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International Journal of Tourism Policy

International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP)

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International Journal of Tourism Policy (12 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The Effect of COVID-19 Crisis on the Tourist Behaviour: The case of Greek Post-Millennials   Order a copy of this article
    by Lambros Tsourgiannis, Stavros Valsamidis, Pavlos Efraimidis, George Drosatos 
    Abstract: This paper explores how COVID-19 has affected the attitudes of post-millennials regarding their decision to go on holidays or not. It aims to identify the main attitudes of those Generation Z people that will go on holidays within the COVID-19 crisis, and of those that will not, and to cluster them into groups according to their behaviour. Therefore, the researchers elaborated a primary survey on 1287 Generation Z persons in Greece, in the summer of 2020. About 45% of the respondents declared that would not go on holidays, whilst 55% of them answered that they would. The key factors that describe their main attitudes towards the above-mentioned issues were detected through Principal Component Analysis, whilst cluster analysis classified the respondents into groups regarding their attitudes. Quadratic discriminant analysis was performed to assess cluster predictability, and chi-square analysis was employed to profile each group regarding their demographic characteristics.
    Keywords: Tourism Marketing; Consumer Behaviour; COVID-19; Generation Z.

  • Enhancing qualitative tourism research through reflexivity and rigour: an experience from a doctoral study   Order a copy of this article
    by Kevin Fuchs 
    Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the author’s experiences in embracing reflective practices within doctoral research and explores the potential of reflexivity to enhance the quality of research outputs. The paper argues for the importance of situating oneself within a specific research paradigm and encourages qualitative tourism researchers to incorporate reflexive writing as a tool. Reflexive writing preserves the integrity of research outcomes but also enriches their quality by cultivating researcher self-awareness and facilitating a deeper interpretation of findings. By adhering to rigorous protocols and embracing reflexivity, researchers ensure the integrity and validity of their results. This paper emphasises the significance of recognising and challenging the misconception that self-inclusion in research constitutes improper practice. When employed appropriately, reflexive writing enhances the overall quality of qualitative research. Moreover, it fosters an understanding that researchers are an integral part of the research process, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.
    Keywords: reflexivity; tourism research; research methodology; rigour; reflective practices.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2023.10061161
  • Halal tourism review from a supply chain management perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohamed Syazwan Ab Talib 
    Abstract: Supply chain management (SCM) substantially benefits the tourism industry. However, SCM research in halal tourism receives little attention. Thus, this paper aims to review extant research in halal tourism from an SCM perspective. Specifically, the review focuses on the scope of SCM implementation in halal tourism to ascertain the extent of past research. This paper reviews existing halal tourism literature sourced from the Scopus database. The review and analysis revealed that most of the gathered literature indirectly points out SCM. Besides, the review also uncovered connections between SCM elements and tourism, with supply chain collaboration and integration among the frequently studied. The review shed light on the glaring gap in the halal tourism literature. Despite the dearth of focus on SCM in halal tourism studies, it brings more research opportunities. This paper is among the first to synthesise the knowledge about the scope and relationship of SCM in halal tourism. This piece could be a platform for future research in uncovering a more in-depth understanding of the two domains.
    Keywords: halal; halal tourism; SCM; supply chain management; tourism management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2023.10061440
  • Intercultural competence, memorable experiences influence on Asian tourists’ decisions   Order a copy of this article
    by Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi, Avinash K. Shrivastava 
    Abstract: Cultural tourism is a vital part of the tourism industry, where travellers explore and experience the unique culture, heritage, traditions, art, history, and lifestyle of a place or community. This research aims to investigate the relationships between tourist intercultural competency (TIC) and the quality of their memorable cultural tourism experience (MCTE) during their visits to the Asian countries of India and Nepal. Additionally, the study also investigates how this MCTE influences tourist decisions (TD). This study employed structural equation modelling (SEM) to explore the connections between the constructs TIC and MCTE along with MCTM influences on TD. The research identified three crucial factors within TIC and six factors within MCTE that have a substantial impact on the cultural tourist experience and play a significant role in travel decisions. These findings create opportunities for the tourism industry, event managers, and tour planners to develop innovative and highly effective destination marketing strategies.
