial technology helps to make errorless, quick and recordmaking transactions to manage business transactions well. In the 21st century, Bharat has a big financial technology infrastructure. This paper examines the agile management system with the financial technology in India. A questionnaire has been developed according to the “agile management system with the financial technology Model” including 29 questions to examine agile management systems with financial technology by which 250 samples have been collected from the financial technology users in business. Convergent and discriminant reliability and validity have been checked by PLS-SEM. ANOVA test has been used to test hypotheses. This study was done in 8 months commencing from January 2023. The result shows that financial technology is 74.95% faster in receiving funds and overall financial technology is 72.58% faster in developing the agile management system in organisations of Bharat. This study enhances the knowledge to promote agile management systems in many organisations.
    Keywords: agile management system; financial technology; PLS-SEM HTMT; Cronbach’s alpha; rho_a; AVE; faster receiving management of funds; faster payment management of funds; easy maintenance of funds.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065243