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International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL)

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International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (27 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessUsing the Route Planning for Supplying Spare Parts to Reduce Distribution Costs: A Case Study in a Roadside Assistance Company
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Abolfazl Shafaei, Mohammad Reza Akbari Jokar, Majid Rafiee, Ahmad Hemmati 
    Abstract: In this study, a distribution model has been proposed to optimise the transportation, inventory, and shortage costs for the delivery of spare parts to roadside assistance cars. The model is based on the travelling salesman problem (TSP), where we have added a function to optimise distribution days. The model has been used in a real case for a roadside assistance company with 36 roadside assistance cars. In the company’s current plan, each car visits the company’s warehouse every five days to pick up spare parts. Using a delivery truck is proposed to deliver spare parts to the roadside assistance cars. Based on this proposal, a model was developed to reduce distribution costs by choosing the optimal delivery route and distribution days. The proposed plan has reduced the distribution cost by more than 50% compared with the current distribution plan used by the company.
    Keywords: distribution spare parts; route planning; travelling salesman problem; TSP; inventory routing problem; IRP; roadside assistance; distribution cost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2023.10058107
  •   Free full-text access Open AccessAnalysis of the differences and spatial-temporal dynamic evolution of the environmental sustainability of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in China
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Zhimei Lei, Shanshan Cai, Shaoxin Zhuo, Yui-yip Joseph Lau, Ming K. Lim 
    Abstract: The Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) is a pioneering example of ecological civilization construction in China; thus, the environmental sustainability of the YREB is important for advancing China’s national level of environmental sustainability. To achieve this goal, we propose an evaluation index system to measure the environmental sustainability levels of the 11 provinces and cities in the YREB and analyse their upper, middle and lower regional differences and spatiotemporal dynamic evolution characteristics according to an integration of Dagum's Gini coefficient decomposition method, kernel density estimation, Moran's I and the Markov chain. The results show that during the period from 2003 to 2020, the following occurred: First, the average environmental sustainability level of the YREB steadily increased. Second, the difference in the environmental sustainability level of the entire YREB decreased, whereas the intraregional- and interregional differences were the sources of differences in the environmental sustainability of the YREB. Third, there was no significant spatial correlation between the environmental sustainability levels of the regions.
    Keywords: Environmental sustainability; Evaluation; Regional differences; Dynamic evolution; Yangtze River Economic Belt.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10068934
  • Dynamic berth allocation problem for a novel hybrid berth system in container terminal   Order a copy of this article
    by Bo Lu, Shuai Hao, Meng Zhao, Huipo Wang 
    Abstract: This paper considers a novel hybrid berth system (NHBS) that contains both the continuous and discrete berth areas. To balance the high berth utilisation and efficient cargo handling, the dynamic berth allocation problem for the NHBS is proposed that simultaneously determines the selection of berth areas, the specified berth allocation and scheduling under dynamically arriving berth demand. To capture all these operation determinations by an integrated mathematical modelling framework, a mixed integer linear programming model is rigorously formulated aiming to minimise the system service time. We develop a customised solution approach based on genetic algorithm that can efficiently solve this model to high quality solutions. A series of numerical experiments are performed based on real-world cases with managerial insights into the effect of the key parameters on the daily operations and system design.
