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International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications

International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications (IJSGGC)

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International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications (7 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Nature inspired firefly algorithm for efficient tasks management in smart grid   Order a copy of this article
    by Basetty Mallikarjuna 
    Abstract: In smart grid environment the increase in network bandwidth, energy management, and power management are a challenging issues. The demand for integrated services like IoT-based cloud infrastructure, at the end of the network of fog computing, it optimises the resource utilisation and effective management of tasks makes a significant role. The tasks are moved from one resource to another resource in an important paradigm of cloud-fog platform (CFP) for efficient resource allocation. This paper proposes an efficient firefly algorithm (FFA) to maximise the resource utilisation and provided effective management of tasks provided by the service level agreement (SLA). The effective management of task contains several factors such as allocation of tasks to virtual machines (VMs), data centres and fog nodes. This paper provides an improved performance of quality of service (QoS) parameters like execution time, response time, makespan, migration of tasks. And also this paper compared FFA algorithm with the existing algorithm honey bee behaviour load balancing algorithm (HBLBA). The proposed FFA algorithm provides effective management of tasks in terms of QoS metrics.
    Keywords: cloud-fog platform; CFP; IoT-based cloud; service level agreement; SLA; quality of service; QoS; virtual machines; makespan; migration of tasks; fog nodes; data centres.

  • FDMA approach for smart grid and green communications   Order a copy of this article
    by Basetty Mallikarjuna 
    Abstract: The goal of this article is a new approach for competitors in the area of smart grid and green communications. The integrated services like internet of things (IoT)-based cloud begins up in the smart grid environment provides consciousness for new cross-disciplinary research. In this article, a suggested feedback-based data management assistance (FDMA) offers networking services, large storage, huge computation, and data processing to the end-users and among IoT-based cloud contains integrated environment of smart grid. The real-time applications of IoT, like smart home, smart car, smart city to achieve smart country and demand less latency and response time to process the enormous amount of data. The anticipated feedback-based data management plan offers a new resource management method, which is comprised of a unified structural design and retains the SLA and QoS parameters. The simulated environment analysed with the ThingSpeak open source platform and derives the smart parking application and examined the iFogSim with MATLAB tool kits has demonstrated that the intended methodology is efficient and appropriate for smart interaction in IoT-based cloud.
    Keywords: internet of things; IoT; iFogSim; quality of service; QoS; service-level agreement; SLA; feedback-based data management assistance; FDMA; ThingSpeak; cloud data centres.

  • FBDP approach in IoT-based cloud for self-treatment in healthcare using smart grid   Order a copy of this article
    by Basetty Mallikarjuna 
    Abstract: This paper throws lights on the idea of integrating architecture of IoT and cloud for smart grid environment, the IoT devices organised with the IoT-layer, supported by the cloud service providers. Feedback-based data processing (FBDP) design is proposed to maintain the quality of service (QoS) metrics and the service level agreement (SLA) between the IoT-based cloud environment and effective data transmission required for movements of the patients and necessity of self-treatment. The proposed (FBDP) model elaborates the credibility while IoT devices are connected through the smartphone and provides a service through the gateway as a smart device. The proposed idea is mostly useful for healthcare applications and for self-treatment like tele-medicine. This model also able to deal with the QoS metrics such as service discovery, energy optimisation, makespan, response time, network bandwidth and security. The performance of the proposed model is simulated with the iFogSim toolkit and tested with the real time database. The results proved that the proposed model is efficient for smart grid environment in healthcare applications.
    Keywords: integrated architecture; feedback-based data processing; FBDP; QoS metrics; iFogSim; sensor nodes; tele-medicine; IoT-based cloud; gateway.

