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International Journal of Sustainable Society

International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSoc)

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International Journal of Sustainable Society (31 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Land use/land cover dynamics and its future scenarios in Luando Reserve, Angola   Order a copy of this article
    by Edwin Imfumu, Albert Aweto 
    Abstract: Anthropogenic activities modify biophysical environment and affect ecological balance and the human population. The paper analyzed the dynamic patterns and trend of land use/ cover (LULC) changes in Luando Reserve (LR) for 45 years and predicted its future scenarios for the next 20 years. Remotely sensed data, particularly Landsat imageries for 1975, 1990, 2005 and 2020 were processed, classified and analyzed using GIS. Markov-CA model was used to predict future scenarios of LULC dynamic for 2040. Major LULC classes identified included waterbody, wetland, forest, grassland, farmland and settlement. Findings indicated that LR underwent an increase in farmland, settlement, waterbody and wetland areas, and a significant decrease in forest area. The projection for 2040 indicated that the actual LULCC trend will continue in the next 20 years, with a worrying decrease of 7.1% in the forest area. Settlement and agricultural expansion are the major threats to biodiversity expansion in LR.
    Keywords: Angola; change detection; land use/land cover change; Luando Reserve.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10063015
  • Circular economy model and sustainable development nexus in Bangladesh   Order a copy of this article
    by Zobayer Ahmed, Sakib Mahmud, Hakan Acet 
    Abstract: The practice of Circular Economy is rare and limited to recycling in the economic sectors of Bangladesh. The present study aims to understand how currently these practices are related to sustainable development goals (SDGs). To meet the research objective, both primary and secondary information has been used. The study reveals that there has been an increase in the trend of research regarding CE and sustainable development in Bangladesh from the year 2019. Furthermore, the practices of selected sectors were helping to achieve SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), SDG 13 (climate action), and SDG 15 (life on land) to a certain extent. Nevertheless, widespread challenges exist, including lack of capability, research, administrative efficiency, efficient policies, and many more; in implementing CE practices to help achieve SDGs in Bangladesh.
    Keywords: circular economy; sustainable development; wastage; environment; Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs; Bangladesh; recycling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10053223
    by Marcia Regina Rodrigues Da Silva Zago, Alexandre Dullius, Maclovia Correa Da Silva, Elisangela Christiane De Pinheiro Leite Munaretto, Andressa Rando Favorito 
    Abstract: The goal of this article is to present a special thought on the strategy of capacitation workshops, as the means for self-awareness and decision making on waste, having a different perspective towards the subject. That way, the research that generated the present document, was established from the research- in-action, generating knowledge and new experiences by ways of physically meeting the waste collectors from the city of Matinhos - Paran
    Keywords: recycled waste; sustainable territories; community workshops; waste and residue management; Matinhos/PR Brazil; recyclable waste in Brazil.

  • Sustainability Practices in IUBAT: A Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Ferdous Ahmed, Selina Nargis, Mohammed Ataur Rahman, Muhammad Rehan Dastagir 
    Abstract: Sustainable education and preparing young graduates with an action-oriented education program is the major requirement for any country since Bangladesh is thriving for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by implementing the sustainability practices into the educational institutions 2030. Out of 103 private universities and 53 public universities in Bangladesh only IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology introduced the sustainability course for every bachelor programs students as a basic subject. Therefore, the Sustainability course is designed to develop the immediate countrys demand producing adequate skilled graduates with enough sustainability knowledge. Till now more than 14,000 undergrad students of the different disciplines have been taught the sustainability course where they engaged and practiced for any environmental sustainability learning and practices in their daily life. IUBAT urges its graduates to absorb this sustainability learning and practices as their lifelong learning so they will be able to contribute to building a sustainable society and country in the near future. As a method this study applied to an institutional case study of IUBAT University a good number of students have been taught about environmental sustainability knowledge and practices. The aim of this case study is to know how IUBAT students are participating and practicing sustainability issues to support the country's dream of achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. As a result, we found that this sustainability course intensifies changing traditional anthropogenic behaviors of the students into sustainability through building positive knowledge, attitude, skill and ethics for making a sustainable society.
