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International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management

International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM)

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International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (157 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Selecting the best network design for COVID-19 healthcare waste disposal using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process   Order a copy of this article
    by Khalid Alzoubi, Nader Theeb, Tasneem Al-khalailah 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected our lives and impacted healthcare systems and the global economy. Therefore, it has become necessary to limit the spread of the virus. The proper disposal of medical waste is one of the important ways to reduce the negative effect of the virus. This study focuses on selecting the best network design for COVID-19 waste disposal in Jordan. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was used to select the best network design based on quantitative criteria of Total Cost and Response Time, and qualitative criteria of Customer Experience, Safety Practices in Waste Handling, and Effect on the Environment. Three reverse-logistic networks were considered; Direct Shipping, Shipping with Milk Runs, and Shipping with Cross Docking. The findings have revealed that Shipping with Cross Docking was the best network design with a weighted score of 0.478. Therefore, the use of FAHP approach helped in selecting the best network configuration for disposing of COVID-19 waste under conditions of high uncertainty.
    Keywords: Distribution Networks; Waste Disposal; COVID-19; Reverse Logistics; Sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10050713
  • Eliminating food loss and waste using lean tools in the agri-food supply chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Sahar Elbarky, Rawan Elbary, Rawan Alhaddad 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors and root causes of the increasing percentage of food loss and waste in the agri-food supply chain activities in the Egyptian market and propose a solution to eliminate such wastes using lean tools and techniques. Multiple case studies have already been conducted in the agri-food sector employing structured interviews with stakeholders in Egypt to identify the factors and root causes of agri-food waste in a real-life context using Pareto analysis. As per our findings, it was determined that the poor arrangement of boxes on trucks, temperature, the distance between farm and place of delivery, exposure to sunlight, and poor handling practices are the root causes for loss. The researchers developed work instructions and training programs to educate the stakeholders on how to eliminate the sources of potential wastes in the supply chain activities.
    Keywords: agri-food sector; agri-food loss and waste; lean tools; work instructions; training programs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10050725
  • Reverse logistics sustainability performance: from a systematic review to an assessment framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Maquele Antunes De Oliveira, Marina Hernandes De Paula e Silva, Orlando Henrique Batista Junior, Juliana Veiga Mendes, Luis Antonio De Santa-Eulalia 
    Abstract: Concern about sustainability has increased companies awareness of the importance of reverse logistics (RL) and its related opportunity as a competitive advantage. Despite the importance of this subject, the literature provides a limited number of frameworks on sustainability performance measurement in RL. There is a lack of studies in the literature that provide a clear overview about sustainable performance generating a practical model from it. To contribute to reducing this gap, this paper aims to propose a framework, classifying different indicators according to the triple bottom line (TBL) and through the RL stages - collection, analysis and classification, processing and final destination. A systematic literature review in the intersection of RL stages and sustainability performance was conducted to accomplish the objective. Results include indicators organised into a framework, covering the TBL and RL stages. Our findings also suggest the TBL social dimension is understudied in RL and that more studies indicating how to calculate the indicators are needed.
    Keywords: sustainable development; operations management; performance indicators; triple bottom line; TBL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10050806
  • Practical Optimisation Model for SMEs of Last Mile Delivery Service   Order a copy of this article
    by Marcello Fera, Mario Caterino 
    Abstract: The delivery business is growing rapidly and consistently in the whole world. This is leading small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to join the business of the last mile delivery service. SMEs are different from the big players in services and products offered; thus, also the optimisation objectives of the SMEs are different from the big partners: often, SMEs do not possess vehicles and outsource to external partners the last mile deliveries, thus they aim to optimise the assignment of the deliveries for minimising the costs. Hence, the development of methods to find feasible solutions for assignation problems related to last mile delivery becomes fundamental for SMEs. This paper aims to address the problem of cost minimisation when outsourcing the last mile delivery service by mathematically representing the assignment decision problem and by proposing the genetic algorithm (GA) as metaheuristic to solve the problem. The tests revealed the effectiveness of the GA.
    Keywords: last mile delivery service; assignment problem; genetic algorithm; small-medium enterprise; optimisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10050860
  • Analysis of enablers for the adoption of blockchain for net-zero supply chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Nidhi Yadav, Dixit Garg, Sunil Kuma Luthra 
    Abstract: In response to Indias commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emission by 2070, supply chain researchers and practitioners are keen to transform their conventional supply chain into net-zero supply chain (NZSC). Digitalisation of the supply chain such as the use of blockchain technology (BCT) is one strategy to reduce carbon emissions of the supply chain. Despite its potential and years of fanfare, BCT is yet to gain widespread recognition and adoption. Fifteen blockchain adoption enablers for NZSC have been identified based on an extensive literature review. Further, the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is used for ranking identified enablers based on multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM). The results showed that 'transparency and traceability' are the most critical enablers for implementing BCT for NZSC. This research has also recommended many theoretical and managerial implications for future research in this field.
    Keywords: net-zero supply chain; NZSC; blockchain technology; BCT; multiple-criteria decision-making; MCDM; TOPSIS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10050934
  • Effects of Duration of Visits on Covid-19 Infection Using a Multi-agent Simulation and Lean Concept   Order a copy of this article
    by Woramol C. Watanabe, Patchanee Patitad 
    Abstract: In the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing become a critical issue. People need to avoid spending time in crowded places. However, some activities cannot be postponed such as an appointment in a hospital. For geriatric care, there are many processes that mean elderly patients need to spend a long time. While they also have a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 in a limited space. To decrease time spent, this research aims to improve the case study in Thailand by using value-added analysis and the lean concept with the ECSR technique. Besides, an analysis of the effects of the duration of patient visits on the infection is presented by using a multi-agent simulation. The result presents that the duration of patient visits is decreased by 12.82% from the current operation. The simulation also declares that if the duration is decreased, the number of COVID-19-infected patients is significantly decreased.
    Keywords: lean healthcare; value-added analysis; COVID-19; multi-agent simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10051018
  • Literature Review on Supply Chain Transportation and Disruption Factors   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahmood Ahmad, Ammar Al-Bazi 
    Abstract: Transportation is a primary key factor for the operations of any successful supply chain. However, transportation management must be efficient and well organised, even though the possibility of damaging and interrupting an event is more likely to happen due to the competitive and globalise environment nowadays. This study conducts a comprehensive literature review focused on the transportation aspects of the supply chain precisely. The aim is to classify the recent literature on different aspects of supply chain transportation and to address the consideration of disruptions in transportation studies. Therefore, a conceptual framework is developed to analyse the interrelated relationship among the disruption factors, identify the research gaps and recommend future works for researchers.
    Keywords: supply chain; supply chain transportation; disruption factors; transportation disruption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10051406
  • An analysis of the natural gas production supply chain in the Permian Basin using Goldratt’s theory of constraints   Order a copy of this article
    by Pinyarat Sirisomboonsuk, James Burns 
    Abstract: A theory of constraints (TOC) model of supply-chain capacity and its limiting effect on natural gas production capacity coming from the Permian Basin is developed and presented. The authors use the model to better understand production capacity limitations and to explore the possible impediments that may be preventing the capacity of the Permian Basin from increasing. From this model numerous suggestions (solutions, injections) are made as to how to alleviate the impediments related to the extraction, transport, refining and distribution of natural gas coming out of the Permian Basin. Major issues associated with the Permian Basin are addressed
    Keywords: bottleneck; current reality tree; CRT; future reality tree; FRT; gas production; logistics; Permian Basin; supply chain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10051713
  • Improving Warehouse Operations Efficiency in a Retailer: A Case Study Employing a Systemic Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Khalid Aljohani 
    Abstract: Researchers continuously develop effective approaches to improve warehouse management systems. This study presents an efficient warehouse management framework that aims to improve the warehouse layout planning, smooth the flow of warehouse operations and facilitate the efficiency in accessing and deploying of materials, while at the same time establishing additional safety procedures in retail warehouses. With the help of empirical data collected from a case study company that manufactures perfumes and aromatic products based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a framework for developing and refining an optimal warehouse management system is outlined. The suggested framework was then implemented at the case study company which resulted in a revised warehouse layout plan, a reorganised inventory, and improved material handling operations. The study observed for three months the performance of operations under the revised warehouse layout. The evaluation concluded with a risk assessment to ensure a safe and secure warehouse working environment.
    Keywords: logistics; warehouse management; warehouse layout; material handling; operations improvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10051994
  • Omnichannel Transportation, Warehousing, and Manufacturing Quality Characteristics in a Post-Covid Environment: Case and Empirical Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith, Gabriel Moreno 
    Abstract: The transportation and warehousing industry includes industries providing logistical services of passengers and cargo, warehouses for storage, and support activities related to transportation companies within this industry-use transportation equipment and related facilities as a productive asset. A case study of two Pittsburgh, PA transportation companies and an empirical study of 1,008 respondents from the same service yielded information about the growth of AI, automation and cloud business intelligence to provide quality-added activities, especially for working professionals. In general, although low-cost tactics counter the value-added through high quality, both sexes felt that there is a need for high-quality manufactured goods, but the low cost can be a mitigating factor. Keeping operational and transportation costs low and transferring these savings in lower prices and shipping costs to the consumer are strategic advantages for these companies.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; business cloud intelligence; case study; empirical study; manufacturing quality; omnichannel; supply chain management; SCM; supply chain management solutions software.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10057814
  • Mitigating Supply Chain Disruptions, Risks, and Vulnerabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by John Jeong Kim  
    Abstract: The global supply chain has made numerous strides in improving processes to keep the supply chain functional. However, supply chain businesses suffer disruptions from many different factors, which impact the supply chain businesses and customers. The purpose of this research was to understand the various ways the supply chain disruption occurs and to develop potential ideas on mitigating disruptions. The background of the issue was researched, followed by the interview of 11 high-level supply chain managers and employees to obtain data for understanding the disruption factors and the strategies that were developed and implemented to mitigate the risks and impact of disruptions. After the interviews were conducted, a thematic analysis was used to analyse the data collected to discover several themes. Each theme involved a general strategy that supply chain businesses can implement and develop based on the different organisational culture while keeping the priorities and goals the same.
    Keywords: supply chain industry; supply chain disruptions; risk management; disruption mitigation; supply chain vulnerability; supply chain security; supply chain management; SCM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10052161
  • An application of R’DEMATEL approach and Sensitivity analysis for Identifying significant barriers for horizontal collaboration implementation in logistics   Order a copy of this article
    by Biswaroop Chakraborty, Sujan Mondal, ANKITA RAY 
    Abstract: Implementation of horizontal collaboration (HC) between competing companies will influence environmental and socio-economic objectives of sustainable development in logistics transportation sector. Real application of HC is challenging, and past literature identified significant barriers related to HC implementation and suggested to evaluate the relative importance of the identified barriers and interactions of the barriers by using causal analysis approaches. Therefore, our study addressed this research gap and try to present inter-relationship of the significant barriers of HC implementation in logistics by using rough set theory (closely related to fuzzy set theory and used to determine structural relationship within vague and deafening data) along with decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method. The sensitivity analysis is performed to determine the impact of expert’s weight coefficient on the final evaluation result. Outcome of the study helps logistics manager to focusing on to improve inter-organisational environment to adopt this sustainable business strategy.
    Keywords: horizontal collaboration; rough set theory; DEMATEL; sensitivity analysis; decision making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10052162
  • An integrated approach based on classification and forecasting intermittent demand model for urban pick-up: A case study of Moroccan carrier   Order a copy of this article
    by Leila Bourrich, Saâd Lissane Elhaq 
    Abstract: Pick-up links play a crucial role in logistics chains. It is the most expensive and polluting part of urban logistics. Management and decision-making must be optimised to improve their performance, and develop urban logistics sustainably. Several factors make its management difficult. Due to that, this process produces intermittent demand series. Our aim in this paper is to improve the pick-up chain by anticipating customers’ requests. Based on K-means clustering, the integrated approach proposes two novel estimation models for demand occurrence, followed by a forecasting model derived from benchmarking studies between three methods: SES, Croston, and SBA on a real dataset. Our approach demonstrates the value of the classification model and the outperformance of SBA over other methods. This area has not been researched. Thus, this study contributes to urban logistics durability and freight transportation. Consequently, carriers will be provided with new-and-improved benefits in the future based on this relevant context.
    Keywords: forecasting methods; intermittent demand; K-means clustering; pick-ups’ demand-anticipation; freight transportation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10052257
  • Location of Multi-Product and Multi-Resource Capacity Facilities in Green Logistics   Order a copy of this article
    by Maryam Aliei, Mansoore Hoorali 
    Abstract: The issue of facility location is one of the most important and practical issues in the field of decision-making issues. Reducing costs has always been one of the main goals of these issues. In recent years, with the increase of environmental concerns, attention to the mission of harmful gases and the pollution caused by them has become another effective criterion in locating facilities and allocating customers to them. In this paper, the two-objective problem of locating multi-source and multi-product capacity facilities with simultaneous consideration of financial costs and carbon dioxide emissions is investigated. First, the mathematical model of the problem is presented and then the stable analysis method using Monte Carlo simulation is used to solve the problem. By using this method, the degree of stability for Pareto optimal solutions can be achieved in order to make better decisions for establishing warehouses and allocating customers to them. Finally, the computational results are presented and analysed.
    Keywords: facility location problem; green logistics; multipurpose optimisation; stability analysis; multi-products; multipurpose.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10052605
  • An Integrated Framework for Third Party Logistic Evaluation by using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution   Order a copy of this article
    by Asmaa Galal, Hesham Elawady, Noha Mostafa 
    Abstract: This paper provides an integrated approach for evaluating and selecting third party logistics (3PLs) service providers. It contains two phases: the first phase employs a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process to specify the weights of the evaluation criteria, while the second phase uses the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution to evaluate the alternatives, sequence them, and select the best option. Finally, the proposed approach was implemented for a case study with four criteria and three alternatives. After that, sensitivity analysis was developed to get deeper insights. The results manifest the impact of using different methods to find the fuzzy sets on the value of criteria. The most important factors in 3PL selection were found to be compatibility (47.17%), financial performance (25.49%), reputation (16.52%) and long-term relationship (10.82%). The paper compares between using the extent analysis method and the geometric mean technique to find the fuzzy numbers.
    Keywords: third party logistics; 3PLs; multi-criteria decision making; MCDM; fuzzy analytic hierarchy process; FAHP; TOPSIS; extent analysis method; geometric mean technique; outsourcing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10053039
  • Third party purchase: an empirical study from the Chinese automotive industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Yangyan Shi, Luying Liu, Walter Glass, Yangfei Gao, Eias A.I. Humdan 
    Abstract: Third-party purchases (3PP) offered by third-party logistics (3PL) providers are a new concept in the contemporary business context. The primary objective of our study is to explore a possible method of improving relationships between 3PP service providers and suppliers in China’s automotive industry. We analyse a 3PP service provider by interviewing its employees and suppliers. A qualitative research method was employed using a single case study protocol. We deliberately selected a 3PP service provider operating in the automotive industry. We then collected empirical data via face-to-face interviews with well-informed 3PP employees and a cross-section of 32 suppliers. The major finding of this study is that 3PP service providers not only help to improve operational efficiency, but they also reduce prices for their clients. The study comprehensively analyses the implementation of 3PP in the automotive industry in China.
    Keywords: outsourcing; third-party purchase; 3PP; automotive industry; case study; China; third-party logistics; 3PL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10053184
  • The Technological - Organizational - Environmental Factors Affecting Radio Frequency Identification Adoption Intention in the Jordanian Healthcare Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Alaa Ghurbal, Rateb Sweis, Baraa Allan 
    Abstract: In the healthcare setting, radio frequency identification (RFID) has myriad applications such as tracking medical equipment and hospital assets, identifying and monitoring patients, and enhancing healthcare facilities’ management and supply chains. 52 factors based on the technological-organisational-environmental (TOE) framework were identified to be ranked according to importance by respondents. In total, 637 respondents participated from five groups; top managers, middle managers, physicians, pharmacists, and nurses. The findings showed that
    Keywords: radio frequency identification; RFID adoption; healthcare; Jordan; TOE framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10053390
  • Influence of Electronic Procurement Practices on the Supply Chain Performance of Public Institutions in Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Bright Tanzubil Junior  
    Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the impact of e-procurement practices on the supply chain performance of public institutions within the Upper East Region of Ghana. Five prime e-procurement practices were analysed in relation to supply chain performance. Purposive sampling technique was employed to collect quantitative data from 251 employees of public institutions using a structured five-point Likert scale questionnaire. The findings of the study suggest that e-catalogue, e-invoicing, e-sourcing and e-supplier selection have a positive and significant impact on the supply chain performance of public institutions. The findings of the study further revealed that e-tendering did not have any significant impact on supply chain performance. Hence, the study's findings suggest that public-sector procurement managers can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their supply chain operations and services by properly implementing e-cataloguing, e-invoicing, e-sourcing, and e-supplier selection technologies.
