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Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications

Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications (AJMSA)

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Asian J. of Management Science and Applications (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • How to make decisions in rural agri-food supply chains with cold storages: policies on planting, store and sale   Order a copy of this article
    by Yue Bai 
    Abstract: In order to mitigate the deterioration of fresh agri-products, cold storages are built accelerating in rural areas. Different from traditional supply chains, it would be more flexible for the operation of rural agri-food supply chains with cold storages. The grower may not only sell the produce in in-season but also be engaged in cross-season. As a result, the grower may face both random yield and two-stage stochastic demand. How to make optimal policies in such a supply chain is a significant subject for the grower. This paper provides the grower with solutions for planting, store and sale to maximise his profit. We propose a single-period three-stage model for growers, find the solution to make the optimal planting quantity and derive the optimal rental capacity of cold storages. Numerical examples prove the reasonableness of the model and give management insights that the grower can improve planting technology and management, and demand forecast ability to make a higher profit.
    Keywords: cold storages; planting policy; fresh agri-products; supply chain management; random yield; stochastic demand.
    DOI: 10.1504/AJMSA.2023.10058170
  • Packing-allocation system design for non-standard agricultural products subscription service   Order a copy of this article
    by Kotomichi Matsuno, Yoshikuni Edagawa, Takahiro Ohno 
    Abstract: Most Japanese farmers send their harvested agricultural products to the Japan Agricultural Cooperative (JA) to focus on cultivation activities and to ensure a stable income. However, many nonstandard agricultural products are returned to farmers because of the strict purchasing standards set by the JA. For fruits such as peaches, colour, sweetness, and shape are strictly controlled by sorting machines and visual inspection. Consequently, problems such as decreased income for agricultural producers and increased food loss owing to waste disposal are increasing. In this study, we focus on a subscription service on a D2C platform for selling nonstandard peaches. Attributes such as colour and fruit spots were quantified using new sorting machines. To improve customer satisfaction, a packing and allocation system for peaches that maximises the value of each package while minimising the difference in product value between packages was designed and verified under different distributions of quantity and quality.
    Keywords: packing and allocation; subscription; non-standard agricultural products; appearance attributes; greedy algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/AJMSA.2023.10062175