    Keywords: Education for Sustainable Education (ESD); Sustainability Studies; Sustainable Development Goals; IUBAT; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10054171
  • Creative Leadership and Sustainability: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Culture   Order a copy of this article
    by Najm Najm, Reem Y. Hamed 
    Abstract: Creative leadership plays an indispensable role in motivating and inspiring workers in order to do what is new for excellence and necessary for the survival and growth of these companies. This study aimed to examine the impact of creative leadership viewed in terms of visionary leadership, originality, creative behavior and creative organizational context, on the three main pillars of sustainability (economic, social, and environmental) in Jordanian hospitals. This study also sought to determine the mediating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between creative leadership and sustainability n these hospitals.
    Keywords: Creative leadership; visionary leadership; originality; creative behavior and creative organizational context; sustainability; organizational culture.

  • Engaging ordinary people in sustainability transition: Introducing elasticity and plasticity model for social change   Order a copy of this article
    by Halima Abu Haneya, Abu Hanieh 
    Abstract: Joining between engineering and social sciences approaches, this paper introduces a model for social change, based on concepts of elasticity and plasticity of sustainability behaviour to engage the public in sustainability transition and achieve a better quality of life. The paper discusses how successful transition to renewable energy (RE) system can impact individual’s quality of life and social development, and how to encourage ordinary people to engage in energy transition through daily sustainability behaviour. The paper also discusses the social strategies that lead community to sustainability, the RE indicators and the impact of RE on social behaviour. Eventually, some actions are suggested as solutions if applied can drive the society to the appropriate sustainability level. The focus area is Palestine, but the model can apply elsewhere. The data used were both primary and secondary data.
    Keywords: renewable energy; RE; elasticity; plasticity; sustainability behaviour; social change; sustainability societal transition; sustainable social change.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10061162
  • Socioformative sustainability as an alternative conceptualization to think about the devastation of socioecological systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Josémanuel Luna-Nemecio, Sergio Tobon 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to present the conceptual cartography of the concept of sustainable development to show its limits and propose the socio-formative sustainability as a category that transcends it. This study addresses the notion, categorization, characterization, differentiation, division, linkage, methodology, and exemplification that have prevailed so far in research under the concept of "sustainable development". For each of these axes, a conceptual proposal is offered that allows us to think about sustainability based on the concept of "socio-formative sustainability". This research applied the methodology of conceptual mapping based on the review of articles and documents from scientific databases, such as Scopus and Web of Science. The research limits and the political implications of sustainable development its analyzed in this study. The main results reveal the limitations and deficiencies that afflict the research that has used the concept of sustainable development in an attempt to establish a balance between the economy, ecology, and the human being. Likewise, the conceptual limits of continuing to carry out research trapped in the Sustainable Development Goals and the neo-Malthusian perspectives of the 2030 Agenda are shown. This study allowed presenting the main axes to address socio-formative sustainability as a way of thinking about the necessary ecological reform of the way of capitalist production.
    Keywords: complex thought; environmental care; sustainability; sustainable development; sustainable social development.