    Keywords: dynamic berth allocation problem; DBAP; hybrid berth system; container terminals; mixed integer linear programming; MILP; genetic algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2023.10060124
  • A multiobjective robustness methodology for a closed cycle supply chain design considering volume discount and economic benefits by reducing CO2 emissions of transportation modes   Order a copy of this article
    by Nathalia Duque-Araujo, Luis Eduardo Muñoz-Pabón, John Wilmer Escobar 
    Abstract: This paper proposes a new methodology for designing a closed-loop chain based on multiple objectives and uncertainties in the parameters. First, a mixed-integer mathematical model for a closed supply chain is proposed considering volume discounts and economic benefits from CO2 emissions reduction. The robustness measurement is then performed using a method adapted from electrical systems called features, perturbation, impact, and analysis (FePIA). The proposed multi-objective methodology considers three objectives such as minimising the cost of the environmental impact associated with CO2 emissions (EC), maximising the net present value (NPV) of the supply chain investment, and minimising its financial risk (FR). The objectives are integrated using the weighted average sum methodology. The efficiency of the proposed methodology has been tested with real information from a multinational company operating in Colombia. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
    Keywords: closed supply chain; environmental impact; net present value; NPV; financial risk; weighted average sum; robustness; FePIA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2023.10060754
  • An Initial Design Validation Framework for Cooperative Risk Management in Seaports   Order a copy of this article
    by Ayman Nagi, Floris Goerlandt, Wolfgang Kersten 
    Abstract: Recent disruptions in supply chains, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the importance of cross-organisational risk management for avoiding or mitigating the impacts of operational risks such as supply bottlenecks and demand shocks. Earlier work has presented the CoRiMaS risk management model for seaports, in which stakeholder analysis, risk governance, strategic and tactical risk management, and knowledge management are the key aspects. Considering the lack of validation approaches for cooperative risk management in the general risk literature, and a fortiori in the maritime domain, this article proposes an initial validation framework to test the design of the CoRiMaS risk management model for seaports. Apart from introducing the conceptual basis and practical steps of this validation framework, it is applied to an illustrative case study to clarify its concepts, and to guide further testing and research. The presented case study includes specific scenarios that were discussed with stakeholders in Germany and Finland. The developed framework can be used and expanded to validate the design of similar cooperative risk management models. The results of the illustrative test case based on the initial design validation framework support the development of a theoretically founded cooperative risk management auditing process.
    Keywords: validation; framework; seaport; collaboration; cooperation; risk management; RM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10063301
  • Freight Throughput Forecast of China Airport Based on Random Forest Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Hang He, Jie Wang, Jinghui Zhang 
    Abstract: In order to improve prediction accuracy and assist the air transport decision-making department in formulating a more reasonable transportation plan, this paper proposes the random forest algorithm (RFA) to handle high-dimensional variables and construct an airport freight throughput prediction model. Given that the airport’s freight throughput is influenced by a complex environment, 18 influencing factors were assessed using Pearson correlation analysis to measure the strength of the correlation between these factors and airport freight throughput. The prediction model’ s critical parameters were then determined using grid search and cross-validation, including the number of decision trees, depth of decision trees, and the number of feature variables. The model’s important variable scores were ranked, and optimal parameters were selected to establish the RFA regression prediction model. Finally, using Wuhan Airport as an example, the established RFA regression prediction model was used to verify the prediction results on the test set. The prediction effect was compared with the results of the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, multiple regression analysis, and the back-propagation (BP) neural network model. The results indicate that the RFA-based regression prediction model has higher prediction accuracy.
    Keywords: airport freight throughput; random forest algorithm; RFA; Pearson correlation coefficient analysis; prediction; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10064069
  • Evolutionary Game Analysis for Dual-channel Booking Behavior of Shippers and Carriers   Order a copy of this article
    by Qingbin Wang, Gaoyu Pu, Jianfeng Zheng 
    Abstract: With the development of e-commerce technology, online booking has become a new booking choice. Under traditional channel, small and medium-sized shippers (SMSs)’ cargo is always being dumped due to carrier’s overselling, and online channel guarantee to lock the price and slots by prepaying deposits. Because SMSs and carriers lack scientific decision support, they usually fall into a vicious circle during high demand season. Therefore, an evolutionary game model is constructed to analyse shippers’ and carriers’ booking behaviour, identifying a win-win strategy during high demand season. In order to explore characteristics of booking behaviour, the ESS under four scenarios is discussed, then analysing the sensitivity of key parameters to the win-win strategy. The results show that the ESS is related to decision scenarios and evolutionary initial states, and booking behaviour is mainly influenced by freight fluctuation rate, dumping compensation, empty loading risk, deposit loss risk and financial operation cost.
