Calls for papers

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Special Issue on: "The Lines of Growing/Transporting Entrepreneurship in/to Transition Economies"
Guest Editors:
Marina Dabic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Michael G. Harvey, University of Mississippi USA; Bond University, Australia
Encouraging entrepreneurship to flourish in transition economies is the theme of this special issue. With the rapidly increasing global integration of business, international assignments have come to play a central role in corporate careers and in the business strategies of multinational organisations.
While research has been conducted on these issues for years, recent changes in the competitive environment worldwide, business strategy, contractual arrangements and cross-border labour markets are producing new and relevant developments that directly impact theory and practice in this area. Drucker (1992) argued that virtually every aspect of innovation has relevance either directly or indirectly for entrepreneurial management, including structures and processes which encourage learning, differences in learning across the levels of the organisation and transfer mechanisms and learning.
Findings from the studies suggest that both internationalisation and entrepreneurs be important for internationalisation processes. Today, almost every university offers some sort of entrepreneurship course or programme.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide a state-of the art assessment of our knowledge and understanding of 21st century global assignments and their entrepreneurs’ correlates, and to directly link transition countries and entrepreneurship in the context of global economy. Faculty and instructors, doctoral students, professionals, professional association staff, and consultants from all subject areas broadly related to entrepreneurship and innovation management are encouraged to submit proposals.
Subject CoverageIn this Special Issue, we are interested in publishing papers that examine, conceptually and empirically, the process and outcomes of innovation in entrepreneurial contexts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The relationship between innovation and organisational effectiveness in entrepreneurial contexts
- Entrepreneurships dynamic of Central and Eastern European EE post-communism countries
- Gender position in entrepreneurship
- Diffusing the entrepreneurship concept in transition economy
- The learning advantages of newness in entrepreneurial start-up and development
- Inter-organisational learning in entrepreneurial networks; entrepreneurship education across transition countries
- The relationship between R&D and (knowledge) resources based views of the entrepreneurial firm
- The role of gazelles for the transition economies
- The application of learning theories to entrepreneurship
- The development and application of alternative methodologies to access innovative processes and outcomes in entrepreneurial contexts
- Cross-cultural dimensions of entrepreneurial learning
- Entrepreneurial performance in a transition economy
- Critical organisational elements in corporate entrepreneurship
- Intellectual protection and small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
- Entrepreneurs and technology diffusion
- Entrepreneurship development through education
- Technology strategy in SMEs
- Innovative atmosphere
- Business plans for teaching entrepreneurship behaviour
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 February 2008