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International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation

International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation (IJMMNO)

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International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Bio-inspired mix design optimization of self-compacting concrete using machine learning algorithms   Order a copy of this article
    by Sriman Pankaj B, Vasan A, Jabez Christopher J 
    Abstract: This study focuses on optimising concrete mix design using a hybrid bio-inspired optimisation algorithm that combines differential evolution (DE) and cuckoo search (CS). The study also evaluates the performance of two strength prediction models, artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machine regression (SVR), in determining optimal mix proportions. The hybrid algorithm is tested using 11 benchmark test functions and the best approach is chosen to solve a mix design optimisation problem with the objectives of maximising compressive strength, minimising carbon emissions, and minimising cost. Results show that ANN outperforms SVR in terms of compressive strength, with a 30% increase observed. Both prediction models produce optimal mix proportions with minimal variation for cost and embodied carbon minimisation scenarios. The study demonstrates the efficacy of the hybrid optimisation algorithm in conjunction with a prediction model in determining optimal concrete mix proportions.
    Keywords: bio-inspired optimisation; swarm intelligence algorithms; machine learning; compressive strength prediction model; concrete mix design optimisation; cuckoo search; differential evolution.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMMNO.2024.10058653
  • Startup of oscillating heat pipes via Hopf bifurcation   Order a copy of this article
    by Carmen Chicone, Z.C. Feng, Stephen Lombardo, David G. Retzloff 
    Abstract: Phase changes occur in oscillating heat pipes (OHPs) inside a tube partially filled with liquid that loops through the hot and cold zones of the device. Evaporation occurs in the hot zone, condensation in the cold zone. Their net effect would intuitively lead to accumulation of liquid slugs in the cold zone and flow stagnation. In recent work, however, self-oscillations observed in a single-branch heat pipe are explained as self-excited mechanical resonator motion. We extend their analysis to typical OHP geometry. Based on a model that combines slug dynamics with a phenomenological model of evaporation, linear stability of the equilibrium corresponding to liquid slugs filling up the cold zone of the heat exchanger is analysed. Our results reveal relations among the system parameters that determine stability and oscillatory behaviour via Hopf bifurcations. Thus, an explanation is proposed for successful start-up - one of the grand challenges for OHP design.
    Keywords: oscillating heat pipe; mathematical model; linearisation; Hopf bifurcation; start-up; model validation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMMNO.2024.10059141
  • A numerical analysis of temperature variation in a breast tumour with varying ages   Order a copy of this article
    by Sharmila Shrestha, Dil Bahadur Gurung, Gokul K. C. 
    Abstract: Breast cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably leading to the development of breast tumours. Tumour size is determined by its age. Tumours develop quickly in the early stages of growth and slowly after 250 days (Gautherie, 1980). New blood vessels sprout for the fulfillment of nutrients and oxygen when a tumour expands. These new vessels increase blood flow and metabolism in tumour than in healthy tissue. This increases the tumour’s temperature. At a particular tumour age, the temperature distribution in the breast has been investigated by some researchers Afify and Osman (1988) and Ng and Sudarshan (2001); however, no research has been done throughout breast tumour development. To approximate the temperature change of breast tumour, the finite element approach is applied. The temperature variation of breast tumour is observed over a period of 50 to 700 days at various blood perfusion and metabolic rate. The tumour temperature is maximum at 50 days and drops gradually. Since blood flow and metabolic rate both decline with age, the temperature does not vary as the tumour grows. However, the temperature of breast skin surface is increased with tumour age.
    Keywords: tumour age; female breast; temperature variation; FEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMMNO.2024.10065151