    Keywords: dual-channel booking; e-commerce; electronic commerce; small and medium-sized shipper; SMS; overselling; evolutionary game.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10064070
  • A Forward-Looking Study on the Opening of the Northeast Passage: Addressing the Challenges of "Port-City Block"   Order a copy of this article
    by Wenqian Chang, Nan Li, Guoyue Han, Yingxiu Zhao 
    Abstract: The opening of the Arctic's Northeast Passage (NEP) anticipates port expansion, but imbalanced port-city relations may escalate conflicts between ports and cities. Consequently, comprehending the phased dynamics between port operations and socio-economic factors, along with devising effective governance strategies, becomes imperative. This study introduces the concept of "Port-City Block" grounded in symbiotic theory and delves into its origins and consequences. Furthermore, it employs partial differential equations to simulate the manifestation of "Port-City Block" under various conditions. Finally, the results of the simulation are validated by examining endpoint cities in Northeast Asia. This forward-looking study proposes: (1) Port invasion in the prospering NEP corridor can be expressed by the friction coefficient that encompasses element associations and spatial effects. Therefore, governance strategies should prioritize the regulation of this friction coefficient. (2) Adaptive governance measures are recommended for transshipment ports along the NEP corridor, including Busan, Kobe, and Vladivostok, etc.
    Keywords: Port-City Block; simulation; symbiosis; friction coefficient; Northeast Passage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10064763
  • Port competition, connectivity and accessibility changes under the disturbance: the case of the Chinese port system   Order a copy of this article
    by Dong Huang, Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Pengjun Zheng, Qin Lin 
    Abstract: To investigate the challenge of disturbances such as COVID-19, we proposed a method to explore the competition, connectivity and accessibility changes in port systems under the disturbance. And then, this method is applied to Chinese port systems in the context of COVID-19. Results indicate: First, lower-intensity competition mainly occurred in the pre-COVID-19 period while high-intensity competition mainly took place in the post-COVID-19 period. Second, the COVID-19 pandemic weakened the connectivity and accessibility of the port. Finally, from the perspective of the Chinese port systems, before COVID-19, Ningbo Port faced the most competition, which came from Shanghai Port. However, after COVID-19, Guangzhou Port had the fiercest competition that happened with Xiamen Port and Qingdao Port. In terms of connectivity and accessibility, the ranking of the Chinese port system is as follows: YRDP, PRDP and BRP. Meanwhile, Shanghai Port has the highest connectivity and accessibility, followed by Ningbo Port and Shenzhen Port.
    Keywords: COVID-19; port container traffic; port competition; port connectivity and accessibility; Chinese port systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10064764
  • An empirical study of Sino-European trade geographic regional competition under the Belt and Road and Arctic Routes based on transportation cost equilibrium line model   Order a copy of this article
    by Manling Zhang, Tianming Ding, Chaojun Ding 
    Abstract: With the advancement of globalisation and the growth in trade activities, the demand for goods transportation between China and Europe has been continuously increasing. Faced with the ever-growing demand for cargo transportation, the commercial application of Arctic routes has presented new opportunities. In the new landscape of the traditional Suez Canal route (SCR), China-Europe freight trains, and Arctic routes, starting from China-Europe trade, utilising China’s railway freight rates and maritime data, incorporating the time value cost of goods into freight calculations, and constructing a transportation cost equilibrium analysis model, we aim to explore the competitive advantages of Arctic routes, the SCR, and China-Europe freight trains in different regions. The results show that it is most economical to transport containerised goods from the northern and eastern regions of China through Arctic routes.
    Keywords: Arctic routes; Suez Canal route; China-Europe Railway Express; time value cost of goods; advantageous competitive region partition.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10064765
  • Mixed-frequency data-driven forecasting port throughput: A novel attention-DeepAR-MIDAS model   Order a copy of this article
    by Bo Shao, Xiaoli Su, Xin Li, Xingxuan Zhuo 
    Abstract: Forecasting cargo throughput is an essential albeit challenging task for national and port optimization decision-making, resource allocation, and control planning To this end, a novel forecasting model is developed for mixed-frequency data called attention-DeepAR-MIDAS (ADM) by introducing MIDAS technique and attention mechanism into the DeepAR forecasting algorithm in this study The proposed ADM model enhances the sensitivity of endogenous and exogenous variables in time Furthermore, the ADM model possesses both long-term and short-term high-precision forecasting capabilities, enabling multi-step probability forecasting and better tracking of abnormal changes in endogenous and exogenous variables of port throughput, fitting their fluctuation trends By analyzing the differences in model performance before and after improvement based on forecast accuracy metrics, probability interval testing, and DM testing methods, the ADM model achieves accurate forecasting Finally, China’s monthly port throughput forecast results also illustrate the superiority of the ADM model, which provides decision-makers with more timely, accurate forecasts.