    Keywords: procurement; e-procurement; supply chain performance; e-catalogue; e-invoicing; e-sourcing; e-supplier selection; e-tendering; public institution; Ghana.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10053514
  • Green vehicles adoption for last-mile delivery: a systematic literature review and current trend   Order a copy of this article
    by Rezli Ainur Savira Lubis, Yuliani Dwi Lestari 
    Abstract: The final step in the e-commerce supply chain, last-mile delivery, is an innovative approach to urban logistics issues, including lowering carbon emissions through alternative vehicles. This research intends to update and identify green vehicles adoption based on the type of last-mile delivery and the type of commodities transported by a systematic literature review method to enhance the sustainability of urban logistics. The findings show that collaboration between conventional vehicles (fossil fuels) and active transportation (bicycles, walking), public transportation, electric vehicles, drones, and robots is the most widely adopted. From an environmental standpoint, carbon emissions can be significantly reduced with this alternative vehicle when making deliveries. In addition, the result shows that this environmentally friendly vehicle mostly serves general goods delivery to the consumer’s location. Meanwhile, crowdshipping is an urban logistics trend that has emerged recently by utilising individuals to make deliveries when traveling in certain areas.
    Keywords: e-commerce; green vehicles; last-mile delivery; urban logistic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10053583
  • Identifying Challenges Plaguing Ethiopia's Logistics Industry: A Structured Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Hafiz Wasim Akram  
    Abstract: The backbone of a country’s trade interactions with the rest of the world is its efficient logistics performance. This paper reviews the literature on Ethiopia’s logistics industry to assess its current state, pinpoint its knowledge gaps, and suggest a framework for addressing the issues faced by this industry. This work examines 56 academic articles on the topic of problems facing Ethiopia’s logistics industry published in various journals between 2001 and 2022. Research publications were selected from three databases: Scopus, Web of Science, and Dimensions. Besides, pertinent literature from other sources, such as the World Bank, was also incorporated in the study for a better critical analysis. The study has attempted to shed light on the problems being faced by Ethiopia’s logistics industry and the resulting repercussions. Based on the comprehensive literature review, the paper has enumerated a few broad challenges, the resolution of which is expected to bring about a positive change in Ethiopia’s international trade.
    Keywords: logistics; logistical problems; logistics industry; challenges; Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10053619
  • The key drivers and barriers for Vietnamese companies implementing reverse logistics   Order a copy of this article
    by Han Huyen-Huong, Thi Thuy Nguyen, Thi Duong Nga Nguyen, Son-Tung Le 
    Abstract: Today, the world’s waste creation rates are rising as a result of population increase, urbanisation, and economic growth. Reverse logistics is employed in the collection, recycling, and reuse processes as well as in the reduction of consumables and environmental compatibility in the sustainable management of municipal waste. Although reverse logistics (RL) is regarded as the most important component of supply chain management in developed nations, its adoption in developing countries is still in the early stages. This study aims to identify the key drivers and barriers to companies using reverse logistics in developing countries, especially Vietnam. 287 managers were surveyed in five areas of Vietnam for a research study. The findings indicate that there are three drivers and one barrier for RL practice. Numerous implications for management and practice have been identified by this study.
    Keywords: economic drivers; financial barriers; infrastructure barriers; reverse logistics; sustainability; corporate social responsibility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10053654
  • Optimal warranty period for the controllable deteriorating product under trade credit, inflation, and demand-dependent production rate   Order a copy of this article
    by Mrudul Jani, Manish Betheja, Urmila Chaudhari 
    Abstract: n any transaction, the trade credit policy is a regular component of market transactions that raise demand. The accompanying businesses provide a warranty period facility to increase consumer demand for products while a higher price of goods lowers demand and vice versa. This study determines a production model, wherein the production rate is directly proportional to price-warranty period under trade credit policy. This work considers: 1) constant deterioration rate and investment in preservation technology; 2) the rate of replacement failure is a nonlinear function, wherein the capital of the producer depends on the warranty period; 3) the rate of inflation is constant. This study is primarily aimed at calculating the optimum warranty period, investment under preservation, cycle time, and sales price to optimise the manufacturer's net profit. The results are validated by solving three numerical examples and for key parameters a sensitivity analysis is analysed with some important managerial implications.
    Keywords: constant deterioration; inflation; trade credit policy; time-varying holding cost; preservation technology investment; the warranty period.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10057815
  • The resilience of third-party logistics providers in extreme contexts: An empirical study in COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Thi Trinh Dao, Canh Lam Nguyen 
    Abstract: Based on the resilience theory and a purposive sample of 11 third-party logistics providers, this exploratory research enhances knowledge about the main concerns, major adjustments, key factors to cope with, and the pivotal factors to adapt and develop the resilience of these firms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Four dimensions of these firms’ main concerns include (1) supply chain disruption, (2) finance threats, (3) human concerns, and (4) the unknown of the future. The main dimensions that helped these firms cope with the situation consist of financial strength, workforce, and supply chain management. Changes and adjustments include work-based activities, adjustments to compliance, and business strategies. Two dimensions should be developed to adapt and develop in the post-COVID-19 era, including supply chain collaboration and technology innovation. A proposed conceptual framework is then provided, followed by a discussion of its theoretical and practical implications.
    Keywords: third-party logistics provider; 3PL; logistics; COVID-19; resilience; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054075
  • Trade-offs in warehousing storage location reassignment   Order a copy of this article
    by Polina Görbe, Tamás Bódis, Peter Foldesi 
    Abstract: In the low-level picker-to-parts warehouses the order picking is the most time- and cost consuming process. The performance indicator for order picking is lead time. The system can be considered efficient if these lead times can be kept low, but this is heavily influenced by the storage location assignment in the warehouse, the routing, and the warehouse layout. The objective of this research is to investigate in what cases and to what extent reassignment and repositioning tasks following efficiency deterioration as well as seek answers to how to minimize these costly tasks and maintain a near-ideal storage location assignment. To solve this problem, an intelligent system concept is presented, which aims to support the warehouse operator in making replenishment decisions, which picking storage to replenish based on the current rotation of item, and which products to repositioning, while maintaining a near ideal storage location assignment. The aim of this paper is to highlight the potential decision points and circumstances, when adaptive storage location reassignment would be necessary and how this concept can help everyday warehouse logistics.
    Keywords: warehouse; repositioning; storage-location-assignment; efficiency.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054150
  • Evaluating Additive Manufacturing Success Factors for the Aviation Industry: An Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Robert Walton, Aman Gupta 
    Abstract: This study explored the factors that might affect the emerging additive manufacturing (AM) industry, specifically the aviation industry. Additive manufacturing involves the creation of parts using a layer-by-layer printing process to build a part. Historically, AM has been used for prototyping; however, recently, technology has evolved into full-scale production. However, there are issues that hamper the widespread production of aviation parts. Using interpretive structural Modelling (ISM) methodology, this study explored the mutual influences and consequences among different AM attributes that affect the wide-scale use of technology. The study found that the most important benefit of AM is weight reduction, with intellectual property rights being the least important. This study contributes to the literature on AM, specifically for the aviation industry, and outlines the most important attributes that management and regulators should focus on to advance this emerging technology.
    Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Interpretive Structural Modelling; Supply Chain; Operations; Production.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054151
  • Current panorama of road cargo transport in Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by LISEANE PADILHA THIVES, Enedir Ghisi, Juarez Jonas Thives Júnior 
    Abstract: Roads represent the primary means of transporting cargo and people in Brazil. However, even considering the importance of roads for the country's economy, only 12.4% of roads in Brazil are paved, and accident rates are high. The main objective of this work is to assess the current panorama of road cargo transport on Brazilian federal roads. The road conditions and the accidents involving trucks were evaluated. Besides, truck driver profiles were traced, and finally, the economic and social aspects were evaluated. The inadequate road network conditions contribute to circulation restrictions, damage of products transported by trucks, and increase the risk of accidents. Improving the quality of Brazilian roads will minimise the socio-environmental impacts of cargo transportation deficiencies. Actions such as investments in new roads and maintenance of the existing ones are needed, but better drivers and new technologies are also required.
    Keywords: truck; Brazil; cargo transport; road network.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054152
  • Enhancing Resilience in the Global Automotive Supply Chain: Lessons Learned from the Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Hokey Min, K.M. Mahaboob Sheriff 
    Abstract: The automobile is the lifeblood of our daily mobility. Its access, however, has been severely limited due to the sudden disruption of the automotive supply chain caused by the draconian COVID-19 control measures and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Since the automotive industry affects other supporting industries such as steel, rubber, battery, and glass, its struggle can bring down the entire worldwide economy. Despite its essential role, today's automotive industry has been hit hard by the continuous disruption of its supply chain due to incoming part shortages. This paper proposes various practical remedies to enhance automotive supply chain resilience by identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating supply chain risks. This paper conducted a systematic review (SLR) of academic literature on the automotive supply chain to develop such remedies. Our review revealed that the automaker's lack of collaboration with its supply chain partners and the subsequent inability to tackle organizational and operational risks were major culprits for its vulnerability to supply chain disruptions.
    Keywords: Supply chain resilience; automotive supply chain; organizational risks; digital technologies; systematic literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054187
  • A value co-creation and relational-based view for financial metrics in third-party logistics   Order a copy of this article
    by Paulo Sergio Altman Ferreira  
    Abstract: This paper proposes and explains financial measures and value co-creation analytics for logistics costs and relationship performance. The fundamental approach refers to the view of logistics services as value co-creation drivers. The main argument is that measuring value co-creation accomplishments of 3PL could enable developing relational-based financial metrics. In turn, these indicators would represent an additional view for measuring financial performance across the entire supply chain. This proposed framework was developed through applying deductive logic to blend the value co-creation perspective of logistics services and relationship development. Systematic measurement of logistics value requires a description of the financial impact of the co-creation perspective of the service. Relational costs and revenues in a perspective of value co-creation is a novel approach for 3PL to manage its performance within the entire supply chain. The outcome is a proposition to capture how value-co creation can be quantified in financial terms in logistics services.
    Keywords: Value co-creation; 3PL; Relational-based logistics; Logistics services; Financial metrics framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054234
  • Status of Green Supply Chain Management in Power Companies   Order a copy of this article
    by SHEETAL SODA, Lakhwinder Pal Singh 
    Abstract: Industrial activities of humans have begun to have an unfavorable effect on the environment, which may become self-destructive for the former as a result of increased industrialisation and ever-growing consumerism. Due to greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels, the power sector has been named one of the world’s most polluting industries. The electricity sector is a natural fit for green supply chain management (GSCM), which has the ability to reduce pollution while also benefiting businesses financially. This article aims to examine the degree to which state-owned power companies (SOPCs) in Punjab have adopted and implemented GSCM methods.
    Keywords: green supply chain management; GSCM; power companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054343
  • Evaluating Resilience in Supply Chain under Disruptions   Order a copy of this article
    by Suchera Putthakosa, Huynh Trung Luong 
    Abstract: Disruptions in supply chains are common all around the world. Hence, the effect of disruption on the supply chain must be analysed to assist enterprises in responding to the interruptions. The disruptions expose vulnerable spots in supply chain networks, resulting in delayed recovery. Therefore, improving supply chain resilience becomes an important issue. In this research, a renewal approach will be used to investigate resilience measures. The proposed approach helps determine the system’s sustainability, vulnerability, and recoverability for a supplier who may encounter unforeseen events. Those resilience measures will be determined through the long-run proportions of time the system is in various states. Sensitivity analyses are also conducted to examine the influence of each system parameter on the resilience measures.
    Keywords: supply chain resilience; renewal theory; supply chain network; disruption; supply chain management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054390
  • Influencing of supply chain management in business: Evidence from reference models   Order a copy of this article
    by Iskander Zouaghi, Piera Centobelli, Raja Sreedharan 
    Abstract: Business dynamics has created many ripples in industries and supply chain management is no exception to this. Different standards and references have become widely coveted management tools in several areas, including that of information and business process systems, logistics, quality and business operations. This is mainly due to the need for companies to have both the same level of understanding and practices, and also the same language thanks to new organisational configurations (network, supply chain). In operations, logistics, and supply chain management, there are many references because of practice and process variability that come from important environmental uncertainty. The main purpose of this paper is to deepen the reflection around these reference models aiming at having a structured and consolidated view. This offers a framework that highlights the influence of operations, logistics, and supply chain management practices in business.
    Keywords: reference model; logistics; operations; supply chain management; word web method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10054400
  • The Application of the ARIMA Model for Time Series Air Freight Forecasting   Order a copy of this article
    by Boutaina Hajjar, Omar Drissi Kaitouni 
    Abstract: In recent years, air freight has attracted vigorous attention among scholars due to its continuous growth and importance in decision making. Developing an accurate forecast for the air cargo market is essential for empowering planning processes and providing guidance for the air cargo industry's key stakeholders. Nevertheless, only a few research papers have been developed to tackle this topic. Hence, this study is devoted to applying the automated algorithm from the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) modelling to predict time series data of air cargo outbound in eight geographical regions. The experimental findings show good performance of the selected models to be used for accurate predictions. The goodness of fit of the candidates’ models is assessed based on different statistical key indicators. The results provide a useful prediction basis for the air cargo market and emphasize the future performance of air freight over the next years.
    Keywords: Air freight; Forecasting; ARIMA; Performance indicators; Time series.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054578
  • A new methodology for generating personalized routes for logistics in music festivals by considering time windows   Order a copy of this article
    by Denais Maya, Rodrigo Linfati, John Wilmer Escobar 
    Abstract: This paper considers the problem of generating personalised routes for people attending music festivals considering time windows. The objective is to maximise the attendees’ satisfaction by considering elements such as the desire to see some artists of a festival program, the time windows, and the distance between each stage. The proposed mathematical model determines which artists an attendee should see among the many options a music festival offer. The more satisfied an attendee is, the more readily they will return to the events, improving logistics in musical events. The proposed formulation is based on the well-known orienteering problem with time windows (OPTW). Instances (attendees’ preferences) are generated from a specific day of Lollapalooza Chile (2019), a festival with seven stages and 120 artists distributed over three days to test the efficiency of the proposed methodology. The results are prominent considering the diverse type of attendees.
    Keywords: music festival; logistic; combinatorial optimisation; scheduling; routing problems; time windows.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10054917
  • Just in Time Inventory Model and Flexibility Outcome : Determinant of Production Procedure in Textile Firms in Lagos State   Order a copy of this article
    by Adedugba Adebayo, Olalekan Akinrinola, Daniel Inegbedion 
    Abstract: The study introduces the after-effects of an empirical examination and schematic model. It looks at the relationship between just in time inventory model and flexibility outcome in textile firms. Linear regression was utilised by the means of partial least square (PLS) to investigate the information gathered from 12 textile firms in Lagos State. The examination outcome affirms the effect of just in time inventory model on flexibility outcome in the context of deterministic production procedure. In addition, this study further demonstrates that the paradigm of just in time inventory model catalyses flexibility outcome to maximise productivity. Therefore, the study proposes that flexibility can be optimised utilising the just-in-time (JIT) inventory model as a platform to improve output.