  • Economic valuation of ecosystem services of cultural order in the Las Delicias micro-basin in Bogot   Order a copy of this article
    by Jeniffer Gracia, Diego Rojas, David Gracia 
    Abstract: The main objective of this study was to carry out an assessment of the cultural ecosystem services of the Las Delicias brook, located in Chapinero, in Bogot
    Keywords: ecosystem services; economic valuation; sustainable development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10060619
  • An Analytical Study of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) and Kiratikta (Swertia chirayita): An Economic Substitution for Metro Cities in Global Pandemic with Healthcare 4.0   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhavna Singh, Rohit Rastogi, Lalit Raj Singh, Ankur Singhal, Richa Singh 
    Abstract: Ayurveda has always been a treasure of knowledge. During Covid pandemic when humans were forced to suffer and no cure seemed to exist to end suffering, the Ayurvedic medicine system once again proved its viability and brought our sufferings to the end. Many In this manuscript the core idea is to substantiate that the Andrographis paniculata, another indeginous herb, can be a well founded substitute for Swertia chirayita. In this work, authors have made a comparative study between both drugs. For this, a systematic review of literature and a pharmacogonostical study was done. On investigation, both drugs are almost similar in qualitative phytochemical analysis, and qualities as par Ayurvedic pharmacology. It was also observed that most of the therapeutic actions of both drugs are similar. Graphical representation of the different parameters gives more insight to the readers. Use of pictures has also been done to heighten the interest of readers.
    Keywords: Swertia chirayita; Kiratikta; Andrographis paniculata; Kalmegh; Ayurveda.

  • Did Micro-Finance Pass the Covid Litmus Test? An Empirical Analysis from Women Borrowers’ Perspective based in Rural Himalayas
    by Insha Wani, Megha Agarwal 
    Abstract: The study attempts to use COVID period as an opportunity to analyse how efficiently micro-finance has been able to deal with the unprecedented crisis. The objective of this study is to find the impact of two COVID-19 response measures; credit accessibility and moratorium on repayments, taken by the industry, on welfare status of its women beneficiaries. To test the validity of claims made by micro-finance, we carried an empirical study of 1,210 micro-finance women borrowers from nine districts of Jammu and Kashmir operating under DAY-NRLM. We used ANOVA, independent t-test and Welch test to compare the welfare status of these borrowers during the core pandemic period, using financial accessibility, Domestic violence and economic stability as three dimensions of women welfare or empowerment. The findings are suggestive of a mixed performance by micro-finance.
    Keywords: micro-finance; COVID-19; women welfare; economic stability; domestic violence; financial accessibility.

  • Social responsibility in Pandemic and its Financial Impacts: Insights from Covid-19 Literature
    by Mohit Saini, Shallu Batra, Ishu Jindal, Kapil Gora, Mahender Yadav 
    Abstract: Business corporations have emerged as good Samaritans by pulling society from the dusk of the pandemic. A major strand of researchers examined the impact of such socially responsible activities on a corporate firm's performance (CFP) and risk. The pandemic has raised the CSR types and levels in society; hence there is a need for a study that presents the state of the scholarly work on CSR-CFP. Therefore, this study adopted the structured review methodology and keywords analysis to explore the publications. After a thorough review of articles, we found that initially, companies have undertaken the majority of the CSR activities for internal stakeholders such as employees, and after that, for the community. Overall, most of the studies have depicted a positive impact of CSR on firm performance in the short term. CSR firms were more resilient to COVID-19 risk. The study concludes with future gaps and findings.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; firm performance; COVID-19; pandemic.

  • Sustainable consumption behaviour, values conscious purchase intention, and organic personal care products: Extending customer values theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Surbhi Sharma, Bijay Kushwaha 
    Abstract: The present study extends the determinants of theory of planned behaviour by incorporating perceived customer values that impact the customer attitude, and purchase intention for organic personal care products (PCP). The study aims to find out the role of customer values in attitude formation and purchase intention. The total 471 responses were received from the respondents selected through purposive sampling technique. PLS-SEM was used to test and validate the conceptual model. The results indicate that customer’s values like health values, safety values, and social values have a significant positive effect on consumer attitude to purchase organic personal care products whereas environment values and hedonic values have positive but insignificant impact on consumer’s attitude towards buying organic PCP. This study undertakes an untouched research area of organic PCP and extends the determinants of TPB incorporating various consumer perceived values. Further, this study contributes both theoretically and practically in the emerging literature.
