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International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development

International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (IJMED)

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International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Transformational leaderships impact on organisational citizenship: mediating roles of organisational learning and affective commitment   Order a copy of this article
    by N. Akbar Jan, A.K. Subramani, C. Ramkumar , S. Chandrasekaran 
    Abstract: The purpose of the research is to understand the serial mediation effect of organisational learning culture (OLC) and affective commitment (AC) on the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The research was conducted among the 443 employees in the selected IT companies. The snowball sampling technique was adopted to collect the responses from the target population. Our study’s outcome indicates that OLC and AC individually and serially mediate the relationship between TL and OCB. However, in both cases, it is only partial mediation. TL has a significant direct positive effect on OCB and a significant indirect impact on OCB through OLC and AC. Enhancing OCB can be achieved by managers through the cultivation of TL. This positive effect can be reinforced by emphasising organisational learning and increasing AC.
    Keywords: transformational leadership; affective commitment; organisational learning culture; OLC; organisational citizenship behaviour; OCB; information technology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2025.10067094
  • Unveiling the power of corporate accelerators: an integrative review   Order a copy of this article
    by Shabnam Virdi, Sabyasachi Sinha 
    Abstract: This article presents an integrative review and synthesis of the corporate accelerators (CAs) literature. CAs are a growing phenomenon in the literature on corporate-startup engagements. CAs are cohort-based, time-limited programmes run/sponsored by large established corporations to fuel their open innovation agendas. By participating in these programmes, startups accelerate the commercialisation process of their innovative initiatives. In contrast, large corporations run these programmes to speed up their innovation outcomes and build a creative and entrepreneurial culture within their organisations, empowering them with increased competitive advantage to face rapidly changing business environments. This review tracks the progress of this new and emerging research domain in a timely manner and directs future research. We review 41 articles and create an integrated ‘antecedent-phenomenon-outcome’ framework summarising the extant literature on CAs. Based on this state-of-the-art literature review, we provide theoretical and methodological research gaps for future research.
    Keywords: corporate accelerator; corporate-startup engagement; open innovation; corporate entrepreneurship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2025.10067178
  • Insights into Intention to Learn of Employees in a Start-up for Enterprise Development   Order a copy of this article
    by Suparerk Sooksmarn, Kanokwan Kingphadung, Panuwat Rodchom, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Kongkiti Phusavat 
    Abstract: The study focuses on learning within an enterprise at its startup stage. Learning has contributed to successful enterprise development. Thus, facilitating workplace learning becomes one of primary responsibilities of startup owners. Based on the survey of 100 employees from one startup, three common organisation-related factors (i.e., age of employees, length of employment, and type of employment) have no impact on employees’ intention to learn which consists of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behaviour control, in accordance with theory of planned behaviour. This case study highlights that workplace learning for a startup can be planned and facilitated for all employees because the intention to learn is not influenced by the three organisation-related factors. For future research, motivation to learn is suggested to help extend employees’ intention to learn for effective workplace learning in a startup.
    Keywords: intention to learn; startup; workplace learning; enterprise development; theory of planned behaviour; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2025.10067693
  • The moderating effect of personality traits on the relationship between rewards and affective commitment   Order a copy of this article
    by Emelia Aniah, Daniel Agyemfour-Agyemang Sarpong, David Odikro, Justice Agyei Ampofo 
    Abstract: Rewards are used to ensure that employees become committed to their organisations. The main objective of this study was to examine the moderating effect of personality traits on rewards, and employee commitment. The study employed a quantitative research design. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 215 employees from 16 financial institutions in the Wa Municipality of Ghana. Correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Reliability and validity tests were performed using Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. The study revealed that conscientiousness moderates the relationship between non-financial rewards and affective commitment. The study recommends that a performance-based reward system should be considered and utilised to improve employees’ commitment. In addition, various institutional authorities should be mindful of their employees’ personality traits and potential employees, when engaging in contract negotiation or designing rewards.
    Keywords: management; performance; development; rewards; employee.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2025.10068281
  • Impact of project manager competencies on project performance: mediating role of trust   Order a copy of this article
    by Du Qiangqiang , Ruhanita Maelah 
    Abstract: The project manager (PM) competencies and the trust play a crucial role in improving project performance, especially in the challenging environment of IT projects characterised by complexity, diversity, and constant changes. The aim of this study is to determine how trust interacts with and mediates the relationship between PM competencies and the project performance of IT projects in China. A cross-sectional survey data was collected from 326 team members involved in IT projects and used to test the theoretical framework based on project management theory which comes from project management body of knowledge (PMBOK). Multiple Linear regression analysis demonstrated that PM competencies positively affect project performance, and trust partially mediates the relationship between PM competencies and project performance. Findings of this study can be used by PMs to improve project performance through their competencies and trust with team members. This paper adds value to existing research in the context of IT projects in China and has the potential to be applied in other industries and countries.
    Keywords: project manager competencies; trust; project performance; IT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2025.10068373

Special Issue on: New Paradigms for Management and Enterprise Development in Uncertain Times

  • Causal Effect between Digitalisation and Agility: The Leadership Mediating Role   Order a copy of this article
    by Samah Chemli Horchani  
    Abstract: Digitisation is an essential aspect concerning various academic fields and affecting practice. Digital contribution was the subject of multiple research streams. The present study seeks to examine relationships among digitalisation towards organisational agility through the mediating effect of leadership. To achieve the purpose, we conducted a quantitative study on 347 companies from the industrial sector. Data was gathered using a questionnaire survey. Based on structural equation modelling, the findings demonstrate that digitalisation is an important driver of organisational agility. The results confirm a positive mediating role of leadership on the verified link. The study highlighted that leadership is more than an individual behaviour. Leadership depends on the collective and it is dispensed across the entire organisation during the digital change management. The findings give original support for practitioners and academicians. The study contributed to the knowledge field by providing empirical evidence and therefore a valuable knowledge repository about the leadership and its effect on agility in a digital word.
    Keywords: digital; organisational agility; leading; mediated model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2024.10057842