    Keywords: textile firms; model; productivity; flexibility outcome; just in time inventory model; optimise.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055031
  • Location-Inventory-Routing Model for Vaccine Distribution Problem with Heterogenous Fleet   Order a copy of this article
    by Beste DESTICIOGLU TASDEMIR, Ahmed ?hsan SIMSEK, Erdinç Koç 
    Abstract: The study's model was developed under the presumption that the province of Elazig's vaccine distribution fleet is heterogeneous Vaccines were delivered to all demand points from both warehouses by vehicles with different capacities A mathematical model is proposed that aims to minimize the distance traveled Considering the characteristics of the vehicles used in the distribution, speed and working hours constraints were added to the model The proposed mathematical model for the distance constrained heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem has been implemented as two different central distribution centers There is only one kilometer difference between the total distance traveled by the vehicles delivering vaccines from Fethi Sekin State Hospital and the Provincial Health Directorate However, vaccine distribution activities can be carried out with two vehicles from the Provincial Health Directorate and
    Keywords: location-inventory-routing; mathematical model; routing problem; vaccine distribution.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055074
  • Digitalization in modeling: General framework on how Industry 4.0 will change the green supply chain model   Order a copy of this article
    by Sana Elhidaoui, Khalid BENHIDA, Srinivas Kota, Ahmed Lamalem, Said ELFEZAZI, Ismail Dribi Alaloui 
    Abstract: The understanding of the impact of the Industry4.0 (I4.0) on the supply chain (SC) has entered the spotlight. Indeed, several studies were conducted to analyze this relationship whether to demonstrate the gains of this technology on the SC, or to argue against the drawbacks of its adoption in the SC. In fact, the environmental dimension has further complicated the research in this matter. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the integration of the I4.0 in the green supply chain (GSC) modeling. Two methods are selected to deal with this objective, namely SWOT and Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE), using VISUAL PROMETHEE software. This study identifies the relevant alternatives that allow dealing with the threats and weaknesses, for the strengthening of the GSC modeling, and the best opportunities for the integration of I4.0. This research provides a general framework that would help researchers and practitioners in the future to address GSC modeling and the I4.0.
    Keywords: Supply chain; Industry 4.0; Green; Modeling; SWOT; PROMETHEE II.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055082
  • A mathematical model for a capacity reservation contract with backup sourcing   Order a copy of this article
    by Sidharath Joshi, Huynh Trung Luong 
    Abstract: The recent upsurge in disruptive events globally has emphasised the importance of resilience in supply chain management. In the current complex global environment, the need of strategic sourcing, fostering long-term relationships, implementing risk-sharing mechanisms, and ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes for all members of supply chain networks have gained significant attention. In this paper, we propose a capacity reservation contract for a supply chain network consisting of a retailer, a main supplier, and a backup supplier. This dual sourcing model serves as a reactive resilience strategy that balances the trade-off between flexibility and redundancy. The proposed model makes a valuable contribution to academic literature by providing unique optimal solutions for the reservation capacities of the retailer and the constructed capacities of the suppliers. Additionally, sensitivity analysis has been conducted to examine the robustness of the model and assess the impact of contract input parameters on the decision variables.
    Keywords: supply chain management; supply chain resilience; supply disruption; backup sourcing; supply chain contracts; capacity reservation contracts; mathematical modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055378
  • Exploring horizontal collaboration in home delivery operations: A case of Greek grocery retailers   Order a copy of this article
    by ELENI ZAMPOU, Eleftherios G. Manousakis, Maria Argyropoulou, Dimitris Zissis Dimitris Zissis 
    Abstract: The emergence of online retail channels has reshaped the grocery market rendering home delivery a costly and barely sustainable process. Most grocery retailers fulfil home delivery with proprietary fleets. However, the associated expenses led many retailers to rethink their business model and consider synergies with competitors to implement a sustainable home delivery model. To that end, we propose a horizontal collaborative home delivery model as an operational alternative to reduce distribution costs and improve logistics efficiency. The proposed model is assessed in cooperation with two major Greek grocery retailers. Different operating scenarios using actual home delivery data are tested to evaluate the impact of collaboration and explore if better services, such as shorter time windows, are possible through collaboration. Our results indicate that, on average horizontal collaborative home delivery decreases the number of required routes and travelling time by 5.3% and 10.6%, respectively.
    Keywords: online grocery; last-mile; home delivery; horizontal collaboration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055379
  • Two Omni-channel fresh food retailers from a supply chain perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Wenzhou Wang, Junmin Yi 
    Abstract: Today, the advent of digital channels has changed the face of the retail business. This paper examines two omni-channel retail pioneers in China's fresh food business: Hema Xiansheng and super species. Their supply chains are analysed under two models of hierarchies: strategically, there is an integration of channels, resources, service strategy, stores, and locations; tactically and operationally, the main focus is on their layout, warehousing, distribution, pickup, delivery, and technology. Their performance is compared and discussed, and the shortcomings are also identified. Finally, the future of these omni-channel innovations is predicted with a discussion of some findings and suggestions.
    Keywords: omni-channel; supply chain; fresh food; retail.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10057816
  • A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window in Green Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Mst. Anjuman Ara, Ferdous Sarwar, Md. Tanvir Ahmed 
    Abstract: The problem of simultaneous pickups and deliveries vehicle routing problem with time window (VRPSPDTW) integrates forward and reverse logistics for optimizing cost with environmental consideration. The goal is to get the best routes that represent the least transportation cost for vehicles occupied by the route. The overall cost includes fixed cost, variable cost, penalties for being late, fuel cost from optimizing fuel usage, and cost associated with carbon emission which reduces energy consumption and pollutant emissions in the environment. This research develops a mathematical model for VRPSDPTW by using the traveling distance and the load of the vehicle for cost optimization. A hybrid genetic algorithm is developed to measure the performance of VRPSPDTW problem as well as genetic algorithm. The comparison shows that the hybrid genetic algorithm perform better than genetic algorithm in terms of the total cost of a vehicle.
    Keywords: Vehicle Routing Problem; Genetic algorithm; Hybrid Genetic Algorithm; Sweep algorithm; Iterated swap procedure.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055558
  • The Factors That Influencing to Use NFC Mobile Payment for Public Transport in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Noorsiah Ahmad, Nur Aqilah Zainordin, Nor Aziyatul Izni, Lee Kah Mun, Chong Kar Weng 
    Abstract: This study assesses the intention to use near-field communication (NFC) mobile payments on public transportation in Klang Valley, Malaysia. This study is to determine the public’s awareness and attitude towards the intention to use NFC mobile payment on public transportation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The methods of data collection are mainly through online questionnaires that have been distributed to the public that is currently living in Kuala Lumpur, of which a total of 333 respondents have been successfully collected. Once the data has been collected, SPSS software is utilised for the data analysis. The results showed that awareness and attitude significantly had relationships towards the intention to use NFC mobile payment on public transportation in Kuala Lumpur.
    Keywords: mobile payment; near-field communication; NFC; public transportation; logistic; awareness; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10055658
  • The classification model of reverse logistics for halal chicken meat   Order a copy of this article
    by Yulita Veranda Usman, Anas Miftah Fauzi, Taufik Djatna, Tun Tedja Irawadi 
    Abstract: The study aims to propose the business process model (BPM) and the classification rules to recapture more halal value from returned halal chicken meat (HCM) for deciding the appropriate product recovery of returned halal chicken meat. The actors involved in reverse logistics activities of halal chicken meat are quality assurance staff, cold storage staff, collection centre staff, management of the slaughtering company, the truck driver of the logistics service provider (transporter), and the customer. The ranking of the class product recovery of returned halal chicken meat obtained consecutively are feed products (56.7%), disposal (33.4%), halal food products (8.8%) and repacking (1.1%). The three quality attributes of halal chicken meat that most affect the decision of product recovery option are odour (putrid), handling of halal product, and visual (physical) appearance. The decision tree generates 11 classification rules to support management in deciding the best product recovery of returned halal chicken meat.
    Keywords: reverse logistics; product recovery; business process modelling and notation; BPMN; classification model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056406
  • Safeguarding Subcontractors in a Co-opetitive Outsourcing Context: The Competitive Dynamics Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Yu-Ching Chiao, Keng-Hsiang Cheng, Ville Isoherranen, Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee, Nirote Sinnarong, Yi-Hsiang Huang 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the co-opetitive relationship between a focal firm and its subcontractors. We used the new developing concept of safeguarding tension to understand the antecedent and consequence relationship of the focal firm, while its subcontractors presented somehow competitive threats. Using the awareness-motivation-capability (AMC) perspective, an integrated research model was developed. With the fine-grained measures in terms of previous literature and case interviews, this study gathered 101 outsourcing samples of 17 focal firms to test proposed hypotheses by the hierarchical regression. The evidence shows that if a subcontractor has higher levels of organisational characteristics, competitive motivations, and absorptive capabilities, it will cause the focal firm’s safeguarding tension to increase. Furthermore, when a focal firm perceives higher safeguarding tension, it will exhibit higher levels of safeguarding aggressiveness. The results of this research explain safeguarding tension and its related concepts, as well as filling in gaps in the co-opetition and subcontractor management literature. It also provides a direction for how to best manage the relationship with subcontractors.
    Keywords: subcontractor management; safeguarding tension; safeguarding aggressiveness; competitive dynamics; awareness-motivation-capability perspective.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056409
  • Loading and Multi-trip Routing Problem Using Hierarchical Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm.   Order a copy of this article
    by Luan Tieu, Anh Truong, Hop Nguyen 
    Abstract: In this paper, we formulate the loading and routing problem as a new mixed-integer programming model with multi-trip routing and loading constraints. The objective is to minimise the total costs of delivery and outbound cross-docking operations and delivery. We also modify an ant colony optimisation algorithm to a so-called four-level ant colony optimisation heuristics (FLACO) to search for the best loading and routing solution in hierarchical levels of trips, trucks, periods, and routes. At each level, the ACO parameters are updated iteratively to process the problem constraints. The case of a large dairy company in Vietnam is used to validate the proposed model and FLACO. The FLACO could give as close as about 2.46% to the optimal solution and outperform the genetic algorithm for small-sized and large-sized problems, respectively.
    Keywords: loading; vehicle routing problem; ant colony optimisation; ACO.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056436
  • Aircraft Cargo Loading Planning: A Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali Osman Kusakci, Mahat Ibrahim, Baboucarr Mbowe, Berk Ayvaz, Erdem Ağbaş 
    Abstract: Air cargo has become one of the most important means of transportation. This importance is currently being reinforced by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has dried passenger traffic to historic low levels. As a result, airline companies have turned on air cargo as the lifeblood to keep their operations running. However, the process of loading cargo on cargo aircraft is a complex task carried out by experts called loadmasters. It requires hands-on experience because the correct loading affects the balance and fuel performance of the aircraft. The problem in the literature is referred to as the air cargo load planning (ACLP) problem. In this research, we employed a systematic literature review framework that clusters the existing relevant literature into their respective solution approaches and presents a more transparent idea about the state of the current literature, the gaps, and the shortfalls of various solution methodologies.
    Keywords: air cargo load planning; ACLP; heuristics; integer programming; load and balance problem; palletising.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056634
  • Greening livestock supply chains: a conceptual framework from an empirical study in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Canh Lam Nguyen, Anh Van Nguyen 
    Abstract: This paper aims to examine and conceptualize the greening practices of livestock supply chains. Based on a qualitative approach over a purposive sample in Vietnam, we explore the current green supply chain practices in the livestock industry and provide an understanding of the challenges companies face. Subsequently, data is analyzed using qualitative content analysis before an integrated framework is proposed to conceptualize and provide guidelines for companies in the livestock industry when considering adopting green practices. The framework is developed from both supply chain and organizational approaches. The former includes all stages in the livestock supply chains from sourcing to consumption, while the latter highlights three critical prerequisites for successful implementation: resource recovery, efficiency improvement, and environmental handling. Implications for managers and policymakers are presented accordingly to provide suggestions on the focused area for improvements.
    Keywords: livestock; green supply chain management; Vietnam; qualitative; animal-based product; supply chain; GSCM; empirical; interview; content analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056664
  • An integrated approach for three-layer location-allocation in a green supply chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Reza Eslamipoor 
    Abstract: Controlling greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain network is a significant issue for businesses today. However, the complexity of green supply chain concerns makes it crucial to present a model that can be effectively addressed. In this research, factories, warehouses, and retailers are investigated as a three-level supply chain network. The proposed model seeks to reduce the overall cost of the system while also cutting down on gas emissions. With this model, we propose using the multi-objective goal programming approach as a solution technique. Results from the epsilon constraint approach and the sensitivity analysis of the required parameters have been compared to validate the efficacy of the suggested method. According to the findings, the amount of pollution generated by each facility is proportional to the requested quantity, and the travelled distance of vehicles.
    Keywords: green supply chain; environment; gas emission; location.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056746
  • Analyzing barriers to sustainable supply chain management: a home appliances manufacturing case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Deepak Kumar Pathak, AJAY VERMA, Vimal Kumar 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyse the barriers hindering sustainability in the context of Indian home appliances manufacturing industry. Through a broad literature review, experts' judgements and Pareto analysis 18 barriers have been recognised and classified into five major categories of management, government, knowledge, technical and financial. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been used to give the comparative importance and prioritising the identified 18 barriers of sustainability in context of Indian home appliance manufacturing industry. The results of this study reveal that lack of top management involvement under management related barrier category is significant barrier having maximum weightage of 23.7% followed by lack of research and development on sustainability with the global weight of 13.9%. The ranking of barriers in this research work will gives an imminent to the manufacturing organisations in confronting barriers, also assist researchers, and policymakers for their better understanding among them.
    Keywords: sustainability; supply chain; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; barriers; manufacturing organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10056787
  • Supply Chain 4.0 Qualifiers for Agroindustries - Application of Fuzzy Delphi Method   Order a copy of this article
    by Bruno Da Costa Ferreira Gameiro, Eduardo G. Satolo, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Alexandre T. Simon 
    Abstract: In agroindustry, specifically in Supply Chain 4.0, there are gaps when discussing technologies and qualifiers that assess the degree of maturity. This article purpose defines which are the qualifiers that evaluate Supply Chain 4.0 for agribusiness companies. A set of 158 qualifiers, associated with 13 technologies of Industry 4.0, was identified, and distributed in application and benefit. The validation was carried out through a survey with specialists, analysis of the calculation of degree of pertinence of each qualifier using the fuzzy Delphi method and analysis of the place of action. As a result, 52 qualifiers were distributed among the 13 technologies. This research contributes to the academic area by increasing publications in the agribusiness area and serving as a reference for the application of the methodology used. In the professional area, it helps assess the maturity of companies and guides the implementation process of Supply Chain 4.0.
    Keywords: agribusiness; Industry 4.0; IoT; CPS; big data; RFID; machine learning; blockchain; augmented reality; robots and automation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10057016
  • A Systematic Literature Review Food Supply Chain Resilience: Stakeholder, strategic, and regional analyses and future directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Ilias Vlachos, Sandeep Kadavarath Santhosh 
    Abstract: This study conducted a systematic literature review to investigate the resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic of various food supply chain (FSC) stakeholders, i.e., farmers, foodservice distributors, foodservice producers, food manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. Descriptive and thematic analysis showed that FSC stakeholders were impacted and reacted differently to the pandemic depending on factors such as human resources, supply chain uncertainty, monetary and economic restraints, logistics disruptions, and Infrastructure disruptions, among others. The regional analysis examined studies that were conducted in developed and developing nations and showed that the impact was higher in developing nations which can be attributed to the lack of infrastructure and advanced technologies. Resilient strategies analysis uncovered several strategies including: Efficient information sharing system, improving urban-rural gaps, government actions, supply chain collaboration, product portfolio optimisation, and efficient vehicle utilisation. The study concludes with important managerial and policy implications for each FSC stakeholder and presents future research directions.
    Keywords: food supply chain; FSC; resilience; systematic literature review; SLR; stakeholder analysis; COVID-19 pandemic; supply chain resilience; regional analysis; chronological analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10057264
  • A Blockchain-Based decision System for Implementing Traceability in a Multiple Sourcing Strategy   Order a copy of this article
    by Kaoutar JENOUI, Ahmed E.L. MAALMI 
    Abstract: Ensuring traceability in the upstream supply chain management can be challenging, particularly, when it comes to determining the optimal quantity to be sourced from each supplier in a multiple-sourcing strategy. This paper presents a novel blockchain-based decision system (BBDS) for implementing traceability in a multiple-sourcing strategy. The proposed BBDS is based on a distributed architecture that ensures the transparent sharing of data among different parties. The system utilises a special currency and nodes for permission verification and information requests including the upstream supply chain enterprises. The deployment of the BBDS requires the development of a decision system and a smart contract using a dedicated programming language. The results of this research demonstrate the potential of the BBDS to improve the traceability and decision-making process in a multiple-sourcing strategy. We conclude by discussing the limitations and potential future developments of our proposed system.
    Keywords: supply chain management; blockchain technologies; traceability; multiple sourcing strategy; decision making system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058013
  • Franchising model competitiveness in logistics sector of India: a case-based approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Vikash Khatri, Ajay Pandey 
    Abstract: In the growth journey of logistics, companies have adopted franchising model to expand their reach. Some companies have excelled with the franchise model and attained leadership position in their respective domain. Franchising is an established stream which has wide acceptance in retailing, food chains, etc. The objective of this research is to evaluate a franchising model for building competitive advantage in the Indian logistics. For this research, case method has been adopted as there is no existing research on logistics franchising. The franchisee model enables the factors, which support in building competitive advantage and helps by way of ease of expansion, client connect, last mile vendor relationship, improved revenue for the organisation. This study adds to the knowledge on franchise in logistic industry. For a logistics service provider, the study helps in framing channel strategy for expansion through franchising and clearly elaborates the benefits and risk arising through franchising model.
