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International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management

International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM)

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International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (132 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Factors affecting the skills and overall career development: an empirical analysis among the employees of banking sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Manuja Garg 
    Abstract: Training and development are the most vital component of any organisation to build efficient and skilled manpower. The training program aims to give the knowledge, instructions, needful skills and instructions to the existing and new employees to perform the particular job. Therefore, this article analyses the various demographic variables related to the employees of the banking sector and their impact has been studied on the various extracted components like internal motivation, training objective and overall career development. It has been found that variables like the age group of the employees and the number of training programs attended by the bank employees have a significant impact on one of the three extracted components.
    Keywords: training and development; T&D; career development; ANOVA; principal component analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2021.10046423
  • Payable Period and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Relational Capital   Order a copy of this article
    by Pushpesh Pant, Arun Biswal, Siva Krishna 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the performance effect of payable period management from a relational capital perspective. The study uses the Prowess database to collect secondary panel data on relational capital [measured by business group (BG) affiliation], payable period, and other firm-specific characteristics for 1,841 Indian manufacturing firms. Further, it employs panel data regression analyses to test the effect of payable period management on firm performance in light of relational capital. In contrast to the existing literature, this study has revealed that the company's financial performance suffers significantly due to the high payable period. Further, it has been observed that a longer payable period results from a greater reliance on relational capital (as measured by BG affiliation). Altogether, these results highlight that relational capital mediates the relationship between payable period and firm performance. The present study develops an objective understanding of the significance of payable period management. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that argues that the payable period is not uniform across firms and it varies significantly based on their affiliation to BG.
    Keywords: relational capital; payable period; firm performance; panel data; business group; manufacturing firm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10057329
  • The relationship between organisational and leadership performance facilitated by culture and moderated by TQM   Order a copy of this article
    by Soumya K, Satish K. P 
    Abstract: An essential part of India’s economic growth is the textile industry sector. The relationship of certain factors like role of leadership, organisational culture and TQM on the performance of this sector is an under researched area. This research investigates the effect of leadership and organisational culture on organisational performance, with organisational culture as a mediator along with TQM as a moderator in their relationships. A systematic survey questionnaire is used to gather data from 400 textile manufacturers and structural equation modelling is then used to evaluate the results. The results of the investigation showed that effective leadership has a great effect on organisational culture and it does not have an impact on organisational performance. The effectiveness of an organisation is significantly improved by the organisational culture of a company which is also serving as a constructive mediator.TQM practices positively moderate the relationship between leadership and organisational performance.
    Keywords: total quality management; TQM; organisational culture; organisational performance; leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10057461
  • Quality Problem Solving in a Jewellery Industry - The Six Sigma way   Order a copy of this article
    by Akansha Yadav, Harshit Kanchan, Monish Gupta, Sumit Shandilya, Jaskiran Arora 
    Abstract: This paper describes a green belt Six Sigma project aimed at reducing the issues during the metal jewellery fabrication The project utilised the DMAIC methodology and a variety of tools and techniques, including Pareto analysis, process mapping, process capability analysis, and design of experiments, to systematically identify and address the root causes of the issues. The project was successful in achieving its objectives, resulting in significant improvements in the metal jewellery fabrication process. The defect rate was reduced, leading to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction. The process capability was also improved, with a reduction in process variability and an increase in process efficiency. The paper highlights the importance of using a data-driven approach to problem-solving, the application of various Six Sigma tools and techniques in each phase of the DMAIC methodology, and the involvement of cross-functional teams and stakeholders throughout the process.
    Keywords: statistical process control; Six Sigma; problem solving; design of experiments; DoE; jewellery industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10057580
  • Linking entrepreneurial orientation to sustainable performance: The mediating role of green innovation   Order a copy of this article
    by Manigandan Raman, Naga Venkata Raghuram J 
    Abstract: This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on sustainable performance and the mediating effect of green innovation The current study uses a quantitative methodological approach with survey data from 162 hotels in India Using JASP software, a mediation analysis was conducted to analyze data Findings show that (1) entrepreneurial orientation is a positive significant impact on environmental and economic performance and (2) green innovation has a positive mediating effect between entrepreneurial orientation and sustainable performance The study's outcome is to improve the higher sustainable performance in the hotel industry through entrepreneurial orientation and mediate the effect of green innovation This research has significant implications for the hospitality field, as it shows the value and potential of green innovation in achieving sustainable performance in the hotel sector This study contributes to the existing body of literature by investigating the potential of a mediating variable in bolstering the link between entrepreneurial orientation and sustainable performance. Additionally, this research provides a unique contribution to the field and suggests areas for future exploration. The proposed model and the determined forces of green innovation can help policymakers and hotel managers comprehend the factors that motivate adopting these practices in the hotel industry.
    Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation; sustainable performance; green innovation; hotel industry; Mediation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10057798
  • Influence of building information modelling on the shortening of deadlines of engineering designs in industrial projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Leonardo Pessanha De Azevedo Pereira, Miguel Luiz Ribeiro Ferreira, Roger Matsumoto Moreira 
    Abstract: The impact of using the building information modelling (BIM) methodology on the shortening of deadlines during design, specifically for projects related to assembly of pumps in industrial plants is analysed. The total development lengths of four detailed engineering projects, as well as those of their individual stages, were studied. Out of these four projects, two used BIM. Qualitative research was conducted through an individual study of each case and a comparative analysis of the results. A quantitative analysis of the performance behaviour of the total lengths of the projects and each stage was also conducted. Incidents that are responsible for an increase in the length of the construction project were also recorded, classified, and quantified. The results for the four construction projects studied did not show a decrease in the length of design deadlines using BIM. However, other advantages mentioned in the literature were obtained when BIM was used.
    Keywords: industrial projects; engineering design; design; building information modelling; BIM; schedule; shortening deadlines; Monte Carlo simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10057849
  • How do factors affect labor productivity and satisfaction in small and medium-sized enterprises in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Dac Dung, Tran Quang Huy 
    Abstract: This study is to investigate how work motivation, training, work environment, management skills, and work time affect labor productivity in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate business owners' satisfaction with changes in labor productivity and propose policies to enhance it, thereby improving SMEs' competitiveness against larger enterprises. The study found that all five factors (work motivation, training activities, management skills, work environment, and work time) have a positive effect on labor productivity, and increased labor productivity leads to greater employer satisfaction. Work motivation was identified as the most influential factor, followed by training activities, management skills, work environment, and work time.
    Keywords: Productivity; SMEs; Satisfaction; Enterprises; Labor.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058011
  • Attribute control chart based on SkSP-R scheme under assumption of Log-logistic (LL) distribution   Order a copy of this article
    by Harsh Tripathi, Gadde Srinivasa Rao, Peter Kirigiti Josephat 
    Abstract: In this paper, we presented a SkSP-R sampling inspection plan based on attribute control chart for situations where units lifetimes follow log-logistic (LL) distribution. Control limits of proposed control chart are evaluated for different choices of parameters and also discussed the trend of control limits for better understanding of effect of parameters on control limits. Finding of proposed control chart is listed in bullet points in description of tables section. Presented tables are explained in well manner. A hypothetical situation is created by using simulated data to illustrate the working of proposed control chart. The application of suggested control chart is explained using a real-world scenario.
    Keywords: attribute control chart; log-logistic distribution; acceptance sampling inspection plan; time truncated scheme; simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058209
  • Impact of Leadership on the performance of Moroccan companies certified ISO 9001: 2015   Order a copy of this article
    by Sara OUCHAMA, Badr Dakkak, El Hassan Irhirane 
    Abstract: The International Organization for Standardization has updated the ISO 9001 Standard for a 2015 edition. Among the changes brought about by this evolution is the concept of leadership, which has replaced the famous commitment of the previous version. The ISO 9001:2015 norm strengthens the requirements for management responsibility in the quality management system. This paper studies the impact of leadership on the overall performance of Moroccan organisations certified ISO 9001:2015 through a multidimensional view based on the criteria of the new version and which are grouped into two categories: internal commitment of management and external commitment of management. Our approach is based on a conceptual model based on the assumptions of the literature. PLS analysis was used to analyse the data, which was collected from about 50 manufacturing and service companies in Morocco. According to the results, internal and external commitments of management have a favourable and significant impact on firm performance. This model can only be validated within a predetermined and constrained framework.
    Keywords: ISO 9001:2015; performance; leadership; balanced scorecard; internal management commitment; external management commitment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058318
  • Knowledge and New Firm Survival in Emerging Countries: Evidence from Vietnamese Manufacturing Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyet Nguyen 
    Abstract: This study focuses on evaluating the effects of knowledge on the survival of new manufacturing firms in an emerging country like Vietnam with an advanced Cox proportional hazard model (CPH). The main findings include: 1) IT application is necessary but the combination with the digital condition, the quality of employees, and the investment on innovation and development become more important; 2) the effect of inventory on firm failure is U-shaped; 3) firm survival is promoted by the ratio of social insurance paid employees; 4) market selection dynamics was based on the firm's ROA.
    Keywords: knowledge; firm survival; manufacturing firms; hazard model; emerging countries; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058402
  • Impact of total quality management practices on hotel performance: Empirical evidence from Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Thuy T. Dam, Chi Phan 
    Abstract: This paper presents the results of an empirical study investigating the relationship between TQM practices and hotel performance in Vietnam. Statistical techniques such as ANOVA and SEM were used to analyse data collected from 202 hotels in Vietnam in 2022 through a questionnaire survey. The findings of the analysis suggest that both soft and hard TQM factors have a significant impact on hotel performance in Hanoi. This study strongly recommends that hotel managers focus on implementing soft TQM factors such as top management commitment, customer focus, employee involvement, education, and training, as well as hard TQM factors including continuous improvement, process management, quality tools, and techniques, to achieve higher performance.
    Keywords: soft TQM; hard TQM; hotel performance; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058425
  • Manufacturing quality of a vehicle occupant protection module: a case study approach   Order a copy of this article
    by António Rocha, Bruna Miranda, Eduarda Teixeira, Henrique Sousa, Márcia Araújo, Raissa Castro 
    Abstract: This study examines two manufacturing processes used for producing vehicle occupant protection modules. Case study 1 analyses deviations affecting the claxon function, while Case study 2 compares data from two assembly lines producing the same product but equipped with machinery from different suppliers. Five research questions are addressed to evaluate quality factors. Q1 explores customer expectations impact on quality, followed by Q2 examining the relationship between customer satisfaction and product quality. Q3 analyses the effect of machine maintenance, while Q4 investigates the impact of identifying deviation causes. Lastly, Q5 explores the relationship between design choices and product quality. Through detailed analyses and addressing these questions, this study aims to provide insights into the relationship between manufacturing processes, customer expectations, design, and quality. The findings will enhance understanding, enabling informed decisions and strategies to improve product quality and customer satisfaction in manufacturing vehicle occupant protection modules.
    Keywords: manufacturing quality; quality control; capability analysis; compliancy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058490
  • Operational Efficiency through Disruptive Innovation in Dairy Business: Evidence from an Emerging Economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Rahat Khan, Md. Zahir Uddin Arif 
    Abstract: The study aimed to know how an emerging economy's thriving business industry deals with disruptive innovation (DI) from an emerging economy's technically complicated in-land open dairy industry perspective. The study used inductive qualitative case research techniques. Twenty-three dairy owners, managers, veterinary doctors, and farmers were purposefully selected from in-land open dairy farms in Bangladesh. The selected areas were the country's in-land open dairy business zone. The study was based on in-depth interviews, participants, and document observation for the study. The outcomes revealed that six aggregate dimensions are crucial for the in-land dairy business in creating operational efficiency through disruptive innovation in emerging economies. So far, the researchers' knowledge; this particular study was the very first attempt by any researchers to develop a process model to learn operational efficiency through disruptive innovation in the dairy industry from the experience of an emerging economy.
    Keywords: dairy business; disruptive innovation; emerging economy; in-land open.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058494
  • Comparing the Performance of Serial and Parallel Production Systems through Six Sigma Metrics   Order a copy of this article
    by Tomás Fontalvo, Leidy Perez Coronell, Katerin Garcia Benavides 
    Abstract: This investigation compares the performance of the two production systems, in series and in parallel, for which it uses the operating curves associated with the Six Sigma metrics and determines which is more efficient when carrying out various processes. Parallel articulates the concepts of parallel and serial systems, and Six Sigma metrics. For the above, through a quantitative investigation, basic Six Sigma metrics were measured in each system, thus evaluating, and comparing their performance in a consistent manner. The results reveal that as the sigma level increases in both systems, the level of defects per million opportunities decreases considerably and the rates increase to levels close to the main target value of Six Sigma, which is a high quality of 99.9999%. Furthermore, the serial system exhibits better results in terms of performance levels generated while the parallel system exhibits greater efficiency over time.
    Keywords: Six Sigma; serial production system; parallel production system; quality; performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058514
  • Unleashing the Potential: Integrating TRIZ and Lean Thinking to Optimize Maintenance Processes   Order a copy of this article
    by El Ghalya LAAROUSSI, Badr Dakkak, Irhirane Elhassan 
    Abstract: Maintenance is a crucial function in any organisation, as it ensures that equipment and systems are functioning efficiently and effectively, and this study investigates how Lean and Teoria Reshenija Izobretateliskih Zadatch (TRIZ) methodologies can enhance maintenance practices. Initially, the study reviews relevant literature on Lean and TRIZ individually to evaluate their applicability to maintenance. Next, the research explores how Lean and TRIZ practices complement each other and how integrating them can improve maintenance processes. Lean is known for reducing process waste, while TRIZ provides a systematic approach for innovative problem solving. The study reveals that there is a 50% overlap between TRIZ principles and various Lean techniques, indicating the potential for synergy between the two methodologies. In conclusion, this study provides a promising solution for organisations looking to optimise their maintenance processes by leveraging the benefits of both Lean and TRIZ methodologies.
    Keywords: maintenance process; Lean manufacturing; Lean maintenance; TRIZ; innovation; improvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058596
  • Improved PSO-Based Adversarial model for WSN   Order a copy of this article
    by Arjun Siwach, Priyanka Ahlawat 
    Abstract: WSNs generally assume the presence of a centralised entity that acts as a centralised data collection point. Sometimes the operating systems may become hostile in an unattended environment, which may result in real danger of node and data compromise. Thus, in the presence of a powerful adversary, securing data stored on unattended sensors presents interesting challenges and opens an exciting new line of research. Thus, it becomes very important to study and analyse the different adversarial models and defence techniques. In our proposed work, we have designed a robust adversarial model by considering special features of the hostile WSN environment. An improved particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm is presented that uses a multi-objective function to compromise the WSN with maximum node contribution and minimum resource expenditure. It is shown that the improved-PSO required less iterations, resource expenditure, and time to compromise the network as compared with existing models.
    Keywords: vulnerability analysis; wireless sensor networks; WSNs; adversarial model; particle swarm optimisation; PSO.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058694
  • Quality assurance of product sorting and packaging: a project-based approach to mitigate errors and enhance accuracy   Order a copy of this article
    by António Rocha, Ana Sousa, Catarina Pereira, Cecília Faria, Liliana Furtado, Fernando Romero 
    Abstract: Achieving operational excellence and meeting customer demands require optimizing product sorting and packaging processes. To minimize errors, companies must implement robust quality control measures, automated sorting systems, and comprehensive checks. In our study of a frozen food manufacturer, a project-based approach in followed focused on addressing sorting and packaging errors. The current sorting machine relies solely on reading product labels, leading to errors in mixing and exchanging. To overcome this challenge, we propose developing a software solution with a new feature: the ability to read labels and detect box colors. This enhancement significantly reduces errors and improves accuracy in product identification and sorting. Through the introduction of color-coded boxes, the machine can easily differentiate between products, reducing the risk of incorrect sorting and ensuring accuracy. This approach creates a seamless system that streamlines operations, enhances quality, and maximizes customer satisfaction.
    Keywords: Quality assurance; Product sorting; Product packaging; Quality improvement; Project planning; Logistics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058700
  • Quality control of supplier defects in a precision industry: a case study approach   Order a copy of this article
    by António Rocha, Beatriz Martins, João Cardoso, João Rodrigues, André Tinoco, Ayrton Oliveira 
    Abstract: This research paper analyzes the quality performance of a supplier providing components AV3, AV4, and AV5 to a high-precision manufacturing industry. Defect analysis by category reveals common issues across the components, emphasizing the need for stringent quality control measures. The defects analysis per time period identifies patterns, such as higher rejections in the second quarter of 2020 and 2021, and a higher number of defects in AV5. Specific actions, including the 8D Report, Quality Control Reports, Quality Control Plan, and Report of Improvement Actions, have been requested from the supplier. Adherence to VDA 6.3 and IATF 16949 standards is recommended. By implementing these actions, the aim is to mitigate defects, improve component quality, and strengthen the supply chain. Emphasizing data analysis and statistical process control enables proactive requests for action to assure the quality of components supplied.
