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International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV)

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International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Value-add and portfolio construction strategies in venture capital: a case study approach on investor perceptions   Order a copy of this article
    by Elisabetta Sakiotis, Axel Buchner 
    Abstract: VCs invest in high-performing entrepreneurial firms with the aim of generating high returns. Value-add and portfolio construction are two strategic levers that investors can use to differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive environment. This paper adopts a case study approach and interviews ten prominent European investors from Western Europe. Its findings are that: 1) value-add is a main preoccupation of VCs where human capital, interpersonal relationships, and monitoring matter; 2) portfolio construction varies and is influenced by considerations of diversification, syndication and exits. This paper contributes to the literature by providing a synthesised understanding of VC activities in a more mature and competitive European start-up ecosystem.
    Keywords: venture capital; VC; value-add; portfolio construction; competition Europe.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10062239
  • The House of Sport Entrepreneurship a conceptual framework for understanding the interplay of sport and entrepreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Sophia Haski, Lucas Kleine-Stegemann 
    Abstract: Research on sport entrepreneurship as the interplay between sport and entrepreneurship still needs a unified understanding as it is an interdisciplinary field with inimitable characteristics. This article categorised the research to date based on a systematic literature review of 30 publications. First, we provide a descriptive overview of previous definitions, methods, and content focus. Second, we introduce the comprehensive framework the house of sport entrepreneurship incorporating four levels (conceptual work, sport to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship to sport and sport entrepreneurship ecosystem) to classify the previous literature. Third, against this background, we highlight relevant research directions. Our study contributes to the literature on the interface of sport and entrepreneurship by advancing the understanding of sport entrepreneurship and laying a theoretical basis for future research.
    Keywords: sport entrepreneurship; conceptualisation; systematic literature review; entrepreneurship; sport.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10062406
  • Women's fault? Investigating the demand behaviour of founders and their access to venture capital   Order a copy of this article
    by Elfi M. Lange, Karina Sopp 
    Abstract: Previous research has shown that venture capital is often not distributed equally among people of different genders. In addition to the supply side, however, the demand behaviour of founders must also be questioned. This study was conducted to investigate gender-specific demand behaviour related to venture capital distribution in the start-up seed phase and to examine the success rate of venture capital requests. The research is based on a quantitative survey of founders in Germany. Our results suggest that female founders approach even more venture capitalists than their male counterparts. It could not be proven that the success rate of venture capital requests depends on gender. Rather, entrepreneurial experience and the contact channel are decisive factors. The study results reveal positive developments in the women's venture capital demand behaviour. These results can be used as a basis for further political and economic measures to improve the ecosystem for female entrepreneurs.
    Keywords: start-ups; gender differences; demand behaviour; entrepreneurship; female entrepreneurship; venture capital; requesting financing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10062600
  • How to reduce the financial difficulties of immigrant entrepreneurs   Order a copy of this article
    by Elva A. Ramos-Escobar, Domingo Garcia Perez De Lema, Luis E. Valdez-Juarez 
    Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to analyse how to reduce the financial difficulties faced by Mexican immigrant entrepreneurs in the USA and to enhance their relationship with human capital, social capital and management capacity. Access to financing is a priority issue for the development of immigrant businesses. The novelty of this work is to jointly address different competitive factors that can help reduce financial difficulties. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed using the partial least squares regression method (PLS) with a sample of 166 Mexican immigrant entrepreneurs whose companies operate in the city of Tucson, Arizona, in the USA. The results highlight the importance of human and social capital and the management capacity to access financial resources. In addition, it was observed that management capacity has a mediating effect between human capital and social capital, helping to minimise the financial difficulties of entrepreneurs. These results have important management and public policy implications for the growth and financial performance of immigrant companies.
    Keywords: financial difficulties; human capital; management capacity; social capital; structural equation model; SEM; partial least square; PLS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10063122
  • Sailing on entrepreneurship academic discourse during COVID-19 crisis by using topic modeling and grounded theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Victor W. Bohorquez-Lopez, Ana E. Gomez-Burns 
    Abstract: The study analyses the academic discourse on entrepreneurship in Scopus during COVID-19 crisis to clarify the dominant topics and their evolution over time. Methodologically, the study has two phases: the first was to apply topic modelling by year of publication; the second was to apply grounded theory coding to interpret the topics generated. The results are shown in a research framework with four components: studies trying to better understand COVID-19 crisis impact on business and entrepreneurship; studies showing the entrepreneur's needs to learn how to respond to the pandemic, where characteristics like be innovative, creative, risk taker and proactive are crucial; studies introducing public policies which can help economy's reactivation; and studies focusing on sustainability in the new normal. Finally, the study highlights some interesting avenues for further research where the impact can be more relevant.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; COVID-19; topic modelling; grounded theory; research framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10063536