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International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing

International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (IJVSMT)

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International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Designing and optimising seat's new suspension using TPS-NSS to enhance driver's comfort   Order a copy of this article
    by Li Zhang, Vanliem Nguyen, Hui Zan 
    Abstract: Based on the isolation efficiency of negative-stiffness-structures (NSS) in vertical direction and three parallel suspensions (TPS) in the pitch and roll directions, a seat's new suspension combined with TPS and NSS (TPS-NSS) has been proposed for enhancing ride quality in three directions of driver. In order to further enhance TPS-NSS performance, Genetic-algorithm is also applied for optimising its design parameters. Root Mean Square acceleration of driver seat in vertical, pitch, and roll directions are used to assess the TPS-NSS’s isolation efficiency. The results indicate that all Root-Mean-Square seat accelerations with TPS-NSS are strongly improved by 29.08%, 85.75%, and 91.25% compared to the NSS. Therefore, based on the good isolation and simple structure of TPS-NSS, this new isolation model should be equipped in the seat suspension for enhancing driver's ride quality in vehicles.
    Keywords: seat's new suspension; TPS-NSS; driver's comfort; vehicle vibration model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10062757
  • A study of boundary conditions for pedestrian thorax impact test   Order a copy of this article
    by Yongcheng Long, Yu Liu, Yu Xiao, Zhisheng Ruan, Zhi XIAO, Guanjun Zhang, Huang Jing 
    Abstract: Thorax injury is one of the main injuries during pedestrian impact accidents, and it is very important to evaluate the vehicle performance for pedestrian thorax injury protection, which is required to determine the boundary conditions for thorax impactor tests. A series of virtual numerical cases were carried out to simulate the impact accidents between sedan, SUV and pedestrians based on the statistical characteristics of VRU traffic accident data in China, then the kinematic process were analyzed during the vehicle-pedestrian impacts, and thorax impact parameters such as the wrap-around distance (WAD), the impact angle, the impact speed, and the angle of thorax impact velocity were extracted in each case, finally the statistical characteristics of these impact parameters were obtained for thorax impactor tests. These results can provide the effective reference data to set the test areas and the loading conditions for pedestrian thorax impactor tests.
    Keywords: pedestrian impact; thorax; boundary condition; simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2024.10063656