    Keywords: Asian tourist; cultural tourism; intercultural communication; intercultural competency; tourism industry; tourist decision.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10063290
  • The challenge of formulating tourism policy in small island developing states (SIDS): evidence from Seychelles   Order a copy of this article
    by Kei Wei Chia, Betrand Loze 
    Abstract: Most small island developing states (SIDS) have tourism policies that guide the country’s tourism development. However, formulating a policy is far from straightforward as it involves many stages and revisions. Furthermore, policymakers typically confront an array of difficult and complex policy formulation challenges - which have seldom been delineated in previous research. This study was undertaken in Seychelles, located in the Indian Ocean, using a qualitative approach, with intensive in-depth interviews conducted with fifteen tourism elites involved in the policy formulation process. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings show that poor cooperation, scarcity of information, lack of public consultation, inadequate policy dialogue, and shortage of human resources are major challenges for tourism policy formulation. The findings offer valuable groundwork for policy researchers, particularly in SIDS.
    Keywords: challenges; elites; policy formulation; SIDS; small island developing states; thematic analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10063369
  • (Dis)engaging with green hotels: behavioural reasoning, willingness to pay and patronage intention: a developing country perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Asphat Muposhi, Kaitano Dube, Chengetai Nyakudya 
    Abstract: The actual behaviour of supporting green practices in Zimbabwe’s hospitality sector remains low although hotel guests are reporting high levels of environmental concern. This study employs the behavioural reasoning theory (BRT) to examine hotel guests’ responses to green practices and relationship with green hotel patronage intention. Quantitative data were collected using a structured questionnaire from 418 hotel guests drawn from seven luxury hotels in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to test the posited hypotheses. Functional value, economic value and hedonism emerged as the main factors that constrain hotel guests’ willingness to pay for green hotels. Eudaimonism and perceived value fit were identified as enabling factors. The findings of this study provide input to policymakers and hoteliers who intend to develop guest-centred strategies to promote the adoption of green hotel practices.
    Keywords: green hotel practices; BRT; behavioural reasoning theory; willingness to pay; patronage intention; Zimbabwe.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10063480
  • Exploring the impact of Triple Helix and innovation workshops on Uttarakhands tourism industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Vijay Prakash Prajapati, R.K. Dhodi, Kuldeep Verma, Kamlesh Kohli 
    Abstract: This research explores the Triple Helix relationship in Uttarakhand, India, focusing on collaborative interactions between governments, universities, and businesses. It employs a constructivist framework and qualitative research methods to examine stakeholder efforts to promote innovation. Data was collected through interviews with key figures, including a Professor of Tourism from the University of Uttarakhand, a representative from the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, and local travel agency owners. A focus group of four participants provided additional data. Qualitative content analysis was used to interpret findings, revealing a common acknowledgment of collaboration’s importance and the need for external insights to address organisational obsolescence. Participants stressed transformative change over conventional techniques. The study centers on university-industry interactions as vital for enhancing competitiveness and innovation in Uttarakhand’s tourism industry. However, barriers to collaboration and creativity, particularly in small and medium-sized firms, were identified, attributed to limited information sharing and trust issues stemming from conservative customs.
    Keywords: Triple Helix model; Uttarakhand; tourism industry; government; university; industry; collaboration; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10063952
  • Community participation in sustainable tourism development: an application of MOA model in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Kuldeep Verma, Aditi Rawat, R.K. Dhodi, Rashmi Dhodi 
    Abstract: Uttarakhand’s tourism industry has grown significantly due to increased visitor numbers, but this growth has raised sustainability concerns, including environmental degradation and cultural erosion. This study explores what motivates locals to participate in sustainable tourism development in the region. It utilises the motivation, opportunity, and ability (MOA) model and employs a quantitative approach, employing partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to examine the determinants of community participation in sustainable tourism development within Uttarakhand’s expanding tourism sector. The findings affirm the pivotal roles of Opportunity and Ability as key drivers of community participation, providing empirical validation. Interestingly, the hypothesis proposing a positive connection between Motivation and community participation did not receive empirical support. These findings bear considerable significance for stakeholders and policymakers, emphasising the importance of creating opportunities and imparting skills to local communities to promote sustainable tourism.
