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International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare

International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare (IJCMH)

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International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Investigation of normal and abnormal blood pressure signal using hilbert transform, Z-transform and modified Z-tranform   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: The analysis of neurocardiological signals and their fluctuations is a popular tool of medical diagnostics. Aside from heart diseases, it may investigate the performance of many other organs. In this category, the electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure, respiration rate and blood flow are the most versatile signals. Blood pressure (BP) control is very significant in the lifespan of every individual. If it goes out of the boundary, then runs a risk of heart attack increases. During anesthesia, BP is the main challenge. If any time, lag time (dead time) comes in the process and then it is very unsafe for the life of that person. The first measure towards the minimization of that delay time is its analysis. Delay time may be integer or fractional in nature. That is why ordinary Z- transform fails in that category. In this paper authors have been proposed modified Z-transform and its execution on real hospital BP database. Modified Z-transform gave better result at low values of the sampling period. Transient and steady-state parameters were also checked for that analysis. Hilbert transform is used to find out the hidden time information (on the basis of obtained frequency contents).
    Keywords: Blood Pressure; sampling period; modified-Z transform; Delay time.

  • Direct and Indirect Effects of Limited English Proficiency on Access, Utilization, and Health Status among Californian Adults   Order a copy of this article
    by Renee Pierre-Louis, Ning Jackie Zhang, Terrence F. Cahill, Genevieve Pinto-Zipp 
    Abstract: The US Census Bureau predicts the foreign-born population living in the U.S. will increase from 13.3% in 2014 to 18.8% by 2060. This growth will correspondingly increase the prevalence of individuals with limited English proficiency (
    Keywords: health status; access to healthcare; health services utilisation; limited English proficiency; LEP; ethnic health disparities; population health.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCMH.2021.10035972