    Keywords: logistics; franchising; competitiveness; Porter five force model; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058097
  • Smart Supply Chain: A bibliometric analysis and overview   Order a copy of this article
    by Djalma Silva Guimarães Junior, Pablo Pinto, Danilo Arruda, Alisson Silva 
    Abstract: The Advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) and Industry 4.0 provide new possibilities and opportunities for an intelligent supply chain (ISC). This work aimed to measure research trends on ISCs based in analysis of the main theoretical contributions the literature. A bibliometric survey of publications presented was used combined with a systematic review. The results showed a recent growth in the number of publications, indicate the main authors, universities and relevant countries. The internet of things (IoT) points to great advances in smart supply chains (SSC). Still, it is observed that the studies are incipient, opening a field of possibilities and challenges for empirical studies, seeking to better understand the applications of technologies. Advances in this area and insertion in the global market depend on these empirical advances. This becomes even more imperative in the context of the recovery of the world economy in the post-COVID-19.
    Keywords: Logistic 4.0; smart supply chains; SSC; Industry 4.0; market; management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058198
  • Investigation on key drivers for sustainable supply chain management implementation: Empirical evidence from manufacturing industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Kuei Kuei Lai, Priyanka Verma, Vimal Kumar 
    Abstract: Sustainability in supply chain is designed to keep the consistent procedure without disturbing the ecological condition. The importance of sustainable in supply chain is to enhance the productivity even as reducing financial resources at same time. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the successful key drivers for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) implementation in context of Indian manufacturing industry. A mixed method approach, viz., Pareto analysis and a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) grey relational analysis (GRA) has been used. A total ten successful key drivers to implement sustainability in supply chain based on organisational perspective are investigated by Pareto analysis, expert’s judgments and literature review. Further, GRA has been used to calculate the relative positioning among the identified key drivers. The result of this study reveals that SSC10 (positive organisational culture), SSC5 (availability of information), SSC1 (initiation of management commitment), and SSC7 (strategic planning) are stood at first four key drivers that have played an important role for the success of sustainable supply chain. The findings of the present research work can also assist supply chain stakeholders in their organisation of significant strategies.
    Keywords: supply chain management; sustainability; manufacturing industry; multi-criteria decision-making; MCDM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058515
  • An Analysis of the Ailments in Inventory Management in the Indian Warehouses   Order a copy of this article
    by Maujid Bashir 
    Abstract: Warehousing has been a prominent and efficient tool for developed countries, and it has aided their economy at large with manageable costs and effective control. India, despite being one large country, is yet to set its foot in the warehousing section. Due to an almost absenteeism of warehousing or little warehousing structure India faces highest amount of food, grain, materials wastage. This study concentrates itself on setting up better, efficient, cost-controlled, and result-oriented warehouses and in turn a better economy for the nation. Warehousing provides proficient and hygienic storing facilities of goods to ensure a continuous and timely flow of goods to the market and consumers. It protects perishable and semi-perishable items from deterioration. It maintains and controls the demand and supply chain even for the seasonal commodities. It stabilises prices and helps keep them at an affordable range. The sufferings with the likes of infrastructure, land availability, credit, political interferences, proper segments and their role, taxes, labour, and it is training, etc. have added to the miseries of warehousing. Hence there is sure and need immediate requisite for proper and analytical research which could mend this torn, but important industry.
    Keywords: Warehouse; Warehousing; Warehousing Management; Logistics; Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Integration; Docking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058641
  • The role of information technology in food business performance: The mediator of electronic green supply chain management   Order a copy of this article
    by Bui Thanh Khoa 
    Abstract: This article investigates the influence of information technology (IT) systems on adopting electronic green supply chain management (eGSM) practices in the food business. It also assesses how eGSM practices affect corporate success. The statistics findings are based on responses from 838 Vietnamese food manufacturing businesses. Using the resource-based view (RBV) and information system (IS) success model, this investigation establishes links between IT systems (IT resources, IT quality characteristics), eGSM practices (internal integration, external cooperation), and food business performance. This study looks at the influence of IT-related factors on eGSM adoption and the bottom line. According to the research, combining theories or models may produce a richer and more valuable collection of insights.
    Keywords: electronic green supply chain management; food business performance; information technology systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058691
  • Status of Circular Supply Chains in Asian and European Countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Ajay K. Aggarwal, Dinesh S. Dave, Varinder Sharma 
    Abstract: This study describes the circular economy concept, the obstacles to implementing it in global circular supply chains, and the efforts made by significant manufacturing and consuming Asian and European countries. Whereas the sourcing Asian countries are dealing with depleting raw materials and pollution resulting from manufacturing products, the western countries face consumption-related problems and the resulting waste through enacting laws and policies to minimise waste generation while encouraging businesses and consumers to participate in prolonging the product life cycles. The global supply chains adjust to the circular economy at country-specific levels in piecemeal ways to ultimately develop efficient supply chains.
    Keywords: circular supply chain; waste; recycle; reuse; refurbish; remake.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058791
  • Green Logistics: a Bibliometric Analysis and Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Manohar Mahapatro, Ramakurthi Veerababu, Rajagopalan Sridharan 
    Abstract: The rapidly evolving domain of logistics has seen an exponential growth in research articles in this discipline. A variety of literature evaluations have been produced, each concentrating on specific aspects of logistics such as network architecture, supplier inventory control, information systems, and others with a wider framework. This paper includes a complete bibliometric analysis as well as a descriptive review of green logistics, sustainability, transportation and reverse logistics. The investigation begins with the identification of 1,296 scientific studies, which are subsequently narrowed down to works in supply chain-related domains. This comprehensive analysis of the domain aids in graphical interpretation of publication history through time as well as identifying areas of current research interest and prospective directions for future study. The findings provide a solid path for future research in this domain.
    Keywords: logistics; green logistics; sustainability; transportation; reverse logistics; bibliometric analysis; literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058906
  • Supply chain integration through network optimization to facilitate dynamic entity addition for a wild silk industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Arshad Hussain, Tridib Ranjan Sarma, Pratim Barua, Ankumon Sarmah 
    Abstract: This article aims to achieve integration in the supply chain of Muga silk by optimising the transportation distance in the supply chain network. The objectives of this study include re-modelling the existing supply chain to integrate identified entities besides facilitating the dynamic addition of future entities without causing disruptions. The research follows an experimental design and uses network analysis techniques to present an optimal network that seeks to achieve supply chain integration by an incremental selection of the nearest node while minimising transportation distance in the overall network. Findings from the study can facilitate the creation of closed-looped ecosystems already existing in different districts and integrate them into the greater supply chain of the Muga silk industry. This process can be used to achieve similar entity collaboration in neighbouring districts, resulting in improved logistics in the industry.
    Keywords: supply chain integration; network optimisation; Muga silk; wild silk; logistic systems; minimal spanning tree.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10058928
  • Strategic Taxonomy of Supply Chain Sustainability in Manufacturing Companies: Evidence from Iran   Order a copy of this article
    by Hossein Alaee Kakhki, Amir Mohammad Fakoor Saghih, Alireza Pooya 
    Abstract: The present study was conducted with the aim of clustering manufacturing companies based on the indicators affecting the supply chain sustainability. For this purpose, 496 companies active in the North Eastern Iran were clustered using support vector machine, artificial neural network and electromagnetic methods considering the indicators affecting the supply chain sustainability, and the best clustering method was determined. Next, the discriminant function was extracted and the results were analysed in order to discriminate between the dominant groups. Findings: Based on the obtained results, the studied manufacturing companies can be grouped into two dominant strategic categories of sustainable and unsustainable, so that 65% of the studied population is classified in the unsustainable group, with a score of 2.78 in the environmental dimension that puts them in an unfavourable situation. Finally, the results of this study, in addition to evaluating the company’s performance in the field of sustainability, help managers in formulating appropriate strategies to improve the level of supply chain sustainability.
    Keywords: supply chain sustainability; taxonomy; support vector machine; SVM; artificial neural network; electromagnetic; multilayer perceptron neural network.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059089
  • Circular Supply Chain with Product-Service Systems: A Case of Recycled Products   Order a copy of this article
    by Yudi Fernando, Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, Ika Sari Wahyuni-TD, Rosly Othman 
    Abstract: Circular supply chain management has encountered a critical challenge in promoting recycled products to the market and maintaining product competitiveness. Integrating the product-service system in the circular supply chain is expected to deliver better business performance. This study explores the supply chain mechanism based on a product-service system of recycled products. The qualitative technique has been deployed to collect data on the key personnel involved product-service system in the circular supply chain. Thirteen key informants are participated and interviewed separately. The data have been analysed, and results show that the marketability of recycled products, digital platform, customer services, supplier readiness and product return flow is the critical success of the product-service system in a circular supply chain. In addition, the manufacturing supply chain must pay attention to the network distribution, risk management and mitigation strategy.
    Keywords: circular supply chain management; product-service system; recycled products; recoverable products; industrial marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059107
  • Inventory financing service: an approach to the role of the logistics service provider   Order a copy of this article
    by Mauro Vivaldini, Daniel Pascal Kutsch, Guilherme Ribeiro Vivaldini 
    Abstract: The study intends to update the literary view regarding the inventory financing service (IFS) and discuss the logistic service provider's (LSP) role in this type of service, presenting research and business opportunities in this niche. The study shows that the IFS theme focused on the LSP was relatively neglected by the services, operations and supply chain literature since the research had a greater focus on the financial issues correlated to the risks of the operation. The article contributes by clarifying the role of LSP in offering this service and pointing out gaps that can be better explored in future research.
    Keywords: inventory financing service; IFS; logistic service provider; LSP; financial service provider; FSP; supply chain finance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059225
  • Predictive Digital Twin for 3PL activity   Order a copy of this article
    by Mariusz Kmiecik 
    Abstract: This article showcases a pilot implementation of the predictive digital twin (PDT) in 3PL warehouse management. Using 2D and 3D simulation models, the PDT was applied in an international 3PL company, following a procedure proposed for digital twins adoption. This PDT concept is built on logistic coordination and the role of digital twins in logistics operations. The solution's architecture was adapted from a DT approach, and insights were gained from the pilot study. Despite limitations, the international 3PL company demonstrated its capability to implement PDT in outsourced warehouse services. However, the study focused on selected contract logistics processes and an international perspective, potentially differing for smaller, local logistics operators. This research contributes significantly to management sciences, highlighting PDT's potential to revolutionise supply chain management, enhancing efficiency, process optimisation, and adaptability to market changes.
    Keywords: digital twin; predictive digital twin; PDT; logistics coordination; third-party logistics; 3PL; warehousing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059278
  • A Novel Sequential Ensemble Approach and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Forecasting: Applied for Covid-19 Cases as Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Nader Theeb, Hazem Smadi, Naser Al-qaydeh 
    Abstract: COVID-19 virus has spread to most countries around the world, negatively affecting people livelihood. Providing accurate forecasts of COVID-19 cases can help governments to find the optimal combination of measures. In this study, a sequential ensemble forecasting approach that combine the gated recurrent unit (GRU) model with particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm is proposed for forecasting of COVID-19 cases. The PSO method was used to select the best hyperparameters of the base predictor of the proposed model. The t-test was used to statistically compare the suggested model against a single optimised GRU, in addition to other benchmark models. Results revealed the superiority of the proposed method. Further, adding models sequentially improved the forecasting quality, compared to a single PSO-GRU model, the mean error was reduced by 15.52%, 16.05%, 16.53%, 16.39%, and 12.83% in terms of RMSE, MAP, MAPE, RMSPE, and RMSLE, respectively.
    Keywords: deep learning; time series forecasting; ensemble model; particle swarm optimisation; PSO; long short-term memory; LSTM; gated recurrent unit; GRU.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059283
  • Covid 19 Supply Chain Disruption and Effects on Project Deliverables   Order a copy of this article
    by Ilija Stojanovi? 
    Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented disruption in project deliveries. This study aims to understand whether suppliers’ distance and location significantly affected project delivery delays and rising costs during the COVID-19 pandemic. To understand whether the distance and location of suppliers have significantly affected delays in project delivery and rising costs, an independent t-test and ANOVA were used for assessing the differences in delays and rising costs between project organisations that have suppliers with different distances. Based on our study, it has been found that the location of suppliers had no significant effects on delays and rising costs of projects.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; disruption of supply chains; project deliverables; project delays; project costs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059428
  • The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative's (BRI)21st Maritime Silk Road on the Suez Canal Zone Economics   Order a copy of this article
    by Nada Yahia, Sara Elgazzar, May Salah 
    Abstract: In a world of globalisation, new initiatives are born every day. One of the most recent initiatives is the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which is expected to cause a revolutionary change in international trade. Egypt particularly the Suez Canal zone is one of the potential countries expected to reap the outcomes of this initiative. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of BRI drivers on Suez Canal zone economics. This is achieved by a methodology that includes first, conducting narrative literature review to derive the research variables, followed by distributing questionnaires and analysing the responses using structural equation modelling (SEM) statistical tool. The results derived a research framework that could be used in further researches to test the impact of the initiative on the economics of the participating countries. This implies both contribution to knowledge and a practical contribution.
    Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative; BRI; Suez Canal; gross domestic product; GDP; FDI; output volatility; international trade.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10059694
  • A Model on an EOQ Optimal Ordering Policy with Varying Time-Proportional Deterioration, Generalised Time-Varying Demand and the Conditions of Delay in Payment   Order a copy of this article
    by Prachi Swain, Trailokyanath Singh 
    Abstract: The objective of the proposed research is to study the effect of the time-proportional deterioration rate, the generalised time-varying demand rate and permissible delay in payments within the economic order quantity (EOQ) framework. The EOQ inventory model for a deteriorating item is developed with the following characteristics: 1) the grace period is known and fixed; 2) supplier offers the customer a grace in paying back for the purchase cost; 3) deteriorating items follow the two-parameter Weibull distribution deterioration rate; 4) demand pattern is deterministic and cubic function of time; 5) shortages are not allowed to occur during the cycle under consideration. In order to settle, an inventory model has been developed, considering the two main cases of grace period: Case 1 the grace period is less than the cycle time and Case 2 the grace period is greater than the cycle length of the system. An easy-to-use solution procedure is provided to determine the optimum values of cycle length, average total system cost and order quantity by using calculus technique of maxima and minima. At the end, the results have been validated by a couple of numerical examples and sensitivity analysis of several system parameters on the optimum solution has been performed.
    Keywords: delay in payments; deteriorating items; economic order quantity; EOQ; time-proportional deterioration rate; time-varying cubic demand rate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10059821
  • Supply Chain Production-Distribution Planning: An Integrated Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Trong Tri Duc, Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri, Tai Duc Pham 
    Abstract: This study focuses on a supply chain network design problem considering the integration of the production and distribution networks to make decisions related to the facility location, facility capacity, product allocation, and supplier selection. The multi-echelon structure includes suppliers, sub-assemblers, factories, external warehouses, domestic and overseas customers, with bill of materials, multi-commodity, and multiple periods consideration. The objective is to minimise the total production network cost, including fixed opening, fixed capacity installation, production, transportation, and procurement costs, as well as transportation and warehousing costs for the distribution network. A mixed integer linear programming model that integrates the production and distribution networks design is formulated to demonstrate the efficiency of the network design decision when the two networks are combined and solved at once. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis of product demand and all unit cost components is performed to analyse the impact of different parameter values on the optimal result.
    Keywords: production network; distribution network; mixed integer linear programming; facility location; product allocation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060049
  • Challenges of Adopting Digital Technologies in Logistics 4.0: a Holistic Study Using the Technological Determinism Theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman, Abdelghani Benayoune, Vinh Thai, Abdelsalam Adam Hamid, Rudiah Md Hanfiah 
    Abstract: Technological development such as blockchain, the internet of things (IoT), and big data is already having significant impacts on workers and businesses in many industries globally. This study aims to find out the main critical challenges in adopting digital technologies in Logistics 4.0 in Oman, to determine the driving factors of digital technology adoption and identify the techno-digital trends positively impacting Oman’s logistics companies. Results reveal that the key factors driving digital technologies’ adoption and the main challenges companies in Oman include blockchain, big data, IoT, wireless communication technologies and augmented reality. The findings vindicate that the implementation cost, lack of digital skills among the current labour force, cybersecurity, and cultural change were the main obstacles. Consequently, the study discusses the policy implications of Logistics 4.0 and recommends possible solutions for regulators, policymakers, and other stakeholders using the technological determinism theory.