    Keywords: community participation; sustainable tourism development; motivation; opportunity; ability; means-oriented studies; ends-oriented studies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10064169
  • Analysing perceived risk towards refugees, trust in the destination and perceived monetary value within the theory of planned behaviour: the case of Antalya   Order a copy of this article
    by Selda Guven, Bayram Sahin, Ozge Erdal 
    Abstract: A comprehensive understanding of the impact of current risks and crises on the tourism industry requires an assessment of their effect on tourist behaviour. Hence, it is imperative to consider these factors in order to make informed decisions. The influx of refugees and migrant movements resulting from the Arab Spring, along with the ongoing tension between Ukraine and Russia, has played a significant role in shaping tourists’ intentions. The aim of this research is to analyse how risk perception of refugees, trust in the destination, perceived monetary value, and attitude impact the intention to revisit. For this purpose, data gathered from 411 domestic tourists visiting Antalya was analysed through SPSS and AMOS programs. The results of the study show that despite the perceived risk of refugees, people’s attitudes and intentions to visit the destination remain unchanged.
    Keywords: refugees; perceived risk; trust in the destination; perceived monetary value; the theory of planned behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10064451
  • Destination attractiveness index for ecotourism and comparison between two cases in the Mekong Delta region of southern Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Si Nguyen, Duy Minh Vo 
    Abstract: In the face of growing competition within the ecotourism industry, this study aims to identify the attributes that contribute to the attractiveness of ecotourism destinations and to develop an index of destination attractiveness for ecotourism (IDA) using a data-driven weight approach. A rigorous scale development procedure, with a total sample size of 1455 observations, was followed to modify and validate the IDA. The results confirmed that IDA is a multidimensional construct with six main dimensions (attractions, accessibility, amenities, destination image, destination quality, and ancillary services). The IDA was used to benchmark two typical ecotourism destinations in the Mekong Delta region: Bac Lieu and Dong Thap. The relative IDA score can assess an ecotourism destination’s attractiveness level and is comparable between destinations. Furthermore, the score of each component in the IDA can indicate the destination’s major weaknesses. Thus, the IDA will support various stakeholders in developing strategies for improvement.
    Keywords: ecotourism; index of destination attractiveness; scale modification; push-pull motivation; destination image.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10064452
  • Exploring motivational factors for enrolling in hospitality programs: insights from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhupender Dighliya 
    Abstract: This research examined motivational factors influencing students’ enrolment in hospitality programs, investigating potential gender differences. Using a structured questionnaire and a quantitative approach, data from 650 students in India’s National Capital Region were analysed via descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and t-tests. The sample, predominantly male (77.2%) and young (ages 1820), highlighted motivations such as career opportunities and study convenience, academic aspiration, external influences, interest in foreign exposure, and the perceived attractiveness of the field. There were no significant gender differences found in the motivational factors. The study’s limited sample size and cross-sectional design may limit the generalisability and temporal insights of its findings. The educational institutions and industry stakeholders can better align their programs with students’ aspirations and expectations, thereby enhancing the quality and relevance of hospitality education in India.
    Keywords: hospitality education; motivational factors; career; hospitality program; hospitality industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10064701
  • An exploratory study with western female tourists about perceived drivers and challenges towards environmental stewardship in a nature-based destination   Order a copy of this article
    by Kevin Fuchs 
    Abstract: Nature-based destinations heavily rely on their natural environment as the primary driver to attract tourists. The balance between preserving the unique characteristics of the destination and meeting the demands of the rapidly growing tourism industry has become a pressing challenge. Environmental stewardship emerged as a proactive approach to mitigating the negative impacts of tourism on the environment. An exploratory research design was adopted to investigate how tourists perceive the importance of environmental stewardship. The thematic analysis revealed two primary themes that could explain the attitude-action-gap in the context of environmental stewardship. The results indicated a strong awareness of the importance of environmental stewardship. Moreover, there was a notable indifference towards taking-action when the perceived impact seemed minimal or non-existent. The findings highlight the need for targeted interventions to bridge the gap between awareness and behaviours among tourists and extend the discourse on the importance of long-term sustainability in nature-based destinations.
    Keywords: environmental stewardship; sustainable tourism development; nature tourism; ecotourism; responsible practices.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2024.10065283