  • Communication technologies and standards in smart grid: a survey of state-of-the-art   Order a copy of this article
    by Vimal Tiwari, Salil Madhav Dubey, Hari Mohan Dubey, Manjaree Pandit 
    Abstract: The existing power grid has undergone drastic changes within a decade, in order to deal with the increase in energy demand. With the integration of different distributed energy resources (DERs) for a set of different loads which are interconnected to each other within a well-defined electrical area, Microgrid came into existence. However, with the increased use of effective communication, automation and monitoring skills the microgrid based power grid are switched to a technologically advanced and fast response grid termed as smart grid. In smart grid, efficient and reliable communication is incorporated to improve the efficiency, sustainability, and stability of the whole system. This paper presents a review on the different types of available communication methods and protocols which are used for data communication within and outside a smart grid based power supply system.
    Keywords: smart grid; communication methods; communication protocols; communication standards; microgrid.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSGGC.2022.10050458
  • OTA-based online marketing with contemporary trends of hotel industry   Order a copy of this article
    by H.M. Moyeenudin, T. Milton, R. Anandan, R. John Williams 
    Abstract: As the digital marketing have become a new trend in an existing and future strategies with the hotel and tourism industry, the accommodation at hotels are highly influenced by guest reviews through social media and other online tools like social media marketing (SMM) to increase the room occupancy, in addition hotels can also attracts the tourists and business guest by search engine optimisation (SEO) of their hotel websites through Google adds as a part of search engine marketing (SEM). This influences the hotel guest to propel their reviews at online. However, the behaviour of hotel guest may vary in conduct and changing according to their requirements during their visit. This research targets on finding the sources of hotel occupancy through various marketing tools that is used in luxury hotel, secondly it focuses on sources that provide maximum occupancy, like online travel agents (OTA), hotel websites, hotel apps, tour operators and travel agents in comparison with traditional methods, on anticipation of knowing the strategies followed in hotel. Nevertheless traditional marketing is not only as source for guest occupancy in hotel.
    Keywords: online travel agent; OTA; search engine optimisation; SEO; mobile app; hotel marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSGGC.2023.10053446
  • Towards interoperability in cross-border energy data exchange: a case study from Europe   Order a copy of this article
    by Jordi Vinaixa, Winnie Vanrespaille, Hasan Muslemani 
    Abstract: Data interoperability ensures that data can be easily accessible and readily processed and re-packaged across systems using different types of data. The concepts of data integration and interoperability have been extensively explored in the healthcare sector; however, in the energy sector it remains poorly explored. In focus on Europe, interoperability of energy data is especially necessary as the European energy retail and service markets are highly fragmented due to differences in regulation and data access across countries, which prevent the spread of energy retail, efficiency and flexibility solutions in Europe. This paper analyses a conceptual European cross-border energy data exchange platform which renders regulated data hubs interoperable and connects energy-related app owners to data hubs in different countries. The viability and value of this solution are appraised within a Horizon2020 project, EU-SysFlex, using a number of business modelling tools, including the value creation ecosystem (VCE) and the energy system improvement canvas (ESIC).
    Keywords: energy data exchange; data interoperability; European electricity system; energy system improvement; cross-border data exchange; value creation ecosystem.

  • Power quality enhancement in hydroelectric-solar PV-based hybrid system by exploiting CPD   Order a copy of this article
    by Riaz K. Israni, Chiragkumar Parekh 
    Abstract: Renewable energy (RE)-based electrical power generation is most admired and cost-effective in the current scenario. However, the power quality (PQ) of the RE-based power system is not superior due to its unpredictable inputs and nonlinear load interconnection through the main grid. The poor PQ in the power system is harmful to all electrical equipment and reduces the life of electrical appliances. To trim down this PQ issue custom power devices (CPDs) are most apposite. In this research article, a small hydroelectric-solar PV-based hybrid scheme is used and it is interconnected with the fixed nonlinear load. To boost the power quality in the proposed scheme, one of the CPD [i.e., unified power quality conditioner (UPQC)] is used. Moreover, this research work diminishes harmonic distortions generated in the output current and voltage waveform of the proposed scheme. The voltage stability and transient state stability during various fault conditions are also enhanced in the same scheme. The entire proposed work is proven through modelling and MATLAB simulations.
    Keywords: renewable energy system; nonlinear load; unified power quality conditioner; UPQC; harmonic distortion; voltage stability; transient stability.