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International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems

International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems (IJSTMIS)

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International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A GIS -Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis To Find Suitable Sites For Residential Development: A Case From Kandy MC, Sri Lanka   Order a copy of this article
    by Neelchaminda Withanage 
    Abstract: GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis can be used as an approach to reducing cost and time in spatial decision making including urban and regional planning which achieve promising results. This study was carried out to identify and evaluate the applicability of the GIS-MCDA technique to ranking land suitability for residential development in Kandy MC aided with the analytic hierarchy process. For analysis five major criteria such as land, social infrastructure, physical infrastructure, economic activities, and environment parameters were utilised. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey weights were assigned for each criterion following the AHP weighting method. The study followed up five steps as criteria selection, scorings, weight assignment using AHP, and creation of suitability maps and MCDA model. This methodology will be more useful for urban planners and this will become an advanced spatial decision support approach that optimises the objectives of residential site selection in the study area.
    Keywords: analytic hierarchy process; AHP; geographic information system; GIS; locational suitability; multi-criteria decision analysis; residential development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTMIS.2021.10044016
  • Application Of The GIS-MCDA To Identify Land Suitability For Legume Crops Cultivation: An Empirical Investigation Based On Thalawa DSD, Sri Lanka.   Order a copy of this article
    by WMDC Wijesinghe, Neelchaminda Withanage 
    Abstract: The study aimed to identify land suitability classes for selected legume crops using GIS integrated with analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in the Thalawa DSD, Sri Lanka. In the study, AHP-based multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was used to determine land suitability for legume cultivation in the area. Soil, physical and socio-economic parameters were taken as major criteria for the study. When ph, moisture, and salinity were sub-criteria under the soil criteria slope, elevation water sources, and aspect were sub-criteria under physical criteria. Land use, roads, markets were sub-criteria under socio-economic criteria. It was found that while a significant percentage of the area was moderately suitable for legume crops only a small percentage was highly suitable for legume crop cultivation. The study can be taken as a basic guide for future legume cropland planning in the study area. But, it is better to add more soil criteria to achieve accurate results in future studies.
    Keywords: analytical hierarchy process; AHP; multi-criteria decision analysis; MCDA; geographical information system; GIS; legume crops; land suitability; Thalawa.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTMIS.2021.10044433