    Keywords: customer values; attitude; purchase intention; organic personal care products; theory of planned behaviour; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10061098
  • Investigating the Actions Required to Effectively Manage Stakeholders in Construction Projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Panashe Tichafara Bopoto, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi 
    Abstract: Typically, construction projects are organised into a series of operations carried out by different individuals or organisations, referred to as stakeholders with varying degrees of engagement. Initiating, planning and finishing construction projects can become complex due to the interactions that occur between different parties and their associated influences. This paper utilises a secondary data analysis method to interpret data from multiple construction projects and suggests seven themes around which practitioners should base their stakeholder management processes, namely stakeholder influences and representation, stakeholder communication, stakeholder collaboration, stakeholder negotiations, risk management, project value to society, and project sustainability. Although some of these themes exist in other forms of literature surrounding the topic of stakeholder management on construction projects, there is a lack of research which provides a relatively exhaustive framework consisting of a set of actions that can be adopted to maximise project success. This paper aims to fill this gap.
    Keywords: stakeholder management; construction projects; project sustainability; circular construction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10061165
  • Green or Green Washing A Review Paper on the Current State of Sustainability of Fashion Brands   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed Zaidi, Archana Gandhi 
    Abstract: With the conclusion of the Conference of Parties (COP)-26 in Glasgow, the world has realised that sustainability must become the new normal. Taking a leaf out of COP 26, we now limit our focus to fast-fashion and designer brands and what the fashion industry is doing to make itself sustainable. The research method adopted for this study is bibliometric research and critical analysis of the articles’ content. The research focused on fast fashion and designer brands’ corporate social responsibility disclosures on their respective websites, along with grey literature, to comprehend the steps taken by brands towards environmental sustainability. In this regard, 42 articles were identified and analysed. This paper highlights the practice of fashion organisations greenwashing in the pursuit of sustainability. The paper also highlights the potential negative impacts on society, organisations, and consumer markets, which can be beneficial for scholars and professionals alike.
    Keywords: green marketing; greenwashing; fast fashion; designer labels; textile industry; sustainable fashion.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10060212
  • Do corporate strategies moderate the influence of the effect of environmental government policy in CSR communication?   Order a copy of this article
    by Alessandra De Chiara, Anna D'Auria 
    Abstract: Are CSR disclosures positively associated with government policy on sustainable development? And what is the role of government policy in companies engaged in green strategies commitment? These are the research questions investigated in the paper, which analyses the CSR reports of a randomly selected sample of 40 US companies. Aiming to observe the content of companies' communication related to their responsible approach, the authors performed a longitudinal study of CSR reports provided by US companies. The expected contribution is to offer food for thought on the influence of institutional policy in corporate communication about sustainability and, vice versa, the power of businesses to influence government policies. The usage of the disclosure to evaluate the commitment to responsible behaviour is valorised by the literature, and the empirical research seems to confirm the presence of a positive relationship between the influence of the institutional context and companies' CSR communication. However, in the presence of companies' strategic sustainability objectives, communication regarding environmental topics is improved and strengthened.
    Keywords: CSR disclosure; contextual factors; government policy; content analysis; environment; USA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10061617
  • Analysis of Municipal Waste and Management of Baby Nappies and sanitary Napkins in the Slovak Republic   Order a copy of this article
    by Viera Peterkova, Ivan Ilko, Romana Martincova, Karin Preinerova 
    Abstract: In this article, diaper and feminine hygiene waste is analysed with a focus on the differences between large and small cities. The unit of analysis used is 5% of the total number of mixed waste collection bins in use in the area of interest. The collected data are compared with data on the number of children aged 03 years and data on women aged 1345 years living in the area of interest. Waste from 31 local authorities was analysed as part of this work. By analysing the waste in 31 cities and municipalities in Slovakia, we obtained a cumulative 922.21 kg of diapers, which represented 10% of the cumulative mixed municipal waste (9,188.91 kg) in the studied municipalities. Statistical treatment showed no difference in the percentage of diapers between municipalities and cities (p = 0.441) and in the proportion of individual housing construction and complex housing construction (p = 0.463).