    Keywords: Quality control; Suppliers quality; Statistical process control; Supply chain; Compliancy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058701
  • Lean and Dynamic capabilities for SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Vallinayagam Arumugam, Kannabiran Ganesan, S. Vinodh, Gaurav Abhishek Tigga 
    Abstract: In a dynamic business environment amidst COVID-19 pandemic, adopting best practices like lean, supply chain and knowledge management are considered rational decisions to sustain the organisational performance. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) manage their business process by focusing on short-term benefits rather than long-term. Moreover, SMEs need a real-time model for framing the roadmap to execute the best practices. Based on the theory of dynamic capability, value and socio-technical system (STS), this study constructed a holistic framework for SMEs to create a synergetic process with lean, supply chain management (SCM) and knowledge management (KM). Partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied to assess the framework model. The model was analysed using the sample size of 132 valid responses from Indian manufacturing SMEs. The current study formulated and studied lean management practices (LMPs) as a holistic approach with lean training, learning culture, supply chain relationship and integration for SMEs performance. The study results also clarified how SMEs could enhance their internal and external capability to improve performance.
    Keywords: lean; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; dynamic capability; learning culture; supply chain and organisational performance; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058783
  • Case study on process improvement in a transformer oil testing laboratory using value stream mapping for improving service time   Order a copy of this article
    by Hitesh Karandikar, Uday Puntambekar, Jignasu Yagnik, Devang Joshi 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to improve the report printing activity of the electrical testing laboratory after testing. At a transformer oil testing laboratory at Vadodara, Gujarat, India, customers were facing problem of delayed report delivery after testing of oil. A detailed study of the process was done to check if the value stream mapping and value stream analysis can be applied to improve the report delivery time. After study of as is situation a new system was implemented for the transformer oil testing laboratory. Diagram of various activities were drawn for as is condition and time taken for each activity was noted down. The non-value adding activity consuming unnecessary time waiting was identified and removed. A new software was developed for reporting. It resulted into reduction of report issuance time by minimum 21 days for 2,698 samples out of 5,475 samples tested during FY 2021.
    Keywords: process; process improvement; quality; value stream mapping; flow diagram; transformer oil testing; plan; do; check and act; PDCA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058787
  • The effect of company size on the emergence of Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the AEC industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Khalil Idrissi Gartoumi, Smail Zaki, Mohamed Aboussaleh 
    Abstract: Building information modelling (BIM) and Lean Construction (LC) are relevant solutions to many of the shortcomings of the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. The synergistic adoption of LeanBIM has attracted the scientific community's attention. The literature has recorded many barriers, including the capacity of companies and their sizes. In this respect, this paper investigates, tests, and validates the influence of company size on the emergence of LeanBIM. A quantitative survey is conducted using an online questionnaire. A sample of 56 Moroccan professionals with knowledge of LeanBIM and a minimum of three years of experience formed the results' basis. Collected data is analysed and tested by the chi-square statistical test. The study indicates the existence of a dependency and influence of company size on adopting this concept. This study will first help decision-makers and stakeholders draw up effective plans to encourage LeanBIM practices and provide new avenues for research.
    Keywords: Lean Construction; LC; building information modelling; BIM; LeanBIM; barriers; company size; chi-square.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058792
  • Justification of Technological Competency Parameter Using Fuzzy-Based Simulation Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Harpreet Sharma, Chandan Deep Singh, Kanwaljeet Singh 
    Abstract: The world in which firm operates is one that is rapidly getting more technologically advanced. Global firms are competing in India's manufacturing sector. To fulfil expected output, a wide range of potentially viable technologies is already in existence. In order to keep their competitive edge, companies must stay up with the state of manufacturing technology in terms of both capacity and competency. This article assesses the impact of technological competencies on Indian manufacturing industry. The fuzzy inference system (fuzzy logic toolbox) is used in this study to assess the strategic impact of technological competencies. According to the results of MATLAB's fuzzy toolbox's fuzzy rule viewer and surface view tool, technological competencies parameters have a positive impact on manufacturing performance. Top management support, technology adoption, and technological capability are significant predictors of Indian manufacturing performance.
    Keywords: competency; technological competency; fuzzy inference system; FIS; business performance parameters.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058813
  • Increasing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by Changeover Time Reduction: A Pharmaceutical Case Carried through DMAIC Cycle   Order a copy of this article
    by Aqib Rasheed, Syed Mehmood Hasan, Satya Shah, Elmira Naghi Ganji 
    Abstract: This study aims to enhance the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of a blister packaging line in a pharmaceutical firm located in a developing nation in Asia. The case study employed the DMAIC cycle (define, measure, analyse, improve, and control) to investigate and address the issue comprehensively. Utilising various data analysis methods, the root causes of the problem were identified, and changeover-time reduction emerged as a quick win among several factors. The single-minute exchange of die (SMED) approach was employed, leading to the development of effective solutions. The successful elimination of the root cause brought about continuous enhancements in the processing department, ultimately resulting in increased OEE. Furthermore, changeover time reduction was identified as the major contributing factor to this improvement. The novelty of this research lies in exploring different lean manufacturing and six sigma methodologies for enhancing OEE within the pharmaceutical sector.
    Keywords: changeover time; DMAIC; lean manufacturing; OEE; pharmaceutical sector; SMED; Six Sigma.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058822
  • Improving the Quality of process by eliminating the problems using Lean Tools- A case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Inderjit Singh Sodhi, Ankesh Mittal, Gurbhej Singh, Vimal Kumar, Sachit Vardhan, Sanjeev Bansal 
    Abstract: Lean manufacturing (LM) is a philosophy that has gained popularity in recent years as a way to achieve the business goals. LM is a combined system whose main focus is on removal of waste by simultaneously reducing or minimising supplier, customer and internal. This paper presents a case study of a manufacturing company that implemented lean tools to improve their production process and eliminate problems. The aim of this research study is to distinguish between the working parameters as well as working condition within the industry at the present time that is before implementation of LM and also to know the change in the working capacity and conditions of the plant itself after the changes made through LM tools and techniques. The results of this study showed that the implementation of these lean tools led to significant improvements in the production process, including eliminating the time consuming tasks which saved lot of time by reducing the idle time during production.
    Keywords: lean manufacturing; quality; case study; lean tools; Pareto analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058824
  • Understanding the determinants of job performance in manufacturing SMEs: Evidence from an emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Haniruzila Hanifah 
    Abstract: This study examined the relationship between human resource practices, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job performance among manufacturing SME employees. A total of 179 respondents were purposively sampled, and data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Results revealed a significant relationship between human resource practices and job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Job satisfaction positively influenced organisational commitment and job performance. However, no significant relationship was found between organisational commitment and job performance. These findings highlight the importance of effective human resource practices for enhancing job satisfaction and commitment in manufacturing SMEs. By implementing strategies such as evaluation, rewards, and training can foster commitment and improve performance. This contributes to knowledge about these dynamics, emphasising the need for HR practices that enhance employee satisfaction and commitment for better job performance. Future research should explore industry-specific factors and additional variables impacting this relationship.
    Keywords: human resource practices; job satisfaction; organisational commitment; job performance; manufacturing SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10058925
  • Prioritization of sustainable power source for electricity generation in remote sawmills: A case study in the context of Fiji   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaishneel Sharma, Rajeshkannan Ananthanarayanan, Devi Seenivasagam 
    Abstract: The sawmill and construction industries are significant sources of anthropogenic pollutants. Although modern sawmills endeavour to improve productivity and sustainability, many developing countries like Fiji still rely on diesel generators for power, which leads to rising operational costs and environmental concerns. Hence, renewable energy sources are explored as alternatives, such as solar, wind, biomass, and grid connections (mainly hydropower), to achieve sustainable growth. A comprehensive evaluation using the analytical hierarchy process reveals grid connection as the most viable option, followed by diesel generators, biomass, wind, and solar energy. Grid connection offers a 55% reduction in operational costs, a 60% decrease in carbon emissions, and 61% less water usage over the next seven years. These findings can guide researchers, government agencies, and the private sector in implementing energy policies for sawmills in remote areas.
    Keywords: analytical hierarchy process; AHP; renewable energy; sawmill; sustainable power source.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059083
  • Implementing Green Lean Six Sigma: A Methodology for Promoting Sustainability   Order a copy of this article
    by Md Omar Al Javed  
    Abstract: Green Lean Six Sigma (GLSS) is an effective technique that combines Lean Six Sigma principles with an ecologically conscientious perspective. This paper thoroughly investigates the implementation of GLSS methodology in various industries. It tries to overcome performance issues and impediments while emphasising environmental awareness. The study adds to the body of knowledge and supports sustainability and operational efficiency by identifying and analysing barriers to adopting green technologies. The methodology employs tools such as multiple-criterion decision-making (MCDM), best-worst method (BWM), and principal component analysis (PCA) to prioritise difficulties and target improvement areas. Results highlight the importance of process efficiency and incorporating sustainable practices for long-term viability and a beneficial environmental impact. Overall, this research presents a proven methodology for standardising and applying sustainable manufacturing practices, increasing GLSS and sustainability knowledge.
    Keywords: sustainability; waste reduction; environmental impact; lean methodology; Six Sigma; GLSS framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059087
  • Impact of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) on the Quality and Productivity Management of the AEC Industry: A Partial Least Square Data Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahsan Waqar 
    Abstract: The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector must overcome obstacles to guaranteeing excellence and efficiency in construction endeavours. Robotic process automation (RPA) has emerged as a novel technological solution to these challenges. This research aims to examine the influence of RPA on the management of quality and productivity through the application of structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Furthermore, the study investigates the effects of robotic process automation (RPA) on collaborative efforts and engagement of stakeholders. The research methodology comprises three primary stages, namely, the identification of crucial impact variables, refinement of these variables through interviews, and the creation of questionnaires. The data gathered from participants in the Perak region of Malaysia underwent analysis using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and PLS-SEM. The findings indicate that accuracy and compliance (AC), automated and accelerated data analysis (AA), enhanced collaboration (EC), and error detection and prevention (EP) have an influence on quality and productivity management.
    Keywords: AEC; robotic; quality; productivity; management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059088
  • Domestically Sourced and Imported Raw Material Utilisation and Labour Productivity: Evidence from Small and Medium-Scale Manufacturing Firms of Ethiopia   Order a copy of this article
    by Temesgen Wajebo 
    Abstract: This study is aimed to investigate the effect of domestically sourced and imported raw material utilisation on labour productivity in small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in Ethiopia. A two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression model is employed using survey data collected by the Ethiopian Statistics Service from 1,351 selected firms in 2020. The results show that domestically sourced and imported raw material utilisation intensity per labour is an important determinant of labour productivity in small and medium manufacturing firms in Ethiopia. Providing incentives for the industry's demand-driven agricultural product producers is suggested to address the shortage of raw materials. Expansion of industrial parks and sheds also help to mitigate infrastructure provision problems and maximise agglomeration effects. Furthermore, intervening to improve workers' wages would improve labour productivity.
    Keywords: domestic input; imported input; labour productivity; 2SLS method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059093
  • Identification of the individual required competences for quality management in a company: a case study on the quality manager position   Order a copy of this article
    by Sara Ait Bahom, Lotfi CHRAÏBI, Naoufal Sefiani 
    Abstract: Personnel selection is an important step for any company seeking to continually enhance organise processes and improve its performance. The selection of personnel according to the required competences is a difficult problem that requires the use of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. Despite the importance given to competences and the quality management system in the industrial field, there is not yet an approach that identifies the quality management competences required by ISO 9001:2015. In this paper, a fuzzy hybrid approach has been developed to identify the competences required by quality managers. A new modified version of the Fuzzy SWARA (FSWARA) method has been proposed. Furthermore, a case study of the implementation of this approach to a quality manager position is also presented in this work.
    Keywords: criteria prioritisation process; fuzzy Delphi method; fuzzy step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis; FSWARA; identification process; individual competences requirements; multi-criteria decision-making ; MCDM; quality management system; QMS; personnel selection; quality manager position.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059097
  • The causal relationship among factors of lean tool implementation with a DEMATEL method in Indonesian Aerospace   Order a copy of this article
    by Niza Nurmalasari, Aminudin Azis, Hendrick Hernando, Farida Tri Hastuti, Hifzhan Frima Thousani 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the causal relationship among factors that impact the utilisation of safety, quality, cost, delivery, and people (SQCDP) as a component of Lean Manufacturing implementation to optimise the implementation in the directorate production of Indonesian Aerospace. The study employs the decision-making trial evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method and leverages the expertise of specialised individuals within the Directorate Production, such as division managers and lean agents. Furthermore, a method of surveying was implemented to retrieve data from purposeful sampling. A cause-and-effect diagram was developed and provided importance degrees for all factors. The main findings of this study are the visualisation of the causal relationship among factors of SQCDP implementation through digraphs. This study helps the organisation to provide a clear understanding of the fundamental factors that should be given priority and recommended for further action to achieve long-term progress of lean implementation.
    Keywords: lean manufacturing; DEMATEL; digraph; SQCDP; Aerospace Industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059118
  • Why do market orientation, product innovation capability, marketing performance, and competitiveness of small and medium-scale enterprises differ?   Order a copy of this article
    by Onan Marakali Siregar, Selwendri Selwendri, Muhammad Dharma Nasution 
    Abstract: The study aims to explore how market orientation, product innovation capability, and marketing performance relate and differ in influencing competitive advantage among small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs). Employing a quantitative method, the research involves SME business owners and managers from three different types of SMEs. A Bayesian regression model was utilised to test the hypothesised research model. Empirical findings indicate that market orientation, product innovation capability, and marketing performance positively and significantly correlate with competitive advantage. While driving firms to enhance competitiveness, notable differences in SMEs' characteristics concerning market orientation, product innovation capability, marketing performance, and competitive advantage underscore their importance. This study contributes to enriching the body of knowledge, particularly in understanding the interconnectedness among these constructs as integral elements of competitive advantage's definitions and origins. The practical implications are expected to guide business owners and managers in making more informed and appropriate decisions.
    Keywords: market orientation; product innovation capability; marketing performance; competitive advantage; small and medium-scale enterprises; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059134
  • What affects the consumers' green purchasing behaviour A Study from an emerging market   Order a copy of this article
    by Md Wasim Raza, Anwar Rasheed, Furquan Uddin 
    Abstract: Consumers exhibit green purchasing behaviour (GPB) and contribute to sustainable development goals by buying responsible products. The primary focus of the study is on the factors crucial for mainstreaming green purchasing behaviour for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs) in India. With a sample of 302, this study explores the factors affecting consumers’ GPB in India. The study results into four independent variables, namely, environment consciousness (EC), environment involvement (EI), perceived effectiveness of environment behaviour (PEEB), and environment attitude (EA), which have an impact on GPB. The path analysis shows that EA and PEEB positively impact GPB, while EC and EI do not significantly impact GPB. The findings have important policy implications for emerging markets.
    Keywords: green purchasing behaviour; GPB; SDGs; green marketing; environment-friendly; FMCG.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059145
  • Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Scheme with Curtailment for Detecting COVID-19 Cases: A Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Fathy Alkhatib, Salah Haridy, Ahmed Maged, Hamdi Bashir, M. Shamsuzzaman 
    Abstract: The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) scheme has been commonly utilised to monitor shifts in infection rate p. In this research, an enhanced EWMA chart employing the curtailment technique (called Curt-EWMA chart) is used for detecting COVID-19 cases in airports. This chart can also be used for detecting infections associated with other respiratory viruses. The Curt-EWMA chart is able to improve detection effectiveness by minimising an overall performance measure, being the average number of infections (ANI), while maintaining a satisfactory false alarm rate. The utilisation of the ANI as an objective function provides the chart with a commendable detection effectiveness across a broad spectrum of shift sizes. A comparison between the Curt-EWMA and the traditional EWMA scheme is performed across multiple cases. The Curt-EWMA scheme is found to be 42% more effective than the traditional EWMA scheme in terms of ANI. The Curt-EWMA design is validated using a real-life case study in a major airport, where the results show a superiority of the Curt-EWMA scheme over the traditional EWMA by 20% in terms of ANI.
