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International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making

International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (IJMCDM)

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International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • An integrated ESG Readiness Evaluation and Reporting Methodology   Order a copy of this article
    by Nikolaos Kakogiannis, Haris Doukas, Filippos Dimitrios Mexis, Aspasia Feliou, Konstantinos Stouris 
    Abstract: Green financial products like green portfolios, funds, and bonds have almost become synonymous with sustainable development. Respectively, reporting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria performance is becoming more significant for companies and the financial market. Although many reporting methodologies exist, an integrated and standardised framework for assessing SMEs' performance on ESG criteria is lacking. This issue has raised criticism and discordance in the scientific and financial community regarding the impartiality and integrity of the published ESG reports, uncertainty to investors and allowed greenwashing phenomena. The present manuscript proposes an ESG benchmarking and readiness methodology based on a holistic approach, considering all the main aspects of market needs. Through the methodology, companies can assess their alignment with ESG criteria based on major international standards. The methodology can be the basis of implementing an online tool that will be able to provide a first-tier qualitative ESG rating within a brief self-assessment questionnaire.
    Keywords: environmental; social; and governance; ESG; investing; criteria; performance; risk management; sustainability; corporate governance; sustainable finance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMCDM.2024.10060064
  • Utilitarian and Rawlsian preferences in vector bimatrix games   Order a copy of this article
    by Asunción Zapata, Luisa Monroy, Amparo M. Mármol 
    Abstract: In this paper the equilibria of bimatrix games with multi-dimensional payoffs are analysed. In order to derive a description of the sets of equilibria for these games, two approaches are studied. The first one, the utilitarian approach, considers the preferences of the players represented by a weighted sum of the payoffs. The second one, the Rawlsian approach, relies on a maxmin representation of the preferences of the players. The whole sets of equilibria of these vector-valued bimatrix games are characterised in terms of the parameters involved in the representation of the preferences in both cases. We also show how the additional information on the preferences can be introduced in both models and analyse the effect that these information has in the equilibria for some interesting cases. The theoretical results are illustrated with an example of a two-criteria two-person game.
    Keywords: vector bimatrix games; equilibria; best response; utilitarian preferences; Rawlsian preferences.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMCDM.2024.10064798
  • An LOPCOW-OPTBIAS-based Integrated Approach for Cobot Selection in Manufacturing Assembly Operations   Order a copy of this article
    by Saikat Chatterjee, Partha Das, Shankar Chakraborty 
    Abstract: Nowadays, collaborative robots (cobots) have gained much popularity in manufacturing industries to assist in various assembly operations. However, selecting the most suitable cobot can be challenging due to abundance of many viable options in the market. In this paper, an integrated approach combining logarithmic percentage change-driven objective weighting (LOPCOW) and ordering preference targeting at bi-ideal average solutions (OPTBIAS) methods is proposed. Based on a real-time illustrative example consisting of 13 alternatives and six evaluation criteria, OPTBIAS method identifies Elfin-P as the most apposite cobot model for the considered assembly operation. The effectiveness of this integrated approach is validated against other popular multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques and objective criteria weighting methods. A sensitivity analysis with respect to variations in the criteria weights also proves robustness of the adopted approach. Thus, it can act as a potent MCDM tool in effectively selecting the most suitable assembly cobot for a given application.
    Keywords: cobot selection; decision making; LOPCOW; OPTBIAS; comparative analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMCDM.2024.10065329