    Keywords: diapers; waste; sanitary napkins; analysis; municipal waste; tampons; large cities; small towns; consumption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10064501
  • Perception of sustainable clothing solutions: Analysis of polish consumers' attitudes   Order a copy of this article
    by Oskar Bech, Szymon Korcz, Radosław Bojarczuk 
    Abstract: The study is based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews with consumers of sustainable clothing, conducted between January and February 2022 in Poland. The research aims to gain deeper understanding of Polish consumers who purchase eco-friendly clothing, as well as to explore their opinions and attitudes towards sustainable fashion. The study concludes that Polish consumers of eco-friendly fashion are mostly engaged with the cause of climate change. However, there is still a lack of awareness among consumers regarding the harmfulness of textile and garment production. They are mostly motivated by the need for a more ethical fashion consumption, as well as the need for a more sustainable future for their children. Additionally, the research reveals their concerns regarding the greenwashing of companies and perception of sustainable fashion as relatively expensive. This article provides insight into both general and green clothing customer practices and industry concerns.
    Keywords: sustainable development; environmentalism; consumer attitudes; environmental knowledge; textile industry; greenwashing; garment industry; fashion; eco-friendly; awareness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10064780
  • Sustaining a Stunning Physical Appearance Among Career Women in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Hasliza Hassan, Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Abu Bakar Sade 
    Abstract: Having a presentable physical appearance may be one of the hidden success factors for most career women. The continuously increasing number of career women in the workforce, especially in professional fields, may start a revolution in the beauty industry, especially in slimming centres. In line with the current competitive work culture, the number of slimming centres has increased to cater to the needs of career women. This research is based on a cross-sectional data collection design and uses 308 responses for the structural equation modelling analysis. Promotion, social influence and price value are found to positively influence hedonic motivation to patronise a slimming centre. In addition, hedonic motivation may encourage customers to make patronising a slimming centre a positive habit. This research is expected to advance the literature by investigating the beauty industry, especially slimming centres, in the Malaysian market.
    Keywords: habit; hedonic motivation; physical appearance; price value; promotion; social influence; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10065145
  • Climate Smart Agriculture and Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhineet Saxena, Garima Pancholi, Amit Jain 
    Abstract: Climate change disrupts the ecological balance, with temperature rises, droughts, and unpredictable weather harming agriculture. Implementing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can reduce greenhouse gases, boost crop yields, and enhance resilience to climate change. The primary purpose of this study is to provide a structured review and comprehend how previous research work captures CSA and Sustainability. In this study, a total of 183 documents were retrieved from the Scopus database published from 2013to 2022. This bibliometric analysis shows that CSA and sustainability have gained momentum since 2015. The USA has contributed the most while India is contributing a lot in the research field of CSA. Campbell has the highest number of publications and Wageningen University and Research are leading in Affiliation productivity. This research paper is relevant to those researchers who are aiming to comprehend CSA for sustainability and food security.
    Keywords: climate change; climate smart agriculture; CSA; greenhouse gases; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10065346
  • Study the Impact of Religious Fundamentalism and the Psychological Effect of Extremism and Terrorism in Diverse Religions   Order a copy of this article
    by Ajay Sharma, Karunika Dr, Anil Kumar Tewari 
    Abstract: India is considered a well-known secular democracy in the universe with the present context of growing religious extremism and terrorism. Most of the research examines whether the fundamentalism/sexism association differs between genders, nor explores whether individual-level measures of fundamentalism are more likely applicable to personal beliefs that lead to extremism and terrorism. This research, finds the impact of religious fundamentalism and beliefs of specific religions tends to religious extremism and terrorism. The study collected data from 500 members of different religious groups randomly in India. Further, study the psychological variables associated with terrorism and extremism groups using a prospective survey on various religions. In addition, the source for extremism and terrorism with the fundamentalism of the religion has also been characterised. The findings demonstrated the validity of the expected pathways, confirming that it is important to consider the role of collective terrorism when studying relationships between religious fundamentalism and beliefs.
