International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS)

International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems

2009 Vol.2 No.3

Special Issue on Autonomic and Trusted Computing

Guest Editors: Martin Gilje Jaatun, Chunming Rong and Frode Eika Sandnes


Pages Title and author(s)
203-225Organic traffic light control for urban road networks
Holger Prothmann, Jurgen Branke, Hartmut Schmeck, Sven Tomforde, Fabian Rochner, Jorg Hahner, Christian Muller-Schloer
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2009.026783
226-255Individual agent's wealth in minority games
Yingni She, Ho-Fung Leung
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2009.026784
256-275Concepts for run-time and error-resilient control flow checking of embedded RISC CPUs
Daniel Ziener, Jurgen Teich
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2009.026785
276-296Scheduling policy design for autonomic systems
Robert Glaubius, Terry Tidwell, Christopher D. Gill, William D. Smart
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2009.026786
297-312Secure remote access to autonomous safety systems: A good practice approach
Martin Gilje Jaatun, Maria B. Line, Tor Olav Grotan
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2009.026788