    Keywords: Machine learning; Mixed-frequency data; Nonlinearity; Time-series; port throughput forecasting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10065736
  • The dynamic coupling relationship between port and city from the perspective of port container traffic and the economy of port city   Order a copy of this article
    by Dong Huang, Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Pengjun Zheng, Qin Lin 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the dynamic coupling relationships and the inter-lagging effects between the port and port city based on the auto-regression distribute lag model (ARDL) and error correction model (ECM). An empirical analysis of the Yangtze River Delta multi-port system was performed for illustration and verification purposes from the perspective of container traffic and the economy of the port city. Results show that port container traffic and the economy of the port city have significant interaction for both short
    Keywords: port-city dynamic coupling relationships; inter-lagging effects; ARDL-ECM; the Yangtze River Delta multi-port system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10065737
  • Fuel consumption model of marine main engine and speed optimization based on carbon intensity indicator   Order a copy of this article
    by Yingbin Chen, Sheng Ji, Guoxiang Dong, Yiyan Wen, Jipan Qiao 
    Abstract: With the introduction of the carbon intensity indicator (CII) for international shipping and its official implementation on January 1, 2023, energy conservation, emission reduction and green development of the shipping industry have once again attracted much attention. In order to further improve the efficiency of ship energy consumption, the grey box model (GBM) coupled with ship physical characteristics and machine learning algorithm is proposed and compared with the white box model (WBM) and the black box model (BBM). Based on the grey box model of random forest (GBM RF), a new strategy for ship speed optimisation is proposed. The experimental results show that the performance of WBM is poor, and BBM has the highest prediction accuracy when the number of sample data is large. GBM can encapsulate the mechanical method of WBM into BBM, so as to achieve the same performance of BBM. Especially when the number of samples is small, GBM performs satisfactorily. In addition, the results show that GBM can be used as an effective tool for ship speed optimisation.
    Keywords: fuel consumption model; speed optimisation; carbon intensity indicator; CII; grey box model; GBM; white box model; WBM; black box model; BBM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10065738
  • Identifying recovery coupling in port-maritime-trade networks: Empirical analysis from the global container shipping market   Order a copy of this article
    by Mengru Shen, Zhongbin Zhao, Hao Wang, Zheng Wan, Wei Liu, Xifu Wang, Kai Yang, Yiwen Gao 
    Abstract: The shipping industry currently faces a myriad of perturbation challenges, posing threats such as port service paralysis, route disruptions, trade blockages, jeopardising the stabilisation of the global supply chain. Recovery coupling emerges as a crucial interdependent interaction mechanism activated in the aftermath of network damage. To enhance the resilience and sustainability of the port-maritime-trade system, this paper formulates a recovery coupling framework across three network layers, elucidating responses to disruptions within and between them. Subsequently, a data-driven empirical analysis is conducted for the global container market datasets mapping different network layers. This study reveals prevalent nonlinear relationships and the recovery coupling mechanism, emphasising interdependencies among the maritime network layer (MNL), port network layer (PNL), and trade network layer (TNL). Notably, during sudden disruptions, TNL displays a delayed response to PNL failures, while MNL responds promptly. The derived findings propose six managerial insights tailored for port operators, ocean carriers, and trading enterprises.
