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International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties

International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties (IJMMP)

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International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties (4 papers in press)

Special Issue on: Recent Advances in the Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Features of Porous Materials

  • Useful life prediction of building exterior wall decorative coatings   Order a copy of this article
    by Dan Chen 
    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of high detection error rate, low prediction accuracy and long time consumption in traditional prediction methods, a new useful life prediction method of building exterior wall decorative coatings is proposed. Decorative coatings of building exterior wall was prepared, and decorative coatings was painted to obtain the decorative coatings sample of building exterior wall, and the aging test was carried out on the sample. One-dimensional Wiener process is used to detect the decorative coatings degradation state of the aged building exterior wall, and the decorative coatings useful life of the building exterior wall is predicted by combining the degradation state detection results with Alex-Net model. The experimental results show that the average detection error rate of decorative coatings degradation state is 13.03%, the average prediction accuracy is 97.49%, and the prediction time is less than 0.5s.
    Keywords: building exterior wall; decorative coatings; useful life prediction; aging test; one-dimensional Wiener process; Alex-Net model.

  • Improving the wear resistance of vehicle gear oil by oil soluble LaF3 nanoparticles and typical additives of gear oil   Order a copy of this article
    by Di Hou, Haibo Wu 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the synergistic effect of oil soluble LaF3 nanoparticles and typical gear oil additives on the anti-wear performance of vehicle gear oil. The effects of three additives, namely sulphurised olefin (T321), sulphurised phosphoric acid replicating ammonium salt (T307), and top-level isooctyl phosphate dodecyl ammonium salt (T308B), on the wear resistance of gear oil were evaluated by measuring key indicators such as friction coefficient, wear spot diameter, and maximum non-seizure load. Furthermore, the composite effect of oil soluble LaF3 nanoparticles with these additives was further studied. The results showed that T308B additive performed the best in reducing friction coefficient and wear spot diameter, while significantly increasing the maximum non-seizure load. Therefore, this study provides experimental basis and theoretical guidance for the development of efficient anti-wear gear oil.
    Keywords: oil soluble LaF3 nanoparticles; gear oil; typical additives; vehicle gears; wear resistance.

  • Detecting the compressive strength of fibre nano-concrete under continuous load   Order a copy of this article
    by Hui Nie, Junjun Zhang, Bin Yi 
    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of low sensitivity, low accuracy, and long time consumption in traditional fibre nano concrete compressive strength testing methods, a method for detecting the compressive strength of fibre nano-concrete under continuous load is proposed. Prepare fibre nano concrete using cement, coarse and fine aggregates, nanomaterials, steel fibres, polypropylene fibres, etc. and cure the prepared specimens. Build a loading device using testing machines, jacks, etc. apply continuous loads to the specimen using the loading device, record the specimen data under continuous loads, eliminate outliers in the specimen data, and combine with the fibre nano concrete compressive strength testing model to obtain relevant testing results. The experimental results show that the maximum sensitivity of this method is 0.97, the accuracy is between 92.1% and 98.2%, and the maximum detection time is 177.23 ms, which has the characteristics of high accuracy and short time.
    Keywords: continuous load; fibre nano-concrete; compressive strength detecting; loading device; detection model.

  • Application of aerogel insulation material in flame retardant of lithium ion power battery   Order a copy of this article
    by Yanfen Li, Mingzheng Jia, Xueke Li 
    Abstract: In this study, the flame retardant effect of aerogel thermal insulation material in lithium ion power battery and its influence on battery performance were evaluated. In the study, we selected appropriate raw materials and instruments for preparation, and successfully prepared the required aerogel materials according to the preparation process of SiO2 aerogel thermal insulation materials. Subsequently, we left the transformed lithium-ion battery at 45
    Keywords: aerogel thermal insulation material; lithium ion power batteries; battery flame retardant; cyclic performance.