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International Journal of Agile Systems and Management

International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM)

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International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (20 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessLogics Alignment in Agile Software Design Processes
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Diana Chronéer, Mari Runardotter, Jeaneth Johansson 
    Abstract: We propose that technological, service-dominant and design logics must interplay for an IT artefact to succeed. Based on data from a project aiming at a B2B platform for manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Europe, we explore these three logics in an agile software design context. By using an inductive approach, we theorise about what is needed for the alignment of the three logics. We contribute with a novel theoretical lens, the Framework for Adaptive Space. We offer insights into the importance of continuously reflecting on all three logics during the agile software design process to ensure mutual understanding among the agile team and the B2B platform end-users involved.
    Keywords: design thinking; agile software design; adaptive capabilities; technological logic; service-dominant logic; design logic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10067040
  • Success and Barrier Factors in Agile Transformation   Order a copy of this article
    by Frederico Batista, Leandro Pereira, Renato Costa 
    Abstract: Agile Methods have become an appealing way of working for organizations focused on improving their performance and matching their customers needs. Agile Methods were originally created to be used by small and independent teams, which leads to complex challenges when implemented in Large-Scale. The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the scientific literature on Large-Scale Agile Transformations. A feedback from 294 Agile Experts was collected through a survey strategy. Parametric techniques were used to rank and explain the most relevant factors as success and barriers for agile transformations in Large-Scale.
    Keywords: Agile Methods; Agile Transformation; Large-Scale Agile.

  • A transdisciplinary engineering framework for analysing initial public offerings financial behaviour   Order a copy of this article
    by Carlos Mario Aldana, Federico Trigos 
    Abstract: Effective decision-making is crucial amid uncertainty in the early stages of a business venture. Due to the lack of historical data, decision-makers face real-time challenges, relying on financial key performance indicators (KPIs) trends. This research addresses the need to overcome the uncertainty of initial public offerings (IPO) by analysing the trends using engineering control functions (first/second order with open/closed loop) to model the stock price in realtime, taking advantage of behavioural finance concepts. Stakeholders, including decision-makers, may anticipate and react to the initial steady state of a new venture in real-time. This approach sheds light on the role of behavioural factors and closed-loop adaptive control in shaping steady state outcomes in new market ventures. The contribution of this research is twofold: a) a transdisciplinary decision support framework to analyse the initial stage of IPOs and their behaviour; and b) two actual IPO analyses to illustrate the framework’s capabilities.
    Keywords: financial market dynamics; behavioural finance; real-time decisionmaking in finance; knowledge engineering in financial systems; systems thinking; adaptive control in financial markets; transdisciplinary financial analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10064696
  • Reinforcing public sector scorecard in law enforcement sector: prosecution institution of government of Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Frizkana Meilia, Bambang Tjahjadi 
    Abstract: The concept of a unifying public sector organisational framework strategy drawing, improving the quality of public services, controlling and assessing, is called the public sector scorecard (PSS). This approach is based on a broader version of the balanced scorecard to fit the added cultural factors and values of the public sector. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate, based on a case study approach in prosecution agencies, how PSS addresses a number of critical success aspects for performance management and service quality improvement in the public sector. The results of analysis at the prosecutor’s office in Indonesia show that PSS in the field of law enforcement with case studies of restorative justice, with the aim of accommodating rehabilitative values and reforming criminals. PSS is a management approach that is able to manage organisational elements to become more effective to produce high quality of performance.
    Keywords: public sector; performance management; balanced scorecard; PSS; public sector scorecard; governance; strategy mapping; prosecution institution.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065029
  • System dynamics simulation for reducing the number of lifestyle-related disease patients and medical costs in Japan by promoting behavioural changes in multiple generations   Order a copy of this article
    by Shingo Kawai, Masako Toriya, Tetsuya Toma 
    Abstract: Super-aging societies are emerging in many countries. In these societies, a significant proportion of medical costs is accounted for by lifestylerelated diseases (LDs). As LDs gradually worsen and develop into more serious diseases, behavioural changes should be promoted among the public to prevent the onset of LDs. In this study, we simulated a reduction in the number of patients with LD and medical costs through behavioural changes, using our recently proposed system dynamics model and statistical data in Japan. We investigated the contribution of each generation and showed that behavioural changes in multiple generations effectively reduced the number of LD patients and medical costs. The estimation error was reduced by selecting an adequate reference year. The versatility of our model was confirmed by comparing the rate of reduction in the number of patients and in medical costs calculated using the data for a subset of LDs with those calculated using the data for all LDs. Thus, if statistical data are available, our model can predict the number of patients with LDs and medical costs in any country.
