A feedback model for an effective performance appraisal system Online publication date: Mon, 27-Mar-2017
by M. Ashraf Rizvi
J. for Global Business Advancement (JGBA), Vol. 10, No. 2, 2017
Abstract: The paper discusses a performance feedback model for an effective performance appraisal system in organisations. Most organisations today lack an effective performance appraisal system primarily because the way performance feedback is given and received promotes a culture that discourages an effective performance appraisal (PA) system. An effective performance feedback model can play a key role in an organisation by enhancing employee engagement, motivation and job satisfaction. Keeping in view the problems that organisations face owing to poor feedback culture, the paper proposes and outlines a new performance feedback model that involves a positive quality-centred feedback approach relying on employee assertion and reinforcement. Unlike the conventional limitation-centred performance feedback model that highlights the gap areas and shortcomings of the employees, the new model takes its sustenance from a positive feedback culture.
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