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International Journal of Web and Grid Services

International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS)

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International Journal of Web and Grid Services (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Utilising Blockchain Technology and Federated Learning on the Internet of Vehicles for the Preservation of Security and Privacy: Systematic Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Wisam Alwash, Muhammed Ali Aydin, Hasan Hüseyin Balik 
    Abstract: In the field of the IoV, connected vehicles utilise network connections to improve transportation efficiency and safety. This will give rise to a range of vulnerabilities, specifically advanced cyber-attacks. These breaches will interrupt the normal functioning of vehicles and pose a significant hazard to the safety of passengers. This paper explores and reviews systematically the dual application of blockchain technology and FL as a fortified defence mechanism within the IoV ecosystem. This article presents illustrations of the risks present within the IoV domain and evaluates the efficacy of existing blockchain and FL methodologies, outlined in several papers, in addressing these potential challenges, particularly in the field of security and privacy. The paper provides an analysis of the advantages, limitations, and factors associated with these technologies in the context of maintaining the security and privacy of the IoV.
    Keywords: internet of vehicles; IoV; cyber-attacks; security; privacy; blockchain; federated learning; FL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2024.10065424
  • Enhancing Efficiency for Autonomous Traffic Accident Detection and Prevention in the Internet of Vehicular Things and Use Case of Intelligent Control Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Himanshi Babbar, Shalli RANI, Mohammad Shabaz, Robertas Damasevicius, Muhammad Attique Khan 
    Abstract: Vehicular accidents are a prevalent issue on roads, with drowsiness being a significant contributing factor. Addressing this, an energy-efficient automated system is essential to alert drowsy drivers, eliminating dependence on the mercy of nearby individuals. This paper introduces the Arduino-based energy-efficient interactive embedded system (AIES) to fulfil the primary objective of developing a compact and cost-effective design easily installable on a vehicle's dashboard. The system employs techniques for locating nearby hospitals, minimising delays in ambulance response time and ultimately reducing unnecessary casualties. Numerical results demonstrate the efficacy of AIES in terms of vehicle velocity, travel time, goodput, and sensor input (detecting eyes opened or closed). Use case of autonomous control system for accident detection and prevention is given to prove the need of these systems in real-time applications.
    Keywords: internet of things; IoT; internet of vehicles; IoV; autonomous systems; smart traffic; road accidents; sensors; cloud; 5G.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2024.10065847
  • Blockchain-Enabled Resilient Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus Mechanism for Supply Chain Management   Order a copy of this article
    by Kavitha Margret Mansingh, E. Golden Julie , Harold Robinson H 
    Abstract: A blockchain is a shared ledger that keeps track of all the transactions in a network. This evolving technology plays a major role in enhancing smart city services, including food tracking and supply-demand synchronisation. We proposed a smarter resilient fault tolerance consensus mechanism working on the principle of state machine replicas to solve supply chain management issues and ensure the blockchain's strength, resilience, reliability, and durability. In the proposed approach, the consensus mechanism of blockchain provides exclusive track histories of transactions. In the smarter resilient practical Byzantine fault tolerance (SR-PBFT) approach, nodes are divided into two major categories: trust and faulty nodes with high and low node reputations. An SR-PBFT algorithm achieved high efficiency and scalability and reduced communication overhead. Finally, SR-PBFT algorithm performance was evaluated with trustworthy practical Byzantine fault tolerance (TPBFT), enhanced practical Byzantine fault tolerance (ePBFT), fast Byzantine fault tolerance (FBFT), and redundant Byzantine fault tolerance (RBFT).
    Keywords: blockchain; supply chain; consensus mechanism; practical Byzantine.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2024.10065849
  • On the Use of Graph Embedding Techniques for Clustering User Browsing Navigational Behaviours   Order a copy of this article
    by Nail Tasgegiren, Talha Kilic, Mehmet Aktas 
    Abstract: E-commerce websites offer a multitude of features to their customers through visually appealing interfaces. A significant rise in interest in e-commerce websites has been seen since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, there is a growing need to incorporate methodologies that can help understand user navigational behaviour on such platforms. This study presents a business process software architecture, which is designed to understand user behaviour through the clustering of similar patterns. To achieve this, graph-based embedding approaches have been utilised. A prototype implementation is presented to demonstrate the proposed business processs efficiency, and the approachs technical details are discussed. Furthermore, the performance of the prototype implementation is evaluated by analysing the quality metrics for clustering. The results of this study show that the proposed business process is successful in analysing and comprehending user navigational behaviour on e-commerce websites.
    Keywords: Clustering; Word2Vec; Node2Vec; DeepWalk; User Gestures; Clickstream Data; Understanding the User Behavior.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2024.10065873