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International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management

International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management (IJSCIM)

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International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Cold supply chain network for the agricultural products   Order a copy of this article
    by Vishal A. Bhosale, Saurabh Patil, Aniket Mandlik, Harshal Motghare 
    Abstract: Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of day-to-day life. The cold supply chain plays a vital role in effective transportation for delivering agricultural products from farms to customers. These products require specific temperature and humidity conditions. Maintaining these conditions is a challenging task. This research focuses on optimising the cold supply chain for agricultural products and minimising the cost of delivering the products. A cold supply chain requires an organised network of farmers, packaging centres, distribution centres and transport vehicles. The theoretical model proposed in this paper is based on an analysis of the literature survey. Constraints in the mathematical model are related to demand and supply constraints, the capacity of packaging centres, the capacity of vehicles, and storage temperature. This study proposes a mathematical model and theoretical framework to minimise the costs in the cold supply chain. The created approach will enable enterprises that carry agricultural products to create optimal routes, more fresh products, minimum transportation cost and minimum transportation time.
    Keywords: relative humidity; storage life; travelling salesman problem.

  • Improvement in reverse supply chain of pharmaceutical industries   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashish Daundkar, Saurabh Gawade, Vishal A. Bhosale 
    Abstract: The primary aim of this research is to address the issue of pharmaceutical leftover medication. Within the pharmaceutical industry, the reverse supply chain (RSC) plays a pivotal role in enhancing profitability. RSC specifically focuses on the management of unused or leftover medications in the market, which can become hazardous once they expire. In this study, we present a comprehensive methodology for developing a research paper that introduces a theoretical model. This model is constructed through a synthesis of literature review findings, expert opinions, and the formulation of a mathematical framework. Our results yield a well-defined theoretical model designed to address the disposal of leftover medicines. In this context, we propose a new penalty ratio that involves consumer contributions, varying according to the extent of expired medication overstocking by the consumer. This mathematical model represents an enhancement of a previously proposed third-party logistics coordination model.
    Keywords: pharmaceutical industries; supply chain; stochastic linear programming; drug recall.

  • An economic order quantity model under constant purchasing price increments   Order a copy of this article
    by Jayalal Wettasinghe, Kasun Lankapura 
    Abstract: The classic economic order quantity (EOQ) model developed in 1913 still has wider applications in inventory management even though it involves some restrictive assumptions. This paper presents an extension to the classic EOQ model by incorporating the assumption that the price of the item is increased at each order by a constant factor. The cost function for the total annual inventory cost was developed for two cases, i.e., the inventory holding cost is a percentage of the purchasing price of the item, and the inventory holding cost is a constant, i.e., not a percentage of the purchasing price of the item. Formulae for the optimal order quantity were derived in a similar way to the derivation of the classic EOQ model. Results of the given numerical experiments show that the derived formulae are applicable, and the total inventory cost function behaves in a similar pattern as the total inventory cost function of the classic EOQ model. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to study how sensitive the proposed EOQ to the cost parameters, and the results showed that the behaviours are similar to that of the classic EOQ model.
    Keywords: economic order quantity; EOQ; inventory management.

  • Dry port model design in the Tangerang   Order a copy of this article
    by Nurlaela Kumala Dewi, Afferdhy Ariffien 
    Abstract: The existence of a dry port is necessary to suppress the accumulation of goods at Tanjung Priok Port. The port requires a fundamental framework for development and construction plans. The industrial development in the province of Banten and its surroundings expands rapidly. Therefore, the Revision of the Banten Province Spatial Plan (Perda No. 5 of 2017), addresses a Dry Port development located in Jambe District, Tangerang Regency. The need for a layout design of a new dry port located in Tangerang Regency is aimed to provide a level of certainty that this mainland port infrastructure is built as part of loading and unloading port services. The area of dry port is calculated based on two schemes so that the decision-makers have the options of suitable needs for the current dry port development. The area of the design layout scheme I is 76.84 hectares and scheme II is 72.3 hectares.
    Keywords: dry port; layout design; a dry port area.

  • Optimal decision policy for a retailer in a stochastic manufacturing process involving a rework process for defective items and two-level trade credit finance   Order a copy of this article
    by Om Prakash, Shubham Priyadarshi, Nipa Biswas 
    Abstract: Though production facilities are advancing day by day, some imperfection in manufacturing process still remains. This paper develops a manufacturing system with rework process of defective items. We have assumed that the defective items are repairable and a portion of the reworked items is considered to be scrap. In model, it is proposed that demand of items, proportion of defective products and scrap rate are randomly distributed with known probability density function. In the model it is also assumed that the supplier of raw materials offers a delay period to the manufacturer and manufacturer extends a similar delay policy to his customers. The main objective of the system is to minimise the manufacturer's overall cost and to determine manufacturer's optimal replenishment policy. Even though the selling price and scrap cost are rising, the production cost reduces, which is beneficial to the manufacturer to provide longer credit period to the retailer. The optimal replenishment policies are also discussed with the help of some theorems. Numerical examples are illustrating the theoretical results and sensitivity of important cost parameters is discussed.
    Keywords: probabilistic inventory; production process; rework process; trade credit; stochastic demand.