    Keywords: religious fundamentalism; religiosity; extremism; terrorism; rationalism; secularism; religious beliefs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10065684
  • Reducing the Financial Stress: a Study on the Role of Financial Behaviour, Financial Inclusion and Financial Stability   Order a copy of this article
    by Ruchi Kakkar, Pooja Sharma, Mithilesh Pandey 
    Abstract: The prevalence of financial stress is high among individuals, resulting in negative psychological effects, including anxiety, depression, and behavioural modifications. This study aims to delve into the factors that ultimately effects financial stress. It sheds light on the critical role of financial stability (FST), financial inclusion (FI) and financial behaviour (FB) in reducing individual financial stress (FIN_ST). Using a purposive sampling technique, data was collected from 275 participants and analysed using PLS-SEM. The findings indicate that FI and FB significantly influence the financial stability among individuals, while financial stability has a significantly negative influence on financial stress, thus, helping in reducing the financial stress. The current study highlights the significance of financial behaviour and financial inclusion in promoting financial stability and reducing financial stress. By addressing these factors, individuals can attain financial stability, leading to improved mental health and well-being. These findings have implications for policy makers and government organisations to design policies that encourage financial inclusion to bring about financial stability, which can lead to reduced financial stress among individuals.
    Keywords: financial behaviour; financial inclusion; financial stability; financial stress; partial least squares structural equation modelling; PLS-SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10065865
  • 'Move Green': Promoting Sustainable Mobility through Social Norms   Order a copy of this article
    by Jone Vitkauskaite-Ramanauskiene 
    Abstract: To encourage individuals to reduce car usage, it is important to apply not only hard measures affecting external circumstances, but also soft measures aimed at internal barriers that hinder sustainable mobility. An intervention model for the promotion of sustainable mobility was developed, which was implemented in the form of the move green research initiative in six workplaces in Kaunas City. It aimed to encourage people to reduce their commuting trips by car and choose more environmentally friendly modes of mobility. The development and implementation procedures of the intervention were characterised by principles of action research. This article analysed the impact of the intervention on commuting behaviour, descriptive and subjective social norms. The results showed that there was a significant reduction in car trips during the intervention. Furthermore, both descriptive and subjective norms were activated during the intervention.
    Keywords: sustainable mobility; soft interventions; social norms; action research.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10066139
  • Does the Education based on Gross National Happiness Value Influence Sustainable Practices among Bhutanese College Students   Order a copy of this article
    by Elangbam Haridev Singh, Madan Gurung, Rajeeta Sapam 
    Abstract: Gross national happiness (GNH) is a unique model which Bhutan has adopted. The present study is an attempt to assess the impact of GNH value-based education adopted by all educational institutes, on sustainable practices among Bhutanese college students, particularly in the context of students who have undergone 12 years of GNH value-based education in schools. The findings show that GNH awareness contributes positively to students' attitudes towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). Awareness among Bhutanese business students about SDGs is significantly related to positive sustainable behaviour, which in turn has positive implications for achieving SDGs. Findings also shows that awareness about GNH does not mediate between positive awareness towards SDGs and positive behaviour towards sustainable development, although it influences the positive attitude towards SDGs.
