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EuroMed Journal of Management

EuroMed Journal of Management (EMJM)

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EuroMed J. of Management (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Segmentation boundary management strategy, role conflict and employees effectiveness in selected public universities in South-South Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Asinedu Kennedy Nwafili  
    Abstract: This study investigated the impact of segmentation strategy and role conflict on employees’ effectiveness in selected universities in South-South Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey research was adopted, and the study focused on five public universities with a population of 25,214 employees. Using Krejcie and Morgan’s table of sample size determination, a sample of 397 respondents was drawn. Primary data was collected with a questionnaire, and the reliability of the measuring instrument was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha (⍺) index test. Data were analysed using both descriptive and multiple regression. Descriptive analysis was conducted on the respondents’ bio-data while regression analysis was used to analyse the research hypotheses. The findings revealed that segmentation strategy positively impacts on employees’ effectiveness, while role conflict negatively impacts on it. The study suggests properly applying a segmentation strategy can reduce role conflict and improve employees’ effectiveness in house chores and office tasks.
    Keywords: boundary management; segmentation strategy; role conflict; employees effectiveness; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/EMJM.2024.10065450
  • Capital management and economic performance: a detailed analysis of employee funds in Colombia (2002-2022)   Order a copy of this article
    by Jose Andrés Bayona Soto, Genny Torcoroma Navarro Claro 
    Abstract: This study investigates the economic and financial dynamics of employee funds in Colombia, using Modigliani and Millers capital structure theory. It focuses on the efficiency and profitability of these funds within the Colombian context. The methodology includes advanced quantitative analyses such as data mining and panel data regression. Findings reveal a significant concentration of assets and income in Bogota, Antioquia, and Valle, accounting for 81.9% of assets and 80% of income. Despite regional disparities in economic development, the capital structure of these funds does not significantly impact their market valuation. The study highlights the need for further research on the practical application of financial theories in Colombia, considering regional specificities. The insights contribute to academic discourse and offer valuable implications for policymakers and practitioners aiming to optimise the financial management and operational efficiency of employee funds in Colombia.
    Keywords: capital structure; Colombian employee; data mining; financial efficiency; Colombia.
    DOI: 10.1504/EMJM.2024.10065500
  • Reward system and employee’s job commitment at private secondary schools in Southern Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Isidore Ekpe, Godwin Omogbai Ofeimun 
    Abstract: The study examined the effect of reward system on employee’s job commitment at private secondary schools in southern Nigeria. It has been observed that most of the labor-management relations conflicts is traceable to poor reward system. This study is intended to examine whether or not good reward system could improve the situation. In doing this, data were collected through structured questionnaire, administered on a sample of 341 private secondary school teachers in the southern region of Nigeria. Adopting descriptive statistics and multiple regressions to analyze data, the study found that adequate compensation (e g leave allowance) had significant influence on teacher’s job commitment at the private secondary schools in southern Nigeria. The study recommended that the Management of these institutions should adopt adequate reward system to engender teacher's job commitment. The study was limited to private secondary schools in southern Nigeria. Future study could extend to public secondary schools.
    Keywords: Reward System; job commitment; Nigerian private secondary schools.
    DOI: 10.1504/EMJM.2024.10065566
  • Spirituality as a bridge towards excellence: a study on the mediating role of technology-enabled employee engagement, in the relationship between spirituality leadership and lecturer performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Emiliana Sri Pudjiarti, Suharnomo , Antonius Denny Firmanto, Andriyansah  
    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the powerful secrets of spiritual leadership, mindfulness, spirituality in the workplace, and technology in maximising lecturers’ performance in the competitive era of higher education. A mixed quantitative and qualitative method was used and the respondents comprised 365 lecturers from all private universities in Indonesia. The results showed that spiritual leadership and mindfulness significantly correlated with workplace spirituality, technology-assisted employee engagement, and extraordinary lecturers’ performance. Moreover, spirituality in the workplace and technology served as partial mediators, improving relationship between spiritual leadership and lecturers’ performance. This discovery is crucial for developing the noble character of spiritual leadership and mindfulness while optimising the synergy between lecturers and technology to achieve the highest performance. It also enriched the human resource development theory by showing leading performance predictors and the mediating role of spirituality and technology in higher education. This visionary policy recommendation integrated spirituality, technology, and performance in a holistic and multidisciplinary manner to increase the competitiveness of higher education institutions at the national and global levels.
    Keywords: leadership spirituality; technology-enabled employee engagement; lecturers’ performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/EMJM.2024.10065926
  • Role of self-efficacy and its antecedents on graduates job satisfaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Subathini Priyadharsan, Arumugam Saravanabawan 
    Abstract: Self-efficacy is a crucial tool for employees to recognise their skills and abilities to identify who they are, moreover, it provides the fullest support to complete the task in a fruitful way. People with a high level of self-efficacy are shown to possess enhanced job satisfaction and longer employment retention. Especially, this research is applied to public sector organisations in Sri Lanka. Previous studies have shown that employees in the public sector report lower levels of job satisfaction and tend to join this sector for job security. This phenomenon has also been observed in public sector organisations in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, there is currently a lack of research on the topic of self-efficacy in Sri Lanka, therefore, this research aims to bridge this gap. The objectives of the research are to identify self-efficacy and its antecedents influence on job satisfaction, and to find out the moderation effect of job security between self-efficacy and job satisfaction. This is quantitative research, the selected sample was 1,132 graduates, and for analysis purposes used the SMART PLS 4. This research found that self-efficacy and its antecedents influence job satisfaction in various ways. However, failed to identify the role of job security as a moderator between self-efficacy and job satisfaction. This research will provide useful insights to the public sector, private sector, policymakers, etc.
    Keywords: self-efficacy; job satisfaction; job security.
    DOI: 10.1504/EMJM.2024.10066270