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International Journal of Management and Network Economics

International Journal of Management and Network Economics (IJMNE)

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International Journal of Management and Network Economics (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Syndication Networks and Investment Success - an Examination of the French and Hispanic Venture Capital Markets for the Period of 2012 to 2022   Order a copy of this article
    by Christian Schlamp 
    Abstract: The research study was concerned with the examination of venture capitalists out of a social-capital theoretical perspective (Lin, 1999, 2005) in the French and Hispanic market and based on three research objectives. The first objective was to examine the effects of the investor’s network position on the funding amounts. The second objective was to examine the network effects on the probability to achieve a further funding round and the final objective was concerned with the probability that the investor exited successfully. The research model based on the earlier studies of Seppa (2003), Hochberg et al. (2007) and Alexy et al. (2012), and secondary data from the Crunchbase data set was processed by means of multivariate and binary logistic regression analyses. The results have shown that the network effects were negligible and that it was rather the syndicate size in this study which mattered for investment success.
    Keywords: social capital; venture capital; syndication networks; investment success; exit success; France; Spain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMNE.2024.10068816