    Keywords: logistics/supply chain operations; Logistics 4.0; digital technology; technological determinism theory; blockchain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060051
  • An order picking operation improvement in a cross-docking distribution centre using simulation: A case study of a chilled distribution centre in Thailand   Order a copy of this article
    by Tai Duc Pham, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri, Parthana Parthanadee 
    Abstract: This article involves a study to improve the cross-docking operation at a chilled distribution centre, owned by a retail conglomerate in Thailand. Among activities of cross-docking, order picking is identified as a bottleneck. Therefore, exploring operational policies that improves the performance of order picking in terms of makespan and operating cost of is the objective of this study. To facilitate the exploration, a simulation model is developed. The model is experimented with various sets of operational policies. Each set represents a combination of options for resource management, (i.e., dedicating and sharing of picking operators) and order splitting, (i.e., split no batch, only the first batch, and the first and the last two batches of orders). Statistical analysis of the simulation indicates that implementing resource sharing with splitting the first and the last two batches minimises both the makespan and operating cost of the order picking activity.
    Keywords: simulation; order picking; put-to-light; cross-docking; chilled distribution centre; CDC; Thailand.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060054
  • Big Data Analytics in Indian Healthcare Supply Chain: A Review and Bibliometric Research   Order a copy of this article
    by Twinkle Singh, Jeanne Poulose, Vinod Sharma 
    Abstract: Supply cost comprises the second largest expenditure in healthcare organizations, after manpower cost. Therefore, one of the most pressing challenges faced by the Healthcare Industry is to improve supply chain practices thereby reducing costs while not compromising on delivery quality healthcare. Against this backdrop, past literature has reflected that technology plays a vital role in opening up extensive opportunities to improve supply chain practices. This study aims to analyse previous research related to supply chain practices in the Indian healthcare industry and highlights the benefits of adopting technology for effective organizational performance. A bibliometric analysis and literature review was conducted to find out the best supply chain practices over the last decade (2011-2021). The review identified Big Data Analytics (BDA) as the technology tool that is garnering considerable attention in supply chain management and is seen offering a wide range of benefits for the healthcare supply chain, from forecasting demand to improving patient care.
    Keywords: Supply Chain Management; Big Data Analytics; Indian Healthcare Sector; Bibliometric Analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060193
  • Robust optimization of the problem of dynamic localization of modular mobile facilities in a hybrid network for an uncertain environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Charifa Fergani, Adiba El Bouzekri El Idrissi, Suzanne Marcotte, Hajjaji Abdelowahed 
    Abstract: Production facility location is a critical aspect of supply chain management, as it enables decision-makers to determine the optimal location for production to meet customer demand effectively both strategically and tactically. Given the highly dynamic nature of today's markets, taking into account uncertain parameters can lead to more robust decision-making under uncertain conditions. This paper presents a robust optimization approach to solve the dynamic location problem of mobile modular facilities in a hybrid network of localizations, considering stochastic demand. The objective of the model is to optimize the total expected cost, the cost variability due to demand uncertainty, and the penalty for demand infeasibility. The study illustrates the efficiency and robustness of the proposed model with numerical results from a case study in the chemical industry. Additionally, the study analyzes the trade-off between the robustness of the model and that of the solution.
    Keywords: Robust optimisation; Demand uncertainty; Modular mobile facilities; Hyperconnected network; MIP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060307
  • Dealing with resilience in supply chain: An integrated Markov Chain modelling approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Suchera Putthakosa, Huynh Trung Luong 
    Abstract: Recently, supply chain disruptions have occurred all over the world. An evident example is the global pandemic, which is COVID-19. Such a pandemic exposes vulnerable points in the supply chain networks and causes prolonged recovery periods. Therefore, developing resilience in the supply chain is essential to deal with disruptions. This study derives a continuous-time Markov chain model to help analyse the sustainability, vulnerability, and recoverability of a supplier who might experience disruptive events. The forward Kolmogorov's equations are employed to help determine the transition probabilities of all system states. Also, the limiting probabilities of the states are determined to quantify the proportion of time that the system will be in the normal, absorbing, and disrupted states in the long run. This approach is a new way of examining sustainability, vulnerability, and recoverability which are the key components of the supply chain's resilience.
    Keywords: supply chain resilience; continuous Markov chain model; supply chain disruption; network behaviour; supply chain management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060357
  • Robotic scheduling system designation for the optimization of operations in a labyrinth-like unmanned warehouse based on large volume: pick-up, handling and sorting   Order a copy of this article
    by Peiwen Chi 
    Abstract: This paper designed a central robotic scheduling system that enhances multi-robotic operations in a maze-like indoor environment. The system is proposed to optimise the operational efficiency of each robot and make collaboration among them. In this regard, three mathematical models are constructed for evaluating the multi-robots indoor operations: AGV handling model, pick-up robotic operation model, and multi-robots collaboration model. Subsequently, GA and DFS algorithms are applied to simulate the real-time operations of the proposed system. Eventually, the simulation results verify that the designed system enables handling robots to complete their assignments over a shorter travelling path with less time, which declines the expenditures of logistic enterprises in expanding their warehouse storage capacity and keeping warehouse competitiveness.
    Keywords: unmanned warehouse; robotic scheduling system; automatic guided vehicles; pick-up robots; genetic algorithm; depth-first search algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060359
  • An analysis of the literature on the use of Fuzzy QFD in logistics strategies   Order a copy of this article
    by Eszter Sós, Peter Foldesi 
    Abstract: The importance of choosing push and pull logistics strategies in the logistics field is often overlooked by those unfamiliar with logistics, resulting in confusion in the decision-making process regarding logistics operations and the design of the logistics environment. The quality function deployment (QFD) and fuzzy sets techniques have been shown to be suitable methods for the delineation of logistics systems based on previous research, and this paper examines the approaches that have been used to apply fuzzy sets and QFD techniques to logistics strategies. The intention of this research is to unravel the confusion about the concepts of push and pull logistics by supporting it with the development of a new scientific methodology, which is created by combining fuzzy and QFD methods. The aim of this literature review and analysis is to provide an overview of the publications written in the last decade on logistics strategies using QFD and fuzzy methods.
    Keywords: logistics strategy; fuzzy; QFD; marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060413
  • Operational strategies for the transformation of container port logistics systems with automation technologies: Sustainability improvements   Order a copy of this article
    by Punarut Sirichokpokin, Trakarn Prapaspong, Jun Ren, Duangpun Kritchanchai 
    Abstract: Automation technologies have garnered significant interest to enhance efficiency and competitiveness in maritime transportation ports. However, there is a lack of academic research focused on the sustainability to implementing automation technology as an operational strategy. Therefore, the objective of this study is to formulate comprehensive operational strategies for container port logistics systems (CPLS) in three dimensions: environment, economy and society, with the integration of automation technology. To achieve this goal, the study employs analytic hierarchy process (AHP), importance-performance analysis (IPA) technique, and a scoring matrix measurement to guide the development of operational strategies. The findings of the study highlight the importance of emphasising sustainability indicators that consider both their importance and performance in driving container port sustainability improvements. Additionally, the study underscores the significance of reengineering processes within CPLS and allocating port resources based on the prioritisation of indicators to ensure the successful development of port operational strategies.
    Keywords: port logistics systems; port sustainability; sustainable operational strategy; port automation; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; importance-performance analysis; IPA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060513
  • A redistribution-based multi-stage humanitarian logistic design model considering the spherical fuzzy methodology   Order a copy of this article
    by Saptadeep Biswas, Prasad Belamkar, Uttam Kumar Bera 
    Abstract: This article presents a multi-stage model of reliable humanitarian logistics for aid distribution in post-disaster scenarios. To minimize total cost and time, the model incorporates redistribution and addresses uncertainties using the spherical fuzzy methodology. Inspired by the crucial role of humanitarian aid in saving lives and mitigating suffering, the study seeks to enhance the effectiveness of real-world humanitarian logistics operations. The proposed model optimizes emergency operations by reallocating essential resources within regional supply warehouses, thus improving efficiency. It effectively handles uncertainties through the robust framework of the spherical fuzzy methodology. Numerical studies and a comparison analysis verify the model's efficacy using stochastic and fuzzy parameters. By integrating redistribution strategies and leveraging the capabilities of the spherical fuzzy methodology, the study contributes practical solutions and insights. Ultimately, the research strives to enhance aid delivery's timeliness, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency, saving lives and alleviating human suffering during critical post-disaster phases.
    Keywords: Humanitarian logistics; Multi-stage model; Aid distribution; Redistribution; Spherical fuzzy methodology; Total cost; Total time; Uncertainties.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060514
  • A multi-period and bi-objective approach for locating ambulances: a case study in Belo Horizonte, Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by Charles Paulino De Oliveira, Elisangela Martins De Sá, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro Martins 
    Abstract: This study applies a Covering Facility Location Problem in the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It is proposed a deterministic and a stochastic multi-period model, which allows ambulances to move among bases in different periods to raise the system coverage. The proposed models handle the decisions of base locations and ambulance allocation/relocation. This paper also proposes a bi-objective approach aiming to minimise the number of bases and maximise the coverage of demands, which is solved using the epsilon-constraint method. Results show that coverage levels increased when scenarios change from static to multi-period. Also, since the multi-period model solutions result in installing a larger number of bases, the bi-objective approach shows to be a powerful tool for the decision-maker to analyse the trade-off between the operational challenges of increasing the number of bases and the increase of coverage.
    Keywords: Facility Location; Ambulance Location; Mathematical Programming Model; Real-World Application.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060726
  • Supply Chain Automation in the Australian Red Meat Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Ferry Jie, Ming Juan Ding, Leisa Armstrong, David Cook, Kevin Parton 
    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate how the Prime X Connect online marketplace impacted Australian beef supply chain. Australia is one of the largest exporters of beef product. Because of the highly fragmented supply chain, abattoirs, sellers, and buyers have diverse needs in the global market, it is essential to set up effective communication channels to facilitate information sharing and relationship development between supply chain partners. This study examines the new product design process of the online market platform. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to evaluate the supply chain performance of the beef industry in Australia. The analysis findings indicate that the online marketplace is likely to lead to an expanded global export market for Australian beef. It was found that the online marketplace helps the overall supply chain improve information sharing and its quality of information sharing. Customer responsiveness, efficiency and flexibility are important indicators of supply chain performance.
    Keywords: supply chain performance; red meat industry; food supply chain; online marketplace; information sharing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10060914
  • Circular supply chain management using heuristic optimization and sliding mode control   Order a copy of this article
    by Ho Van Roi, Sam-Sang You, Duy Anh Nguyen, Hwan-Seong Kim 
    Abstract: This paper proposes an active decision-making strategy in circular supply chain management. A four-echelon supply chain model, including the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, and customer, is considered with the addition of a recycling channel for sustainable circular economy sustainability. A decision-making strategy is implemented for managing a multi-echelon supply chain network under stochastic demand, primarily employing a super-twisting sliding mode controller (STSMC) and metaheuristic optimisation algorithm. The adaptive particle swarm optimisation (APSO) algorithm updates the control parameters. Performance criteria have been exploited to validate the control methodology. The hybrid control scheme is the most effective scheme evaluated by performance indicators, improving business performance and efficiency under stochastic events. Finally, the novel decision-making strategy can offer new insights into effectively managing digital supply chain networks against market volatility.
    Keywords: supply chain management; circular economy; decision-making strategy; heuristic optimisation; sliding mode control; super-twisting sliding mode controller.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061082
  • Utilization of AI in Supply Chain with focus on Aviation Industry: A Review, Critique and Research Agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by Vivek Kamthan, Prayas Sharma, Nitesh Adichwal, Chanderkant Sheoran, Mantha Srinivasa Rama Mohan 
    Abstract: Integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into supply chain is thoroughly examined in this article, with an emphasis on how it might be used in the aviation industry. Search across reputable databases, including Scopus, Web of Science, Emerald Insight, and IEEE Xplore
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; supply chain management; SCM; aviation supply chain; logistics management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061092
  • A Mathematical Model for Supplier Selection in the Construction Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Ousha Alshamsi 
    Abstract: Selection of suppliers is an essential activity in the construction industry. This activity has an impact on the cost and quality of construction projects. To simplify the task, this article proposes a new mathematical model that can enable decision makers to choose competent suppliers. The model is based on an analysis of previous models and the recommended multiple selection criteria from 100 decision makers in construction companies from the UK and the United Arab Emirates. The model also paves the way for scholarly discussion on supplier selection in the industry. Thus, this article contributes to the theory and practice of supply chain management.
    Keywords: mathematical model; multiple selection criteria; supplier selection; construction industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061217
  • A Model for Relief Supply Chain Optimization in a Multi-Product Distribution Environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Jitendra Singh, Chandra K. Jaggi, K.M. Kamna 
    Abstract: The study investigates a multi-product inventory relief chain where an intermediate distribution centre gets supplies from a collecting centre and caters to the demands of relief centres to emphasise the importance of the relief supply chain in disasters. The relief centres are formed to distribute relief products to affected people in the affected areas. The inventory relief chain system is suggested to provide relief products to affected people at the lowest possible cost. The model optimises the selection of intermediate distribution and relief centres with minimal distribution costs. However, in disaster conditions, every relief centre must receive its requirements. A numerical experiment has been carried out to validate the relevance of the model. A sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution for different parameters is performed to determine how resistant the parameters are to the objective function. The approach supports relief communities in fine-tuning emergency response procedures.
    Keywords: relief chain; inventory control; distribution; optimisation; nonlinear programming; humanitarian operation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061277
  • Transportation Planning of Milk in Natura to Supply the Dairy Industry in Developing Countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Alana Alves Nunes, Bruna Martins De Freitas, Rodrigo Rosa, Hendrigo Venes, Bianca De Souza Hoffmann 
    Abstract: In developing countries, dairy farms are scattered over extensive rural areas, with roads in precarious conditions, which impact the product's final cost. The truck routes are currently planned by dividing the collecting area into smaller areas, without software's aid. This research proposes a strategy to plan the routes globally, considering the complete area to reduce the total transportation cost. A new metaheuristic algorithm and a mathematical model are proposed, based in the periodic vehicle routing problem with multi-trips, to plan the truck routes. Data from a Brazilian dairy farm were used to assess the strategy and apply the metaheuristic algorithm. Results showed that the routes planned by the proposed metaheuristic are shorter in distance than the routes done currently by the industry and that globally planning the routes may bring financial gains and improve the milk's quality by the reduction of travel time.
    Keywords: dairy industry; milk-run; milk supply; periodic vehicle routing problem.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061426
  • Impact of Supplier Development Activities on Performance Outcomes of Suppliers: A Structural Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Dalvi Manojkumar, Vishal Bhosale, Anjali More 
    Abstract: The objective of this paper is to identify the effect of supplier development activities (SDAs) on performance outcomes (POs) from the buyer’s perspective. The proposed structural models are tested using structural equation modelling (SEM) to check the impact of supplier development activities on performance outcomes. Results indicates different SDAs have a different effect on various dimensions of POs. Specifically, knowledge and information sharing, along with the involvement of buyers in supplier activities, seem to be the two most important factors to enhance the buyer-supplier relationship improvement (BSRI). This study reveal the major factors having a substantial impact on buyers' competitive advantage improvement, BSRI and suppliers on supplier performance improvement. SEM in conjunction with three primary categories, namely suppliers on supplier performance improvement, BSRI, and buyers' competitive advantage improvement, was used for the first time to assess the function of each category of SDAs.
    Keywords: supplier development; vendor development; SD activities; SD practices.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061480
  • Coordinating VMI Supply Chain of Deteriorating Products through Supply Contract   Order a copy of this article
    by Anyarin Sakrujiratham, Huynh Trung Luong 
    Abstract: This study considers a two-echelon supply chain with one vendor and one retailer for a deteriorating item under the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) policy. The study considers the time to deterioration follows a Weibull distribution, price-sensitive demand, and shortages are allowed and completely backlogged. We analyse the coordination of the VMI supply chain through a contract mechanism, i.e., a revenue-sharing contract. First, we formulate and compare the decentralised VMI and centralised models. Next, we propose a revenue-sharing contract to coordinate the decentralised VMI supply chain. The applicability of the proposed model is illustrated through numerical examples and sensitivity analyses. The results show that the supply chain's profit under the decentralised VMI system with a revenue-sharing contract increases and can reach the profit of the centralised system. The revenue-sharing contract can perfectly coordinate the VMI decentralised supply chain, increase the supply chain's profit significantly, and allocate the total supply chain profit to members fairly.
