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International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing

International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing (IJLTM)

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International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Relationship quality and economic sustainability in Sarawak rural tourism destinations: local communities perspectives   Order a copy of this article
    by Sook Fun Fong, May Chiun Lo, Abang Azlan  
    Abstract: Rural tourism, which involves tourism stakeholders, is recognized as a complex issue in the tourism industry. Differing perceptions and needs among tourism stakeholders lead to conflicts and community resentment, and in turn influences the economic sustainability within communities. This study aims to investigate the relationship between local communities’ relationship trust, commitment, and relationship satisfaction on economic sustainability. 184 local communities from Bario Highlands, Rumah Patrick Homestay, and Rumah Benjamin Angki Homestay participated voluntarily. The findings revealed that relationship trust, commitment, and satisfaction significantly influence economic sustainability. Thus, this study contributes to Sarawak Tourism and United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 16.
    Keywords: relationship quality; relationship trust; relationship commitment; relationship satisfaction; economic sustainability; sustainable rural tourism development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLTM.2025.10068401
  • The dynamic nexus of tourist relationship dimensions, image, and satisfaction in enhancing destination loyalty   Order a copy of this article
    by Shah Alam Kabir Pramanik, Md. Zakaria Rahman 
    Abstract: In dynamic and competitive environmental settings, the Tourist Relationship Management (TRM) approach has a profound role in satisfying tourists efficiently. This study aimed to explore the dynamic nexus of TRM dimensions and examine their connection with destination image, satisfaction, and loyalty. A non-probability sampling method was employed to collect data from 540 respondents, including convenience and snowball sampling. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The findings revealed that the direct relationships among the TRM dimensions, tourists’ satisfaction, destination image, and destination loyalty were significant except for the relationship between perceived service quality and destination image. Moreover, the study unveiled a substantial mediation of destination image and satisfaction in the connection between TRM dimensions and destination loyalty. This research illuminates how TRM dimensions shape the formation of destination image and satisfaction, ultimately enhancing loyalty in the context of cultural heritage tourism.
    Keywords: perceived service quality; environment management; entertainment facilities; destination image; tourists’ satisfaction; destination loyalty; cultural heritage tourism; tourist relationship management; TRM; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLTM.2025.10068911