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International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET)

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International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (12 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Service Recommendation Method based on Text View and Interaction View   Order a copy of this article
    by Shuaijia Lin, Ting Yu, Yaqi Wang, Jie Xu, Fangying Cheng, Tian Liang 
    Abstract: With the increasing prosperity of web service-sharing platforms, more and more software developers are reusing web services when developing applications. Existing web service recommendation systems often face two challenges. Firstly, developers discover services by inputting requirements, but the user's input is arbitrary and it cannot fully reflect the user's intention. Secondly, the application-service interaction records are too sparse, making it particularly difficult to find services that meet the requirements. To address the above challenges, in this paper, we propose a service recommendation method based on text and interaction views (SRTI). Firstly, SRTI employs graph neural network to deeply mine the features of applications and services. Secondly, SRT uses transformer and fully connected neural networks to deeply mine the matching degree between candidate services and requirements. Finally, we integrate the above two to obtain the final service list. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets have shown that SRTI outperforms several state-of-the-art methods.
    Keywords: service recommendation; text view; interaction view; application; recommendation algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2024.10064249
  • Evaluation of Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship based on Genetic Neural Network Algorithm under Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions   Order a copy of this article
    by Xuanyuan Wu, Yi Xiao, Anhua Liu 
    Abstract: The study aims to assess the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of higher vocational students to support the sustainable development of higher education institutions. This paper investigates the key factors influencing students' innovation and entrepreneurship and establishes a comprehensive evaluation system. A combined weight model is constructed using the AHP and entropy method to determine the weight of the evaluation index. Genetic algorithms are used to optimise backpropagation neural networks to improve learning speed and reduce the risk of overfitting. The results showed that the proposed model exhibited lower mean square error and higher accuracy under different sample sizes and training set ratios. The comprehensive weight of evaluation indicators 1, 2 and 5 was higher, and the score of scheme A was the highest (0.536). GA-BP algorithm was superior to BPNN, random forest, and decision tree algorithms in performance. The paper presents a scientific and objective evaluation system for students' innovation and entrepreneurship abilities, which is beneficial for higher education institutions to cultivate students' innovation and entrepreneurship more effectively. In addition, the GA-BP model provides a new perspective for solving complex educational evaluation problems and promotes the development of educational evaluation methods.
    Keywords: higher education institutions; HEIs; genetic algorightm; GA; innovation and entrepreneurship; In/En; sustainability; backpropagation neural network; BPNN.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10067194
  • Development Strategy of Rural E-commerce in the Context of New Media: Construction of Traceability System Based on Improved DPoS Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Jingjing Yang  
    Abstract: In response to the shortcomings of cold chain traceability of rural e-commerce products in the context of new media, this paper constructs a rural e-commerce product traceability system based on improving the consensus mechanism of entrusted rights and Merkle Patricia tree. Firstly, aiming at the shortcomings of the consensus mechanism for entrusted equity, the witness committee model and Shapley value are introduced to select block nodes and allocate node values. It is used to efficiently identify and eliminate malicious nodes, thereby improving the consensus mechanism for entrusted rights. After applying the system proposed in this study, the number of complaints and negative reviews of rural e-commerce enterprises significantly decreased. The above results demonstrate that the rural e-commerce product traceability system can efficiently and accurately trace the origin of rural e-commerce products, thereby ensuring product quality and promoting the development of rural e-commerce.
    Keywords: New media background; Rural e-commerce; Development strategy; Consensus mechanism for entrusted rights and interests; Traceability system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10067604
  • Cross-Chain Data Exchange and Information Security Protection Management in Blockchain   Order a copy of this article
    by Qiong Li, Lei Wang 
    Abstract: To enhance the security and privacy of cross-chain data exchange, a data exchange and security management protocol based on blockchain is proposed. It utilises a cross-chain channel matching model, employing communication protocols between relay chains and licensed blockchains. A communication protocol based on payment script hashes is designed. Experimental verification demonstrated that the peer matched consensus mechanism of this model has advantages in energy efficiency, decentralisation, and scalability. The proposed communication protocol completed calculations within 3 ms with 10 participants, using a maximum communication overhead of 6 KB. The cross-chain data protection protocol reduced the average exchange time by 9.08% at different problem nodes, achieving a 79% protection effect. Results indicate that the proposed model achieves data information protection during cross-chain exchange, while the communication exchange protocol enhances information security through decentralisation. The data security management protocol reinforces privacy and security in cross-chain exchange processes.