    Keywords: gross national happiness; GNH; sustainable development goals; SDGs; positive attitude for SDGs; sustainable development; awareness for SDGs; education; Bhutanese students.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10066350
  • Disparity in CSR Spending - an Analysis of CSR Spending Post Mandate CSR in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Daithun Narzari, Sharmistha Bhattacharjee 
    Abstract: Following the implementation of mandatory CSR regulations in India, there has been a notable rise in CSR spending by corporate entities; yet spatial inequality persists across regions. This study examine the relationship between CSR spending and economic (GSDP) and social indicators (BPL and AD), comparing CSR spending across states and regions. Using data from the National CSR portal, we utilised correlation and regression analyses. Our findings highlight the model's statistical significance, with GSDP, BPL, and AD collectively explaining 77.8% (r2 = 0.778) of the variance in CSR spending (p = 0.001). However, only GSDP is a significant predictor (p = 0.001), while BPL and AD are not (p > 0.05). Additionally, we found a positive correlation between BPL and AD (? = 0.685**). Notably, 60.33% of CSR spending is concentrated in the top five giant economic states. Drawing on our analysis, we provide policy recommendations and implications.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; mandatory CSR; mandatory corporate social responsibility; CSR spending; corporate social responsibility spending; CSR expenditure.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10066754
  • Explaining Green Future Purchase Intention of Household Appliances: a Perspective from a Developing Economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Wajeeha Aslam, Marija Ham, Imtiaz Arif, Kashif Farhat 
    Abstract: This study aims to examine the impact of consumption values on green customer satisfaction and its impact on trust and loyalty of green household appliances. The study also examines the impact of trust and loyalty on personal reciprocity, and its impact on green household future purchase intention. On a useful sample of 300 from Karachi, Pakistan, 52.6% were males and 47.3% were females. The results after applying PLS-SEM technique revealed that emotional, functional, environmental, and social values significantly affect green customer satisfaction. In contrast, economic value does not have any impact on green customer satisfaction. The findings further reveal that green customer satisfaction positively affects trust and loyalty. Moreover, trust and loyalty both affect personal reciprocity, and that significantly affects green future purchase intention of household appliances. The study offers various implications to marketers, environmentalists, and practitioners of green household appliances.
    Keywords: personal reciprocity; consumption values; green consumer satisfaction; green future purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10066907
  • Financial Inclusion and Welfare in Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Haruna Issahaku, Benjamin Musah Abu 
    Abstract: In the extant literature, it is not clear which welfare parameters financial inclusion can impact to improve welfare at the household level. To fill this knowledge gap, this study employs Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR) and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR) using data from the Ghana Living Standard Survey Rounds Five and Six to investigate the determinants of financial inclusion and the impact of financial inclusion on household consumption and poverty. The results show that financial inclusion is low in Ghana. Infrastructural variables such as motorable roads, banks, public transport and markets are key determinants of financial inclusion, underscoring the role of information and transaction costs in enabling financial inclusion. We find that financial inclusion robustly promotes welfare by boosting the consumption of diverse goods and services and reducing poverty. Thus, financial inclusion is a viable policy option for improving household welfare in Ghana.
    Keywords: financial inclusion; welfare; Ghana; endogenous switching regression; treatment effect.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10067016
  • Investigating the Female Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Green Cosmetics in Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Kashif Farhat, Wajeeha Aslam, Lei Wang 
    Abstract: By extending the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), the study aims to identify the factors affecting attitude and purchase intention of female consumers towards green cosmetics. The data was collected from female green cosmetics consumers in Karachi, Pakistan, by following the purposive sampling technique, and on a useful sample of 313, PLS-SEM was employed for testing hypotheses. Results showed that attitude and perceived behavioural control (PBC) significantly affects purchase intention of green cosmetics. Perceived quality, environmental concern, health consciousness, and ecological motive positively affects attitude towards green cosmetics. In contrast, environmental knowledge failed to have an impact on attitude. The result further reveals that subjective norm (SN) positively affects attitude and PBC. Furthermore, attitude and PBC mediate the relationship between SN and purchase intention. The findings offer various insights to environmentalist, green cosmetics manufacturers, and marketers to build appropriate strategies for increasing consumers' attitude and purchase intention towards green cosmetics.
