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International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology

International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST)

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International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Comparison of TRIGA reactor steady-state thermal-hydraulic predictions by COMSOL multiphysics with experimental data   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed K. Alkaabi, Jeffrey King 
    Abstract: This paper presents United States Geological Survey TRIGA one- and multiple-channel thermal hydraulic (TH) models developed using the COMSOL code to examine the effects of coolant cross-flow on coolant, cladding, and fuel temperatures. There are considerable variations in the profiles of the coolant axial temperatures and outlet temperatures as predicted by multiple-channel model from those predicted by the one-channel model. The one-channel model forecasts that the temperature of the coolant within the fuel rings increases axially with the height of the core, whereas the temperature of the coolant predicted by the multiple-channel model increases as a function of core height in the B-, C-, and D-rings, peaks and then reduces within the E-, F-, and G-rings. Within the multiple-channel model, the coolant appears to flow from the cores outermost opening at the lower side to the centre of the core. Finally, predictions of all models are benchmarked with the experimental data.
    Keywords: TRIGA reactors; multiple-channel models; thermal hydraulic analysis.

  • Effect of nanovoids on the displacement cascades and mechanical properties in INCOLOY-800H: A molecular dynamics study   Order a copy of this article
    by M. Mustafa Azeem 
    Abstract: Nickel-based alloys are candidate materials for high-temperature applications due to their excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties than zirconium alloys. However, they are susceptible to the formation of voids and defects at the interfaces between two metallic layers. We have used molecular dynamics simulation to study the interaction of nanovoids created at the multi-layered metallic composite (MMLC) interfaces. We considered the INCOLOY 800H-Ni MMLC as the model material and investigated the effect of nanovoid of different sizes (r~1-4nm) at the interfaces under simulated at 1000K. The collision cascade is simulated by performing 1, 5, and 10 keV randomly selected primary knock-on atoms (PKA) in the Incoloy part. We investigated the evolution of damage cascades at the interface, revealing the presence of a critical nanovoid size below which the nanovoids are not stable under irradiation, i.e., rcritical 2 nm. The damage cascade profile is independent of the incident energy of PKA. The presence of nanovoids at the interface act as a sink for radiation defects.
    Keywords: molecular dynamics; nanovoids; irradiation; mechanical properties.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2023.10059803
  • Assessment of electromagnetic radiation in faculty of science at Kufa University, Iraq   Order a copy of this article
    by Lubna Alasadi, Rafal Abdulsada 
    Abstract: This work points to the study of the effects of electromagnetic radiations (electric and magnetic fields) on human health (brain) in 37 locations covering all locations in the Faculty of Science at Kufa University in Al-Najaf City, Iraq. The practical readings for each location were done using a JD-3001 Geiger counter, a dosimeter detector type. It is a portable device from Dongguan Jinlide Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., China, produced in 2022. The relation between temperature and humidity with electric and magnetic fields shows that according to the tables and correlation relations, humidity did not affect the electric and magnetic fields, meaning there is no significant relation at p < 0.05, but otherwise for the magnetic field. Finally, all values of the electric field, magnetic field, power density and specific absorption radiation are low than the acceptable recommendation values of 1 mwatt/m2 and 2 watt/kg, respectively, recommended by the International Commission of Nonionisation Radiation Protection, and did not pose any harm to the human bodys health.
    Keywords: electromagnetic radiation; electric field; magnetic field; power density; specific absorption radiation; faculty of science; Kufa University.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2024.10069105