    Keywords: system dynamics; lifestyle-related diseases; behavioural change; morbidity rate; agile goal setting; government policymaking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065075
  • Applying generative AI to explore new dimensions of reflection and interaction in agile design workshops   Order a copy of this article
    by Jo-Yu Kuo, Hao-Yu Chang 
    Abstract: Artificial intelligence’s (AI) capability to generate innovative visual content has intrigued the design community, leading to significant exploration of its influence on design outcomes. However, the broader impact of AI on the holistic design process, especially in collaborative settings, remains understudied. This paper contends that generative AI can augment both reflective and interactive functions within agile design workshops, thereby enriching the collaborative design experience. This paper presents findings from three agile design workshops that explicitly incorporated generative AI for university design students. The first case study examines individual product experience reports, the second analyses team discussion transcripts, and the third observes the active role of generative AI in the design process. Our insights extend beyond AI’s output performance to its implications for project management, offering a new perspective on the strategic use of AI in design education and practises.
    Keywords: generative AI; agile design workshop; design process; design education; project management; collaborative learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066006
  • HR strategies for sustaining remote-work productivity across generations   Order a copy of this article
    by Josephine Liemantoro, Steryna Ownrysher Nyoto, Ruth Srininta Tarigan 
    Abstract: Introduction: Remote work has become the new norm with its impact potentially varying across generations. This research explores the relationship between remote work challenges, which are work-home interference and financial security, towards productivity, one element of sustainability, and how these effects are influenced by generational differences. Method: Data from respondents across the three generations, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, are analysed using the PLS-SEM. Results: The analysis indicates that both work-home interference and financial security are significant factors contributing to productivity. Generational characteristics moderates only the relationship between work-home interference and productivity but not between financial security and productivity. Discussion: The findings suggest that companies need agile strategies to mitigate interference and ensure remote workers’ financial security. Customised HR policies can help accommodate different generations varying needs and preferences.
    Keywords: generational characteristics; productivity; remote work; financial security; work home interference; SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066211
  • Unlocking gamer loyalty: the power of Logitech’s brand experience, trust, and eSports advertising   Order a copy of this article
    by Oviliani Yenty Yuliana, Juan Reno Santoso, Tipajin Thaipisutikul 
    Abstract: The growth of gaming and eSports in Indonesia is driven by technological advancements, impacting consumer behaviour towards Logitech gaming products (Logitech G). This study investigated how Brand Experience and Brand Trust influence user Brand Loyalty to Logitech G, focusing on the role of eSports advertising. Using quantitative research with 100 respondents aged 15-35 in Metropolitan Surabaya and applying partial least squarestructural equation model (PLS-SEM), the study revealed that Brand Experience directly impacted Brand Loyalty and had an indirect effect through Brand Trust. eSports Functional Advertising significantly affected the relationship between Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty. However, it did not moderate the relationship between Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty. Gaming companies can enhance consumer loyalty by prioritizing strategic product development and effective eSports advertising. This research aligned with SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. It provides a model applicable to technology-driven markets, offering practical implications for global consumer engagement and marketing strategies.
