Compliance with standards of integrity and transparency in employment and its impact on the performance of local governments in Jordan Online publication date: Wed, 26-Oct-2022
by Mohammed M. Taamneh; Tamara A. Al Yakoub; Rami M. Tubaishat
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 10, No. 4, 2022
Abstract: This paper empirically investigates the extent to which local government units (LGUs) comply with standards of integrity and transparency in employment and this compliance's impact on the LGU performance. To collect the primary data, a random sample was selected from elected and appointed individuals in four governorates at the municipal and sub-municipal level. Three hundred surveys were distributed; 245 were returned and accepted for data analysis. The results indicated that the participants perceived the LGUs' commitment to practising integrity and transparency standards and their overall performance to be moderate. This finding supported the hypothesis that standards of integrity and transparency positively impact the overall performance of LGUs. The study recommends that the standards of integrity and transparency at LGUs be enhanced so as to make that impact greater.
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