    Keywords: internet of things; IoT; blockchain; cross-chain technology; CCT; data information security; consensus mechanism; communication protocol.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10067668
  • Authentication of Musical Speech Devices Based on RF Fingerprint Recognition   Order a copy of this article
    by Zitian Liao, Xiaoqun Liao 
    Abstract: Music-voice devices are becoming more and more abundant and diverse with the development of technology; their security and privacy issues have also attracted widespread attention Therefore, the research aims to explore the authentication method of music voice devices based on RF fingerprinting, and to propose an efficient and accurate authentication method combining the time-domain features and frequency-domain features of RF signals through in-depth analysis of RF signal features The research results indicated that the feature fusion RF fingerprint identification technology is significantly better than the single algorithm, deep learning and neural network methods in terms of accuracy, precision rate, operation efficiency and anti-interference ability.The research has practical applications in enhancing the security of music voice devices, protecting user privacy, and improving user experience. It is significant in promoting the development of RF fingerprint identification technology.
    Keywords: Radio frequency fingerprint identification; Musical voice devices; Authentication; Feature fusion.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10068323
  • Intelligent Interior Design Based on Deep Learning and CF Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Yuan Ren 
    Abstract: Research has explored applying deep learning and collaborative filtering algorithms to enhance interior design. The collaborative filtering algorithm was optimised by combining content-based recommendation methods and principal component analysis. A home matching recommendation model based on this improved algorithm was constructed. Additionally, a neural collaborative filtering style recommendation model, incorporating attention mechanism, convolutional neural network, and generalised matrix decomposition, was developed. The results showed that the improved home matching recommendation model had a higher accuracy of 88.4% compared to a single collaborative filtering algorithm. The home matching recommendation model achieved an accuracy of 92.14%, with certain advantages. Compared to traditional collaborative filtering-based models, the research model improved the hit rate by approximately 2.52% and the normalized discount cumulative gain by about 2.64% when K equalled 10. In summary, this model has practical application effects and promotes the development of interior design.
    Keywords: Collaborative filtering; Neural network; Interior design; Attention mechanism; Recommendation algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10068568
  • Fusion of Visual Attention Model and SVM for Sentiment Analysis of Planar Images   Order a copy of this article
    by Yongsong Liu 
    Abstract: The sentiment analysis of images is actually a classification problem. However, a common classifier is unable to handle the emotion classification of images. This study proposes a planar image sentiment analysis recognition method that simulates the human eye recognition process to enhance the accuracy of sentiment analysis in planar images. This method utilises an improved block wise adaptive weighted colour histogram and a cognitive feature extraction model that integrates visual attention models to extract features from images. Finally, this method combines several extracted features of the image and uses support vector machines for sentiment recognition and classification. The results showed that when the words in the dictionary were 90, the algorithm performed the best, with the highest accuracy of 69%. In emotion recognition classification, the more image features were fused, the better the emotion classification recognition effect of the image. When integrating four features, the highest classification accuracy of the algorithm was 72.9%. The research proposes a planar image sentiment analysis method that integrates visual attention models and support vector machines, which can effectively simulate the changes in the focus area features of the human eye when observing images. This can achieve accurate recognition of emotions expressed in images.
    Keywords: Visual attention; SVM; Flat image; Emotional analysis; Feature extraction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10068655
  • Digital Education Mining Technology Based on Composite Collaborative Filtering and Eclat Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Jingya Wang, Qi Han, Kunkun Ma, Li Xu 
    Abstract: The field of digital education is rapidly growing, demanding effective resource utilisation. Traditional collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms face challenges with large, complex datasets. This study addresses these limitations by integrating CF with association rule mining, using a novel IBCF-UBCF composite CF algorithm and Eclat technology. Data was collected from multiple sources and fused for enhanced educational mining. Results show Eclat outperforms apriori, reducing CPU usage by 55% and physical memory usage by 51.9%, while the composite filtering algorithm achieved over 99% accuracy. The Eclat-IBCF-UBCF algorithm offers robust support for digital education, advancing educational data mining and personalised recommendations. It is recommended for implementation in digital education systems due to its efficiency and accuracy. Further research should focus on enhancing and integrating this algorithm with other educational technologies.
