Chapter 1: Early Stage Issues

Title: Understanding of Knowledge Generation During Design Process In Industry

Author(s): Gokula Vijaykumar A V, Amaresh Chakrabarti

Address: Innovation Design Study and Sustainability Laboratory Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | Innovation Design Study and Sustainability Laboratory Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2006 pp. 96 - 110

Abstract/Summary: Knowledge reuse is considered as one of the most effective ways to meet the current demands of product development in the changing global scenario. Even though literature contains many knowledge reuse approaches, representations, and capture and retrieval methods, adoption of these methods and tools in the industrial set-up is minimal. Possible reasons for this status are that the knowledge needs of designers and industries are not appropriately understood and addressed. This research attempts to bridge this gap by undertaking a descriptive study in an industry in order to understand the processes of knowledge generation during the product development process. We propose a descriptive collaborative model in which interactions of the designers with people and tools play the central role in this knowledge development process. The paper will describe the preliminary understanding obtained about the various types of tasks, interactions and knowledge occurring in the design process.

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