    Keywords: control charts; EWMA chart; curtailment; COVID-19; quality control; statistical process control; process control.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059227
  • The Role of Benchmarking from a Management Accounting and Control Perspective: Evidence from Norwegian Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Daniel Johanson, Dag Øivind Madsen, Terje Berg 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the diffusion and adoption motives for benchmarking in Norwegian firms. Based on a questionnaire survey, we conduct a descriptive analysis of the types of benchmarking used, to what extent firms expect to implement or increase the use in the future, and its potential use in combination with other management practices. The data indicate that Norwegian firms formally use benchmarking as a management practice. Benchmarking is clearly used in conjunction with and alongside other management accounting and control practices. Benchmarking is often understood as a practice that could replace budgets. We suggest a more complex picture, where benchmarking seems complementary to budgeting. Finally, use of KPIs, as well as big data analytics, adds complexities in choosing efficient management control packages. Overall, our paper theorises about benchmarking and reflects on the future usefulness of benchmarking and interdependencies with other management practices.
    Keywords: benchmarking; management accounting and control; management practices; diffusion; adoption motives; implementation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059288
  • Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Productivity: A Game Changer for Productive Outcomes in Indian IT Companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramesh Sattu, Simanchala Das 
    Abstract: The present study examines the effect of the potent drivers for AI adoption regarding talent acquisition and actual usage in information technology (IT) companies from an emerging market perspective for productive business outcomes. SEM analysis was applied to validate the hypothesised model using 459 responses drawn from survey participants. In this regard, the findings reveal a positive and significant link between all the study constructs that render affirmation to the research model. The results and findings were compared with prior studies in the similar domain that provides a strong justification to place the novel contribution of this study in extending the domain knowledge. Also, the findings provide insights to managers and policymakers to devise strategies for productivity and effective implementation of the AI for talent acquisition that can ease the workload of the HR specialists in the organisations.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; talent acquisition; information technology; productivity; business outcomes; game changer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059594
  • Lean manufacturing in the production of sprockets through value stream mapping - A case study   Order a copy of this article
    by D. Ramesh Kumar, S.R. Devadasan 
    Abstract: During the last two decades, researchers and practitioners have carried out investigations on implementing lean manufacturing by applying value stream mapping (VSM) technique along the production lines of different automobile parts. Yet, although being a part produced in large volume in automobile industry, sprocket has not been subjected to such investigation. In order to fill this gap, the case study reported in this paper was carried out. Initially, the production of a sprocket in the case study company was observed. Subsequently, the current and future state maps were drawn. In order to decrease the total lead time, two lean manufacturing approaches were specified in this future state map. On implementing these two lean manufacturing approaches, the total lead time decreased from 82.848 seconds to 70.568 seconds. The experience of conducting this case study indicated that VSM is a powerful technique for practically implementing lean manufacturing in organisations.
    Keywords: lean manufacturing; value stream mapping; VSM; non-value adding activities; NVAAs; poka-yoke; automobile industry; sprocket.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059634
  • Lean Six Sigma Improvement: The Case of a Supplement Manufacturer   Order a copy of this article
    by Wesley S. Boyce, Megan O'Brien, Stephen Meidinger, Emerson Cole 
    Abstract: This case study presents the application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology to improve the production process of a firm that produces a home health product in the USA. The goal is to demonstrate how this process is improved using LSS methods. Define, measure, analyse, improve and control (DMAIC) is used to improve the production process in a structured manner. This includes using VSM to create a current state outline of the process and to identify needed areas of improvement, as well as utilising the five whys approach to identify the root cause of problems. It is found that applying LSS methodology led to positive results, such as improved on-time deliveries, reduced idle times, and raw materials reductions. The techniques used in this work can aid practitioners that want to learn more about making improvements at their own firms using LSS methods.
    Keywords: waste reduction; performance improvement; DMAIC; value stream mapping; Lean Six Sigma; quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059702
  • Development and validation of a questionnaire for measuring the sustainability factors of Quality Management Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Mohamad Fakhrulnizam, Rusli Abdullah, Marzanah A. Jabar, Rozi Nor Haizan Nor 
    Abstract: This study elaborates on the development of a questionnaire as a survey instrument for measuring the sustainability factors of quality management systems. The scope covers the discussion on the content and face validity performed by the experts. The analysis contributes to the existing body of knowledge by utilising the content validity index (CVI), kappa-coefficient and Aiken-V. Validity analysis comprises two stages; the first involves a content validity approach by nine experts using a four-rating scale measurement (relevance level). The second stage requires face validity by lay experts using a five-rating scale measurement (importance level). The preliminary questionnaire consists of three constructs with two categorical questions. The outcome from the content analysis shows that two items were removed from the values and technique constructs, respectively. This paper significantly contributes to guiding other researchers in conducting content and face validity of the preliminary item questionnaire developed within the context of quality management.
    Keywords: subject matter expert; online survey; instrument development; quality management systems; sustainability; quantitative approach; practical guide; content validity; face validity; interval scale.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059736
  • Enhancing Organizational Performance through Leadership Competencies for Business Productivity   Order a copy of this article
    by Simanchala Das, Vyshnavi Tallam, Manasa Gangothri Swami, Venigalla Yagna Sri, Chennamsetti Santhi Priya 
    Abstract: The automobile landscape in the emerging markets has been showing an unpreceded growth due to the rising incomes of the middle-class population and requirements for personal commute. Accordingly, the automobile companies are putting their best foot forward to enhance the leadership competencies of their managers to ensure favourable effect on organisational performance in the long-run for sustainable businesses and overall business productivity. In response, this research makes an attempt to explore the various leadership competencies that are vital towards the organisational performance of the automobile companies in the Indian context. The study findings will render empirical evidence to validate the hypothesised linkages and offer newer insights on this under-explored domain to facilitate conceptual development, strategy formulation, and effective policy development.
    Keywords: organisational performance; leadership; competencies; intelligence; business productivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059793
  • Downtime analysis of a vegetable oil manufacturing company: A case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Faria Aktar Tonny, Mahedi Islam Chayan, Ayesha Maliha, Doulotuzzaman Xames 
    Abstract: This research paper aims to boost overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) by identifying production line inefficiencies in automated vegetable oil production. Over 22 months, we analyzed downtime data from five machines, revealing that 83.7% of failures occurred during filling, capping, and unscrambling. The filling machine caused 50.7% of downtime, primarily due to synching and worm adjustment issues. The capping machine had 21 breakdown types, with nine being common, and the unscrambler had 13 types, with seven common ones. Downtime resulted from setup-adjustment and machine failure issues. Recommendations include preventive maintenance like adjustment, lubrication, cleaning, inspection, and faster response to failures. Our research emphasises the importance of competent operation management, effective maintenance scheduling, and continuous improvement for enhanced OEE and achieving company objectives. It provides valuable insights for production professionals to enhance automated production systems and reduce costs, applicable to similar equipment and processes for improved manufacturing efficiency and loss reduction.
    Keywords: case study; downtime; overall equipment effectiveness; OEE; productivity; root causes; total productive maintenance; TPM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059818
  • Prioritizing Psychological Well-Being at the Workplace for Productive Business Outcomes   Order a copy of this article
    by Nilima Priyadarshini, Jagadeesha Marigowda, Samir Kumar Nanda, Potnuru Rama Krishna Gupta 
    Abstract: The present research examines the role of psychological well-being (PWB) of the employees of the selected manufacturing units for productive business outcomes in an emerging economy. Drawing cues from the extant literature, this research identifies and prioritises the PWB dimensions at the workplace through RIDIT analysis. The empirical findings exhibit personal growth, autonomy, and positive relations with others are the most important dimensions, based on the respondent perceptions. These findings offer novel insights regarding the PWB domain to extend the theoretical knowledge and aid organisational policy formulation for productive advancements in the business. Consequently, this study affirms the vitality of implementing initiatives to provide a conducive work environment for the employees, which can reduce their pressure and stress levels and perform better.
    Keywords: psychological well-being; policy formulation; workplace; productivity; business outcomes.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059925
  • Combined EWMA-Mixed EWMA CUSUM Schemes for Monitoring the Process Mean   Order a copy of this article
    by Dushyant Tyagi, Himani Shonik, Vikas Saxena 
    Abstract: Control charts are the most popular tools of statistical quality control to detect shifts in any operational process. Cumulative sum (CUSUM) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts are used to detect small to moderate shifts, but both have their own limitations. Abbas et al. (2012) presented the mixed EWMA CUSUM (MEC) scheme, wherein he applied CUSUM chart on EWMA statistic. In this paper, we have proposed a combination of EWMA and MEC charts. The performance of the proposed chart is evaluated in terms of the average run length (ARL) and standard deviation of run length (SDRL) values. After comparing the proposed scheme with some existing schemes by ARL ratio, the results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is superior to other schemes.
    Keywords: average runs length; standard deviation of runs length; Monte Carlo simulation; statistical process control; cumulative sum scheme; exponentially weighted moving average scheme.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059926
  • How to Increase Productivity with Simulation Practices in Underground Projects?   Order a copy of this article
    by Mehmet Enes Aksüllü, G. Emre Gurcanli 
    Abstract: The efficient allocation and use of resources is crucial in large and complex construction projects. However, in many countries including Turkey, planning, control, and efficiency have been approached through past experience and simplistic mathematical models. This lack of integration in project scheduling has resulted in cost overruns and inefficiencies. This paper presents a study based on real field observations and practices, aiming to simulate repetitive construction operations in four different construction sites in Istanbul. The focus is on the relationship between lean construction and simulation. The study utilises the EZStrobe simulation tool. Four cases are examined, including a pipe jacking operation, a dry batch and delivery placement operation, and three tunnelling projects using the new Australian tunnelling method. The results demonstrate that real-time projects can be effectively simulated to assess resource productivity. The simulation system can also be used in ongoing or upcoming projects to optimise resource utilisation, minimise waste, and make informed decisions. Ultimately, the use of simulation models can lead to reduced resource requirements, lower costs, shorter cycle times, and higher productivity in construction operations.
    Keywords: simulation; construction industry; productivity; lean construction; EzStrobe; new Australian tunnelling method; NATM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059936
  • Supply Chain Reactions to Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility in Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Maxwell Wahabu Manpaya, DeGraft Owusumanu, D.J. Edwards, Bernard K. Baiden, Md. Zahir Uddin Arif 
    Abstract: Ghana’s economy faces susceptibility to external shocks due to its heavy reliance on imports, making it sensitive to price fluctuations that affect government revenue. The historical depreciation of the currency has also hampered economic growth and fiscal stability. Traditional economic wisdom suggests that services generate fewer well-paying jobs compared to production, but a novel concept called the supply chain economy challenges this notion. This research delves into the supply chains response to inflation and exchange rate volatility in Ghana, where an 8% inflation target guides monetary policy to curb expenses, reduce poverty, and sustain economic growth. Employing statistical methods like generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity and autoregressive distributed lag co-integration, the study explores the relationship between exchange rates and inflation. It reveals that variables like GDP, foreign direct investment, private market loans, and infrastructure spending significantly impact export efficiency in both the short and long-term. Additionally, including imports from the manufacturing industry results in negative inflation. This research provides valuable insights into the entire supply chain within domestic and international economies, particularly in the context of economic variables influence on procurement supply chain dynamics.
    Keywords: exchange rate volatility; gross domestic product; GDP; import; inflation; procurement entities; procurement data.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10059950
  • A novel FMEA approach considering risk factors interaction and quality loss cost   Order a copy of this article
    by Ling Yan, Linhan Ouyang, Yushuai Che 
    Abstract: Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) has been employed by numerous industries to detect and eliminate potential failure modes. This article suggests a new FMEA approach that takes into account the interaction between risk factors in an uncertain and hesitant probabilistic fuzzy environment. The uncertainty and hesitance of experts are depicted by applying probabilistic hesitant fuzzy sets (PHFSs), and the relative relationships of risk factors are obtained by the Choquet integral and Shapley index. The k-means clustering algorithm is applied to determine the action priority of failure modes. Finally, for the high-risk failure modes, the quality loss costs are evaluated from the view of failure costs and prevention costs to give suggestions to engineers and managers. Furthermore, in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach, a practical example of adhesive process for ventilation is provided to illustrate the demonstration of proposed FMEA methodology.
    Keywords: failure modes and effects analysis; FMEA; probabilistic hesitant fuzzy sets; PHFSs; risk factors interaction relationship; quality loss costs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060046
  • Performance Evaluation of International Standard Certification Organizations and Development of an Operational Model for it in Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Bilal Mirza, Nawar Khan 
    Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine the performance evaluation of ISO management system standards on the performance of business companies with the mediating role of consulting firms and the moderating role of the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to enhance the quality of products and performance of business companies. This research adopts a quantitative approach with a positive examination and cross-sectional exploration was chosen to collect data from upper-level management, middle-level management and lower-level management. The data was collected from manufacturing and service industry through the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Pakistan. The results of this research are that the GoP is not giving any incentives to the business community and it becomes difficult for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to adopt ISO certification to compete internationally and also, maintain the quality of products and meet customer satisfaction. The main cause for less total ISO standard certification in Pakistan is the excessive cost and the lack of interest by the GoP.
    Keywords: ISO standards; performance analysis; government initiatives; International Register of Certificated Auditors; IRCA; commercial companies of Pakistan; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060362
  • Way out of the Supply Crises through Risk Minimization - Metrological Comparison of two Polypropylene Materials and Examination with Six Sigma Methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Carsten Engler, Anthimos Georgiadis, Dirk Lange, Nicolas Meier 
    Abstract: The supply crisis has affected social life in almost all sectors. A supply crisis can be avoided or reduced significantly by employing a risk analysis and derived measures as a part of quality management. The present paper researches two polypropylene materials. The aim of this study is to provide answers and possibilities on how to reduce the risk of material shortage in the plastics industry without having to adapt the moulding tool and the process parameters of the injection moulding machine. This metrological study was executed with ultrasonic sensor housings of the automotive industry. To interpret the results accurately, two approaches are in pursuit, technical relevancy, and statistical significance. Both will be described in detail, with the contemplation and interpretation of the results. The statistical significance, as a method of the Six Sigma toolbox, employs the 95% confidence level, the null-hypothesis and the t-test.
    Keywords: risk management; sustainable development; green/environmental productivity; supply chain quality management; Six Sigma management; recycled material; metrological comparison.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060471
  • Evaluating the performance of an aerospace manufacturing company through a case study research   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashish Kumar Roy, R.P. Mohanty 
    Abstract: This paper deals with a case study research conducted on an Indian aircraft manufacturing company known as Hindustan Aeronautic Limited (HAL), which is a defence public sector undertaking (PSU). The study is the first of its kind to evaluate the broad performance in terms of a multiple set of important parameters from the year 20032022. The research focuses on the strategic postures that the management has undertaken during the companys evolutionary growth. The strategic postures at various phases of the life cycle of the company have been diagnosed by using Greiner Curve (1972, 1998) to derive some significant learning for futuristic strategy formulation; which has some broader implications for sustainable manufacturing and sustainability in general (Mohanty and Prakash 2017; Chatterjee and Mohanty, 2023). It is an exploratory and longitudinal case study (Yin, 2018).
    Keywords: case study research; performance evaluation; aerospace industry; organisation life cycle; strategic posture; regenerative strategy; sustainable manufacturing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060474
  • Linking Safety Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour among Manufacturing Workers in Malaysia: A PLS Predict Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Syazwan Syah Zulkifly, Yusmani Mohd Yusoff, Nor Halim Hasan, Mohd Rafee Baharudin, Yudi Fernando 
    Abstract: The manufacturing sector recorded the highest accident cases in Malaysia, and safety behaviour was found to have been the leading cause. The theory of reason action (TRA) proved that attitude could spark intention and lead to behaviour. However, the role of knowledge in influencing behaviour remains ambiguous, and this study applied a research model in which safety knowledge, safety attitude, and safety behaviour were investigated among Malaysia’s manufacturing workers. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 100 respondents who work in manufacturing firms. The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. As a result, safety attitude and knowledge significantly affected safety behaviour, with safety attitude mediating. Furthermore, the PLS predict results determined a high predictive power of the research model. This finding extends previous research by highlighting the roles of safety knowledge and attitude in mediating the relationship between safety knowledge and safety behaviour. The KAB approach is a theoretical foundation for understanding the relationships between safety behaviours, safety knowledge, and safety attitudes. Moreover, the study is unique because it incorporates safety knowledge to predict safety attitudes and affect safety behaviours in the context of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and theory of reason action (TRA).