    Keywords: Eclat; IBCF algorithm; UBCF algorithm; Composite collaborative filtering; Digital education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10068762
  • Clustrosearch: A Novel, Intent-Aware, and Anomalous Reducing Meta-Search Engine Optimisation Algorithm based on User Scoring System and Clustering   Order a copy of this article
    by Parsa Parsafar 
    Abstract: This paper introduces Clustrosearch, a novel meta-search engine optimization algorithm integrating a machine learning-based user scoring system to enhance search result accuracy and efficiency. In response to the shortcomings of traditional search engines in delivering tailored content, Clustrosearch innovatively addresses these challenges by prioritizing user-centric information retrieval. Unlike existing approaches, it focuses on optimizing result relevance without explicit intent awareness, making it versatile across various search scenarios. Clustrosearch incorporates advanced anomaly reduction techniques to minimize the impact of outlier results, thereby enhancing the overall quality of search outcomes. This approach is evaluated through comprehensive benchmarking against established meta-search algorithms, demonstrating its capability to significantly reduce irrelevant results and improve retrieval precision. This research underscores its scalability and effectiveness in enhancing user satisfaction through advanced information filtering techniques.
    Keywords: Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Meta-Search Engine Optimization; Optimization; Linear Search; Rank-Biased Overlap (RBO).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10068922
  • A Sanda Action Recognition Using CNN-LSTM Network Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Jingying Ouyang, Jisheng Zhang, Yuxin Zhao, Shenghai Chen 
    Abstract: This study presents an action recognition algorithm based on convolutional long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) to enhance the movement analysis precision. The model takes the joint position as the recognition node, and combines with the cylindrical coordinate system with random sliding window to effectively capture the angle and position information of the action frame. The algorithm groups joints, selects root nodes, and extracts local features through a multi-stream network, with classification completed in the pooling and fully connected layers. The proposed model achieves an average accuracy of 98.89%, with a recognition time of 0.61s and a minimal deviation of 0.035 in Sanda movements, demonstrating superior performance in action recognition.
    Keywords: Action recognition; Convolution; Long short-term memory network; Joint; Sanda.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10068998
  • Smart Campus Integration System based on SLAM and Digital Twin Drive Technology   Order a copy of this article
    by Weihua Feng 
    Abstract: Building a smart campus integration platform can help colleges and universities solve the difficult and painful problems in the early stage of informatization construction, such as inconvenient sharing of educational resources, poor experience of service system, insufficient utilisation rate of equipment, and risks of information security In order to improve the performance effect of smart campus system in university operation and teaching management, this paper establishes a standard information model of smart campus data, and adopts structured data to fuse data to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the system Moreover, through the integration of big data and digital twin technology, this paper solves the problems of information island, real-time, intelligent service and poor experience in university information system by combining twin data for virtual and real-time integration and real-time interaction In addition, this paper verifies the effect of the smart campus integration system through experimental verification methods The experimental results show that the comprehensive performance of this system is strong, so it can be seen that the system proposed in this paper is reliable and effective in the smart campus integration system, and the smart campus system can be continuously improved through data mining and digital twinning technology in the follow-up research.
    Keywords: data mining; digital twinning; drive; smart campus; integration system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10069445
  • Combined Jelly-Snake Optimisation with Deep Learning Architecture for Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in Edge Computing   Order a copy of this article
    by RAJA A, Prathibhavani P. M, Venugopal K. R 
    Abstract: Edge computing allows devices to transfer their computational tasks to nearby edge servers. However, effectively managing offloading decisions and optimising resource remains challenge. To tackle this issue, this paper proposes an innovative method for task offloading and resource allocation in edge computing. In this, CNN-based task offloading method is utilised, incorporates WBAN, ES, and a medical center integrated into edge computing for offloading structure. The GUN handles task-related data scaling, which serves as input for CNN. The CNN produces result ranging from zero to one, where "0"-local task execution and "1"- task offloading to ES. Then, hybrid algorithm combines JSO and SOA is proposed to effectively manage workload demands. The SUJO method optimises resource allocation by considering factors-makespan, task priority, execution time, and energy consumption. The comparative analysis demonstrates SUJO's superiority, achieving execution time of less than 50 seconds and proves effective for optimising task offloading and resource allocation.
    Keywords: WBAN; GUN; Edge computing; Resource allocation; Task offloading; CNN; SUJOA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2025.10069446