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International Journal of Technology Marketing

International Journal of Technology Marketing (IJTMkt)

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International Journal of Technology Marketing (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Role of online trust, motivation, and social media usage behaviour on fake news sharing of Zoomers: moderating role of media literacy   Order a copy of this article
    by Vivek Mishra, Piyush Gupta 
    Abstract: The study investigates the impact of online trust and motivation to use social media on social media usage behaviour and fake news sharing online. It further explores the impact of social media usage behaviour on fake news sharing online and the moderating role of media literacy on the relationship between online trust, motivation to use social media, and social media usage behaviour on fake news sharing online. Data collected from 259 students were analysed using structural equation modelling through Amos 23. As per the results, motivation to use social media significantly impacted social media usage behaviour but did not influence fake news sharing online. Online trust significantly impacted social media usage behaviour, as well as fake news sharing online, and, social media usage behaviour was found to be a strong predictor of fake news sharing online. Media literacy only moderated the relationship between social media usage and fake news sharing.
    Keywords: brand communications; digital trust; fake news; motivation; social media usage; media literacy.

  • Examining the role of brand experience in understanding the influence of social media on brand equity   Order a copy of this article
    by Amel Pintol, Nereida Hadziahmetovic 
    Abstract: This research examines the impact of social media marketing activities (SMMA) and electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) on brand equity, as is the case of bottled water brands. Moreover, this study provides a research model which examines the direct and indirect effects of SMMA and E-WOM on brand equity, where brand experience is used as a mediator. This research uses a quantitative method to investigate the most famous domestic and foreign brands of bottled water in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the respondents, 340 of them are both water consumers and users of social media. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis is performed to assess the reliability of scales, whereas structural equation modelling utilises to evaluate the proposed research hypotheses. The obtained measurement results revealed that brand experience mediates the relationship between SMMA and brand equity, as well as E-WOM and brand equity.
    Keywords: social media; SM; social media marketing activities; SMMAs; electronic word-of-mouth; E-WOM; brand experience; brand equity; bottled water.

  • A study on consumers’ online shopping behavior: an integrated model   Order a copy of this article
    by Nam Tien Duong, Thuy Dung Pham Thi 
    Abstract: Although many studies have used the technology acceptance model (TAM) to investigate consumers’ online shopping behaviour, few have explored the dynamic nature of the flow experience during the information search process. This study adds the flow experience as a variable in TAM to examine its full picture. Data was collected from 620 participants with an online shopping experience, and structural equation modelling was used for analysis. The results showed that consumer contentment has the best path coefficient of 0.81 to behavioural intention, indicating that good consumer contentment affects consumers’ purchase behaviour. In addition, the results showed a direct relationship between trust and consumer contentment, with trust having a reinforcing effect on purchase intention. Consumer contentment is accumulated from the consumer experience, and thus, it can be understood that contentment and trust are not independent of each other but mutually interact.
    Keywords: technology acceptance model; TAM; contentment; consumer; experience; flow.

  • Assessing consumer value in social commerce using a holistic approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Silvia Sievers, Manuela Gutiérrez-Leefmans, Sergio Picazo-Vela 
    Abstract: Studies on consumer value in social commerce usually focus on extrinsic values utilitarian, economic, and social. However, while some intrinsic values emotional, hedonic, and altruistic - are also studied in offline contexts, that is not the case with the online ones. The purpose of this study is to use a holistic approach of consumer value to focus on social commerce, where users use social networks to perform purchases. This study uses Holbrooks value typology to understand consumer value as a third-order construct - composed of intrinsic and extrinsic values and analyses its impact on purchase intention. The research is based on a survey of social commerce users and uses structural equation modelling. The findings show that intrinsic values are as important as extrinsic ones. Theoretical and practical implications suggest considering both dimensions of value for marketing strategies in social commerce.
    Keywords: consumer value; social commerce; social network sites; online consumer behaviour; structural equation modelling.