    Keywords: vendor-managed inventory; VMI; deteriorating products; channel coordination; revenue-sharing contract.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061605
  • Modelling Critical Success Factors for Smart Supply Chains in Industry 4.0 scenario using Neutrosophic-DEMATEL approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Shubham Tripathi, Manish Gupta, Anuj Kumar Bhamriya 
    Abstract: The transformation of supply chains to smart systems has become critical and inevitable because of Industry 4.0. It has garnered significant attention among academicians and practitioners deliberating mainly on the need, opportunities, difficulties, and thus proposing few frameworks. However, studies addressing factors involved in transformation could be more varied. This paper identifies the critical success factors (CSF) for these transformations to be successful and analyses their influence among themselves and on the entire system using a neutrosophic DEMATEL approach. 14 CSFs are identified from the literature, and their inter-relationships are analysed by 8 experts. This study concludes customer centricity, agility, and management involvement as the most prominent factors in the transformation to smart supply chains and presents the causal relationship among factors grouping them into driving and driven. The results can facilitate practitioners in strategy formation for smart transformation projects and ensure their success.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; smart supply chain; digital supply chain; critical success factors; CSF; DEMATEL; neutrosophic set theory; inter-relationship; decision making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061697
  • Implementation and Cost Analysis of an Efficient and Secure Supply Chain Using Blockchain and Smart Contract   Order a copy of this article
    by Kailash Chandra Bandhu, Ratnesh Litoriya, Pradeep Lowanshi, Manav Jindal, Lokendra Chouhan, Suresh Jain 
    Abstract: This study and implementation focus on the complex healthcare supply chain, encompassing resource procurement, supply management, and service delivery to all the stakeholders without any geographical boundaries. It introduced a novel approach utilising Ethereum blockchain technology to establish a track-and-trace mechanism for healthcare supply chains, bolstered by smart contracts and data immutability. By leveraging smart contracts, contractual obligations are automatically executed, ensuring prompt results without intermediaries or time delays. The proposed solution addresses the prevalent issues of transparency and monitoring within conventional supply chains. The method, rooted in solidity smart contracts, undergoes rigorous testing across various inputs, culminating in an average gas cost evaluation for various functionalities of system. This innovative system meticulously tracks the lineage of goods, with an average gas cost of 18,027 for all accounts. Notably, the process incurs a gas cost of 292,000 for all operations.
    Keywords: supply chain; blockchain; cost analysis; data security; drugs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061709
  • Logistics operations: challenges, solutions, and impact in a developing country-Evidence from Botswana   Order a copy of this article
    by Teto Wendy Mokgachane, Ilias Vlachos 
    Abstract: Very few studies have examined the logistics operations in a developing country like Botswana, which is landlocked, i.e., it has no access to the sea. Nevertheless, logistics operations can reduce poverty, create jobs, and create wealth. This study examines the functions of a single case logistics company (Alpha) in Botswana. It investigates the company's challenges and the solutions to them and evaluates the impact of effective logistics management on organisational performance in developing countries/Botswana. The study adopts a case study approach, collecting data via interviews and a survey. It conducts in-depth interviews with key personnel and 19 employees. The findings suggest that an organisation's productivity, profits, customer happiness, and competitiveness are all significantly impacted by its logistics management practices. Barriers include a lack of infrastructure, the complexity of the logistics function, a lack of experienced labour, high transportation costs, inconsistencies in customs and border processes, and a lack of access to technology. The study's results can shed light on ways companies in developing countries can strengthen their performance.
    Keywords: logistics operations; developing country; Botswana; transportation; firm performance; supply chain; barriers; technology; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061951
  • Can Hyperloop carry Turkish logistics industry to a next level?   Order a copy of this article
    by Dilay Celebi 
    Abstract: This study aims to provide a preliminary analysis of the feasibility and commercial viability of Hyperloop technology within the realm of freight transportation in Turkey. The initial phase encompassed a preliminary market analysis, serving to assess the existing state of the transportation network. This involved the identification of prevailing trends and developments, along with projections pertaining to forthcoming freight flows and transportation prerequisites within Turkey. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted, engaging executives from designated shippers and freight forwarders operating within the Turkish context. Drawing upon the conclusions drawn from the study’s findings, recommendations were formulated to facilitate the efficacious integration of Hyperloop technology within Turkey. Concurrently, the study pinpointed routes exhibiting the highest potential for such implementation. Notably, to the best knowledge of the authors, this comprehensive analysis delving into the implementation of Hyperloop for freight transport stands as the most exhaustive of its kind.
    Keywords: Hyperloop; freight transport; preliminary analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061954
  • Enhancing a GRASP heuristic for the Prize-Collecting Covering Tour Problem through Data Mining Techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Francisco Glaubos Climaco, Luidi Simonetti, Isabel Rosseti, Ítalo Gomes Santana 
    Abstract: Recent research has shown that hybrid heuristics, combining greedy randomised adaptive search procedures (GRASP) with data mining, are an effective approach to solving combinatorial optimisation problems. This paper presents a novel hybrid heuristic for the prize-collecting covering tour problem, which employs data mining techniques to enhance the GRASP algorithm. By leveraging patterns observed in high-quality solutions, our approach is able to explore the search space more efficiently, leading to improved results and reduced computational time. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which consistently outperforms existing methods across a wide range of problem instances. We present statistical significance tests, as well as an analysis of the impact of pattern mining and time-to-target plots, to support our findings.
    Keywords: data mining; hybrid heuristics; greedy randomised adaptive search procedures; GRASP; prize-collecting covering tour problem; PCCTP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10062334
  • Depot Location for a Multi Depots Transport Problem with Electric Vehicles   Order a copy of this article
    by Hanane Assellaou, Elhassania Messaoud 
    Abstract: The world regulations related to the emission of GreenHouse Gases (GHG) have contributed to the evolution of the green vehicle market, thus making great strides in sales and technology. The electric vehicle, which has a limited range, is one of the best alternatives to the conventional combustion vehicle. In this paper, we consider a Multi Depots Electric Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (MDECVRP) where the objective is to find the optimal routing strategy with the minimum total energy consumption as well as the minimum total cost of opening depots, while respecting the constraints related to the problem. For that, a mathematical model and a resolution approach based on a large neighborhood search are proposed to solve the studied problem. Finally, numerical results related to three classes of the MDECVRP are given to validate the aforementioned approach by making a comparison with the results obtained by the CPLEX solver for small instances.
    Keywords: Multi Depots; EVRP; Depots Location; Capacity Constraint; Large Neighborhood Search.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10062342
  • Analysis of Vehicle Routing in a Distribution Network using Machine Learning Techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajesh R, Jeyapaul. R, Thandapani Sakthi Nagaraj 
    Abstract: This study presents the application of vehicle routing problem (VRP) in real-time. Vehicle routing minimises transportation costs by finding the optimal sequence for delivery in which all the customers are served. Implementing the VRP is still challenging today due to its difficulty in terms of data collection, analysis, and optimisation. The main objective of this study is to analyse distinct types of distance metrics in solving the VRP and their relationship using machine learning (ML) techniques. Metaheuristic techniques are used to optimise vehicle routes and further combined with ML techniques to enhance solution quality. The prediction capability and solution quality using different techniques are analysed, and computational result shows that distance metrics have a significant role in optimising vehicle routes and the adverse effect of using Euclidean distance in real-time. This study considers the most suitable real-time application area to implement VRP in a large customer market of essential commodities.
    Keywords: Euclidean distance; machine learning; metaheuristics; Taguchi design of experiments; vehicle routing problem; VRP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10062494
  • Exploring the roles of e-logistics management information system in drug logistics distribution performance in case of selected public hospitals in southern Ethiopia: Covariance based- partial least structural modelling approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Endris Ali, Mintesnot Abay, Abate Ayelign 
    Abstract: Electronic Logistics management information system (e-LMIS) enable healthcare institutions to collect, organize, and reporting logistics data, dispensing consumption at health facility as well as visualizing data, and alerting performance issues to make strategic decision and informed action. In this study, we explore the roles of e-LMIS in drug distribution performance in eight selected public hospitals in southern Ethiopia. Besides, the study investigates the roles of e-LMIS based supply chain practices such as information visibility, stock management, and demand forecasting on drug distribution performance using partial least square structural equation modelling. As a result, the study finding show that e-LMIS based information visibility, stock management, and demand forecasting has a positive and significant effect on drug distribution performance. The present study suggests healthcare institutions to link and integrate e-LMIS with pharmaceutical management information system (PMIS) and health management information system (HMIS) to gain comprehensive quality information to enhance health service provisions.
    Keywords: e-Logistics management information system; Drug logistics; Distribution performance; Information visibility; Covariance based-partial least Structural Equation Modelling; Southern Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10062602
  • Impact of supply chain agility on its risk management, performance and firm performance considering contextual trait   Order a copy of this article
    by Nilesh Wankhade, Goutam Kundu 
    Abstract: Supply chain (SC) agility is a dynamic capability which helps businesses to achieve competitive advantage by provides differentiation strategy. The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of SC agility on constructs like SC risk management, SC performance and firms' performance considering domain in which they operate. We proposed the framework and developed 6 hypotheses. An empirical study was conducted, and 462 responses collected from SC practitioners to test the model using structural equation modelling with multigroup analysis. Analysis proves that SC agility has a positive impact on SC risk management and SC performance. This research suggests the partial mediation by SC risk management between SC agility and SC performance. Relations between SC performance and the firm's performance does not show significant variation when domain is considered. This study bridges the gap and resolves the ambiguity raised in literature while providing the relationship among these constructs.
    Keywords: supply chain agility; SCA; supply chain performance; firm’s performance; risk management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10062605
  • Performance Analysis with Structural Equation Modelling among Food Cold Chain Operators in Ibadan   Order a copy of this article
    by Adeyinka Peter Ajayi 
    Abstract: This research provides insight into how the utilisation of supply chain management concepts and nascent technologies aided the achievement of cold supply chain performance (CSCP) among retailers of protein (fish and meat) in Ibadan, a Sub-Saharan Africa metropolis. Research hypotheses investigating the possibility of the causal effects between identified SCM concepts [achievement of standardisation in quality (AOS), financial system practices (FSP), internet of things (IoT), internal supply chain practices (ISP), just-in-time (JIT), ownership structure (OS), quality control system (QCS)], and CSCP are formulated and tested using a structural equation modelling approach. A systematic random sampling technique was used to choose four categories of retailers of protein in the study area (hypermarkets, supermarkets, franchisees, and cold room operators). The results showed that there were statistically significant impacts of AOS, FSP, JIT, and, OS on CSCP. The research emphasised the role of corporate governance in the achievement of CSCP among FCC retailers.
    Keywords: food cold chain; cold supply chain performance; protein; Sub-Saharan Africa; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10062608
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience Capabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Wissal Taqui, Ibtissam E.L. Hassani, Anass Cherrafi 
    Abstract: Supply chain resilience (SCR) has gained prominence due to the growing risks of fraud and global crises in recent years. Researchers and practitioners are increasingly relying on emergent technologies, notably blockchain technology (BT), to establish a resilient supply chain (SC). This paper extends a systematic literature review (SLR) to assess how BT enhances SCR in terms of resistance and recovery. A conceptual framework consisting of ten SCR dimensions and sixteen BT features is developed. This study neither establishes causal links nor estimates a correlation between implementing a BT-based SC and resilience performance. This review holds managerial and theoretical significance for the practical adoption of BT for SCR, paving the way for future research in the field. This paper adds value by developing a conceptual framework on the role of BT in enhancing the proactive and reactive capabilities of SCR, thus providing a comprehensive perspective on the subject.
    Keywords: blockchain; supply chain resilience; SCR; supply chain viability; SCV; risk management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10062722
  • Backorder Prediction in Supply Chain Management-Comparing the contribution of machine learning and LSTM Classifier in an Industrial Context   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajiv Kumar Sharma, AARTI RANA 
    Abstract: In this study, the comparative analysis between various machine learning techniques and LSTM (deep learning classifier) are employed to predict demand and backorders based on previous sales, national inventory, the minimum recommended local stock, pipeline inventory, and lead time. Various machine learning algorithms are used for evaluating three-month, six-month, and nine-month data for predicting backorder. The performance metrics considered in study are accuracy, precision, F1-score, AUC values, MAE, RMSE, and log-loss. A dataset from Kaggle's repository has been taken to conduct experiments for backorder prediction the findings of various experiments favour AdaBoost classifier, which has AUC value 82.6% for three-month forecasting. Random forest provides 99.3% AUC value for six-month and 85.65% for nine-month prediction. Conversely, the deep learning (LSTM) classifiers provide AUC values of 89.37%, 91.51% and 80.76% for three-month, six-month, and nine-month prediction processes respectively. LSTM gives AUC, log-loss and MSE values much better compare to other model. In the end, it is found that the bagging classifier provides better results as compared to the single classifier, and is even much better than deep learning (LSTM) classifier, there are not many classifiers that can compete with AdaBoost and random forest in terms of accuracy.
    Keywords: machine learning; back-order forecasting; long short-term memory; LSTM; AdaBoost; bagging classifier.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10062771
  • Simulation Modelling Approaches for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems: A Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Andrea Ferrari, Giulio Mangano 
    Abstract: Automated storage and retrieval systems have been extensively studied in the literature using various simulation techniques. However, the literature on this topic is fragmented and therefore this paper presents a systematic literature review of international contributions related to automated storage solutions, focusing on the methodology used and the main impacts considered by researchers. The study found that shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems are the most studied solutions and analytical modelling and discrete event simulation are the most widely adopted approaches. Operational impacts are the most commonly considered. Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify the drivers that guide the selection of a particular methodology when studying automated storage and retrieval systems. The paper provides insights that could inspire further research into the evaluation of the impact of simulation techniques in the context of automated warehouses and assist in the selection of the most appropriate simulation and modelling approach.
    Keywords: Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems; Automated Warehouse; Simulation Modelling; Systematic Literature Review; Multinomial Logistic Regression.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10062922
  • An Exploring Research Trend on Supply Chain Management in Higher Education Institutions: A Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Suriya Klangrit, Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Tzu-Chuen Lu 
    Abstract: This study presents a comprehensive synthesis of research trends and themes in SCM within higher education institutions. By analysing 492 research articles between 1992 and 2023, retrieved from the Web of Science, and analysed using the CATAR software, this bibliometric analysis provides an in-depth examination of SCM research trends. The study investigates country and institutional productivity, identifies prolific authors, analyses research fields, and classifies research themes. The USA emerged as the most productive nation, with a consistent increase in productivity over three decades. The University of California Santa Cruz and select universities in the Middle-East exhibited the highest productivity among higher education institutions. Professors from Middle-East universities were identified as the most prolific authors in this field. Business and economics and engineering were the dominant research fields, comprising 60% of the publications, while remaining 40% encompassed various disciplines with steady growth rate. Five distinct clusters of research themes were identified.
    Keywords: research trend; supply chain management; SCM; higher education institutions; bibliometric analysis; CATAR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063163
  • Lead Time Reduction on Outbound Logistics Applying Lean Thinking Modelling   Order a copy of this article
    by Marcio Pedroso Bastos, Caique Pereira De Almeida, Andrei Bonamigo 
    Abstract: Lean culture improves the performance of processes by eliminating waste at different stages. The present study analysed a multimodal logistics process, searching for its inefficiencies, through a lean thinking standpoint aiming to reduce steel product’s lead time transport focused on railway mode. Traditional quality tools were used in a practical approach to help find the highest impact issues to be considered to improve efficiency, and the future results were simulated to improve assertiveness and confidence in implementing new solutions, demonstrating that quality tools combined with lean thinking can improve processes, reducing the operational lead time, contributing on cost and atmospheric emissions reductions due to a more rational operational design.
