Calls for papers


International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


Special Issue on: "Autonomous Coordinated Multi-Robot Systems under Dynamic Environments"

Guest Editors:
Dr. Yan Meng, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Hanqi Zhuang, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Dr. Ying Bai, Johnson C. Smith University, USA

With recent advances in all aspects of the technology associated with computing, energy, sensing, and networking infrastructure, more progress has been made in the developing of multi-robot systems for potentially dynamic, challenging, and hazardous environments. Some examples of such applications include search and rescue, mine detection, hazardous material collection (or cleanup), reconnaissance, smart home/office, surveillance, construction, planetary exploration, and transportation. Since human assistance in these challenging environments is limited due to distance or the need for quick response to changing circumstances, more advanced techniques, such as nature-inspired swarm intelligence, self-adaptive, self-organised, and self-evolving, would be desirable for these multi-robot systems, which are still unsolved research areas.

This special issue is aimed at introducing the most significant recent developments on the topics of multi-robot systems under dynamic environments. Researchers are invited to submit their original papers to this special issue. Papers of both theoretical and practical application nature are welcome. Authoritative review of the state of the art and directions for future research in the field is also interested.

Subject Coverage
The scope of the issue covers, but not limited to:
  • Cooperative control
  • Coordination of multi-robot systems
  • Hybrid multi-robot systems
  • Collective behaviour
  • Swarm robotics and other SI-inspired systems
  • Nature-inspired algorithms based on collective behaviours
  • Robot soccer
  • Security and privacy in multi-robot systems
  • Robotic surveillance and security
  • Multi-robot self-organisation
  • Self-adaptive systems
  • Smart sensors and sensor networks
  • Robot and multi-robot learning

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page

Important Dates

Full paper submission due: 31 May, 2008

First round review completed: 31 August, 2008

Final notification: 30 September, 2008

Final manuscripts due: 31 October, 2008