Exploring consumer schemata of destination and sports event brands: the case of Kaohsiung City and the 2009 World Games Online publication date: Wed, 07-Apr-2010
by Fong-Yi Lai
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), Vol. 7, No. 3/4, 2010
Abstract: Much of the previous research on event and destination images has been conducted in a post hoc and a priori theory basis. In order to identify the most effective means for leveraging destination brand via hosting a sport event, this study employs schema theory to understand the brand image of the destination and the sport event prior to the staging of the event. Prospective inbound tourists' brand associations with the World Games and its 2009 host city (Kaohsiung) are examined. The findings indicate that the event has limited recognisable brand image and the destination image does not contain affective image dimensions. We suggest that the host city incorporate images of the event into the destination branding strategy. It might be potentially more useful to consider using the event brand as the extension of the destination brand rather than using a co-branding strategy.
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