    Keywords: recovery coupling; multilayer network; resilience; container shipping; empirical analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10065739
  • Evaluation of emission trading scheme effectiveness in freight transportation   Order a copy of this article
    by Yue Feng, Mingyuan Yue, Lei Dai, Hao Hu 
    Abstract: Decarbonization for the freight transportation sector has long been a difficult global problem. ETS is seen as an effective market-based measure to achieve CO2 emission reduction in many industries in the short term. However, no comprehensive transportation ETS has been designed and the potential effectiveness in the freight sector has not been verified. A freight energy-emission-economic impact model (FE3IM) is proposed to investigate the feasibility of freight transportation ETS. The energy, emission, and economic impacts of transportation ETS are quantified in this paper. In order to achieve the most effective ETS design, some important elements are adjusted to observe their impact on emission reduction. An empirical study of China’s freight sector shows that ETS has a significant impact on emission reduction. In addition, ETS can also help adjust the transport structure and promote electrification. However, the current ETS design makes it difficult to achieve emission abatement goals. More radical measures are needed to achieve the emission peak. Improving carbon pricing, reducing free allowances, or increasing subsidies for new energy vehicles will play a positive role in achieving the CO2 emission abatement objective.
    Keywords: freight transportation; CO2 emission; emission trading scheme; ETS; energy; decarbonisation cost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10066306
  • Can Air Transportation Reach to Zero Carbon Emissions: Comparative Econometric Analysis Between Transportation Modes in US   Order a copy of this article
    by Hicran Ergen, Alper Aslan, Erkam Emin Ayvaz 
    Abstract: The lack of research examining the impact of all modes of transportation on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions evaluated collectively in a single study is a void in the transportation-environment literature This research fills that need by utilizing the ARDL technique to project forward in time and estimate the impact of various transportation modes, including pipelines, on CO2 emissions in the United States between 1980- 2020 In a distinct model that takes into account economic development and energy use, all forms of transportation modes are analyzed The findings of the ARDL suggest that there is a correlation that is interpreted as a statistically significant inverse link between the modes of transportation of air and pipelines and CO2 emissions A 1% increase in air transportation and pipeline transportation causing a decrease of CO2 emissions by 0 03% and 0 06% respectively.
    Keywords: CO2 emissions; air transportation; transportation modes; pipeline transportation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067463
  • A business model perspective to enhance efficiency of port hinterland connection with truck appointment system - A multiple case study of ports in northern Europe   Order a copy of this article
    by Per Wide, Sara Rogerson, Jon Williamsson 
    Abstract: Inefficient port and hinterland connections negatively impact both the financial bottom line and environmental performance of the logistics system. To improve hinterland connections truck appointment system (TAS) has been implemented with varying performance, indicating a need to better understand TAS from a business model perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate TAS from a business model perspective. Semi-structured interviews and observations were conducted with port operators, port authorities and hauliers in five European container ports. The study reveals how various approaches to TAS impact business model components. The efficiency improvements from TAS need to match the costs of the TAS to make a valid business case to motivate additional administration of the service and to provide value to customers, i.e., shippers. This paper’s conceptualisation of TAS from a business model perspective can help guide efficiency improvements in port terminals.
    Keywords: business models; intermodal transport; truck appointment system; TAS; seaports; hinterland connections.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067464
  • Research on the high-performance development path of China's seaport shipping logistics based on Fs-QCA method   Order a copy of this article
    by Jiaoping Yang, Xu Yan, Yalin Fan, Jianhua Zhu 
    Abstract: Taking 51 coastal ports in China as research samples, this study adopts fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (Fs-QCA) method to explore the linkage effect and path selection of enhancing port shipping cargo performance under the three dimensions of location resources, accessibility, and opening up. The study finds that the high-performance development of port logistics in China has diversified development modes, which can be summarised into three types: resource-balanced, location-access dual dominant-driven, and access-driven. When port cities have inherent deficiencies in certain conveniences, they can achieve high cargo performance through other paths. The study also finds that although the high access capacity of ports is not the necessary condition for any of these modes, the lack of high access capacity is the common reason for the low performance of related ports in terms of cargo.
