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International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing

International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (IJVSMT)

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International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Evaluation of the rationality of urban road traffic sign setting in Nanchang city based on real vehicle test   Order a copy of this article
    by Hui Hu, Feng He, Youzhang Yang, Yunwei Meng, Haoxiang Zhao, Guangyan Qing 
    Abstract: The content and density of road traffic signs affect the driving behaviour of drivers and the smoothness of urban traffic. There is a lack of quantitative research methods on the current information threshold of traffic signs. In order to quantitatively classify the informativeness threshold of traffic signs and better explore the reasonableness of traffic sign setting, this paper designed a real-vehicle experiment, adopts the principal component analysis (PCA) method, conducted multi-dimensional analysis of pupil area, fixation intensity, heart rate change rate and heart rate variability, quantified the traffic sign information by using the information entropy theory and introduces the comfort index S, and established regression relations. Driving visual comfort was quantitatively classified into five levels, and it was indicated that the traffic sign information density should be less than 0.373 bits/m and maximum should not exceed 0.507 bits/m.
    Keywords: urban road; traffic sign; real vehicle test; visual comfort; amount of information; information density; traffic safety; pupil area; heart rate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10068734
  • Contact stiffness modelling and analysis of brake disc with rough geometrical topography and manufacturing deviation   Order a copy of this article
    by Hehe Kang, Xiang Liu, Qiaolei Hu, Xuan Liu, Huali Han, Yongcheng Long, Haizhou Yuan 
    Abstract: Contact stiffness plays an important role in the braking efficiency, braking squeal, and vibration response of brake system. However, various random geometrical deviations are inevitably generated in the actual contact interface, leading to the discreteness of contact stiffness. To probe into the relationship between manufacturing tolerance and fluctuation of the contact stiffness, a contact stiffness model of brake disc is established through statistical rough contact theory with elastoplastic deformation of asperity and coupling effect of manufacturing deviation. The effectiveness of presented model is validated by comparison with experimental, and statistical geometrical parameters of rough surface are measured to characterize the actual rough contact of the brake disc. A comprehensive analysis of various types of manufacturing deviations is conducted to show the influence on contact stiffness. The results indicate that the manufacturing deviations have a strong ability to change contact stiffness and weaken the contact condition of brake disc.
    Keywords: manufacturing deviation; brake disc; rough interface; contact stiffness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2025.10069045
  • Study on the influence of friction coefficient on the wheel-rail contact and rolling contact fatigue for the low-floor vehicle   Order a copy of this article
    by Xue Li, Yuexin Wang, Kaiyun Wang, Gao Pu 
    Abstract: The wheel-rail friction coefficient (FC) is one of the critical parameters in the wheel-rail contact. The high FC will exacerbate the wheel-rail interaction and accelerate the crack propagation. This study focuses on the wheel-rail contact and rolling contact fatigue for the low-floor vehicle under the different FC. Firstly, the dynamic model of the low-floor vehicle is developed, and the dynamic model is verified based on field tests. Then, the area of contact patch, tangential stress, creep force, and normal force as the important indicators are investigated. Finally, the superficial fatigue index on traditional wheelset (TW) and independently rotating wheel (IRW) is studied by Shakedown Diagram. And the accumulated damage of wheels is analyzed by Dang-Van criterion. The results show that the high FC will lead to a sharp increase in creep force on transition curves and circular curve segments. The superficial fatigue index of wheels is significantly affected by the FC, and the superficial fatigue index of TW is always lower than that of IRW as the radius of the curve increases.
    Keywords: vehicle system dynamics; low-floor vehicle; friction coefficient; rolling contact fatigue; wheel-rail contact.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2025.10069248