Calls for papers

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics
Special Issue on: "New Results of Using Ubiquitous Technologies in Design, Research and Social Contexts"
Guest Editors: Imre Horváth and Zoltán Rusák, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
This special issue focuses on the development and application of advanced and emerging technologies, methods, and tools of ubiquitous computing in social context. Ubiquitous computing is considered to be the third wave of computer technology and applications and at the same time a dawning era of computing in which individuals are surrounded by and benefit from multiple networked, spontaneously cooperating non-conventional computers equipped with knowledge, smart agents, and semantic interoperability. Some of these devices are worn or carried, some of them encountered on the move, and many of them serving dedicated processes as part of physical objects, or manifest in products supporting interaction in an intuitive and creative way.
Ubiquitous computing scatters computing capacity across the environment, and takes out the oblique PC human-machine interface. In order to present a personal and context-dependent interaction, entity identification, content adaptation and context awareness are key factors. Ubiquitous technologies, such as sensor clouds, nano-to-macro transmitters, network facilitators, sensation converters and information miners, also offer themselves to the development of novel design and research support means.
Although the notion and concept of ubiquitous computing has become fairly well-conceived, an huge number of technological and non-technological problems are yet to be overcome. To this end, we are soliciting original manuscripts that highlight recent advancement and define major research challenges of ubiquitous computing in design, research and social contexts.
Subject CoverageTopics include, but are not limited to:
- Support of creativity, complexity management and innovation
- Multi-sensorial input, visualization and emergent virtual prototyping
- Technologies and methods for virtual engineering
- Sensor technologies and sensor networks applications
- Transmission and communication technologies in action
- Next generation Internet and ad hoc networking
- Interaction with ubiquitous/pervasive products
- Perceptive/cognitive aspects of ubiquitous computing in ambient environments
- Designing and validating smart and intelligent products
- Emerging issues of ubiquitous design and engineering in education
- New processes for embedded systems and application
- Computer support of strategic and incremental innovations in social context
- Knowledge and information as basis for product innovation
- Approaches for virtual and physical unerring system validation
- Advances in integrated global and BoP product development
- Human aspects of omnipresent product innovation
- Industrial application case studies and critical state of the art studies
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper was not originally copyrighted and if it has been completely re-written).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 January, 2011
First decision notification: 15 March, 2011
Submission of revised papers: 1 May, 2011
Final decision notification: 30 June, 2011