Title: Profitable innovation for corporate entrepreneurship (PRINCE): cases from a multinational company
Authors: Alper Alsan, Ilayda Pasiner
Addresses: Siemens Turkey, Yakacik Caddesi No. 111, 34870 Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey. ' Siemens Turkey, Yakacik Caddesi No. 111, 34870 Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: Continued innovation of products, services, technology with corporate entrepreneurship is a lasting way to keep a business on its feet. Despite the findings and practices, innovation management is still a big challenge for corporate entities. In this paper, a new corporate innovation framework for successful innovation is developed. This framework is applied to three regional companies in a multinational company – Siemens AG. The results show that the framework is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the regional companies such that the decision-makers can decide on improvement areas in order to have more successful innovations.
Keywords: corporate innovation; corporate entrepreneurship; management practice; MNCs; multinational corporations; profitable growth; PSO; people–system–organisation; innovation management; Siemens AG; regional companies.
International Journal of Management Practice, 2009 Vol.3 No.3, pp.209 - 225
Published online: 12 Jan 2009 *
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