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International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing

International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (IJVSMT)

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International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Application on energy storage and allocation decisions of smart grid based on RFPC algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhixin Ou 
    Abstract: This paper presents a smart grid dispatching operation employing the real function predictive control (RFPC) algorithm that can effectively facilitate decision-making regarding the supply and distribution of electricity. Initially, an intelligent system is utilized to manage energy storage and distribution patterns. Subsequently, logical control rules are implemented to regulate errors. The integration of intelligent decision-making with energy storage yields a fusion effect in balancing stability and robustness. When integral variables undergo changes, the RFPC algorithm allows for adjustments. By comparing traditional PID control with logic control strategy, one can achieve optimal control. Finally, through the use of adaptive learning that involves the selection and comparison of strategies with neural networks, the logical control based on the RFPC operation can be refined. This leads to effective operation and maintenance of substation, including intelligent fault diagnosis and precise decision-making.
    Keywords: smart grid; decision-making; energy storage and distribution; phase plane zoning; pan Boolean operation; logic control rules.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10067369
  • Innovative thickness variation strategies for enhancing crashworthiness and lightweight of multi-cell structures   Order a copy of this article
    by HengLi Yu, Tong Pang, Tangying Liu 
    Abstract: Enhancing the crashworthiness and achieving lightweight design of thin-walled structures has become a prevalent research focus nowadays. Traditional approaches to design these structures mainly rely on fixed section and uniform thickness configurations, neglecting the impact of material distribution on the structural energy absorption performance. To provide some beneficial ideas for the material distribution design of energy absorbing structures, topology optimization method is adopted to optimize the material distribution of multi-cell structures and then a series of new energy absorbing topological structures are developed in this study. The optimized structures exhibit a rationalized material allocation with high energy absorption capability. Importantly, this research proposes an effective, straightforward and implementable method for variable thickness design in multi-cell structures.
    Keywords: multi-cell structures; material distribution; topology design; variable thickness method; crashworthiness; lightweight design; energy absorption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10067628
  • Elastoplastic dynamic large-deformation analysis using automatic regulation node-based smoothed finite element method   Order a copy of this article
    by Tangying Liu, Wenhao Hu, Hui Feng 
    Abstract: In this paper, a smoothed finite element method for elastic-plastic dynamic large deformation analysis based on auto-regulating nodes is proposed to calculate the metal forming problems of linear triangular and tetrahedral elements. The proposed method can overcome the common problems of grid deformation and low computational efficiency in existing methods. It combines the advantages of the node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) and the stable node-based smoothed finite element method (SNS-FEM) The method only requires the selection of the numerical integration methods, and continuously updates the iterations during the time step by setting suitable indexes for realizing the computational analysis process. The method eliminates the singular modes caused by NS-FEM in solving dynamic large deformation problems, and offers better computational stability and efficiency, which are demonstrated by several numerical examples.
    Keywords: smoothed finite element method; dynamic large-deformation; auto-regulating nodes; numerical integration methods; NS-FEM; SNS-FEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10068195
  • A coupled human body model for lower extremity injury prediction in car to pedestrian collisions   Order a copy of this article
    by Bingyu Wang, Yang Yao, Meng Xiange, Wu He, Xiao Zhi 
    Abstract: In this paper, a detailed and validated human lower extremity finite element (FE) model was integrated with the upper body of a mechanical dummy FE model to develop a coupled complete human FE model. Then, a real-world pedestrian accident with detail recorded lower extremity injuries were reconstructed by using multi-body system (MBS) and coupled human FE model. Finally, the biofidelity of the coupled human finite element model was validated by comparing the kinematic response and the severity of lower extremity injuries in post collision period. The findings demonstrate a high consistency in kinematic responses between pedestrian multi-body model and coupled FE model in the selected accident. A coupled human model can accurately predict lower extremity long bone fractures and ligament injuries of victim in accident reconstruction. The coupled FE model can be utilized for predicting pedestrian lower extremity injuries in traffic accidents and applied to the development of virtual assessment technology for lower extremity protection.
    Keywords: couple; lower extremity; injury prediction; accident reconstruction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10068520
  • Evaluation of the rationality of urban road traffic sign setting in Nanchang city based on real vehicle test   Order a copy of this article
    by Hui Hu, Feng He, Youzhang Yang, Yunwei Meng, Haoxiang Zhao, Guangyan Qing 
    Abstract: The content and density of road traffic signs affect the driving behaviour of drivers and the smoothness of urban traffic. There is a lack of quantitative research methods on the current information threshold of traffic signs. In order to quantitatively classify the informativeness threshold of traffic signs and better explore the reasonableness of traffic sign setting, this paper designed a real-vehicle experiment, adopts the principal component analysis (PCA) method, conducted multi-dimensional analysis of pupil area, fixation intensity, heart rate change rate and heart rate variability, quantified the traffic sign information by using the information entropy theory and introduces the comfort index S, and established regression relations. Driving visual comfort was quantitatively classified into five levels, and it was indicated that the traffic sign information density should be less than 0.373 bits/m and maximum should not exceed 0.507 bits/m.
    Keywords: urban road; traffic sign; real vehicle test; visual comfort; amount of information; information density; traffic safety; pupil area; heart rate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10068734