    Keywords: safety knowledge; safety attitude; safety behaviour; PLS predict; manufacturing industry; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060511
  • E-HRM practices and HR service quality   Order a copy of this article
    by Javad Shahreki, Kavitha Raman, Audrey Lim Li Chin, Maniyarasi Gowindasamy, Seyedeh Shiva Hashemi, Nor Fauziana Ibrah 
    Abstract: Through the mediation of user instruction, and moderation of user acceptance of the e-HRM system, this research investigates how e-HRM practices (operational, relational, and transformational) affect the efficiency of HR services. Data were gathered via a questionnaire from a sample of 362 line managers and HR specialists who worked with HR applications in service and manufacturing sectors in Malaysia. The findings indicated that user instruction mediates the impact of e-HRM practices on the efficacy of HR services, additionally, the quality of HR services is more strongly impacted by e-HRM practices when user acceptance of the system is high (vs. low). The body of knowledge is expanded by this study by highlighting the impact of relational, transformational, and operational e-HRM techniques on the effectiveness of HR services. Moreover, it offers line managers and HR experts insightful information on the value of user training for a successful adoption of e-HRM.
    Keywords: e-HRM practices; e-HRM utilisation; user acceptance; user instruction; HRM quality of service.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060633
  • Synchronizing Innovation in Sustainability and Cultural Transformation within Urban Ecosystem   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajagopal Rajagopal, Ananya Rajagopal 
    Abstract: The social consciousness in performing rituals largely indicates the community orientation towards sustainability and congruence with the neurobehavioural (viz. memories, emotions, and transcendental values), behavioural economic, and cultural anthropology factors in transforming conventional rituals. This study analyses the changing behaviour of people adapting to sustainable rituals for deceased people and prospecting technology use to digitise the memories. The data has been collected in metropolitan area of Mexico City. Reviewing the ritual theory, theory of social change, and social cognitive theory, six hypotheses have been constructed with 21 variables. The results of this study analyse the changes in the behaviour of the individuals in the context of adoption of sustainable practices through the ease of use of technology. The use of digitisation of memories of the deceased and retrieval of the same through QR codes embedded in the urns has stimulated the lower stratum consumers to adapt sustainable ritual practices.
    Keywords: social consciousness; sustainability; technology; rituals; economic impact.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060634
  • The Dynamics between Counterfeit Anti-Measures and Elements of Resilience: an Empirical Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Flavia Lima, Andrea Silva, Igor Gallo, Moacir Godinho Filho 
    Abstract: The literature on counterfeit is fragmented, and some authors proposed that resilience could provide the elements to combat counterfeit, although no research was found to explore their relationship empirically. Our research explores the relationship between supply chain resilience (SCR) and counterfeit anti-measures in medicine supply chains. This paper carried out multiple case studies involving wholesalers, distributors, hospitals, and a government agency. Our research proposes a framework and two propositions to guide managers and scholars on how elements of resilience and counterfeit anti-measures interact to improve the medicine supply chain’s resilience regarding counterfeit. This research showed that information sharing and collaboration are the two starting points of counterfeit resilience, and companies should focus their actions on consumers, organisations, and supply chains. This paper contributed by: 1) presenting which counterfeit anti measures enable such resilience; 2) showing where companies should focus their efforts to reduce the counterfeit threat.
    Keywords: medicine supply chain; resilience; counterfeit anti-measures.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060667
  • Software effort estimation using validated accuracy points for open-source packaged software   Order a copy of this article
    by Anitha Gracy, Chandrakumar Thangavel, Parthasarathy S, Vaishnavi V, Premnitin P 
    Abstract: The current trend is open-source software (OSS), which organisations can use and change to fulfil product needs. This study introduces validated accuracy points (VAP) to properly estimate effort for open-source code-based packaged software, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) that was built using agile methods. This study employed 14 software projects from one company. This research compares different software effort estimation methods using machine learning (ML) algorithms like extreme gradient boosting (XGB) to validate the package points (PP) and validated accuracy points (VAP) with mean squared error (MSE) for startup companies that use customised open-source packaged software packages.
    Keywords: package points; function points; lines of code; object points; open source; agile method; machine learning; effort estimation; extreme gradient boosting; XGB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060668
  • Conceptualizing and validating a customer satisfaction measurement model in e-services. Evidence from the Greek e-banking sector   Order a copy of this article
    by George Paltayian, Styliani Xanthopoulou, Dimitris Gavalas, Eftychia Kessopoulou, Dimitrios Angelis 
    Abstract: This study aimed to measure customer satisfaction by employing the five key dimensions of the SERVQUAL model. The dimensions of the SERVQUAL model and a focus group method was used to conceptualise a research model proposed for customer satisfaction measurement in the Greek e-banking sector. A questionnaire was designed and administered to 1,026 e-banking users, and a total of 333 respondents replied. For assessment of the measurement model, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used. Additionally, for assessment of the structural model, the partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modelling (SEM) technique was employed. The validated customer satisfaction measurement tool includes three dimensions, namely performability, responsiveness, and assurance, which have significant and positive relationships with the customer satisfaction construct. Due to the locality of the context, we suggest that further research should be conducted to generalise the findings in e-banking and e-commerce. This paper is the first attempt to provide a validated customer-satisfaction-measurement model based on the dimensions of the SERVQUAL model that directly asks customers to weight service attributes while using a tool based on statistical inference from observed associations.
    Keywords: customer satisfaction; mixed research method; partial least squares; PLS; structural equation modelling; SEM; e-service; e-banking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060725
  • Use of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) for Productivity and Sustainable Livelihood of the Rural Communities   Order a copy of this article
    by Tumula Dilleswar Rao, N.V.J. Rao 
    Abstract: This research evaluates the impact of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) towards enhancing the community capacity building and sustainable livelihood of the regional communities in the context of an emerging market. Based in insights from the prior studies, this research identifies certain gaps and attempts to fill the vacuum in the literature of community capacity building. Structural equation modelling was applied to test the hypothesised model using 346 responses drawn from survey participants. The study findings show that NTFPs positively and significantly affect the sustainable livelihood and productivity of the local communities in the selected forest regions. Further, association between NTFPs and community capacity building was found positive. Moreover, community capacity building plays a mediating role in the link between NTFPs and sustainable livelihood. These research findings lend empirical support to the limited literature on community capacity building and provide cues to the policymakers to devise effective strategies and initiatives.
    Keywords: non-timber; sustainable livelihood; rural; forest product; productivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060741
  • Revisiting the concept of 5S: A comparative analysis study through the lens of pioneers   Order a copy of this article
    by Manuel F. Suarez-Barraza, José A. Miguel-Dávila, Kodo Yokozawa 
    Abstract: The global pandemic due to the COVID-19 disease promoted webinars, courses and seminars on social networks. One of these themes in the midst of all the webinars and trainings has been the 5'S. This profiling has generated confusion and failures when applying it. Therefore, it is a priority to review and study them from the perspective of the two pioneering authors of the technique Takashi Osada (1989; 1991), and Hiroyuki Hirano (1995), to try to generate greater theoretical-practical light from its origins in the within Japanese organizations. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is an analytic approach and set of research tools that combines detailed within-case analysis and formalized crosscase comparisons. Our main findings were a theoretical intersection between the works of Osada (1991) and Hirano (1995) to describe the common elements of all the "S" of the 5'S technique.
    Keywords: 5’S; conceptual analysis; Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA); Osada and Hirano.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060841
  • OLUE - Overall Load and Unload stations Effectiveness: a model for measuring the efficiency in bulk liquid storage terminals   Order a copy of this article
    by Fabiano Nunes 
    Abstract: This article presents a model based on OEE, called OLUE, to measure the efficiency of loading and unloading operations in liquid bulk storage terminals. Through a focus group, a model was developed with six specialists who validated this model in the management of operations in Brazilian liquid bulk storage terminals. The model was implemented in a liquid bulk storage terminal to validate its practical applicability and presented satisfactory results in its practical application. The results were about efficiency and which activities and events carried out in loaded trucks undermine this efficiency. Thus, it provides the management of these terminals with the possibility of management through data and facts. The measurement of loading and unloading resources in liquid bulk storage terminals has not yet been disclosed, so this proposed model can improve the management of these resources and the operations of these environments.
    Keywords: efficiency; loading and unloading bulk liquid; operating terminals; overall equipment effectiveness; OEE; efficiency measurement; overall load and unload stations effectiveness; OLUE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10060852
  • A meta-analysis review of Total Quality Management issues in Operational performance research: Systematic and Pareto Analysis Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Tibesigwa Warren, Juma James Masele, Gerald Magova 
    Abstract: Current business and organisational management has seen the need for total quality management (TQM) implementation to improve organisational performance. This paper critically assesses the literature on TQM and operational performance issues in order to identify areas for future research. Systematic and Pareto analysis review methodologies were used to study articles published between 20002023 in order to identify the most vital TQM practices and operational performance dimensions. Twelve vital TQM practices in operational performance research and seven vital dimensions of operational performance were identified. It was also noted that literature on TQM and operational performance is still wanting since some practices were found to have mixed effects on operational performance. Findings also showed that most studies in this area have been done in manufacturing sector of developed countries with few in the service sector like health subsectors of developing countries. Furthermore, quantitative methodology has been most preferred ignoring qualitative and mixed methods. Thus, more studies need to be done in various sectors to fill the identified research gaps.
    Keywords: total quality management practices; operational performance; OP; Pareto analysis; systematic review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061094
  • The Role of Sustainable HRM Practices improving Employee Performance and Productivity   Order a copy of this article
    by Sasmita Senapati, Mousumi Panda 
    Abstract: Sustainable HRM practices (SHRM), an on-going trend in the present scenario, but yet to mark its presence globally. This paper is based on the review of different journal articles of national and international repute describing the impact of SHRM on employee performance (EP). Different factors of SHRM include employee psychological development and well-being, employee satisfaction (ES), quality of work life (QWL), organisational change and development (OCD), innovative work behaviour (IWB), employee consultation and involvement (ECI), career development and organisational learning (CD and OL), emotional intelligence (EI), organisational climate and culture (OCC) and work life balance (WLB) and its impact on employee performance have taken into account in order to make this article justifiable. The result reveals that there certainly exists a healthy connection between SHRM and EP. The study gives a novel and also a must scope for the organisation in order to survive in the present and long run.
    Keywords: sustainable HRM practices; SHRM; employee performance; EP; sustainability; productivity; organisational effectiveness; quality of work life; QWL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061145
  • Implementation of overall equipment effectiveness and financial performance assessment framework in a semiconductor manufacturing facility: A case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Chen Fung Liew, Joshua Prakash, Kok Seng Ong 
    Abstract: This paper expands the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) so that the financial performance of the equipment at any OEE can be evaluated. The equipment performance in operationally and financially completely narrates the effectiveness of the operation. Prior studies related OEE to profit, revenue, equipment acquisition cost, operating cost, and maintenance cost to measure equipment financial performance in OEE. A discussion is provided why the profit, revenue, and operating cost are not relevant to OEE. This study suggests the equipment cost efficiency (ECE) metric in the framework to quantify how much of the equipment acquisition cost and maintenance cost are wasted by OEE losses. The ECE framework is demonstrated by a semiconductor manufacturer. The framework effectively saves 48.7% cost wastage by increasing the OEE by 21.6%.
    Keywords: OEE; equipment efficiency cost; equipment acquisition cost; maintenance cost; improvement cost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061153
  • Using work study to improve efficiency: A Case of Assembly line Micro-enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Boysana Lephoi Mbonyane, Jan Harm Christiaan Pretorius, Charles Mbohwa 
    Abstract: The integration of work study charts, diagrams and techniques is critical for the optimal operation of micro-enterprises. As the impact of these merging tools to improve efficiency in micro-enterprises has been inconclusive, this study aimed to explore the impact of a work study using process charts, diagrams and techniques to measure the efficiency of the bolts and nuts assembly line environment in Gauteng, South Africa. An observation survey was used to collect data targeting four workstations. Forecasting was used to ensure that data is adequate and consistent based on the planned reconfiguration for improved assembly line micro-enterprise operation. The results identified the application of the work study tools as having a significant positive impact to improve the efficiency of Gauteng micro-enterprises. The application of this strategy merging work study charts, diagrams and techniques will ensure that the operational performance of micro-enterprises is measured and the efficiency is improved.
    Keywords: work study; efficiency; work study techniques; workstations; SMEs; assembly line; load factor.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061216
  • Enhancing Business Productivity through Employee Performance in Public and Private Logistics companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Durga Madhab Padhy, Sadananda Sahoo, Santanu Kumar Das 
    Abstract: The logistics landscape in the emerging markets has been showing an upward growth due to the developments in infrastructure and manufacturing sector. Accordingly, the logistics companies are putting their best foot forward to enhance the employee performance and ensure a proper work-life balance (WLB) in the long run. In response, this research makes an attempt to explore the various dimensions of employee performance and WLB in the Indian logistic context. The study findings will render empirical evidence to prioritise the dimensions based on the empirical rankings and offer newer insights on this under-explored domain to facilitate conceptual development and strategy formulation.
    Keywords: logistics; job performance; work-life balance; business productivity; RIDIT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061308
  • Innovative Behavior Forecasting: Assessment of the Impact of organizational intelligence factors   Order a copy of this article
    by Azadeh Soltani, Zahra Nikkhah-Farkhani 
    Abstract: The emergence of innovative behaviours is always one of the most important concerns of managers, especially in knowledge organisations, in which innovative behaviours can significantly influence productivity. This study aims to investigate the effect of organisational intelligence on the innovative behaviours of knowledgeable employees in the research and development sector of active pharmaceutical companies. We collect data using a questionnaire and apply data mining methods to find the importance of each factor. The results show that the dimension of alignment and congruence followed by appetite for change has the highest impact on the emergence of innovative behaviours. It seems that human resource managers can play a significant role in the emergence of innovative behaviours by creating effective communication networks to form informal groups in line with the organisational goals, as well as establishing a knowledge management system to foster a culture of change acceptance.
    Keywords: innovative behaviour; machine learning; support vector machine; SVM; multilayer perceptron; MLP; Shapley additive explanations; SHAP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061344
  • Application of Lean Methodology in Civil Construction: Analysis and optimisation of the internal logistics of a construction site.   Order a copy of this article
    by Carlos Santos, Jonata Santos, Adriel Bispo, Carolina Nunes, Edgard Neto, Jerisnaldo Lopes, Izete Silva 
    Abstract: With the evolution of the civil construction market, there is a growing need for improvements in processes and cost reduction. One such improvement is the implementation of lean construction. The objective of this study is to propose process improvements for the ABC Construction Company to reduce waste in activities related to masonry lifting at a construction site. The study comprises three phases: bibliographic research, field research, and data analysis. The simulation of layout improvements resulted in a significant reduction in material handling time at the construction site. These findings demonstrate that a greater focus on logistics in civil construction can lead to less wastage and generate process improvements.
    Keywords: lean construction; material handling; logistic; civil construction; construction site; lean manufacturing; production engineering; civil engineering.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061423
  • Feasibility Study of Process Flow Efficiency Using Value Stream Mapping and Simulation Applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Ibadurrahman, Rosmaini Ahmad 
    Abstract: This paper presents a feasibility study to optimise the efficiency of a production flow. This study applied the value stream mapping (VSM) technique and simulation approach to analyse to what extent the current company improvement effort benefits the company, then proposed an extended improvement strategy based on the LM approach. Initial results identified two main problems; bottleneck issues and an imbalance workload of operators. Simulation results revealed the previous improvement efforts carried out by the company are insignificant in reducing the bottleneck issue. Simulation results indicate the new improvement proposal be able to reduce the busy time of operators at IPP workstations from 94% to 69%, and increase the operators utilisation at OBP workstations from 44% to 95%. The new proposal also shows an increment of the final productivity to 96 boxes compared to 91 boxes based on current improvements initiated by the company.
    Keywords: lean manufacturing; LM; value stream mapping; VSM; simulation; 5S; line balancing; packaging.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061543
  • Clinician Resources Participation Role in Standard Compliance and Service Quality Performance of Teaching Hospital Indonesia: PLS-SEM Based Investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Alfarizi, Faradila Anjani, Nurichwan Sofyan, Lianna Wijaya 
    Abstract: Teaching hospitals face the dual challenge of maintaining quality service for patients and clinical students, with clinician resources playing a crucial role. This study explores clinician resource participation in Indonesian teaching hospitals, adhering to national accreditation and global teaching hospital standards set by the Joint Commission International. Using a quantitative approach with online surveys, 196 clinical professional students were purposively sampled as the population. Structural equation modelling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) was employed to analyse the data. The study revealed that active clinician resource participation significantly impacts hospital compliance with accreditation and global teaching standards. Top management acts as a mediator. Furthermore, compliance with these standards influenced teaching hospital service quality performance. To optimise teaching hospital business performance, the study recommends developing compliance strategies for clinical resources, monitoring service quality standards through the accreditation task force, and fostering knowledge of risk management.