    Keywords: lead time reduction; outbound logistics; lean thinking; railway; modelling; simulations; cost and emissions reduction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063248
  • The Relationship between Critical Success Factors in Supply Chain Management and Market Turbulence: a Study of Companies in the Metal Mechanical Sector in Southern Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by César Perusso, Guilherme Bergmann Borges Vieira, Gabriel Vidor, Pietro C. Dolci, Ricardo Thierry Aguilera, José Morelos Gómez 
    Abstract: This study aimed to analyse the importance attributed to critical success factors in supply chain management according to the market scenario (predictable, turbulent and very turbulent). The study was developed using a quantitative approach, operationalised through a survey applied to metal-mechanic companies in southern Brazil. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive statistics procedures and hypothesis tests. This was carried out to compare the results obtained for each scenario and verify whether the importance attributed to critical success factors in supply chain management varies as market turbulence increases. The results obtained validate the systematic literature review on critical success factors in supply chain management and indicate that the importance attributed to such factors increases due to market turbulence. This can be seen from the variation ranges of responses in each scenario (minimum and maximum assigned importance), the averages obtained and the results of the applied hypothesis tests.
    Keywords: supply chain management; critical success factors; market scenarios.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063503
  • Logistics Performance, International Trade and Global Competitive Strength: A Conceptual Model Proposal   Order a copy of this article
    by Suzan Oguz, Fahriye Merdivenci 
    Abstract: The development and growth in world trade have led to an increasing importance of logistics services. Strong logistics systems have become essential for the efficient transportation of goods and people, as well as for the overall functioning of an economy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the connections between logistics performance and international trade as well as the impact of nations on global competitiveness, including the roles played by FDI and patent intermediation. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used in this context to study the organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD) and six chosen Asian countries utilising data from 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. The investigation led to the conclusion that logistics performance has a favourable and considerable impact on global trade and competitiveness. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that foreign direct investments mediate the relationship between logistics performance and international trade and global competitive strength, while patents mediate the relationship between logistics performance and international trade, as indicated by the results of the path analysis in the accepted model.
    Keywords: international trade; logistics performance; global competitiveness; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063405
  • The Effects of Supply Chain Disruptions on Logistics Service Providers: Evidence from Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by George K. VanDyck, Eyram Kwame, Esi K. Abakah 
    Abstract: Global scale disruptive events in supply chains are becoming common. Recently, the COVID 19 pandemic, grounding of the Ever-Given container ship in the Suez Canal, the Russia-Ukraine War, the hijack of the Galaxy Leader merchant ship in the Red Sea and subsequent attacks of other commercial ships in the Red Sea have had varying impacts on supply chains in the last few years. In the case of the COVID 19 pandemic, lockdowns were initiated due to the rapid spread of the virus worldwide. From the perspective of disease prevention, this action aided in suppressing the spread of the virus but introduced further disruptions to supply chains with subsequent impacts on business operations. Using a Structural Causal Model, this paper examines how the COVID-19 induced economic shutdown in Ghana, and subsequent disruption in the operations of Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) affected labour and wages, business operations and revenue. Using a sample of 161 logistics service providers, the study found that most LSPs, classified as small and medium scale enterprises experienced revenue decline. However, a percentage of LSPs within the warehousing and storage businesses experienced increases in revenue.
    Keywords: supply chain disruption; logistics service providers; structural causal model; COVID-19; supply chain risk; small and medium scale enterprises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063618
  • Proactive Distribution Intention of Recycled Products: Downstream Perspectives of Circular Supply Chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Yudi Fernando 
    Abstract: Content digitalisation has been utilised to promote recycled products, and the manufacturing firm needs to continuously monitor the effectiveness of its brand equity on the e-commerce platform. This paper investigates the relationship between content marketing, recycled product brand equity, and proactive distribution intention of recycled products. The data were collected from the downstream perspectives, which surveyed the retailers. The result found that content marketing and brand equity are significantly related to retailers’ proactive distribution intention. In addition, recycled products need to employ virtual influencers to improve recycled brand awareness. This study has incorporated the downstream perspectives to understand the effectiveness of circular supply chain implementation. This study suggests that manufacturing firms and retailers that produce and distribute recycled products need to maintain product quality innovation and consistently promote environmental awareness to the buyers.
    Keywords: circular supply chain; downstream; proactive distribution intention; green marketing; virtual influencer marketing; brand equity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063717
  • Selecting Third-Party Logistics Providers in the Face of Supply Chain Disruptions: A Critical Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahmood Abdulsattar Ahmad, Ammar Al-Bazi 
    Abstract: The selection of third-party logistics (3PL) providers for supply chains is becoming increasingly challenging for both researchers and practitioners, as it has a significant impact on a firm's performance. This issue is widely recognised in literature and requires a complex analysis of various factors such as the type of 3PL processes, supply chain perspectives, methods, and disruptions. This paper aims to review the existing literature on 3PL selection problems in supply chains. A literature review framework is developed, reporting 57 articles that contain 42 real-life case studies that examine different geographical areas and identify research trends. The analysis of published articles from 20142023 indicates that the fuzzy and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were the most frequently used method. The review answers the proposed research questions in 3PLs selection problems and decisions. Finally, a focused analysis is presented to discuss the findings and provide new insights for future research.
    Keywords: 3PLs selection; disruptions in supply chains; logistics management; transportation logistics.

  • Mapping Supplier Development Barriers: Unveiling Interconnections and Impact Forces for Effective Strategy Formulation   Order a copy of this article
    by Dalvi Manojkumar, Vishal Bhosale, Anjali More 
    Abstract: This study aims to recognise supplier development barriers (SDBs), establish connections among SDBs, and assess their driving and dependence forces. A total of 31 SDBs were identified through expert consultation and literature review. A contextual relationship, crucial for the successful implementation of supplier development activities (SDAs), was established by employing the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) method. The ISM results were then utilised as input for fuzzy matriced impacts crois
    Keywords: interpretive structural modelling; ISM; fuzzy MICMAC; mapping supplier development barriers; SDBs; vendor development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063848
  • Exploring Sustainable Development Challenges in Oil & Gas Industry towards Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities: Evidence from GCC Countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Govind Tiwari, Vikas Kumar Choubey 
    Abstract: GCC economies rely largely on oil and gas (O&G) exports. However, developing and using oil and gas fossil fuels can harm the environment and civilisation. Despite the GCC's national vision, numerous O&G enterprises, particularly in crude oil exploration, refining, and distribution, struggle to integrate sustainability into their systems and operations. GCC O&G industries face sustainable development issues, as noted by expert discourse and literature. Combining exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and best worst method techniques, 95 questionnaire responses from GCC O&G firms were analysed to categorise challenges and explore critical obstacles to implementing sustainable strategies to improve competitiveness. The best-worst method (BWM) prioritises obstacles. This survey found that economic issues are most critical, followed by environmental, knowledge and awareness, social, and technological challenges. Geopolitical problems are weighted higher by the BWM than energy inefficiency. Practical and policy implications for sustainable development from GCC viewpoints assist create sustainable cities and communities.
    Keywords: sustainability development challenges; SDCs; oil and gas industry; Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063860
  • Users Acceptance of Autonomous Delivery Robot Last Mile Delivery in Post-Pandemic Era: A Moderating Role of Perceived Trust   Order a copy of this article
    by Jing Tong, Nur Khairiel Bin Anuar, Khai Lin Chong 
    Abstract: This study was based on Chinese users' acceptance of autonomous delivery robots' last mile delivery in the post-pandemic era. The purpose of the current research was to measure the direct impact of performance expectancy (PE), hedonic motivation (HM), price sensitivity (PS) and perceived risk (PR) on user acceptance of autonomous delivery robot (ADR) last mile delivery. Furthermore, the moderating role of perceived trust (PT) was also analysed in the relationship between PE, HM, PS, PR, and user acceptance of ADR last mile delivery. The data for this research was collected from ADR users in Shanghai, China. A sample of 350 respondents was collected with the convenience sampling method. The findings of this research are analysed with the partial least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The study found that the direct impact of PE, HM, PS and PR on user acceptance of ADR last mile delivery is accepted. Furthermore, the study also found that perceived trust moderates the relationship between PE, PR, and user acceptance of ADR last mile delivery. The findings of this research are novel and contribute to the body of knowledge theoretically and practically.
    Keywords: autonomous delivery robot; ADR; user acceptance; last mile delivery; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063901
  • Role of Supply Chain to mitigate the Risk of Counterfeiting   Order a copy of this article
    by Dheeraj Gandhi, Rituparna Datta, Ajay Jha, Vimal Kumar 
    Abstract: The study aims to deal with the problem of counterfeit products in present times, analyse the functioning of SCM to deal with the risk of counterfeiting and suggest some possible plans for the future to reduce counterfeiting of goods. In addition to the expenditures of dealing with counterfeits, there is also the issue of user/consumer health and safety to consider. The Six Ts of supply chain quality management are proposed as a method for selecting successful ways to reduce these effects. As a methodological essay, this research explores the influence of time pressure on decision making in a supplier selection choice by combining felt time pressure with objective assessments of the amount time spent in the process of making the decision. According to our results, the quality of a supplier selection decision is negatively impacted by time constraints and the perception of time pressure.
    Keywords: supply chain; supply chain management; SCM; global supply networks; risk of counterfeiting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063966
  • Consumer Perception of Quality in the Gasoline Industry: A Value-Attribution Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith, Prasad Vemala 
    Abstract: The domestic automotive industry has promoted individual freedom and mobility as historically associated with access/ownership of a truck and/or car. The price of gasoline has been a major political issue as motorists deal with the constant fluctuation of fuel prices. A study of well-educated, relatively young drivers (n = 1,105) from NE Ohio and the Pittsburgh, PA was undertaken to test selected intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors associated with perceived concepts the product and service quality of gasoline purchases, especially among the genders. The survey was based on the combined theories of consumer perception, reasoned actions theory, and value attribution and was pretested via a pilot study. It was found that the vast majority of respondents treated such fuel purchases as a commodity and, although they welcome increased quality, they appear not willing to pay extra for it. Services, an industry, that as drivers have interactions with various degrees.
    Keywords: automotive industry; consumer perception theory; branding; consumer tribes; extrinsic; intrinsic; gender differences; reasoned actions theory; value attribution theory; WOW.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10063969
  • Assessing Obstacles to AI Implementation in Indian Automotive Supply Chains: A Novel BMEA Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Eisha Mehta Sharma, Bikram Jit Singh 
    Abstract: Since India's economic liberalisation in the early 1990s, the domestic automobile industry has witnessed substantial growth, spanning both vehicle and component manufacturing. To remain competitive on a global scale, local sectors have embraced supply chain practices, leveraging technological advancements to expand internationally without requiring additional labour or physical space. Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in automating industrial processes, enabling intelligent decision making, research, data analysis, error reduction, and business continuity. This research paper seeks to identify barriers hindering AI implementation within diverse automobile supply chains and among stakeholders in India. Utilising a literature review and a survey involving 380 companies, the study identifies barriers and gathers feedback from Indian stakeholders. The barrier mode effect analysis approach is employed to analyse the data, offering statistically and logically supported insights for the successful deployment of AI in the Indian context. Ultimately, this paper serves as a catalyst for addressing AI implementation challenges.
    Keywords: supply chains management; artificial intelligence; barriers; automobile sector; manufacturing chains; commercial vehicles; passenger vehicles; two/three wheeler vehicles.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10064011
  • Warehouse Digital Maturity Model: Measuring Warehouse Digitality through Processes   Order a copy of this article
    by Ilknur Yardimci Coskun, Murat Baskak 
    Abstract: In recent years, the trend of digitisation has accelerated in the storage and logistics sectors, and many companies have started to use digital warehouse management systems. Measuring the digital maturity of a warehouse involves evaluating how well digital technologies and systems are integrated into warehouse operations and processes. By evaluating these fundamental factors, warehouse managers can identify areas where they can improve their digital infrastructure and optimise warehouse operations. In this study, traditional warehouse processes were examined in order to identify digital warehouse processes and steps. Expert opinions were obtained to determine the processes and their digital importance, and experts were asked to make decisions using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to compare the digital importance of processes. Based on the results, a digitisation evaluation scale was created, and a maturity model was completed by preparing criteria and a measurement table for the model.
    Keywords: digital warehouse; digital maturity model; warehouse management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10064234
  • Importance of Supplier Development Enablers : An Integrated Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Dalvi Manojkumar, Vishal Bhosale, Anjali More 
    Abstract: The objective of this study is to identify and rank the supplier development enablers (SDEs) in order to provide guidance for decision-making authorities and industry practitioners in the field of sustainable development. The paper begins by identifying and categorising 25 SDEs into six main categories. The paper uses a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to determine the importance of various SDEs based on a combination of extensive literature review and inputs from industry practitioners. The outcome of the study reveals the priority weights for each category of SDEs. According to the results supplier performance and business volume found to be the most important SDEs, knowledge and information sharing, as well as buyer-supplier relations, follow closely in importance. The outcome of this paper provides a practical guide for decision-makers and industry persons to deal with these important SDEs.
    Keywords: supplier development; supplier development enablers; SDEs; analytic hierarchy process; AHP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10064422
  • Integrating risk scenarios in supply network resilience modelling - A comparison of manager-derived versus automated approaches   Order a copy of this article
    by Tim Vor Der Brück, Uta Jüttner, René Meier, Justus Gallati 
    Abstract: Identifying risk scenarios as potential disruptions in supply networks is an important task in designing resilient supply chains. Still, to date, no work has investigated alternative processes underlying the development of relevant risk scenarios. Our case-based action research study investigates risk scenarios in a supply network of a world leading Swiss manufacturer for crimp machines. Automated and manager-derived risk scenarios are compared, and their performance is tested in a stochastic supply network optimisation model. The automated approach considers a higher number of risk scenarios by referring to the entire distribution of the networks production capacity. The results from our testing of eight manager-derived and 100 automatically generated risk scenarios suggest that manager defined scenarios can be a good alternative to automated scenarios. A combination of both is recommended. Further research should expand our approach through robust optimisation, to include not only the expected value of the costs but also their variance.
    Keywords: Supply network resilience; risk scenarios; stochastic optimisation; sampling; operational risk management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10064473
  • Spatial Suitability of Using Metrorail for Urban Freight Transport   Order a copy of this article
    by Poulomee Ghosh 
    Abstract: Urban freight policies worldwide emphasise the need for sustainability through modal shifts and land use integration. This study focuses on integrating urban freight transport with the city's metrorail. Parameters were selected through a literature review and expert opinion survey on urban freight and the supply chain. A network analysis location-allocation GIS model was used to assess the spatial suitability of Pune city. The location data of 173 metro stations and 831 points-of-interest related to logistic demand were used. The results show that the current metro route suits urban freight transport. More than 50% of the logistic locations are within a kilometre of a metro station, and 93% are within five kilometres. About 36% of the stations could cater to 69% of these demands. Merorail is most suitable for carrying business-to-business freight movement from city-level warehouses to local distribution centres/stores. Both passenger and freight movement should be considered during the project's conception.
    Keywords: urban metrorail; urban freight; infrastructure optimisation; spatial suitability; network analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10064715
  • RTA Strategy For Efficient Environmental Digital Transformation   Order a copy of this article
    by Shankar Subramania Iyer, Tausif Mulla, Anushka Issac, Chathuri DeSilva, Fernando Eraña Reyes Jr 
    Abstract: This research study examines the strategy for environmental digital transformation at the Dubai road transport authority (RTA). It focuses on the RTA's initiatives to reduce environmental impacts from traffic and transport, including the use of digital technologies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions and energy consumption, and improve air quality. The study paper discusses the various types of digital technologies that are being used by the RTA, such as big data, internet of things (IoT), and intelligent transport systems. It also examines the potential benefits of these digital technologies, such as reduced traffic congestion, improved safety, and increased customer satisfaction. Finally, the paper outlines the key challenges faced by the RTA in implementing its digital transformation strategy. The research study uses Mixed Methodology to get consensus on the conceptual model developed using the triple bottom line theory, technology adoption theory and aimed at developing new initiatives for RTA in efficient environmental digital transformation enhancement.
    Keywords: digital transformation; road transport authority; RTA; logistics; supply chain; carbon footprint; emerging technologies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10065000
  • Enhancing Infrastructure Connectivity in RCEP: A Comprehensive Analysis and Strategic Implications   Order a copy of this article
    by Narthsirinth Netirith, Mingjun Ji, Rashika Mudunkotuwa 
    Abstract: This paper studies the significance of infrastructure connectivity in shaping transportation networks in the context of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The challenges associated with infrastructure connectivity and essential factors facilitating efficient transportation have been studied and addressed. This research employed a comprehensive approach incorporating the network connectivity theory to conduct an extensive analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the RCEP nation. Furthermore, this analysiss findings pinpoint the influence of infrastructure connectivity within the RCEP. This study employs advanced evaluation methods such as the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Delphi method, including the geometric mean prioritisation method (RGPM) for evaluating the significance of these factors. The findings indicate that increasing cross-island mobility, investing in digital infrastructures, increasing foreign direct investment, and improving transport in a diversity of geography are the most significant measures to improve infrastructure connectivity to encourage RCEPs entire network interconnection.
