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International Journal of Materials and Product Technology

International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT)

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International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (7 papers in press)

Special Issue on: Advanced Materials Design and Product Manufacturing Technologies for Sustainable Applications

  • Design and application of sustainable materials in cabin interior   Order a copy of this article
    by Feng Liu, Xiaolong Wang, Xiaocong Li 
    Abstract: This paper aims to improve the performance of cabin interiors by introducing carbon fibre materials in sustainable materials to meet the ship’s requirements for safety, stability, and sound insulation. The first step involved choosing sustainable materials for ship cabin interior decoration and outlining their qualities; the second involved precisely preparing carbon fibre materials by those qualities; the third involved applying the prepared carbon fibre materials to the ship’s cabin bulkheads and doors; and the fourth and final step involved testing the carbon fibre materials. Research results indicate that ship bulkheads constructed from carbon fibre materials exhibit a 50.16% increase in tensile strength compared to conventional ship bulkheads. Similarly, cabin doors made from carbon fibre materials demonstrate a 38.94% increase in tensile strength over traditional cabin doors. In conclusion, the use of sustainable materials in the interior decoration of ships can increase the stability, comfort and safety of ships.
    Keywords: cabin interior decoration; sustainable material; carbon fibre material; tensile strength; lightweight design; environmental performance.

  • Hierarchical structure nano-photocatalytic materials in interior decoration design   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiaohong Qian, Jing Qian 
    Abstract: With the development of the social economy and the improvement of peoples living standards, the demand for housing and accommodation conditions also increases. In the decoration design, but in the decoration process, the harmfulness of formaldehyde, paint, toxic gases, and other pollutants to the human body has to be prevented, and ensuring the safety of the living environment has become the focus of more and more people. In this paper, the titanium-containing multi-level nanomaterial TiO2 is applied to the decoration design, the photocatalytic properties of TiO2 are used to degrade indoor toxic substances, and the TiO2 photocatalytic materials are modified to improve the photocatalytic properties of TiO2. In the experiment, the performance of the multi-level structure nano-TiO2 to degrade formaldehyde was analysed. The formaldehyde concentration of the two filter samples was the same. After 20 hours, the needle-punched non-woven fabric was finished, the absorption liquid concentration decreased from 0.785 mg/L to 0.082 mg/L, and the formaldehyde purification rate reached 89.6%. Still, the activated carbon filter was absorbed, and the formaldehyde purification rate reached 94.4%, higher than 4.8% of needle-punched non-woven fabrics. Experiments have shown that nano-TiO2 has an obvious effect on purifying indoor formaldehyde.
    Keywords: nano TiO2 with multistage structure; principle of photocatalysis; lon doping; interior decoration; nano TiO2 coating material.

  • Application of ecologically sustainable materials in urban landscape construction   Order a copy of this article
    by Ruonan Li, Cheng Zhang 
    Abstract: As the demand for materials in urban landscapes increases, the changes in urban landscapes are becoming more and more intense. This paper studies the application of ecologically sustainable materials in urban landscape construction. Firstly, the theoretical basis of the application of ecologically sustainable materials in landscape is expounded. Then, the application of ecologically sustainable materials in urban landscape is visualised and analysed through interactive genetic algorithm, and compared with the application of disposable materials in urban landscape. The results show that the average landscape reconstruction resolution and visual reconstruction quality of the 15 sets of design drawings drawn based on ecologically sustainable materials were 93.2% and 90.5% respectively, which were higher than 87.1% and 87.1% based on disposable materials. Therefore, applying ecologically sustainable materials to urban landscape construction can not only improve aesthetics and reduce resource and financial consumption, but also promote sustainable development.
    Keywords: urban landscape; landscape construction; ecological sustainable materials; material application; interactive genetic algorithm.