    Keywords: brand experience; brand loyalty; brand trust; functional advertising; eSports; SDG 9.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066213
  • Market liquidity of agriculture sector in Indonesia and Malaysia during COVID-19 Delta   Order a copy of this article
    by Elisa Tjondro, Caroline Liovan Subur, David Pangestoe 
    Abstract: This study aims to assess the influence of the COVID-19 Delta outbreak on stock market liquidity within the agricultural sectors of Indonesia and Malaysia. This study assesses the impact of the COVID-19 Delta variant by examining COVID-19 cases, mortalities, recoveries, vaccinations, and stringency datasets. The study comprised a sample of 57 agricultural firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and Bursa Malaysia. Daily data was collected from January to December 2021, generating 8358 observations. The study utilises the panel regression weighted least square (WLS) analysis approach. This study reveals that COVID-19 Delta has adversely affected market liquidity in the agricultural sectors of Indonesia and Malaysia. The study reveals that rising daily cases, deaths, and recoveries have a negative effect on market liquidity, whereas vaccination and stringency do not demonstrate any association. Even increasing the recovery rate does not restore market liquidity due to the Delta variants negative impact.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Delta variant; stock market liquidity; market resilience; COVID-19 cases; deaths; vaccination; stringency.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066525
  • A novel human-centric framework for maintenance digitisation using augmented reality   Order a copy of this article
    by Lorenzo Valentini, Fabio Grandi, Margherita Peruzzini, Marcello Pellicciari 
    Abstract: Maintenance operators usually face complex challenges due to the complexity of modern sophisticated machinery and systems. Only highly experienced operators may have sufficient skills to perform recovery procedures properly and quickly; frequently, not expert operators need for assistance from the manufacturer’s after-sales. Therefore, very long recovery times, high maintenance costs, and temporary drop in production take place. In this context, augmented reality (AR) can offer valid support to non-expert operators involved in maintenance activities. In this work, a framework based on user experience (UX) design approach was developed for designing highly usable AR applications to guide operators in performing maintenance procedures safely and efficiently. The proposed framework has been applied to the H2020 European project titled “XMANAI - Explainable Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence”. Results showed that the application developed is suitable to assist not expert operators, preventing them from making mistakes, leading to the upskill and increased productivity for the company.
    Keywords: augmented reality; Operator 4.0; Industry 5.0; user experience design; transdisciplinary engineering.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066633
  • Cultivating employee autonomy for agility in the workplace through the lens of Blooms taxonomy   Order a copy of this article
    by Duangthida Hussadintorn Na Ayutthaya, Pisut Koomsap, Cathal De Paor 
    Abstract: Agility has become vital for an organization to stay competitive to challenges in a dynamic environment in today’s open, connected world. Competence is a foundation of agile employees, allowing them to promptly adapt to change and uncertain environments so that the organization can exploit opportunities within the time available. To develop competence, they need not only an opportunity to work independently on tasks challenging their abilities but also to cultivate their autonomy. However, interests have been directed towards managing autonomy instead of cultivating it. Therefore, this paper presents a model developed from the education perspective to support the cultivation of employee autonomy. According to the model, employees are perceived as learners to be assessed for their knowledge, attitude, and skills through the lens of Bloom’s famous taxonomy, and appropriate activities are recommended to cultivate their autonomy. Cultivating teams’ autonomy in a design class is presented to illustrate the model’s implementation.
    Keywords: competence development; agile employee; autonomy; AAPC cycle; bloom’s taxonomy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066634
  • Substance or superstition? The dissemination dynamics of Business Analysis, Agile and DevOps as trending fashionable techniques of the digital era   Order a copy of this article
    by Eren Onay, Mehmet Ercek 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the diffusion patterns of business analysis, agile project management (APM) and development and operations (DevOps) as trending fashionable management techniques that target the risks of and solutions for digitalisation in an emerging economy context. Building on trending and semantically related fashion research, we intend to question whether business organisations rely on superstitious learning that is motivated by quick-fix rhetorics and ritual adoption, or real learning that is driven by accumulative resource and repository development. Upon assessing the global discursive diffusion patterns of each technique, a field study was conducted in Turkey, which covered 303 companies to explore the substantive diffusion patterns of these techniques in large sized firms. The results not only supported the trending of fashionable techniques in their substantive use, but also verified considerable reliance on real learning practices, indicated by prior use of other techniques and gradual building on prior expertise.