    Keywords: port shipping; throughput; shipping lanes; accessibility; Fs-QCA; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067465
  • The impact of digitalization on the development of shipping: Empirical analysis based on external drivers   Order a copy of this article
    by Dhaou GHOUL, Ouail Oulmakki, Jérôme Verny 
    Abstract: The shipping industry is the backbone of the global economy. Maritime transport stands as the main mode of transporting goods over long distances. The shipping industry increasingly relies on advanced digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data; cloud computing, blockchain, internet of things, and 5G. These tools allow shipping actors to develop better management of labour, improvement of the supply chain. In this paper, we investigated the impacts and applications of these major technologies. This study aims to explore the link between digitalisation impacts and external driver. In this study, we used a quantitative research method. The data was collected through a survey with 139 observations from individuals employed in the shipping industry. This study explores how digitalisation accelerates the shipping industry, connecting its value chain by examining drivers and impacts. The research shows a positive correlation between external drivers and digitalisation impact in the shipping industry.
    Keywords: digitalisation; maritime supply chain; external drivers; empirical analysis; quantitative research; data analysis; shipping industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067466
  • Simultaneous consideration of the accident and terror risks for hazardous materials transportation   Order a copy of this article
    by Zafer YILMAZ, Vedat Verter 
    Abstract: We develop a methodology that incorporates the risk of terrorist attacks as well as the traditional accident risks. We study the accident and terror risks individually, and together to show their differences and impact on optimal routes. We consider the terrorist attacks against a single hazmat vehicle as well as a convoy including hazmat vehicles. Convoy formations, vehicle placements and movements, terrorists’ attack capabilities are analysed in detail to estimate the undesirable consequences of an attack. A case study focusing on south-east region of Turkey, suffering from terrorist attacks, is developed. Based on data from past ten years, the proposed risk assessment method is incorporated in a GIS framework to identify the best paths among the common origin-destination pairs. Our findings indicate the necessity to update the traditional hazmat risk models in terror-prone areas, since there are significant changes in the optimal routes when the terror risk is also included.
    Keywords: hazmat transportation; hazmat route planning; hazmat transport risk assessment; terrorist assaults.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067467
  • The relationship between fleet structures and business models of combined airline cargo companies: A comparison with apriori algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by ?hsan ?ahin, Sava? Selahattin Ate? 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to uncover the association between the aircraft in the fleets of airlines involved in combined freight transportation and to assess the utilisation patterns of similar aircraft categories by airlines. In their aircraft selection process, airlines consider a variety of factors, including range, fuel efficiency, and capacity. Examining the structure of other airlines’ fleets during the aircraft procurement process can give airlines a competitive edge. Airlines can employ the apriori algorithm, a data mining technique, to uncover hidden association rules among aircraft within their fleets. This study begins by showcasing the implementation of the apriori algorithm. It then delves into the operations of six airlines, each of which had an associated aircraft. Next, the cargo handling equipment used by each aircraft across these six carriers is compared. We anticipate that the results may shed light on airline executives and organisations within the aircraft supply chain.
    Keywords: combined airlines; apriori algorithm; airline management; fleet structures.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067468
  • Risk Analysis of Oil Tanker Accidents in Southeast Asia by using Data Driven Bayesian Network   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiaoxing Gong, Yiming Guo, Hanwen Fan 
    Abstract: In this study, a new risk analysis framework on oil tanker accidents has been created utilising the benefits of the tree-augmented na
    Keywords: maritime safety; maritime accidents; maritime risk; data-driven Bayesian.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067469
  • Risk factors identification and analysis for maritime accidents using complex network theory and improved Leader-Rank algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Wan Su, Jing Lu, Qinran Zhang, Yijiao Liu, Yuan Ji, Hanwen Fan 
    Abstract: Risk factors identification is the first consideration that should be given to prevent maritime accidents. To assist in the effective management of maritime transportation risks, we propose a novel risk factor identification and analysis framework on the basis of complex network and Leader-Rank algorithm. By taking the maritime accidents in China as a case study, we identify 18 of 44 risk factors as critical risk factors and further reveal that risk factors network for maritime accidents is dominated by a complex interplay of human factors, environmental conditions and organisational factors. The comparison with the traditional algorithm illustrates the rationality and practicability of the presented approach. Thus, the work can offer a systematic way to interpret the risks of maritime accidents as well as provides valuable insights for developing effective preventive measures.
