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International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR)

International Journal of Business and Systems Research

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
Empirical model of management tools impact on the enterprise performanceDamijan Kreslin; Štefan Bojnec; Mirko Markič; Aleksander JanešVol.18 No.185-110Free access
Does gamification on an e-commerce application lead intention to use the application and spread word of mouth?Kunthi Afrilinda Kusumawardani; Laura Fabiola SoegihonoVol.18 No.165-84Free access
Information discovery methods using statistical processing to facilitate innovation creationTakayuki Suzuki; Kiminori Gemba; Atsushi AoyamaVol.18 No.130-64Free access
Reconfigurable business process: a constraint-based approachPriyanka Chakraborty; Anirban SarkarVol.18 No.11-29Free access