  • Building planning energy consumption benchmark evaluation system based on regression analysis and data mining   Order a copy of this article
    by JiaYi Li, Xiaobin Ma, Yu Zhang 
    Abstract: First, this paper presents EMLBECPM for smart building planning and operations issues that use WSN to determine the best places to put various kinds of sensors and gateways and maximise energy usage within the bounds of connection, resources, security, and clustering coverage. Secondly, it uses support vector regression (SVR) and a nonlinear auto-regressive model with exogenous input (NARX) to predict power use for the next day, week, and month with a granularity of 15 minutes. The proposed autoregressive feature, temperature, and other situational relevant contextual data to heterogeneous time series exhibit distinct patterns on weekdays, weekends, and holidays. The outcomes demonstrate that the suggested technique is superior in optimising the building energy, accuracy, robustness, and generalisability. The simulation outcomes demonstrate the suggested Energy optimisation ratio of 98.9%, efficiency ratio of 97.5%, energy monitoring ratio of 96.5%, prediction ratio of 95.4%, and error rate of 10.2% compared to other existing models.
    Keywords: machine learning; support vector regression; SVR; nonlinear auto-regressive model with exogenous input; NARX; building; energy consumption.

  • Preparation and compressive performance of composite materials in subway engineering using BIM model generation algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Haidong Jiang 
    Abstract: Traditional methods for studying composite materials and compressive performance analysis in subway projects often face problems such as inconvenient data management and low efficiency. In order to alleviate this situation, this paper combines 3D modelling technology with BIM model generation algorithm, uses CAD software to build a virtual model of the composite material, and then uses BIM software to conduct simulation experiments. First, the composite material model is established, then the experimental environment is defined, and finally the test results are analysed. Through the collection and analysis of simulation test data, it was found that when the carbon fibre content in the composite material increased from 50% to 80%, its compressive strength gradually increased to 161.2 Mpa. However, when the carbon fibre content further increased to 90%, its compressive strength decreased to 148.8 Mpa. This discovery provides valuable theoretical basis and data support for further research on carbon fibre composites.
    Keywords: BIM model; subway engineering; composite material; compressive performance; simulation test.

  • Application of recyclable materials in the field of architectural landscape design materials under urban construction   Order a copy of this article
    by Junnan Lv 
    Abstract: With the rapid development of society, people’s demand for architectural landscapes is increasing, which makes the application of architectural landscape design more and more widespread. In the process of landscape construction, a large amount of landscape materials need to be used. In response to the problems of high maintenance costs, low artistic quality, and weak environmental protection of traditional architectural landscape materials, this article will use recyclable materials to study architectural landscape design and apply them specifically to architectural landscapes. This article designed architectural landscapes such as landscape sketches, fences, and corridor landscapes, and used expert scoring methods to evaluate the use of recyclable materials in architectural landscape design. Through the experiment, the satisfaction rate of residents in building landscapes designed using recyclable materials was also higher. The satisfaction rate of designing and producing different architectural landscapes using recyclable materials was above 88.59%. Using recyclable materials could save maintenance costs and improve the artistic, environmental, and safety aspects of building landscapes.
    Keywords: architectural landscape design; recyclable materials; landscape materials; wood-plastic materials; metallic material; architectural sketch.

  • Compression properties and thermal stability of nanoparticles on rigid polyurethane foam for packaging design materials   Order a copy of this article
    by Wei Wei 
    Abstract: Rigid polyurethane foam has the advantages of excellent mechanical properties, lightweight, sound absorption, chemical corrosion resistance, etc., and is widely used. However, ordinary rigid polyurethane foam has poor compression performance and cannot meet the performance requirements of some materials. To improve the compression properties of rigid polyurethane foams, the constant-density polyurethane foams are reinforced with particle reinforcements. From the experimental data in this paper, it can be concluded that the decomposition process of pure RPUF and UC flame-retardant RPUF is almost the same in the range of 270~390 C. The maximum thermal decomposition temperature (Tmax) and the maximum thermal decomposition rate (Rmax) of the second stage of the two are also very similar. In contrast, the carbon residue rate of pure RPUF800 C is only 11.2%. After adding 10, 20, 30, and 40 parts of UC flame retardant, the residual carbon rates were 19.2%, 20.7%, 22.3%, and 23.9%, respectively. This is an improvement of 70.8%, 84.1%, 98.2%, and 112.4% over pure RPUF, respectively. It can be seen that with the addition of UC, the carbon residue rate at 800 C is increased, and the later thermal stability of RPUF is improved.
    Keywords: nanoparticles; rigid polyurethane; PU; polyurethane foam; thermal stability.