    Keywords: risk factors identification; risk analysis; maritime accidents; complex network theory; Leader-Rank algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10067470
  • Investigating the Role of Digital Technologies in Sustainable Logistics Management: Case Study of Logistics Service Providers in ECOWAS Countries   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: Logistics sustainability is becoming an increasingly important research area. This expanding importance has resulted in the requirement to develop digitalised logistics activities to meet the needs of logistics companies, policymakers, and logistics service providers (LSPs). This study aims to explore the scope for digital technologies for building a sustainable logistics management system. The empirical study collected primary data from 459 respondents based at LSPs in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The study employs maximum likelihood-structural equation modelling (ML-SEM) to investigate from the perspective of LSPs, the relationship between digital technologies, the triple bottom line sustainability aspects (i.e., environmental, social, economic), and sustainable logistics management. The findings reveal that digital technologies can: 1) enhance the efficiency of sustainable activities in the logistics industry; 2) have the potential to enhance sustainable activities in the environmental and social aspects. Moreover, the findings identify a strong interrelationship between the environmental, and social aspects and sustainable logistics management. However, the results revealed a non-significant interconnection between digital technologies, economic sustainability, and sustainable logistics management. This study contributes to the growing literature about sustainability in different industries, specifically in ECOWAS countries’ logistics industry.
    Keywords: digital technologies; triple bottom line aspects; sustainable logistics management; Economic Community of West African States; ECOWAS; logistics service providers; LSPs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10068115
  • Anomaly Levels of Factors Affecting the Estimated Price of a Second-Hand Ship   Order a copy of this article
    by Gülden Öner, BURAK GÖKSU, Ersin Aç?kgöz 
    Abstract: This is a study to determine the variables and their affects related to second-hand ship prices and predict the prices of ships with the anomalies and make suggestions to their reasons on information acquired from the sales of 1283 pre-owned Panamax-class vessels between 2010 and 2022. The regression model was used as a pre-selection method to specify the variables associated with the prices of second-hand ships, and the Artificial Neural Networks model was used to predict the prices of these ships and to determine the anomalies related to the price estimation. As a result, there is a significant relationship between the age of the ships, tonnage, LIBOR interest rates, crude oil prices, freight rates and second hand prices. In ships older than 20 years and between 65000-75000 DWT, very low and high freight rates, low crude oil prices and high interest rates, anomaly prices are high.
    Keywords: ANN; panamax bulk carriers; price anomalies; regression; second-hand ship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10068116
  • Electric vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery under the partial recharging and non-linear discharging strategy   Order a copy of this article
    by Si Zhang, Tang Zhong Yue, Li Lu 
    Abstract: Electric vehicles’ usage in distribution motivates the research of the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem. This paper considers the piecewise linear recharging and non-linear discharging strategy for electric vehicles with the time windows and pickup and delivery service, and allows partial recharge (EVPTNL-PR), whose objective is to minimize the total cost. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming model and solved by the improved Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search algorithm which applies several new removal and insertion operations and adaptive mechanisms. And extensive computational experiments are carried out to assess the importance of the realistic factors studied in the model. The results demonstrate that the realities in the problem of electric vehicles distribution make path planning more accurate and the improved algorithm performs well in finding high-quality solutions.
    Keywords: Electric vehicle routing problem; Delivery and pickup; Piecewise linear recharging; Non-linear discharging; Partial recharge?Adaptive large neighborhood search.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2025.10068683
  • Enhancing Ship Arrival Time Adjustments in the Anchorage Area of the Suez Canal through Optimal Step Tolling Strategies   Order a copy of this article
    by Chen-Hsiu Laih 
    Abstract: In the existing canal queuing pricing literature, an optimal n-step toll scheme (n=1,2,3,
    Keywords: Suez Canal; queuing; anchorage arrival time; step toll; Point Slope Form.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2025.10068684