    Keywords: accreditation; clinician resource; Joint Commission International; JCI; service quality; teaching hospital; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061667
  • Circular Economic Practices in Lean Construction Projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Drisya Murali, Aswathy Sreenivasan, M. Suresh 
    Abstract: The growing global demand for construction materials poses significant challenges to sustainability and the environment. While lean construction aimed to optimise resource use, it inadvertently increased waste and resource depletion Circular economic practices, advocating for a waste-free approach, align with the principles of a circular economy, emphasising maximum value extraction and product regeneration post-service life. This article employs bibliometric analysis using the SPAR-4-SLR protocol, utilising tools like the R package Biblioshiny and VOSviewer for visualising bibliometric networks. This article evaluates the impact of integrating circular economic principles into lean construction projects, offering the potential for advancing sustainable development within the construction industry. The study seeks to assess the viability and applicability of integrating circular strategies into lean construction, exploring opportunities, and providing guidance for sustainable construction practices by harmonising circular economy with lean construction. Furthermore, the research scrutinises the economic implications of incorporating circular economic practices into lean construction projects.
    Keywords: circular economy; construction industry; lean construction; literature review; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10061864
  • Advancing sustainability through efficient production processes: integrating ISO standards, Lean Six-sigma and Artificial Intelligence   Order a copy of this article
    by António Rocha, Edit Sule, Fernando Romero, Ricardo Simões 
    Abstract: In a circular economy, products must be designed and produced to a high standard of quality, durability, and reliability, to be easy to maintain and repair, and manufacturing processes must be efficient to minimise waste, information, and energy losses. Our research focuses on sustainable business success while addressing environmental concerns. Data from the European Environmental Agency's PRTR database has been analysed to identify industries contributing the most to air and water pollution and whether emissions have decreased over time. Findings highlight the need for stronger commitment and investment to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. As a contribution to this end, a baseline for an integrated management system for industrial sustainability (IMSIS) is proposed, combining ISO standards, Lean Six Sigma, and artificial intelligence (AI), making use of advanced technologies. This approach aims to address productivity and sustainability challenges, leading to reduced manufacturing waste and improved energy and information use.
    Keywords: sustainability; process efficiency; management systems; artificial intelligence; Lean Six Sigma; advanced technologies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10062340
  • Impact of consumer ethnocentrism and perceived efficacy of organic certifying agencies on purchase intention: The mediating role of attitude   Order a copy of this article
    by Seema ., Prinkle ., Mahabir Narwal 
    Abstract: With regard to young consumers in a developing organic market like India, this study examined the impact of consumer ethnocentrism (CET) on purchase intention for organic food (PITN) and further research into the effect of perceived efficacy of organic regulatory agencies (PEFC) as well as potential interactions of consumer ethnocentrism and perceived efficacy with purchase intention towards domestic organic food having attitude (ATD) as a mediating variable. Data was collected from 210 young respondents in Delhi NCR and structure equation modelling was used for analysis. It was found that highly ethnocentric young people and positive perceptions about the efficacy of organic certifying agencies lead to favourable attitudes toward domestic organic food purchases. Also, CET does not seem to affect purchase intention directly but the perceived efficacy does. ATD plays the role of mediator between CET and PITN showing full mediation. While mediation between the PEFC and PITN is partial.
    Keywords: consumer attitude; purchase intention; structural equation modelling; consumer ethnocentrism; perceived regulatory efficacy; organic food; mediating effect; India; young consumers; common method bias.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10062341
  • Impact of technological advancements on environmentally conscious manufacturing in Indian manufacturing industries   Order a copy of this article
    by Virendra Kumar Verma, Anil Kumar Bajpai, Shrikant Tiwari 
    Abstract: This paper explores the impact of technological advancements on environmentally conscious manufacturing (ECM) in Indian manufacturing industries (IMI). India’s manufacturing sector has grown significantly over the past few decades, and this growth has brought with it environmental challenges. The research investigates how technological advancements can be used to address these challenges and promote ECM. The research also examined existing research on the impact of technology on ECM. Primary data is collected from Indian manufacturing companies through surveys and interviews to understand the current state of ECM in the country and the role of technology in facilitating it. The results indicate that technological advancements have a significant impact on ECM in IMI. The use of advanced technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things can lead to increased efficiency. Case studies of successful implementation of ECM using technology in IMI are presented.
    Keywords: environmentally conscious manufacturing; ECM; sustainable manufacturing; digital manufacturing; drivers; barriers; Indian manufacturing industries; IMI; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10062573
  • Nexus among Blockchain Technology, Digital Transformation, and Digital Accounting Practices: Moderating Effect of Information Technology Governance   Order a copy of this article
    by Malik Abu Afifa, Nha Nguyen Minh 
    Abstract: This research intends to assess the effect of blockchain technology (BCT) on digital accounting practices (DAP), mediated by digital transformation (DT), in Vietnam, a developing country, in the post-COVID-19 context. In addition, information technology governance (ITG) was regarded as a moderator for the aforementioned nexuses. An email survey was used to collect the data. 1,000 emails containing the survey were sent to the chief executive officers (CEOs) of publicly listed Vietnamese manufacturing companies using a convenient sampling method. A total of 340 responses were examined using partial least squares structural equation modelling to investigate the research hypotheses. Our findings show that BCT and DT have a favourable impact on DAP in Vietnamese manufacturing companies. Furthermore, DT plays a significant role in mediating the relationship between BCT and DAP. Additionally, ITG significantly moderates the BCT-DT and BCT-DAP nexuses, respectively.
    Keywords: blockchain technology; digital accounting; digital transformation; IT governance; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10062584
  • Do AI and Data Science Models help Construction Projects Mitigate Risks, Improve Productivity and Quality Management Practices. An Outlook from the Project Organisation's Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Nagarajan Muthukrishnan, R. Ganapathi Ramasamy 
    Abstract: Quality, productivity and risk management in construction projects is always critical. The profitability of the project is lesser as compared to the overall performance of the construction project as opined by respondents. Project quality, project cost control and on-time delivery are positively and significantly related to the overall performance and profitability of construction firms. Further, the overall performance is positively and significantly influencing profitability in construction projects. Furthermore, it is suggested that construction firms or respondents should regularly assess various risks associated with construction projects at all stages and adopt efficient and appropriate risk management practices for attaining a higher degree of performance and profitability. The proposed artificial neural network model will be effective in improving risk management and improve project performance. AI Algorithms and data science techniques with deployed models will help to solve the productivity, risk and quality management issues in construction projects.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; construction projects; project performance; risk management practices; profitability; quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10062905
  • Quality and Reliability Management in Research and Development a Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Manmeet Singh, Nilesh Ware 
    Abstract: Quality and reliability management aims at delivering a high-quality product that meets the requirements of the customer. The aim of the research is to identify various quality and reliability factors that result in the advancement of the quality of an engineering product and illustrate their usefulness during different design stages. A literature survey is carried out to review the criteria for identifying quality indicators contributing to quality and reliability management. The usefulness of quality factors during different life cycle stages of the R&D product has also been analysed through a focus group study. The research shows the importance of quality attributes, which contribute to customer satisfaction. The various quality and reliability factors, such as failure management through failure identification and analysis, human factor awareness and training, optimisation of cost, process improvement by following best practices, and quality assurance through standards, are the key indicators for determining the quality of an R&D product.
    Keywords: quality and reliability management; quality factors; R&D management; research and development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10062913
  • Comprehensive Model for Optimal Management of Perishable Goods Incorporating Non-linear Carrying Costs, Learning Effects, and Expiration Dates   Order a copy of this article
    by Ketan Naik, Monika Naik 
    Abstract: In today's dynamic market, the demand for fresh produce is surging, driven by factors such as the freshness index, shelf space allocation, selling prices, and expiration dates. This study delves into the market demand's intricate dynamics, positing a quadratic period function as its foundation. Key influencers include freshness index, selling price, shelf space allocation, and expiration date. At the conclusion of the replenishment cycle, maintaining a higher stock level proves advantageous. This article employs a nonlinear analytical approach, incorporating time and stock quantity, to assess the demand rate, learning effects, and carrying costs. To enhance a retailer's profitability margin, a novel strategy is presented, utilising classical optimisation techniques. The derived model is substantiated through a numerical illustration and sensitivity analysis, offering valuable managerial insights by showcasing the concave nature of the profit function through negative definiteness of the Hessian matrix.
    Keywords: time-price stock-based demand; learning effect; nonlinear carrying cost; freshness index; expiration date.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10062919
  • Exploring the Link between Fintech Adoption and Sustainable Performance in the Banking Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Amjad Ghazi AL-Habashneh 
    Abstract: This study looks at exploring the link between fintech adoption and sustainable performance in Jordanian banks. This study suggests a UTAUT model that identifies major factors that affect how quickly banks adopt fintech. Data was collected from 80 heads of departments, financial managers, and IT managers from 13 Jordanian banks. The study's outcomes substantiated the favourable influence of several factors on fintech adoption, namely technological infrastructure, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, and security. Furthermore, the study confirmed the constructive contribution of fintech adoption to sustainable performance. This research offers practical guidance to policymakers and banking leaders to bolster fintech adoption for performance sustainability.
    Keywords: technological infrastructure; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; trust and security; fintech; sustainable performance; banking sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10062920
  • Operational governance practices and their impact on return on investment   Order a copy of this article
    by Khleef Alkhawaldeh 
    Abstract: This research examined operational governance practices and the relationship between operational governance practices and return on investment. Operational governance practices related to structure, strategy, resources and processes were measured through a questionnaire distributed to directors responsible for organisational development functions in service companies in Jordan. The return on investment of these service companies for the year 2022 is published on the Jordanian Securities Depository Center website. Results indicated that self-reported operational governance practices across the areas of structure, strategy, resources and processes are not statistically significantly lower than very good = 4 on the five-point response scale. The results also indicated that there are positive, statistically significant relationships between operational governance practices and return on investment for service companies in Jordan. The study showed that governance practices extend to various organisational and institutional capabilities in the company. The results support the focus on operational governance practices in service companies that seek to improve their return on investment and overall performance.
    Keywords: governance; operational governance practices; performance; return on investment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10062966
  • Impact of Community Participation in Enhancing Eco-Tourism and Productivity for Sustainable Business Practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Joyant Yosobardhan Sahoo, Pravash Ranjan Mohapatra, Siddharth Misra 
    Abstract: The present research explores the effect of community participation towards enhancing ecotourism development and productivity for sustainable business practices in the Indian context. To meet the research objective, the relevant data was collected from 268 tourist respondents who participated in the opinion survey. The empirical results based on structural equation modelling reveals positive and significant links between the models constructs. Also, the findings affirm the mediating role of eco-tourism development in the path from community participation towards sustainability. The findings offer interesting cues to the academicians to extend their understanding regarding the eco-tourism domain. Further, the results provide new insights to tour and travel companies and policymakers to formulate effective development strategies to attract more tourists.
    Keywords: community; participation; ecotourism; sustainable practices; productivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10063070
  • Evaluating Quality Management in an Aircraft Manufacturing Company through the Lens of MBNQA Criteria   Order a copy of this article
    by Danish Nasir 
    Abstract: This study examines the quality management practices within a defence public sector undertaking (DPSU) company, specialising in the production and distribution of aircraft and accessories across multiple divisions in India. The company's efficient delivery of aircraft units relies heavily on a robust quality management system. To assess the company's performance, a questionnaire was developed based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) criteria, and responses were gathered from junior, middle, and top management executives across various departments. The executives were strategically selected from diverse departments to ensure comprehensive coverage of all aspects outlined in the questionnaire. The company received an MBNQA score of 604, indicating satisfactory performance. Areas demanding immediate attention include knowledge management and results, while leadership, customer focus, and operational focus also warrant careful consideration. The self-assessment worksheet delineates departmental responsibilities and establishes a timeline for progress, offering a structured approach for improvement initiatives. The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the prevailing Quality Management practices within the company, shedding light on areas that require focused efforts to enhance overall effectiveness.
    Keywords: MBNQA; quality; awards.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10063183
  • Determining the Relationship Between Organisational Climate and Perceived Inclusion at the Workplace -an Empirical Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Snehlata Sangwan, Shalini Garg 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to understand how the organisational climate contributes to shaping employees' perceptions about inclusion in the workplace. The study employed survey techniques using a structured questionnaire administered to 520 IT-ITES workers in Delhi-NCR. Only 250 responses were found eligible for further investigation after deleting the outliers and incomplete responses. Moreover, secondary data was collected from numerous research papers from various sources, like Google Scholar and Research Gate. The path coefficient study revealed that both diversity climate and inclusion climate had a substantial effect on predicting the feeling of inclusion among employees in the IT industry.
    Keywords: organisational climate; perceived inclusion; diversity climate; inclusive climate; organisational culture.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10063514
  • A new Bayesian model averaging ensemble modeling method for surrogate-assisted reliability-based design optimization of FBTAM   Order a copy of this article
    by Liangqi Wan, Yumeng Wei, Qiaoke Zhang 
    Abstract: A reliable design of the flexure-based bridge-type amplification mechanism (FBTAM) using surrogate-assisted reliability-based design optimisation (RBDO) greatly relies on a robust surrogate model accounting for the model form uncertainty. At present, surrogate modelling methods have attracted widespread attention in RBDO framework, especially for the ensemble modelling method. However, they suffer from model-form uncertainty in ensemble modelling process due to the lack of information and knowledge, as well as assumptions and simplifications made in models, which leads to an inaccurate estimation. To enhance the robustness of an ensemble modelling method of surrogate-assisted RBDO for the FBTAM, a new Bayesian model averaging (BMA) ensemble modelling method is proposed. The BMA strategy is adopted where the model-form uncertainty is well considered in the model structure before constructing an ensemble model. A typical FBTAM is utilised to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Comparison results revealed that the proposed method has a higher robustness and accuracy compared to the existing modelling method, and thus reached a better RBDO design.
    Keywords: Bayesian model averaging; BMA; reliability-based design optimisation; RBDO; desirability function; compliant mechanism; model-form uncertainty.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10063722
  • A Systematic Review of the Association Between Competitive Strategies, Quality Management, and Non-Financial and Financial Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhenia Tahmasebinia, Mahmoud Dehghan Nayeri, Foozhan Tahmasebinia 
    Abstract: This study aims to systematically examine the relationship between quality management, competitive strategies (cost leadership, concentration, and differentiation), and performance (non-financial and financial). The Web of Science platform and Scopus database were used for collecting the data, and 127 articles were finally chosen from these two important databases. Our analysis shows a positive relationship between quality management, competitive strategies (cost leadership, focus, and differentiation), and non-financial and financial performance. Based on our investigation, our proposal includes both direct and indirect connections between the aforementioned concepts. This research presents several novel contributions: examining the associations between the above-mentioned concepts and thereby helping to strengthen their theoretical framework. In addition, the study proposed combining quality management practices with competitive strategies to enhance non-financial performance and then improve financial performance to survive in a constantly changing competitive environment.
    Keywords: competitive strategies; cost leadership; differentiation; financial performance; focus; non-financial performance; quality management; systematic review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10063806
  • A novel FUZZY-FMEA method for risk assessment of In-vehicle information system under uncertainty   Order a copy of this article
    by Yongbo Cheng, Xiao Liu, Liangqi Wan, Qiaoke Zhang 
    Abstract: Existing fuzzy-based failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a widely used method to assess potential failure mode risks in a risk assessment. However, most fuzzy-based FMEA methods suffer from a problem that they only consider three classical risk factors (i.e., occurrence, severity, and detection) to evaluate the risk in risk priority number (RPN) but ignore economic factor (cost), which leads to an inaccurate risk ranking of failure modes with higher total potential maintenance cost. To solve the problem, a novel fuzzy-based FMEA method is proposed, which integrates the economic factor (cost) into the fuzzy-based FMEA framework. In the proposed method, the fuzzy linguistic variables are utilised to represent the imprecise assessment information. Then, a comprehensive weight method based on the fuzzy set and the fuzzy entropy methods is developed to obtain the subjective weights and the objective weights of risk factors, respectively. Additionally, a periodic detection model and fuzzy grey relational analysis (FGRA) are integrated to calculate the potential maintenance cost and prioritise the risk of potential failure modes. Eventually, the proposed method is applied to an in-vehicle information system (IVIS) to demonstrate its effectiveness.