    Keywords: management fashions; management fads; management innovation; adoption; dissemination; diffusion; business analysis; APM; agile project management; DevOps; development and operations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066828
  • The moderating role of blockchain technology in ESG disclosure and operational efficiency: evidence from the banking sector in ASEAN and European stock market   Order a copy of this article
    by Josua Tarigan, Edward Christopher Kudrati, James Wright 
    Abstract: This paper aims to examine further how blockchain technology (BT) and environmental, social, and governance disclosure (ESGD) may be able to affect operational efficiency (OE). Additionally, examines BT as a moderating variable between ESGD and operational efficiency in the banking industry. The results revealed that BT positively affects OE. Moreover, one ESG pillar, governance (GOV) has a significant influence on OE. In terms of the moderation effects of BT, this paper shows that BT could moderate the relationship between social (SOC) and governance (GOV) on OE. The applications of BT have proven to benefit firms in information transparency, financial performance, and stability, hence creating operational efficiency. This paper contributes to the roles of BT, whether as an independent or as a moderating variable that could strengthen the relationship between ESGD and OE. The research also aligns with UN sustainability development goals (SDG) numbers 9 and 12.
    Keywords: blockchain technology; ESGD; environmental; social; and governance disclosure; operational efficiency; ASEAN stock exchange; European stock exchange.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066829
  • A hybrid approach to manage IT projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Grace Madumo, Carl Marnewick, Kwete Nyandongo 
    Abstract: Despite the widespread use of predictive and iterative project management approaches to adapt to changing client needs, market opportunities, and external threats, organisations still face difficulties. This suggests that a hybrid approach could be more effective. Predictive methods are too rigid for rapid market changes, while iterative methods deliver faster results. This research explored how these approaches facilitate IT project completion and assessed their characteristics, benefits, and challenges. A survey of software professionals informed the creation of a new hybrid model, combining predictive planning with iterative implementation. The model emphasises defined requirements, short sprints, and early feedback, with a focus on people and customer interaction, while limiting changes during the project life cycle. This work adds valuable insights to project management literature, benefiting both scientists and practitioners.
    Keywords: predictive project management; iterative project management; hybrid model; benefits and challenges; surveys; characteristics; hybrid approach model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066830
  • Courtesy attitudes, interpersonal communication and coworker on performance with motivation of civil servants in Banyuasin Regency   Order a copy of this article
    by Hendra Hadiwijaya, Sulastri , Zunaidah , Marlina Widiyanti 
    Abstract: Effective public service delivery hinges on the performance of civil servants. However, in Banyuasin Regency, Indonesia, concerns have arisen regarding the suboptimal performance of some civil servants. This study delves into the potential factors influencing civil servant motivation and performance, specifically examining the roles of courtesy attitudes, interpersonal communication, and coworker support. The data for this study are analysed utilising structural equation modelling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS). The study’s sample comprised 373 civil servants occupying structural positions at echelon IV. The findings indicated that motivation was positively impacted by the direct influence of courtesy attitude variables, interpersonal communication, and coworkers; however, the impact of interpersonal communication variables on motivation was found to be more significant. In addition to courtesy attitudes, the motivation of civil servants is positively and significantly impacted by interpersonal communication and coworkers. The conduct of civil servants in Banyuasin Regency may be impacted by Courtesy, interpersonal Communication, and colleague relationships.
    Keywords: courtesy; interpersonal communication; coworker; motivation; performance; Banyuasin.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066831
  • Integrated alliance system architecture for lifecycle risk management in large-scale complex engineering projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Mona Khan, John P.T. Mo, Lucy Lunevich 
    Abstract: In the era of rapid technological advancements, the alliance is a promising source of growth and competitive advantage. Complex engineering projects (CEP) with alliances entail more risk than normal projects, the greater risk factors are involved due to intricate interactions. Risk management is crucial for any large project's success. Despite the significance of the alliance, it exhibits a high failure rate of up to 50%. A more comprehensive approach that can design the integrated alliance system architecture for risk management is necessary. This conceptual paper adopts 3PE architecture modelling and qualitative analysis through NVivo software for investigating alliance system risk management architecture. Two sectors of complex engineering megaprojects: infrastructure and manufacturing are examined. The research proposed an integrated alliance system architecture for risk management. The research suggests that a robust 3PE-based integrated alliance system architecture for risk management may assist decision-makers in maximising the success rate of alliances in CEP.
