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International Journal of Web and Grid Services

International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS)

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International Journal of Web and Grid Services (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Utilising Blockchain Technology and Federated Learning on the Internet of Vehicles for the Preservation of Security and Privacy: Systematic Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Wisam Alwash, Muhammed Ali Aydin, Hasan Hüseyin Balik 
    Abstract: In the field of the IoV, connected vehicles utilise network connections to improve transportation efficiency and safety. This will give rise to a range of vulnerabilities, specifically advanced cyber-attacks. These breaches will interrupt the normal functioning of vehicles and pose a significant hazard to the safety of passengers. This paper explores and reviews systematically the dual application of blockchain technology and FL as a fortified defence mechanism within the IoV ecosystem. This article presents illustrations of the risks present within the IoV domain and evaluates the efficacy of existing blockchain and FL methodologies, outlined in several papers, in addressing these potential challenges, particularly in the field of security and privacy. The paper provides an analysis of the advantages, limitations, and factors associated with these technologies in the context of maintaining the security and privacy of the IoV.
    Keywords: internet of vehicles; IoV; cyber-attacks; security; privacy; blockchain; federated learning; FL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2024.10065424

Special Issue on: Security for Cloud Computing

  • Searchable Symmetric Encryption Based on the Inner Product for Cloud Storage
    by Jun Yang, Shujuan Li, Xiaodan Yan, Baihui Zhang, Baojiang Cui 
    Abstract: Searchable encryption enables the data owner to store their own data after encrypting them in the cloud. Searchable encryption also allows the client to search over the data without leaking any information about it. In this paper, we rst introduce a searchable symmetric encryption scheme based on the inner product: it is more ecient to compute the inner product of two vectors. In our construction, the parties can be Data Owners, Clients or the Cloud Server. The three parties communicate with each other through the inner product to achieve the goal that the client can search the data in the cloud without leaking any information on the data the owner stored in the cloud. We then perform a security analysis and performance evaluation, which show that our algorithm and construction are secure and ecient.
    Keywords: Searchable Encryption; Searchable Symmetric Encryption; Inner Product; the Cloud Server; Security.