    Keywords: FMEA; fuzzy set; grey relational analysis; risk assessment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10063855
  • A novel enhanced Kriging-based method for reliability analysis integrating Bayesian optimization with ensemble strategy   Order a copy of this article
    by Yongbo Cheng, Manman Dong, Liangqi Wan 
    Abstract: This paper introduces an innovative and adaptive enhanced kriging-based approach for reliability analysis, combining Bayesian optimisation with posterior probability. The proposed methodology aims to overcome the shortcomings of inaccuracy of traditional kriging methods. The enhanced kriging model offers a more accurate prediction by an ensemble of different individual kriging models. Bayesian optimisation enhances the reliability assessment by providing a probabilistic measure of the model's accuracy. Furthermore, the posterior probability is employed to calculate the optimal weights for each kriging model. The approach improves the accuracy and efficiency of reliability analysis in complex systems. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, two illustrative examples including a high-nonlinear problem and a small failure probability problem are presented, showcasing its ability to provide accurate and robust failure probability estimates. This novel integration of kriging, Bayesian optimisation, and posterior probability offers great instruction in improving product quality and engineering applications.
    Keywords: quality management; kriging; reliability analysis; Bayesian optimisation; ensemble strategy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064017
  • The Impact of Motivation Factors on Academic Staff Performance: Empirical Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Engelbert Zefaj, Kestrim Avdimetaj 
    Abstract: The research aims to explore the impact of motivational factors on academic staff in universities. To achieve this purpose, a quantitative methodology was applied, where through an online questionnaire, primary data were collected and empirical analyses were carried out with econometric methods such as Logit, Probit and Marginal Effects. The impact measurement was carried out for motivating or demotivating factors, such as: work overload, unpaid work, tasks diversification, salary increase, recognition, formalization and empowerment, transparency etc. The research has enlightened the motivational factors with the most impact on the academic staff performance. The research value lies in the econometric models used for data analysis to produce empirical results that are not often encountered in research dealing with the motivation of academic staff. Findings suggest that higher education institutions should increase their commitment for more effective motivational policies regarding to academic staff in order to ensure higher performance and quality.
    Keywords: Higher Education; Academic Staff; Motivation; Performance; Quality; Empirical Analyses.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064131
  • How much is Lean Six Sigma applied by Small and Medium Enterprises? Systematic Literature Review 2015 -2023   Order a copy of this article
    by Engelbert Zefaj 
    Abstract: This study aims to find out how much the scientific literature has followed and treated the application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A systematic literature review related to LSS and SMEs was conducted to gather useful knowledge about LSS in general and LSS applied to SMEs. Carefully selected criteria such as year of publication, publisher, research type and research field were applied to identify appropriate papers. Findings of this research show that LSS is a useful concept because it improves the performance of SMEs, however, the number of papers treating the application of LSS in SMEs is limited. Although in their study Albliwi et al. (2015) say that LSS have become one of the most popular business strategies for establishing continuous improvements in production, services and public service organisations, this research confirms that it is not the same in relation to SMEs.
    Keywords: Lean; Six Sigma; small and medium-sized enterprise; SME; barriers; successes.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064133
  • Designing a Maturity Assessment Model of the Productivity Management System for Iranian Organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali Haji Gholam Saryazdi, Hedayat KargarShouroki, Mohamad Saleh Owlia, Abbas Zare Banadkooki, Ahmad Ahmadi Yazdi 
    Abstract: Despite the theoretical importance of productivity, there is no comprehensive model to guide businesses in establishing a productivity management system. This research aims to develop such a model using information from research literature and expert opinions. Additionally, it presents an evaluation scheme to measure the maturity of productivity management systems in Iranian organisations. The first step involved using content analysis to identify the key conceptual elements of the productivity management subsystem from scientific documents and interviews. Expert meetings were then conducted to determine the interactions between these components, resulting in an integrated model. The successful implementation of this two-step process validated the model, known as i-MAPS. According to the model, individuals responsible for improving productivity in manufacturing and service businesses in Iran's public and private sectors should strive to establish productivity management systems based on the elements outlined in the model to achieve their goals.
    Keywords: productivity; productivity management; productivity management system; maturity assessment model; i-MAPS model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064431
  • Role of consumer ethnocentrism and perceived regulatory efficacy of organic food certification agencies on attitude-intention relationship   Order a copy of this article
    by Prinkle ., Seema Chalal, Mahabir Narwal 
    Abstract: Current research proposes a novel model that examines the moderating impact of consumer ethnocentrism and the perceived efficacy of certifying institutions on the purchase intention of organic foods among young Indians. Primary data were acquired from 210 consumers using a 15-item questionnaire. Structural equation modelling was employed for analysis. The results divulge that the ethnocentric behaviour of young Indians has a moderating impact on the positive relation between attitude towards the purchase of certified foreign organic food and purchase intention. Meanwhile, the perceived efficacy of certifying agencies has a partially mediating impact on the purchase intention for foreign organic food through attitude as a mediator. Consumers who place a higher value on quality certification rather than the country of origin are more likely to acquire organic products from foreign sources. Ethnocentric communities in local markets can be targeted through appropriate branding and communications, such as swadeshi campaigns. Additionally, organic food can be sold at a premium price by obtaining higher quality certification from reputed agencies.
    Keywords: organic food; consumers’ attitude; purchase intention; moderating effect; structural equation modelling; consumer ethnocentrism; perceived regulatory efficacy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064432
  • What the Indian textile and clothing industry's technological prowess reveals   Order a copy of this article
    by Kislay Kashyap, Nalin Bharti 
    Abstract: India is the sixth largest exporter of textiles and apparel in the world, with a 4% share of global trade. The Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, launched the technology upgradation fund scheme (TUFS) in 1999, which continued further as modified TUFS, re-structured TUFS, and revised restructured TUFS. Considering the size of the textile sector and efforts made for technology upgrade, it is indeed important to revisit the technical efficiency of firms. The paper attempts to measure the technical efficiency of firms in the textile and apparel industry in India using panel data under different frameworks of analysis within the broad framework of stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). The data used is from 1998 to 2018 for textile sector firms and from 2007 to 2018 for apparel sector firms at the five-digit level of the National Industrial Classification (NIC). As far as the parametric estimation of technical efficiency in the textile and apparel industry in India using panel data is concerned, this paper, to the best of the author’s knowledge, is the first of its kind and suggests that although the input intensities have increased, the technical efficiencies of the firms have remained stagnant.
    Keywords: technical efficiency; productivity; stochastic frontier analysis; SFA; textile and apparel; parametric; panel data; technology upgradation fund scheme; TUFS; maximum likelihood estimation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064592
  • Integrating Circular Economy Principles for Organisational Excellence: A Paradigm Shift in Sustainable Business Practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Malek Ghazo 
    Abstract: This article explores the shift in business excellence from profit-centric to holistic approaches emphasising strategic decision-making, quality management, and dedication to social and environmental responsibilities. It reviews the transition towards sustainable and responsible principles, with a focus on circular economy principles enhancing organisational excellence and sustainability. Concentrating on Jordan's private sector, the research employs a quantitative approach to assess the impact of circular economy practices on organisational performance. Analysing data from 449 organisations, it underscores the pivotal role of strategic direction in facilitating circular economy practices and improving outcomes. Results indicate a strong link between circular economy implementation, strategic direction, and organisational success, advocating for the integration of sustainability into business strategies. This study offers valuable insights into the incorporation of circular economy principles in operations, highlighting the synergy between sustainability practices, strategic management, and organisational excellence, thereby contributing to both academic knowledge and practical applications.
    Keywords: circular economy; organisational excellence; sustainability practices; strategic direction; business excellence frameworks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064630
  • Evaluating the effect of Total Quality Management in Higher Education on Core Competencies of Students   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamidreza Talaie, Morteza Hajian, Mehran Ziaeian 
    Abstract: Ever since the development of the global economy and the increasing significance of knowledge and information changed educational and skill-related requirements, the quality of capable and professional manpower equipped with the market's key potential has become vital. Accordingly, this study has examined the quality of educational services in higher education and its subsequent effects on creating and developing students' necessary skills while emphasising the implementation of total quality management. This research is quantitative by distributing 382 questionnaires among students of several universities in Isfahan, IR Iran. Data analysis was performed by applying the partial least squares technique (PLS-SEM). The obtained results showed that service quality dimensions in these universities were subject to weaknesses, while there was no specific superiority of one particular university over others. In the same way, students' overall qualifications were found far from satisfaction. Moreover, a positive and significant relationship was noticed between the quality of educational services and the creation of core competencies. Other results of this research can be mentioned as the role of moderator educational discipline (humanities or technical-engineering) and educational discipline (medical sciences or technical-engineering) in the relationship between quality of services and core competencies.
    Keywords: quality of services; core competencies; total quality management; TQM; SERVQUAL model; higher education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10064915
  • Productivity Management: A Systematic Review of Approaches, Trends and Future Research Agendas   Order a copy of this article
    by Bruna Barreto, Mariana Lopes, Lucas Caldas, Lais Campos, Julia Silverio, Daniel Brandão, Pedro Menezes, André Luiz Marques Serrano, Clóvis Neumann 
    Abstract: This systematic literature review (SLR) aims to explore various approaches and characteristics related to productivity management, addressing an identified gap in the literature. The article seeks to present the current landscape of studies, identify international scientific production trends, and propose an agenda with new challenges for future research. The present SLR used the Scopus database with constructs published from 2018 onwards. Bibliometric results highlight extensive scientific production on productivity, outlining key contributions from authors, countries, and institutions in the field. Thematic analysis provides a comprehensive view of well-developed, specialised, emerging or declining areas in productivity. A detailed analysis of different productivity measurement approaches offers valuable insights into the diversity of practices adopted by reviewed studies. Future challenges and research opportunities include a deeper understanding of qualitative aspects of productivity management, exploring the interaction between efficiency and effectiveness, and investigating productivity management in specific sectors.
    Keywords: Productivity; Productivity Management; Systematic Literature Review; International Production; Research Challenges.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10064951
  • A Novel Ensemble Multiple Kernel Relevance Vector Regression modelling for Reliability Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Manman Dong, Yongbo Cheng, Liangqi Wan 
    Abstract: Reliability analysis is a crucial aspect of evaluating and enhancing product quality. A novel ensemble multiple kernel relevance vector regression (EMKRVR) modeling approach is introduced in this context. This approach incorporates adaptive learning strategies, effectively combining kernel functions to reduce the number of calls made to the performance function, thus improving efficiency and accuracy in reliability analysis. The EMKRVR model is further strengthened by the integration of Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), further enhancing its precision. Notably, an active learning function that focuses on areas with significant prediction errors is adopted. This allows the model to refine its predictions continuously. A hybrid efficient stopping criteria are employed for automatic termination. The results from three illustrative examples validate that our approach provides accurate failure probability estimates with fewer performance function evaluations compared to traditional methods. This method shows great effectiveness in the realm of quality improvement and product reliability analysis.
    Keywords: Reliability analysis; Adaptive learning; Ensemble multiple kernel; Relevance vector regression; Quality improvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065042
  • Factors Affecting Quality of Construction Projects in Lebanon after its Economic Crisis, and their Impact on the Project Cost Overrun   Order a copy of this article
    by Sawsan Sleiman, Nabil Semaan, Claudette Hajj 
    Abstract: Since 2019, Lebanon has been facing the most devastating crisis in its modern history. This study aims to identify and rank the most relevant construction quality factors and their impact on the project cost, after the economic crisis. The most relevant factors to the current situation in Lebanon were selected and used to structure the survey of the study distributed to engineers working in the construction field in Lebanon. A quantitative statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate the occurrence, importance, and impact of each quality factor on the project cost. This study is the first one to examine the construction quality factors in Lebanon after the crisis. Results showed that: 1) shortage of construction materials in the market; 2) shortage of manpower; 3) politics in the country; 4) low income and wages of labour; 5) unavailability of highly qualified personnel are the critical quality factors ranked in this study.
    Keywords: construction quality factors; construction industry; economic crisis; project cost overrun; Cronbach’s alpha; independent T-tests; principal components analysis; PCA; Lebanon.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065050
  • Opportunities in VUCA: Productive Employees and Environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Tara Prasad Padhy, Subhasish Das, Lakshmi Prasad Panda 
    Abstract: The pandemic has disrupted the market and created a situation of uncertainty and volatility in the global business environment. Specifically, the present research attempts to analyse the role of compassionate leadership (CL) in improving the workplace environment (WE) and driving employee well-being (EWB) in the merging market context. Four hundred seventy one responses were gathered from the employees of the selected electricity distribution companies using the opinion survey method. The empirical evaluation of the research model involved the structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. The results indicate positive and significant effects for all the direct relationships between the model constructs. Also, WE partially mediate the link between CL and EWB. The findings offer cues to the academicians to extend their understanding of tackling crisis management and leadership skills. The results provide new insights to the HR managers and policymakers to focus on initiatives that induce a positive work climate and aid employee productivity.
    Keywords: VUCA; productivity; environment; workplace; employee well-being.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065256
  • Factors Influencing Green Product Purchase Decision: Cross-Cultural Evidence from Tier I and II Cities in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Gunjan Sharma, Swati Soni, Priyansh Singh Yadav, Mohd Nasim Uddin, Meenakshi Ingle, Sanjeet Singh, Umang Sharma 
    Abstract: Many studies are conducted on factors affecting green product purchase decision, yet no studies are available on cross-cultural evidence from Tier I and II cities in India. Hence, this study aims to analyse the factors affecting green product purchase decision among the consumers from Tier I and II cities in India. Quantitative data was collected based on convivence sampling technique and proposed hypothesis was testing using PLS algorithm and Bootstrapping method. Findings confirm that supporting environmental protection, green product experience, environmental friendliness of companies, and motives behind green product purchase significantly influence the green product purchase decision of consumers from Tier 1 city whereas supporting environmental protection, drive for environmental responsibility, green product experience, and motives behind green product purchase significantly influence the green product purchase decision of consumers from Tier 2 city.
    Keywords: Green marketing; Consumer behavior; Green product; Purchase decision.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065267
  • The Impact of Market Orientation on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Yemen, a Least-Developed Country: the Mediating Role of IT Capability   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdo Homaid 
    Abstract: The current study assessed the link between market orientation (MO) and the performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs) and evaluated the mediating role of information technology (IT) capability in this relationship from the perspective of a least-developed country, Yemen. The resource-based view (RBV) inspired and underpinned the theoretical framework. The study used a quantitative approach, analysing 125 questionnaires collected from the microfinance branch managers. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was utilised where measurement and structural models were evaluated. This study revealed that MO was positively related to the performance of MFIs and IT capability. Moreover, findings showed that IT capability was positively associated with the performance of MFIs. More importantly, the results showed that the influence of MO on the performance of MFIs was significantly and partially mediated via IT capability. The insights of this study provide significant contributions to theory and practice.
    Keywords: market orientation; MO; IT capability; microfinance institutions; MFIs; partial least squares structural equation modelling; PLS-SEM; Yemen.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065270
  • Evaluating COBACABANA, COBA-POLCA, and IL-POLC in a Make-to-Order Shop: An Assessment by Simulation   Order a copy of this article
    by Fernando J. Gómez, Mario H. B. M. Callefi, Moacir Godinho Filho, Matthias Thurer, Nuno O. Fernandes 
    Abstract: In the context of make-to-order production, the challenge for production control systems (PCS) is to manage order release and capacity flow efficiently. This study proposes the indirect load paired-cell overlapping loops of cards (IL-POLC) method, integrating indirect load and POLC cards. Performance comparisons were conducted through simulation in a high-variety make-to-order shop, revealing that COBACABANA excels with the ERD rule, significantly reducing shop floor throughput time (SFTT). COBA-POLCA is a viable option with careful workload norm selection, and IL-POLC minimises other impacts. For the capacity slack rule, COBACABANA prioritises SFTT, while COBA-POLCA balances performance. In a card-based setup, COBACABANA reduces SFTT but may impact other measures.
    Keywords: production control; job shop; card-based system; indirect load; POLCA; production control systems; PCS; shop floor throughput time; SFTT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065468
  • An Empirical Study of the Role of Brand Quality and Loyalty in Driving Market Development in Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Javeria Shabbir, Norazah Mohd Suki 
    Abstract: Market growth in Pakistan is not empirically investigated regarding brand evangelism, brand quality, and brand loyalty. There is a need to understand the impact of brand evangelism, brand quality, and brand loyalty on the Pakistani market. Such research could help companies better understand how to grow their market share in the country. Additionally, it could help inform strategies to increase brand loyalty and create a more competitive marketplace. Evangelism is the most cost-effective solution that, if implemented, will assist developing country markets in managing growth effects. If this solution can be implemented, it will help. This model was implemented after conducting an exhaustive review of the relevant literature. Data from customers in the twin cities were gathered to conduct empirical research, and Smart PLS was utilised to evaluate the path model. According to the findings, vengeance and loyalty are not synonymous. In the relevant parts of this study, fruitful analyses are offered to allow academics and market strategists to benefit from this approach.