    Keywords: alliance system; risk management; risk analysis architecture; 3PE enterprise architecture modelling; CEP; complex engineering projects; SoS; system of systems; mega projects.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10064160
  • A comprehensive model for assessing Industry 4.0 readiness in diverse enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Luis Mauricio Resende, Thales Volpe Rodrigues, Gustavo Dambiski Gomes De Carvalho, Joseane Pontes 
    Abstract: This research introduces a model designed to measure the readiness of industries for the seamless integration of Industry 4.0 technologies. Through a meticulous review of the literature, we systematically identified variables and structured them into two fundamental aspects, encompassing 10 dimensions and 55 prerequisites crucial for successful Industry 4.0 implementation. The model was applied to assess 19 companies across various sizes and sectors. Our findings revealed that small and medium-sized enterprises exhibited a lower readiness level, contrasting with their larger counterparts, who demonstrated a slightly superior readiness. Crucial determinants for technological development were identified as a culture conducive to innovation, employee training initiatives, and a well-defined strategy for implementing Industry 4.0. The TRI4.0 model represents a significant extension of existing frameworks in the literature, with a primary focus on organisational and operational considerations.
    Keywords: readiness; readiness model; Industry 4.0; maturity model; industrial revolution; advanced manufacturing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10065028
  • A proposal for a minimum viable mission assurance (MVMA) process for small and medium satellites   Order a copy of this article
    by Cristiane Mariano Zavati Silva, Marcelo Lopes De Oliveira Souza, Guilherme Micheli Bedini Moreira 
    Abstract: This paper proposes a minimum viable mission assurance (MVMA) process for small and medium satellites. The proposal is based on a survey of existing references and internationally and nationally adopted philosophies. It introduces a new organisation of information, approaches, and tools to optimise resource use and prioritise mission constraints. The MVMA approach incorporates elements from both Classic and Modern Mission Assurance processes, following existing standards. Key features include a reorganisation of information, critical requirements, cornerstone clauses, and balancing criteria; mission classification; Organisation Designation Authorisation (ODA); and a requirements selection method. The proposal was validated through its application to the equatorial atmosphere research satellite (EQUARS)) mission and received positive feedback from experienced professionals in the field. The questionnaire-based assessment indicated that implementing the MVMA approach is likely to yield favorable outcomes.
    Keywords: MVMA; minimum viable mission assurance; constraints; requirements; risk; satellites.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066495
  • Lean and agile project management knowledge areas: a systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Fatima-Zahra Eddoug, Rajaa Benabbou, Jamal Benhra 
    Abstract: Lean and agility are two approaches used for the improvement of many products and services. They could be integrated with project management in order to enhance the efficiency and the performance of any project. The aim of this study is to analyse research works on lean and agile project management knowledge areas (PMAKs), by identifying the lean and agile tools used for this purpose and also exploring the project theme status related to these approaches. In order to achieve these goals, we followed a standard method for SLRs and applied it to studies extracted from the academic database Scopus. In total, we selected 56 studies relevant to lean and agility approaches for PMAKs. The most treated PMAKs in the final sample are quality, cost and time management. In addition, the last planner system, just in time, 5S, and Scrum are the most used for this context.
    Keywords: PMKAs; project management knowledge areas; lean thinking; agility; SLR; systematic literature review; lean and agile tools.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066197
  • An efficient approach for estimating the elastic characteristics of auxetic lattice plates   Order a copy of this article
    by Itthidet Thawon, Duy Vo, Thongchai Fongsamootr, Yuttana Mona, Ramnarong Wanison, Pana Suttakul 
    Abstract: This research introduces an efficient tool to estimate the bending behaviour of auxetic lattice plates constructed by re-entrant hexagonal unit cells. The homogenisation method based on equivalent strain energy is employed to determine the effective elastic properties, including bending moduli, shear modulus, and Poisson’s ratios. This process is done by analysing a unit cell of each lattice type under periodic boundary conditions using the finite element method. For validation, the equivalent continuous models with the obtained effective properties are compared against high-fidelity finite element models through direct structural analysis. Using this approach illustrates the deployment of the effective properties in addressing related engineering challenges through plate problems. This demonstrates the practical applicability of the proposed method in reducing complex solution processes of actual structural shapes. Employing simulations with equivalent homogeneous plates incurs substantially lower computational costs and reduces modelling time compared to detailed simulations of the original one.
    Keywords: auxetic; lattice plate; bending response; re-entrant hexagonal unit cells; metamaterial; industry innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2024.10066212