Calls for papers

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Special Issue on: "Case Studies on Landfill Diversion of Household Waste"
Guest Editor:
Prof. Manfred Fehr, Federal University at Uberlandia, Brazil
Co-Guest Editors:
Dr. Suresh Raj, United Nations Environmental Program, France
Dr. Sunil Kumar, National Environmental Engineering Research
Institute, India
Dr. Lisete Celina Lange, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Household waste (HW) is a specific component of municipal solid waste (MSW). It originates from normal daily activities in municipal residences. Generation rate and composition depend on geographical location as well as social stratification of communities. HW is a quite heterogeneous commodity that comprises biodegradable as well as inert material in various proportions and states of mixture.
In some regions of the World source separation is mandatory, but separation and collection procedures vary. In the recent past, landfills have been associated with the lack of municipal sustainability because they increase the ecological footprints of communities. Many types of diversion procedures of HW from landfills have been experimented with in all parts of the World, with variable degrees of success. These procedures include centralised and decentralised management models with or without the participation of private initiatives. Separation is the basic requirement for diversion, but it may occur at various stages of the reverse logistics chain, which in turn has diverse characteristics in different parts of the world.
The aim of this special issue is to bring together experiences reported from different geographical regions and local contexts in the effort to divert HW from landfills, with the respective results and prospects.
Subject CoverageOriginal research papers or reviews are invited in the following and related areas:
- Environmental education and behaviour monitoring
- Source separation schemes
- Collection procedures, equipment and stake holders
- Final destinations other than landfill
- Reverse logistics
- Waste composition
- Centralised and decentralised management
- Community involvement
- Recycling philosophies
- Composting in its various forms
- Value monitoring in the reverse logistics chain
- Impacts on landfill size
- Private initiative contributions
- Municipal HW administration
- Economic vs. sustainability considerations
- Opportunity cost accounting for HW
- Best practice indications
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: 31 January 2008