    Keywords: evangelism; quality; loyalty; market growth; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10065537
  • Priority assessment for the dimensions of Celebrity Endorsement effectiveness: Perspective of Cosmetic brands' consumers using A RIDIT Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Debolina Senapaty, Biswo Ranjan Mishra 
    Abstract: Celebrities are frequently used as a marketing tool to endorse products and services by various companies in the modern-day branding environment. However, it becomes difficult to measure the effectiveness of such celebrity endorsements, owing to limited understanding about its dimensions. To address this issue, this research aims to empirically examine the potent dimensions of celebrity endorsement effectiveness (hereafter, CEE) in the context of cosmetic brands from an emerging market perspective. Specifically, the identified dimensions will be prioritised using the RIDIT technique to gather relevant insights regarding their nature and importance levels with respect to CEE, therefore, making a novel contribution. The findings exhibit three dimensions, i.e., attractiveness, trustworthiness, and brand-celebrity image congruence are the most important CEE dimensions, as per the respondents’ perceptions. The findings of this paper contribute newer cues to extend the domain knowledge and assist in the formulation of marketing strategies and campaigns.
    Keywords: celebrity; attractiveness; cosmetic brands; endorsement; brand quality; effectiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10065906
  • The Search for Public and Private Distinctions: Exploring Cloud Adoption of Large Organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Sabine Khalil 
    Abstract: Cloud computing has received increasing attention from the information system (IS) community, claiming it has become one of the main engines driving transformation within organisations. The literature affirms that public entities lag far behind private ones regarding their cloud adoption. Exploring cloud adoption would allow us to prove or disprove these claims. This empirical piece explores cloud adoption rates in France, a highly bureaucratic country. We interviewed 20 public and private organisations to explore the differences between their cloud adoption rates. While we uncovered several similarities in the organisational and transformational criteria of public and private bodies linked to cloud adoption, we also found several differences. A framework emerges from our analyses aiming to advise public bodies on their transformation and evolution. Our research provides new insights into the IS, public administration, and organisational agility literature and has important implications for practitioners.
    Keywords: digital technology; cloud adoption; public and private sector; organisational agility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066049
    by Metin Gürler, Serkan Cantürk 
    Abstract: In this study, investigating the relationship between value added per employee (MVAPE) and export per employee (EPE) in other words, productivity in value added and exports in the manufacturing industry in OECD countries during the 1995-2021 period is aimed. To determine the relationship between the MVAPE and EPE in the manufacturing industry, the panel cointegration model is used in the study. MVA per employee and an export per employee in the manufacturing industry have positive correlation in OECD for both cross-section and panel data. There is no long-term causality from MVA to export at a 5% significance level, but causality exists at a 10% significance level. Wald Test result shows that MVA productivity causes export productivity in the short-term. There is also a causality from export productivity to MVA productivity. In this study, manufacturing industry productivity and export productivity in OECD countries were examined together for the first time.
    Keywords: Productivity; high-tech export; manufacturing value added (MVA); causality; SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066060
  • Towards the Improvement of Practical Knowledge of Artisans in the Construction Industry: Empirical Evidence from a Developing Economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Ernest Kissi, Matthew Ikuabe, Clinton Aigbavboa, Emmanuel Boakye 
    Abstract: The growing world population has propelled the need for more infrastructure development, creating an imbalance between the few skilled workers available and jobs in the market. This situation, therefore, brings about the need for more workers to obtain the practical knowledge required to perform the available jobs in the industry. Therefore, this study was conducted to improve artisans' practical knowledge using the Ghanaian Construction Industry (GCI) as a case study. A quantitative research method was adopted for the study. Through a critical review of available literature, a questionnaire was developed and administered purposively to professionals in the construction industry. The data generated was further validated using factor analysis. The findings suggested four critical strategies for improving the practical knowledge of artisans. The four key strategies include the implementation of training schemes, provision of technological tools, collaboration between firms, and regulatory actions by the government. This study's findings would help create individuals with the needed skills to work on challenging projects and bring out the best in quality work. It further would lead to more collaboration between local and foreign firms in exchange for knowledge programmes, which would help improve the practical knowledge of artisans in the construction industry.
    Keywords: artisan; construction; Ghana; knowledge; skills; strategies; practical.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066061
  • Analysing the Role of Industry 4.0 in Ensuring Total Quality Management among Manufacturing Organisations by using a Hybrid Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Satish Kumar, Vikram Singh, Somesh Kumar Sharma 
    Abstract: The current research explores how Industry 4 0 affects manufacturing organizations' performance through a hybrid approach For this, twenty-five variables of Industry 4 0 and five factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) were explored from the literature to construct the conceptual framework After that, a hybrid approach of AHP-Entropy is used to create a hierarchical structure and measure the ranking of factors and variables, DEMATEL is used to compute direct and indirect interactions, and OPA is used to compare the outcomes assessed through AHP-Entropy This integration evolved "quality of product with inventory management" as highest prioritised and most influencing factor its group followed by others Resultantly it concluded that the implication of the ranking order evolved may help to maintain the industrial standers which results in increasing the quality of products with minimum efforts This research may help researchers, industrialists, and organization manager in enhancing their knowledge and maintaining quality.
    Keywords: Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)-Entropy Decision-Making Trial Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL); Total Quality Management (TQM); Industry 4.0; Ordinal Priority Approach (OPA).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066258
  • A hybrid MCDM approach to analyse the impact of multi-agent technology on total quality management in organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Shubham Sharma, Vikram Singh, Somesh Kumar Sharma 
    Abstract: This research aims to analyse the role of multi-agent technology (MAT) in ensuring total quality management (TQM) by implementing a hybrid approach. A framework has been developed for five factors of TQM and 25 variables of MAT. AHP-entropy and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) are used to quantify the relative importance and interrelationship among the factors and variables. The ordinal priority approach (OPA) performed a comparison of the global ranking of variables evaluated through AHP-entropy. The research findings reveal that ‘employee involvement’ is the most essential factor, while ‘education and training’ is a highly impactful one. On the other hand, communication, feedback, and coordination agents are the top globally evolved variables followed by others. This ranking order may increase the performance of the system which may assist organisations in ensuring overall quality and motivate the decision-makers, professionals, and researchers to implement this framework in a customised way to improve TQM, reduce human error, and save time and assets
    Keywords: total quality management; TQM; multi-agent technology; MAT; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory; DEMATEL; ordinal priority approach; OPA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066479
  • Quality awareness among employees in the seafood processing industry: a comprehensive study on quality management   Order a copy of this article
    by Revathy K. Nair, Shibu Arkkakadavil Valsalan, Hareesh N. Ramanathan 
    Abstract: Conventional techniques to address the quality and safety of food frequently fail to meet food safety and quality standards unless food handlers with basic knowledge of quality and safety standards become involved in the food processing industry. Keeping this as an aim, the study focuses on assessment of the level of employee awareness of quality management practices based on selected variables, which influence the quality and food safety standards in seafood industries in Kerala. Even though there was significant positive relation between education cum experience level and quality awareness in seafood processing establishments, about 47% of workforce had only formal education and majority of the processing workers (33.5%) been having only 4 to 7 years of service, which indicates the need for management interventions to enhance awareness on food safety and quality standards and skill level of the employees serving in the seafood processing sector.
    Keywords: quality management; quality awareness; training needs; self-hygiene.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066510
  • AI-Based Forecasting Models' Outcomes for Improving Health Service Quality   Order a copy of this article
    by Sara Jebbor, Tarik Zouadi, Abdellatif El Afia 
    Abstract: Researchers have been developing different forecasting methods for hospital pharmaceuticals and consumables (medical products MPs) according to this sectors needs. Many practitioners still use traditional estimators. However, the ongoing automation of the hospital logistic process in developed countries and the frequent disasters enforce advanced and efficient forecasting systems usage. These new factors prompted practitioners to consider the forecasting methods developed by researchers to improve the quality of health services. However, selecting the appropriate method from the hundreds is not an easy task. This paper shows the outcomes of the forecasting methods commonly used for predicting MPs demand in daily activity and during disasters. It presents their comparative analysis and provides insights into AI-based forecasting models usage and outcomes compared to others. Results show that AI-based forecasting models are more deployed for MPs demand forecasting in daily activity. However, they are less used to predict MPs demand during disasters.
    Keywords: forecasting; hospital pharmaceuticals and consumables; artificial intelligence; hospital logistics automation; disasters; health service quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066704
  • Attribute Control Chart based on SkSP-R Scheme under Assumption of Half Normal Distribution   Order a copy of this article
    by Harsh Tripathi, Gadde Srinivasa Rao 
    Abstract: In this article, we introduced an attribute control chart based on SkSPR sampling inspection plan when lifetime of units follow the half normal distribution (HND). Control limits of proposed control chart are evaluated for different choices of parameters and also discussed the trend of control limits for better understanding of effect of parameters on control limits. Presented tables are explained in well manner to understand the presented theory. Graphical representation is also done to compare the Shewhart control chart and proposed control chart. A simulation study and a real life example are considered to show the application of proposed control chart.
    Keywords: Control chart; Half normal distribution; acceptance sampling inspection plan; simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066728
  • Cost Efficiency and its Determinants of Cane and Bamboo Enterprise in Assam: a Double Bootstrap DEA Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Abu Pathan 
    Abstract: This study aims to extend the discussion on the determinants affecting micro-based enterprises' cost efficiency (CE). A simple random sampling technique was used to collect 360 household data from four selected districts of Assam to estimate the CE and its determinants of cane and bamboo enterprises in Assam using the double bootstrap data envelopment analysis (DEA). The estimated average CE of this firm in Assam is 0.2505 using the conventional DEA, whereas a significantly lower CE (0.1601) using the bootstrap DEA approach. The empirical results reveal that the entrepreneur-specific (age, gender, working experience, and training facility) and firm-specific (family labour, hired labour, and technological support) remarkably influence the firm's CE. In contrast, the entrepreneur-specific (marital status and education level), firm-specific (family type and credit accessibility), and environmental-related variables (firm location) significantly decrease the firm's CE. Artisans may improve the firm's CE by determining how much less input price is required.
    Keywords: Cane and bamboo; Cost efficiency; Entrepreneur variables; Firm characteristics; Environmental variables; Double bootstrap DEA; Assam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066736
  • Improving Productivity and Safety through Energy-Efficient Longitudinal Distortion Correction Technique Applied to I-Beam Web and Flange Plates   Order a copy of this article
    by Dinagaran D, Balasubramanian K. R, S.P. Sivapirakasam, Prasanna N, Gopanna Kuruva, Yoganathan R 
    Abstract: The supporting structure of thermal boilers relies on I-Beams, composed of flanges and a web, cut from plates using oxy-acetylene gas cutting. However, this process often induces longitudinal distortion formation due to high heat, necessitating time-consuming flame correction methods in industries. To address these challenges, a novel approach utilising a tube bending machine was developed, eliminating flame correction and reducing cycle time by 81%. This innovation also yields substantial monthly cost savings of INR1,466,196 per month, while enhancing ergonomic conditions, reducing fatigue, and promoting sustainability. The manuscript explores this transition, emphasising efficiency gains and reduced health risks associated with traditional methods. Experimental validation demonstrates the tube bending machine's effectiveness in correcting longitudinal distortion in plates up to 25 mm thick. Overall, this advancement presents significant benefits to the fabrication industry, aligning with environmental objectives through resource conservation and emissions reduction.
    Keywords: I-Beam; flame correction; longitudinal distortion; cycle time; sustainability; ergonomic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10066927
  • Benchmarking the Antecedents of Sustainable Purchasing Intent   Order a copy of this article
    by Kriti Gulati, Deergha Sharma 
    Abstract: The emergence of ecologically aware consumers as a prominent market segment is evident. Over time, consumers have gradually shifted their preference towards green cosmetics (GC), yet there is still a need for an impetus to fully transition to embracing GC. The current study investigates determinants of consumers' inclination to purchase GC by integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) with the trait theory of personality (TTP) (innovativeness, materialism). Data from 209 respondents was sourced from India. Structural equation modelling results validate the relationships of subjective norms, innovativeness, perceived behavioural control with intention, and intention with actual purchase. Gender exerted a moderating influence on the association of innovativeness with intention. The paper will enrich marketers' comprehension of the factors driving green buying decisions in developing economies, which are of practical importance for India's efforts in achieving the sustainable development goals by formulating and benchmarking effective strategies that drive green consumerism.
    Keywords: green cosmetics; GC; materialism; innovativeness; labelling satisfaction; theory of planned behaviour; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10067015
  • Multi Criteria Decision Making Framework for Risk Ranking in EPC Projects Under Uncertain Circumstances   Order a copy of this article
    by Sara Yousefi Roodsari, Syed Mehmood Hasan, Satya Shah, Elmira Naghi Ganji 
    Abstract: The engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) projects in the construction industry operate in complex environments, making risk assessment critical for success. This study aims to improve risk management by identifying and ranking risks in EPC projects using a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach amidst uncertainty. It begins with a comprehensive literature review to list potential risks, followed by expert categorisation into six groups. To address uncertainty, a probabilistic approach is adopted. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), an MCDM method, is used to prioritise risks based on criteria such as probability, time impact, cost impact, performance impact, severity, uncertainty, and unpredictability. This systematic comparison provides a comprehensive risk ranking. The research significantly enhances EPC project risk management by combining MCDM techniques with probabilistic modelling, offering valuable insights into risk exposure, prioritising risk responses, and empowering decision-makers to allocate resources efficiently and enhance project resilience amid uncertainties.
    Keywords: Risk; Risk assessment; EPC projects; Uncertainty; Risk ranking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10067132
  • Implementing Lean Six Sigma to Improve the Result of Blaine Quality Tests   Order a copy of this article
    by Ardhianiswari Diah Ekawati, Ahmad Iskandarsyah 
    Abstract: The research aims to standardize the result of the Blaine quality test analysing the fineness of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) products by focusing on each operating process and parameter. Blaine quality test results for GGBFS goods were found to be inaccurate and regularly fell short of customer expectations of 420 m2/kg after assessing customer complaints and analysing them using Pareto diagrams. Using the lean six sigma approach this study demonstrated that an increase in quality was achieved based on the sigma level, which was previously at 1.05, with the number of PPM (DPMO) increasing from 659,759 to 35,443 or at sigma level 3.30. It is believed that this study, by incorporating lean six sigma, would serve as an excellent model for the implementation of lean six sigma in both businesses and other research scales.
    Keywords: Blaine Test; Customer Satisfaction; DMAIC; GGBFS Production; lean six sigma; Quality Improvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10067263
  • The Impact of Value Stream Mapping on the Six Big Losses: the Mediating Role of OEE   Order a copy of this article
    by Changiz Valmohammadi, Ali Asghar Dadashnejad 
    Abstract: To eliminate the non-value-added activities and improve the productivity and manufacturing as well as service companies lean philosophy is one of the most popular approaches which is being utilised in recent years by organisations across the globe. Lean approach, through optimisation and smoothing production and service processes, leads to greater customer-orientation and more effort for higher employee satisfaction and market share. Employing lean approaches brings about higher quality, greater profitability, cost reduction and on-time delivery. This approach encompasses various tools and techniques, which can be utilised towards the mentioned goals. Given the importance of eliminating the main six loss in the manufacturing factories. This research aims to investigate the effect of value stream (VSM) mapping on operational losses through overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Research data were collected using a questionnaire. Smart PLS was used for data analysis. Effect coefficient and OEE were analysed employing using statistical analysis. Analyses showed that value stream mapping affects operational losses. On the other hand, overall equipment effectiveness acts as a mediator between value stream value and the operational losses. VAF scores showed that overall equipment effectiveness indirect mediating role explains the relation between value stream mapping and operational losses by 51%.
    Keywords: Lean Production; Value Stream Mapping (VSM); Partial Least Square (PLS); Six big production losses; Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE); Iran.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10067608
  • Big Data Analytics and Audit Performance during Pandemics in the United Arab Emirates Emerging Market   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Ghazal, Majed Ahmed, Walaa Wahid ElKelish, Faker Al Gharaibeh 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between external audit performance and big data analytics (BDA) techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Arab Emirates emerging market. An exploratory study was conducted to obtain appropriate answers to the research questions. In-depth primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews during 2020. The empirical findings in this paper, using qualitative content analysis, show that big data analytics enhance external auditors' performance in terms of profitability, efficiency, and quality during the COVID-19 crises. However, the pandemic has mixed impact on BDA adoption. Besides, the pandemic reduces external auditing profitability and quality while maintaining work efficiency. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic plays an effective moderating role on big data analytics and external auditors' performance, subject to several contingent factors. This paper provides useful guidelines for external auditors and regulators to improve the profession and overcome challenges during and after pandemics.
