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International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering

International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (IJMME)

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International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Review on Stability Analysis of Coal Mine Dumps   Order a copy of this article
    by Pudari Harish, Karra Ram Chandar 
    Abstract: Opencast mines are increasingly extracting deeper coal seams in large quantities, leading to a rise in mine depth and generation of substantial waste. Disposal of this waste becomes challenging due to the need for additional land, resulting in dumping excess waste on existing dumps, posing risks of dump failure, property damage, and loss of life. This paper aims the critical review of the stability of dump slope structures that are present on the weak or disturbed foundations which further leads the dumps to fail. Many researchers have concentrated on the irregular base, loose material presence in the foundation, sloping floors, improper compaction at the foundation level, presence of black cotton soil, etc., stating load of the dumps over the weaker foundations exerts more pressure on the foundation and causing the dumps to fail. It synthesises key findings on stability analysis approaches, design criteria, optimisation techniques, and critical parameters involved in numerical modelling-based design for secure dump slope structures.
    Keywords: overburden dumps; dump stability; influencing parameters; numerical modelling; factor of safety.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10063263
  • Towards application of positioning systems in the mining industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Moshood Onifade, Tawanda Zvarivadza, John A. Adebisi 
    Abstract: Positioning and communication systems hold intriguing potentials in the context of the mining industry. The need for safety and environmental precautions in mining has grown clearer for governments and scientists across the world. This is in light of complex and hazardous mining situations which can be tackled by the advancement of science and technology. This paper discusses how positioning systems have enhanced mining operations' safety, productivity and environmental sustainability. The drawbacks of positioning systems in the mining industry are established and analysed by examining the influence this technology has had on the different operations in the mineral industry. The possibility of their utility for precise localisation in situations when no other techniques exist has been carefully evaluated for recent uses of these technologies in the mineral industry. Future study must address a few significant issues and gaps that have been identified.
    Keywords: automated-tracking; communication technologies; localisation; positioning systems; real-time navigation; radio-frequency identification; RFID.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10063420