Calls for papers

International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
Special Issue on: "High-Performance Information Technologies for Engineering Applications"
Guest Editors:
Dr. Djallel Eddine Boubiche and Prof. Azeddine Bilami, University Hadj Lakhdar of Batna, Algeria
Dr. Homero Toral-Cruz, University of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Dr. Kamaljit Lakhtaria, Auro University, India
Recent research developments have brought forward high-performance information technologies which include high-performance computing (HPC) and high-performance interconnection networks (HPINs). Resolving complex problems requires HPC, which involves use of the parallel processing required to run complex application programs.
HPC, or supercomputing, is a technology based on the use of supercomputers, which represent systems that perform at or near the current highest operational rate for computers. HPINs imply high-speed and large bandwidth data communication networks to optimise information exchange. Due to HPINs, scientists can communicate, share experiments and results, and run simulations and programs on remote supercomputers at a high rate and capacity and with superior facilities.
This special issue aims to present new advances and research results in the field of high-performance technologies and related areas. Both technical and survey/review papers are welcome.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Wireless, Information, and Communication Technologies (AWICT 2015) and International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT 2015), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Architectures for ubiquitous and pervasive high-performance computing
- Cloud, distributed and grid computing
- Component technologies for high-performance computing
- Energy-efficient HPC systems
- High-bandwidth networks
- High-performance interconnection networks
- HPC in mobile and wireless applications
- HPC in scientific, engineering, medical and social applications
- Internet and web computing
- Optical networks: core and access networks
- Optimisation and computational intelligence
- Parallel and distributed algorithms
- Parallel and distributed architectures
- Parallel and distributed computing in databases and data mining
- Parallel and distributed software
- Performance in communications and networks using HPC techniques
- Sensor, broadband and high-performance networks
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.
Important Dates
Manuscript submission due: 30 December, 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 30 March, 2016
Revised/final paper due: 30 April, 2016