    Keywords: Big data analytics; Auditing; COVID-19; Emerging market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10067836
  • Employee Readiness to Change impacting Productivity of Indian Higher Education Institutions   Order a copy of this article
    by Tapaswini Panigrahi, Y.S.S. Patro, Rama Krishna Gupta Potnuru 
    Abstract: This study explores organisational ambidexterity, employee readiness to change, and its influencing variables in the context of Indian higher education. Using the opinion survey approach, 341 answers were gathered from employees of different higher education institutions (HEIs) in India. The structural equation modelling (SEM) method was used to evaluate the suggested model. The findings show that the suggested linkages have important and beneficial consequences. Academicians, corporate decision-makers, HR managers, and policy formulators may all benefit from the results. They stress how crucial it is to comprehend the change management procedure and concentrate on projects that development of employees' skills and abilities. In the long term, HEIs are essential to the Indian government's vision and objectives being realised. To increase productivity and efficiency, people must be ready for the impending changes in the education industry.
    Keywords: Employee readiness to Change; Productivity; Higher education institutions; Organizational Ambidexterity; Skills.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10067896
  • A Homogenously Weighted Moving Average Control Charting Scheme Equipped with r-of-m Rules with Imprecise Observations   Order a copy of this article
    by Maryam Kiani Anbohi, Mohammad Reza Maleki, Ali Salmasnia, Hossein Eghbali 
    Abstract: In this study, two memory control charting methods are developed by combining 2-of-2 and 2-of-3 sensitizing rules with homogeneously weighted moving average statistic. Then, the developed charts are integrated with the additive covariate model to account for the negative effect of measurement errors. To reduce the error effect, the improved versions of the proposed charts are introduced using multiple measurement technique. Simulation studies are conducted to (1) compare the detectability of the proposed charts, (2) investigate the error effect on the performance of the developed charts, and 3) evaluate the efficiency of the multiple measurement technique in reducing the adverse effect of gauge inaccuracy. The results show that the proposed 2-of-3 chart has better performance than the 2-of-2 scheme. The results also confirm that inaccurate measurements reduce the sensitivity of both charts to mean changes. Finally, the negative effects of inaccurate observations can be reduced by using multiple measurements approach.
    Keywords: Homogeneously weighted moving average chart; measurement error; sensitizing rules; multiple measurement technique; additive covariate model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10068558
  • Governance System of Tree Seed Management in Amhara Region Ethiopia: a Stakeholder Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Abay Bantihun, Asemamaw Abtew, Yigardu Mulatu 
    Abstract: Less efficacy in tree seed governance was observed due to the occurrence of informal suppliers and unstructured responsible bodies. This study aims to assess the management role of stakeholders in the tree seed governance system in the Amhara region by employing stakeholders and the SWOT analysis method. Purposive snowball sampling was used to select 45 key informants and secondary were used. The strengths were having a large supply of genetic resources, diversity of species, and high-quality tree seeds. The weaknesses were the limited capacity of research institutions, inadequate infrastructure, absence of regional legislation and authority, and poor coordination between stakeholders. The opportunities identified were the growing domestic demand for forest products and landscape restoration initiatives, increasing awareness of forest conservation, and favorable government policies. The threat identified was increasing money-oriented tree seed production. The synergy of tree seed-related research institutes and administration makes the effort fruitful.
    Keywords: SWOT; stakeholders; governance; tree seed; strategy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10068630
  • Extending the Green Marketing Mix with Green Practices in Understanding Consumers' Consumption Patterns of Green Products   Order a copy of this article
    by Naseem Ahmad, Mehfooz Zaki, Fahad - 
    Abstract: The current work examines the influence of green marketing mix and green practices on consumers' consumption patterns of green products. A novel conceptual model was proposed focusing on the marketing mix's components, including product, price, place, promotion, and green practices. A purposeful sampling technique was employed to gather data from qualified consumers. Valid data was processed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 for validity and reliability. In the final phase, structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was utilised to test the study's proposed hypotheses, and the findings indicate that effective green marketing strategies, including product, price, place, promotion, and practices, significantly impact consumers' intention to purchase green products. Further, this research contributes to theoretical understanding while providing practical insights for marketers aiming to promote sustainability in emerging markets. Ultimately, this study establishes a foundation for future research at the intersection of green marketing and consumer behaviour.
    Keywords: Green Product; Green Price; Green Place; Green Promotion; Green Practices; Consumer Behavior; Green Consumption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10068823
  • Enhancing Efficiency and Compliance in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Huzaifa Najmi, Sharfuddin Ahmed Khan 
    Abstract: The study aims to optimise pharmaceutical manufacturing processes to enhance efficiency, ensure compliance with regulatory standards, improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain high-quality production, focusing on a case study within the pharmaceutical industry. A systematic approach was employed, encompassing problem identification, data collection, solution design, implementation, and monitoring. Tools such as time value mapping, process mapping, Gantt and Pareto charts, and structured issue identification were utilised to provide a comprehensive framework addressing all facets of the manufacturing process from initial stages to final product. Production cycle time was reduced by streamlining equipment setups and optimising resource allocation. Regulatory compliance was enhanced through clear procedural frameworks and strengthened quality assurance mechanisms. Productivity increased through standardised procedures, optimised equipment configurations, and the introduction of advanced technology solutions. Overall process efficiency improved by eliminating non-value-added activities, reducing lead times, and enhancing workflow efficiency.
    Keywords: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Optimization; Operational Efficiency; Regulatory Compliance; Lean Manufacturing; Process Improvement; Operational Excellence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10068824
  • Role of Workplace Spirituality and Organisational Commitment in Improving Productivity and Enhancing Organisational Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by D. Venugopal, Kopally Nageswara Rao, Jagadeesha Marigowda 
    Abstract: The present research explores the role of workplace spirituality, organisational commitment, and work motivation towards improving productivity and enhancing the organisational performance of the cement manufacturing companies in Indian settings. The results of empirical assessment based on structural equation modelling reveals positive and significant links between all the model constructs. Also, the results exhibit the mediating effect of work motivation and organisational commitment in the positive link between workplace spirituality and organisational commitment. Therefore, the findings provide cues to the academic researchers to expand their existing understanding on the domain of spirituality at the workplace. Also, the results yield newer insights to HR managers, senior management, and policymakers for designing strategies that can foster workplace spirituality which ultimately improves productivity and in turn the overall performance in the long run.
    Keywords: Workplace Spirituality; Commitment; Organizational Performance; Motivation; Productivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10069014
  • Comparative Study of the Various Indices to measure Total Factor Productivity(TFP)   Order a copy of this article
    by Geo George, Georgy Kurien, Ramakrishnan N, Sreerengan V.R. Nair 
    Abstract: Index numbers are methods for measuring differences in the magnitude of a group of related variables called data sets over a time period (Croxton and Cowden, 1939). Traditional indices Laspeyres, Paasche, Dorbish and Bowleys, T
    Keywords: Luenberger productivity index; Hicks–Moorsteen productivity index; Malmquist Productivity Index; Total Productivity Factor; Traditional Indices.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10069024
  • Exact Method for a Dynamic Pricing Problem: a Case Study in Road Passenger Transport   Order a copy of this article
    by Lorayne Veri, Mariana Kleina, Alexandre Checoli Choueiri 
    Abstract: Having the ability to plan scenarios and anticipate price behaviour in each of them is a significant competitive advantage for organizations, and dynamic pricing is used for this purpose. Succinctly put, dynamic pricing aims to determine the prices of products or services based on market information analysis. When a passenger road transport company seeks to price its tickets, various variables are involved, making the use of dynamic pricing necessary. In this study, a mathematical model was proposed to portray a real problem of a road transport company in Brazil. The model was solved accurately in real instances and the results were compared with those of the company without mathematical optimisation. Computational experiments showed that for 100 trips there was a 13% increase in the company's revenue with the optimisation model.
    Keywords: Dynamic Pricing Model; Optimization; Nonlinear Optimization; Exact Method; Passenger Road Transport.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10069131
  • Lean Six Sigma Improves Logistics Operations Performance in Food and Beverage Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Sohail Nadeem, Hakeem Ur Rehman, Zobia Malik 
    Abstract: This research addresses a real-world logistics problem in the sourcing value chain of a dairy-based food and beverage company, focusing on optimising the raw material transport system using Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology. Adopting an action research approach and the Six Sigma DMAIC framework, the research demonstrates how LSS can improve logistics operations, increasing the sigma level from 1.04 to 4.57. It highlights the application and sequencing of LSS tools in a field environment, emphasising cost reduction, quality enhancement, and improved delivery to meet customer demands. The study offers a distinctive exploration of LSS in the logistics of perishable food commodities, addressing a gap in upstream operations research within the food and beverage industry. Findings underscore the potential of LSS as a continuous improvement strategy beyond manufacturing, delivering significant benefits in quality, cost efficiency, and delivery performance for perishable goods.
    Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; Food & beverages; Continuous improvement; Logistics operations; Perishable goods; Sourcing process.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2024.10069222
  • Uncorking Efficiency: Trends and Insights of Wine Producers in Portugal   Order a copy of this article
    by Maria Do Sacramento Basílio, Carlos Borralho 
    Abstract: This research examines the efficiency of 339 Portuguese wine firms from 2015 to 2021 using a two-stage approach. First, data envelopment analysis assesses efficiency, and the Malmquist total factor productivity index measures productivity changes, broken down into efficiency and technological changes. In the second stage, panel data models for fractional response variables identify efficiency determinants. In a peer comparison, small companies show low efficiency (34%), while large firms are more efficient (69%). From 2015 to 2021, large companies experienced fluctuations in total factor productivity change, while small companies saw positive growth from 2015 to 2018, declining in 2019-2020. In the second phase, factors such as company size, age, export activity, and the pandemic influenced the efficiency levels of Portuguese wine companies. The results obtained are robust across different estimation methods.
    Keywords: efficiency assessment; wine sector; Portugal; data envelopment analysis; Malmquist total factor productivity index; panel fractional response models; efficiency determinants.

  • Project management practices to direct and control the project planning and execution in R&D units   Order a copy of this article
    by António Rocha, Fernando Romero, Daniel Miranda, Marlene Amorim, Rui M. Lima 
    Abstract: Projects lead organisations create utility, value and capabilities, by delivering innovative outcomes. Project managers must foster collaboration and people commitment in a coordinated effort involving feasibility and viability assessments and the application of project management practices and processes to kick off, direct, and control its execution. To know and better understand which project management practices are in use in organisations with research and development (R&D) units, this article presents a study analysing the frequency of use of project management practices and compares them with project management students' expectations of applying them as a professional. Seventy-seven practices have been analysed and evidence of significant differences has been found in 29 practices. The results provide inputs to direct and control projects reinforcing the importance of applying fundamental concepts, skills, and processes to meet the project objectives, giving us insights on the importance of training and recruiting project management professionals.
    Keywords: project management; scope management; resources management; quality management; risk management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10056086
  • QMS and biosecurity measures in Peruvian services companies during the COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Jorge B. Benzaquen, Beatrice E. Avolio, Juan Weston 
    Abstract: This research presents the results of a comparative analysis related to the adoption of measures to prevent and control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic between services companies with/without ISO 9001 quality management systems (QMSs). For this purpose, an empirical study was conducted with a sample of 648 Peruvian services companies. Data were collected using questionnaires based on four measures against COVID-19: preventive actions, protocols, biosecurity processes and risk management. Descriptive and inferential techniques were implemented to analyse the data. The study found that companies with ISO 9001 scored higher than non-certified companies in the implementation of the four analysed measures against COVID-19. However, these differences were not significant in the case of protocols and risk management. Overall, this study empirically assessed the importance of having a QMS to meet more quickly and effectively government requirements during contingencies such as a global health crisis.
    Keywords: quality management system; QMS; ISO 9001; COVID-19; services companies; developing country.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10056522
  • Analysis and selection of glass bottle traceability technologies in the beer production chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Carolina Xavier da Silva Seixas Rocha, Aldara da Silva César, Cecilia Toledo Hernández, Ualison Rébula de Oliveira, Fabiane Letícia Lizarelli 
    Abstract: This paper discusses investments in new equipment for the tracking of food products, especially from the glass bottle industry that serves the beer market. Three technologies - laser, CO2 laser, and QR code - as well as the criteria (security, cost, performance and social) to assist in decision making were raised in light of the literature and validated through interviews with internal expert stakeholders in the glass container industry. This research is a timely response to studying traceability technologies and criteria in the packaging industry and in the food chain. The analyses were performed using the analytic network process (ANP) method, which indicated that the safety (46.8%) and social (29.9%) criteria have the greatest weights in decision-making for the studied industry. The results indicate the superiority of selection of QR code technology for deployment in the industry that is the focus of this study.
    Keywords: food traceability; multi-criteria decision support methods; analytic network process; ANP; laser; CO2 laser; QR code.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10056437
  • Improving the effectiveness of a manufacturing company through leagile approach - a case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Hanjo P. Mohan, P.G. Saleeshya 
    Abstract: Through a case study, a method is introduced to evaluate leanness and agility and derive a leagile decoupling ratio which enhances the industrial key performance indicators. A framework is presented which describe the inter-relationship of leagility with the key performance indicators. Scores are given to lean and agile characteristics of the industry and a simplified bat algorithm is used to derive an optimal leagile decoupling ratio. Implementation of the derived leagile decoupling ratio significantly enhances the industrial key performance indicators. The conceptual methodology is validated and accepted by peer companies that share. However, the method can be generalised and extended for wider acceptance. The presented leagile decoupling method can be used as a generalised tool to optimally prioritise leanness and agility, which enhance the effectiveness of the company both functionally and financially. The novelty of the work lies in the simplicity and robustness of the presented leagile decoupling approach.
    Keywords: leanness; agility; leagile decoupling ratio; bat algorithm; key performance indicators.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10057464
  • Industry 4.0 in the management of the supply chain of organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by José Morelos Gómez, Diego Alonso Cardona Arbeláez, Harold Steve Lora Guzmán 
    Abstract: This article presents the incidence of Industry 4.0 in the management of the supply chain and its creation value in the processes. The methodology used for this purpose proposes a systematic review to identify the literature on Industry 4.0 in supply chain management, through journals indexed in the Scopus and Science Direct databases over a time horizon of years 2010 to 2021. A qualitative analysis was carried out to identify the Industry 4.0 tools that increase performance. The results obtained initially were to identify 76 documents but based on the methodological criteria of inclusion and exclusion of the research, it was possible to establish 30 scientific articles. This article aims to contribute to the literature on Industry 4.0 and the supply chain, through its theoretical framework and the methodology used, in such a way that it provides an overview of the available knowledge and allows the development of future research.
    Keywords: supply chain management; Industry 4.0; tools; computer applications; added value.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10056845
  • Application of quality tools and process automation in a PVC analysis laboratory   Order a copy of this article
    by Kátlyn Renata Santos Alves, Éverton Hansen 
    Abstract: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) laboratory analyses are used to evaluate the composition and ensure the quality and applicability of each PVC product. The quality, productivity, and reliability of the results delivered by these analyses demand continuous improvement. This study aimed to evaluate the processes of a PVC analysis laboratory to identify opportunities for improvement, automation, and use of digital tools. Although quality tools have already been applied in laboratories, this study developed prioritisation criteria for implementing upgrades within a laboratory. Through the application of the lean manufacturing methodology, proposals for improvement and automation in the processes were identified. Results showed the need to acquire new equipment (Calender and Weather-Ometer) and a potential reduction of 1,010.25 hours of effort by analysts annually. The annual cost reduction achieved with analyst hours was US$40,991.75. The layout study minimised distances by 62.6 km per year.
    Keywords: polyvinyl chloride; PVC; lean manufacturing; automation; PVC analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.10056781
  • Quality Circles' Implementation in an Indian Scientific Equipment Manufacturing Company: a Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Shaman Gupta, Pankaj Chandana 
    Abstract: This study focuses on the significance, use, and benefits of the quality circle, a group of employees of the working area doing similar work, and solving issues in a collaborative approach. With the examples of Indian organisations, this study has stated how this circle effectively develops business outcomes. The study’s methodology section has discussed that forming quality circles can result in a problem-solving concept. The brainstorming and cause-effect diagram tool is applied in the case study section, where the problems are identified, respectively. The solutions that need to be developed with the problem are also provided. The research’s future scope shows that the development of this process in the company will help develop the problem-solving technique. This problem-solving technique will help in increasing the management value of the company within the competitive market.
    Keywords: quality circle; employees; management; performance; focus; approach to the outcome; problem-solving; decision making; skill development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2022.10046741