    Keywords: attitude; green cosmetics; organic cosmetics; purchase intention; theory of planned behaviour; TPB; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10067232
  • Working-from-Home and the Potential for Emission Reduction in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Yen Dan Tong, Phuong Duy Nguyen, Thi Hong Nhung Vo, Van Ngan Nguyen, Hoa Nhai Pham 
    Abstract: Working-from-home is a promising strategy for reducing GHG emissions in transport sector, especially when it was significantly triggered by pandemic. However, the understanding of its ability to reduce emissions is still ambiguous, especially in developing countries. This study aims to fill the gap by investigating the possibility of reducing GHG emissions when people in Da Nang, Vietnam switch to WfH and not take trips to work. The results show that the amount of GHG savings from trips for work and study purposes is 1.75% to 8.75% a week, which is negligible. However, in view of the growing trend of WfH amid and post pandemic, the development of transport policies towards sustainability must take into account the comprehensive scope of the impact of travel behaviours. Specifically, policies to reduce GHG emissions must be considered in a holistic way both for-work and not-for-work trips.
    Keywords: GHG emissions; emission reduction; travel diary; Vietnam; remote working; working from home.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10067415
  • Attitude Formation Towards Social Entrepreneurship among Gen Y and Gen Z: an Empirical Investigation in the UAE   Order a copy of this article
    by Zahra Allowatia, Sanjai K. Parahoo, Meera AlMarri, Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Sabiha Mumtaz 
    Abstract: The study investigates the factors that motivate Gen Y and Gen Z to embark on social entrepreneurship (SE), focusing on how the digital environment shapes their attitudes. Using a qualitative exploratory research design comprising of in-depth interviews with 22 respondents in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), various antecedents of attitude formation are mapped in a conceptual model. Two personal factors, self-efficacy and values significantly shaped the attitudes of youth towards social entrepreneurship (SE). These two factors were influenced by support and mentoring, and knowledge acquisition, which in turn, were influenced by four enablers: digital networks and social media, educational platforms, enabling institutions, and the support of family and friends. The findings may be used by policy makers and NGOs to promote SE. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have a young population, and the involvement of the youth as social entrepreneurs would supplement the efforts of public institutions towards sustainable development.
    Keywords: Social entrepreneurship; Attitude Formation; Self-Efficacy; Values; Gen Y and Z; digital environment; sustainable development; Millennials; UAE; GCC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10067489
  • What Can I do about It? - the Rising Awareness of the Trend of Mitigating Household Food Waste among Members of Generation Z   Order a copy of this article
    by Magdalena Kubal-Czerwi?ska 
    Abstract: Food waste is a significant global issue with environmental, economic, and social impacts. As sustainability becomes increasingly important, Generation Z's role in shaping attitudes toward food waste is crucial. Understanding the awareness and knowledge of high school students can help develop effective strategies for reducing household food waste. This article presents the scope of awareness and knowledge about the problem of reducing food waste in households among schoolers. Forty-five students aged 16-18 from 15 upper secondary schools in rural and urban areas of Malopolska Voivodeship participated in the study. Using the World Cafe method, the paper revealed that high school students are highly aware of ways to reduce household food waste, aligning with recommendations from organisations like food banks. Their insights offer valuable benchmarks for strategies to reduce food waste and highlight their influence in educating other generations.
    Keywords: food waste; household; Generation Z; high school students; Poland.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2026.10068847

Special Issue on: ERPBSS-2020 Sustainability, Mobility and Opportunity

    Abstract: This paper aims to assess the effect of firm-specific characteristics and interest rates on the lease financing of listed consumer goods in Nigeria. Secondary data from the annual report and account of the sampled firms were used from 2011 to 2018. A filtering criterion was adopted, and nine listed consumer goods companies were selected as samples of the study. Multiple regression technique using Generalized Least Square (GLS) was employed in analyzing the panel data. The study's findings revealed that growth opportunity and business complexity significantly influence the lease financing of listed consumer goods companies in Nigeria. At the same time, the interest rate was found to have an insignificant negative influence on the lease financing of listed consumer goods companies in Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommends that managers of listed consumer goods in Nigeria should pay more attention to utilizing lease financing to attain the desired level of growth. This can be achieved by seeking growth opportunities in firms where they can further expand and diversify their businesses in order to meet up with available opportunities.
    Keywords: Firm Specific Characteristics; Interest Rate; Lease Financing; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2025.10056807