    Keywords: infrastructure connectivity; network and connectivity; strategic improvement; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; geometric mean prioritisation method; RGPM; SWOT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10065467
  • A Multi-Reliability Facility Location Problem   Order a copy of this article
    by Razan Alenezi, Abdulrahman Alenezi 
    Abstract: In this paper, we considered a fixed charge facility location with multiple reliability problems. Specifically, a supply chain consisting of a single product set of candidate distribution centres, and set of demand points. Distribution centres are prone to failure; therefore, each demand point must be assigned to both primary and secondary facilities. Besides, at each candidate site, different facility reliability levels can be defined. Each reliability level has a different failure rate and is associated with a different fixed cost. We formulated the model as a large-scale linear integer program. In order for the solution procedure to be achievable, the model complexity was reduced by adding redundant constraints. This resulted in a size reduction up to 98.1%. Finally, lower and upper bounds on the optimal solution were developed using the Lagrangian relaxation procedure. The results confirmed that the solution was 1% within the optimal solution.
    Keywords: supply chain; facility location problem; facility reliability; Lagrangian relaxation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10065678
  • Selection of a Green Supply Chain Management Strategy with Grey-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Karahan Kara, A. Zafer Acar, Galip Cihan Yalc?n 
    Abstract: Green supply chain management (GSCM) prioritises sustainability-focused approaches that strategically manage risk and environmental concerns while optimising operational efficiencies, reducing costs, and maximising profits as traditional supply chain management does. However, coordinating various individual participants of any supply chain working towards a common objective presents perennial challenges for executives in managing a supply chain, particularly considering various strategic aspects of environmental issues. Thus, this study employs a hybrid approach to selecting a GSCM strategy and aims to identify the most suitable one. For this purpose, a multi-criteria decision-making technique was applied to data collected from supply chain executives in the defence industry to fill the methodological gap. The findings of this research reveal that the legislative perspective holds the highest criterion weight, while risk-based strategies are identified as the most effective GSCM approach. Notably, this study contributes to advancing strategic management research by presenting a hybrid approach demonstrating a grey-based hybrid application of the PIPRECIA-G and OCRA methods to GSCM strategy selection.
    Keywords: green consideration; green supply chain management; GSCM; strategy selection; MCDM; PIPRECIA-G; OCRA-G.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066119
  • The Role of CRM Adoption in the Relationship between Technology-Organisation-Environment Theory Constructs and Digital Entrepreneurship: An Applied Study on the Higher Educational Sector in Egypt   Order a copy of this article
    by Mennatallah Gaber, Passent Tantawi, Mahmoud Farouk Mohamed, Abdel Salam Ragheb 
    Abstract: The main purpose of the research is to examine the influence of technology-organisation-environment (TOE) theory constructs on digital entrepreneurship dimensions through the mediating role of CRM adoption in the higher educational sector in Egypt. This paper is built upon quantitative approach; validity, reliability, correlation, and regression. The results indicated that there is a partially significant relationship between TOE Theory constructs and CRM adoption; a partially significant relationship between CRM adoption and digital entrepreneurship; and a partially significant relationship between TOE theory constructs and digital entrepreneurship. Finally, the results showed that the mediation role of CRM adoption between TOE theory constructs and digital entrepreneurship dimensions is partially supported.
    Keywords: technology-organisation-environment; TOE theory; customer relationship management; CRM; adoption; digital entrepreneurship; technology; organisation; environment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10065980
  • The Resilience and Innovation of Entrepreneurial Humanitarian Logistics During COVID-19 Pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Samer Abaddi 
    Abstract: This study investigates entrepreneurial humanitarian logistics (EHL) in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on resilience and innovation. Using thematic analysis within a macro-meso-micro framework, the research examines factors affecting EHL through semi-structured interviews with 16 entrepreneurs, analysed using AI-powered ATLAS.ti software. It identifies major challenges such as supply delays, funding limitations, and labour shortages, while also highlighting successes like service diversification and increased agility through digital technology. The study emphasises the importance of government and private sector collaboration in supporting the sector and advises policymakers on improving EHL sustainability and resilience against future crises.
    Keywords: Entrepreneurial humanitarian logistics; Resilience and innovation; COVID-19 response; Macro-Meso-Micro.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10065986
  • Integrating S&OP, MPS and Quality: a Holistic Framework and Decision-Making Models for a Case Study in the Automotive Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Samiha Mansouri, Latifa Ouzizi, Youssef Aoura, Mohammed Douimi 
    Abstract: In this paper, we study the integration of sales and operational planning (S&OP), master production scheduling (MPS), and quality performance in one global system. The coupling of S&OP and MPS ensures the flexibility of the supply chain with a balance between demand fluctuation and production stability. Although interest in the topic is increasing, prior research on production planning has emphasised the customer demand guarantee without considering the quality performance, which has a direct influence on the planning process. Thereby, the proposed model is a solution to reduce errors of capacity and quality problems in the mid and short-term horizon. we present a holistic framework containing the two decision layers involved in the tactical and operational horizon planning activity and quality management. The problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimisation model, developed using mixed-integer programming to find the best production order. The model considers the delayed, scrapped, and reworked quantities, which better reflect the real-life industrial constraints. The results demonstrate our approach's applicability and performance.
    Keywords: Sales& Operational planning; Master Production Schedule; Quality performance; Automotive industry; mixed integer linear programming.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066084
  • Antecedent and influence of health logistics flow on health logistics service performance and customer satisfaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Mubarik Abdul Mumin, Mawuli Kobla Amedofu, David Asamoah, Veronica Millicent Dzomeku 
    Abstract: This study delves into the antecedents and effect of health logistics flow, encompassing medical supplies, transportation, and stores management, on both health logistics service performance and customer satisfaction. Employing a survey research approach, questionnaires were distributed across various hospitals in Ghana, yielding 100 usable responses. Utilizing partial least squares structural equation modeling for analysis, the study identifies that relationship orientation significantly influences health logistics flow, subsequently impacting health logistics service performance. Furthermore, the research establishes that health logistics service performance serves as a full mediator in the relationship between logistics flow and customer satisfaction. This study is groundbreaking, being the first to explore the interplay between relationship orientation and logistics flow, particularly within the health sector. Additionally, it pioneers the examination of the influence of health logistics flow on health service delivery and its consequential effect on customer satisfaction.
    Keywords: logistics flow; health logistics service performance; relationship orientation; customer satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066484
  • Internet of Things Usage Experience Model: Thai Manufacturing Supply Chain Context   Order a copy of this article
    by Chatchai Antarasena, Uthai Tanlamai, Dr.Thira Chavarnakul 
    Abstract: The internet of things (IoT) in the manufacturing supply chain sector Thailand is in the development stage. Thus, a review with literatures and various groups of interviews from institution and professional has been conducted to extract the factors affecting the adoption and use of the IoT in the manufacturing supply chain context. A total of 15 factors have been identified in three domains: organisation, business, and technology. A survey was conducted with 251 manufacturing companies with experience in IoT adoption in Thailand. An ordinal logistics regression was used to build the IoT use experience level model. The results show that knowledge, security and privacy, and customer relationship are the most salient factors in assessing and predicting IoT use experience levels. The insight from this research will reduce the adoption challenge and gain value from the IoT to improve the success in manufacturing organisations of developing countries.
    Keywords: internet of things; IoT; manufacturing supply chain; security; privacy; knowledge; customer relationship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066692
  • E-Commerce-Based Logistics and Supply Chain Management: a Systematic Literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Chandresh Kumbhani, Ravi Kant, Ravi Shankar 
    Abstract: E-commerce platforms have become primary places for customers to search, compare, and buy products from any location. This study aims to examine the existing status and trends in e-commerce-based logistics and supply chain management (ELSCM) by providing a systematic literature review using a descriptive and thematic approach of 234 articles published between 2011 and 2023. Thematic analysis reveals four distinct clusters: order fulfilment and logistics, supply chain mastery, sustainability, market dynamics, and customer experience, each illuminating essential facets of e-commerce operations. Notable findings underscore the importance of strategic decision-making, innovative technologies, and customer-centric approaches in shaping efficient e-commerce supply chains. This review highlights critical research gaps and future directions, paving the way for enhanced scholarly discourse and practical implications in ELSCM. The results of this research help academicians, practitioners, and policymakers to explore and discover new avenues of ELSCM research.
    Keywords: e-commerce; electronic commerce; logistics; supply chain management; systematic literature review; e-supply chain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066695
  • Influence of Supply Chain Integration and Supply Chain Resilience on Supply Chain Performance: a Moderated Mediation Model   Order a copy of this article
    by R.K. Renin Singh, Gaurav Katoch, Neeraj Anand, Neha Sharma 
    Abstract: This study investigates the role played by supply chain integration (SCI) and supply chain resilience (SCRes) in influencing supply chain performance (SCPerf) within the context of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in India. Additionally, the study examines the moderating role played by risk management culture (RMC) of a firm on the relation between SCRes, SCI and SCRes. The research employed a cross-sectional survey method. We collected data using non-probabilistic judgement sampling from MSMEs established in the state of Gujarat, India. The proposed model was analysed using PLS-4.0. The results indicate that SCI and SCRes have a positive and significant influence on SCPerf. The findings also show that RMC of a firm has a significant moderated mediation effect on the relationship between SCI and SCPerf through SCRes. The study suggests that developing RMC is crucial for improving SCPerf in MSMEs. This study contributes to the literature of SCPerf through providing insights into the relation between SCI, SCRes, RMC and SCPerf in the context of MSMEs in India.
    Keywords: supply chain resilience; SCRes; supply chain performance; SCPerf; supply chain integration; SCI; risk management culture; RMC; moderated mediation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066703
  • Multi-Period Crew Scheduling for the Regular Round Trips in the Road Freight Transportation   Order a copy of this article
    by Aleksejs Lozkins, Mikhail Krasilnikov, Yefim V. Zholobov, Nikolay V. Smirnov 
    Abstract: The problem of regular round trips crew scheduling consists of finding the most efficient duty combination to cover all road freight transportation activities for the defined time period, while also satisfying legal requirements. We address the problem of serving long-haul trips set using the minimum driver number, where each trip is executed with a sequence of changing crews. Aggregation constraints, like one or twowork time weeks and compulsory weekly rest, complicate the crew scheduling problem further, given the need for longterm planning. We present a set partitioning and network flow models to solve instances optimally and improve solutions in real-world scenarios. We apply various valid inequalities to the network flow model and conduct computational tests to evaluate their impact on the problem's computation. We investigate how schedule periodicity influences the final timetable costs, considering the legal requirements for long-distance haulage in the Russian Federation.
    Keywords: Transportation; Crew scheduling; Operational Research; Arc flow formulation; Integer linear programming.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066717
  • For Better or for Worse? How the Use of Digital Technologies Affects Truck Drivers' well-being   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarah M. Straub, Caroline Ruiner 
    Abstract: The use of digital technologies evokes a controversial debate about their impact on workplace characteristics in terms of the perceived benefits and risks for driving professions. We examine how the use of digital technologies affects truck drivers’ well-being by looking at workplace characteristics and their interrelation. We use a mixed-methods approach consisting of qualitative interviews and a written survey of truck drivers in Germany. Empirical findings reveal a generally positive association between the use of digital technologies and workplace characteristics, as drivers perceive that highly automated systems enhance their well-being by reducing strain and fostering safety. However, potential risks, such as the threat of losing attention and decision-making authority, were also identified. These findings contribute to understanding the effects of digital technologies on truck drivers' workplace characteristics. Additionally, we highlight the role of drivers' attitudes towards digitalisation and show how these determine the perception of benefits versus risks.
    Keywords: digital technologies; automation in logistics; driver well-being; human-computer-interaction; HCI; workplace characteristics; mixed method; qualitative research; quantitative research.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066730
  • A Multi-Objective Optimisation Model for Location Healthcare Centres during Pandemics   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahsa Delshad Siyahkali, Faezeh Mahdyan Naser, Sepideh Rafiei, Arezu Khorram, Mahya Ghouchani 
    Abstract: After the outbreak of COVID-19, which involved the whole world, the chains of healthcare services and the location of these centres became especially important. In this research, by presenting a mathematical programming model and solving it by genetic algorithm, the optimal places for the establishment of healthcare centres, a new and efficient service-treatment network has been determined in Semnan city. This model aims to provide most population of the city for health care and reduce the distance between relief facilities by using a multi-objective programming approach. The results of the research showed that the most optimal value of the model solution belongs to the proposed areas 2, 1 and 3, respectively. The use of this model causes the selection of the best potential places by reducing the total distance of service-treatment facilities for the use of the largest population.
    Keywords: multi-objective optimisation; locating healthcare centres; genetic algorithm; relief logistics; supply chain; pandemic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066921
  • Designing a Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network with Considering Different Levels of Production Technologies and Transportation Modes   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Dashti, Abolfazl Kazemi, Mahsa Oroojeni Mohammad Javad 
    Abstract: In recent years, the globalisation of economic activity, coupled with the rapid growth of information technology, has resulted in shorter product lifecycles, reduced transport capacities, and dynamic changes in customer behaviour regarding preferences and expectations. These factors have contributed to insecure demand patterns, underscoring the importance of supply chain design. Decisions regarding the design of supply chain networks are among the most critical in supply chain management, significantly impacting efficiency and effectiveness for years to come. In this paper, we present a two-objective mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP) aimed at designing and optimising a closed-loop green supply chain network. Our model incorporates real-world assumptions such as multi-level supply chains, diverse production technologies, and multiple transportation modes. The primary objectives of the model are to minimise the total cost of the chain and reduce total emissions. To validate the proposed model and address it as a single-objective problem, we employ the exact approach of ?-constraint and utilise the CPLEX Solver. Furthermore, we conduct sensitivity analysis to examine the behaviour of objective functions in response to changes in real-world parameters. This analysis facilitates the discussion of optimal management suggestions and policies to enhance supply chain performance and sustainability.
    Keywords: green supply chain design; transportation modes; production technology levels; ?-constraint method; mixed-integer linear programming; MILP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10066955
  • Analysing the Evasive Flow Capture Problem through Benders' Decomposition and Metaheuristic   Order a copy of this article
    by Pedro Henrique González, Francisco Glaubos Climaco, Vanessa De Almeida Guimarães, Glaydston Ribeiro 
    Abstract: The Flow Capture Problem (FCP) involves optimising facility locations to capture the most drivers along their pre-determined routes. Traditional FCP models fail to account for uncooperative behaviours, where drivers intentionally alter their routes to evade certain facilities. To address this, the study introduces the Evasive Flow Capture Problem (EFCP), which considers such evasive actions especially relevant in contexts like sanitary checkpoints and transport cargo weighing. The paper proposes an innovative solution that blends Benders' decomposition with branch-and-bound techniques and a greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) metaheuristic. This approach effectively identifies high-quality solutions, achieving optimal or near-optimal outcomes in real-world transportation network scenarios. The methodology underscores the significance of accommodating non-cooperative behaviours in strategic facility placement, offering valuable insights for transport and logistics applications.
    Keywords: Evasive Flow Capture Problem; uncooperative behaviours; Benders Decomposition; GRASP metaheuristic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067012
  • Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of the Goods Incoming Process in a Warehouse: an Exclusive Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahm Shamsuzzoha, Alex Wack 
    Abstract: This study aims to optimise the material flow of goods at the reception and inspection points of the warehouse of a case company, engaged in healthcare and laboratory equipment distributions in Finland. This study is only concerned with receiving and inspecting items up until the point, where they are prepared for pickup with challenges. The study begins with a theoretical component that involves first reviewing relevant literature. The operational processes at the case company warehouse are then analysed to provide a more in-depth look at the existing warehouse operations. Open-ended interviews with key employees of the case company were utilised as the data and technique in the empirical research to collect qualitative information about the optimisation and potential improvements surrounding the warehouse lead time. Quantitative data is also collected and analysed from the case company regarding the incoming shipments received at the warehouse. The elements of inefficiency and potential development ide-as were emphasised by these integrated informational approaches, which were applied both within the case company and to some of the suppliers of larger shipments. This study concludes the ways to best check goods incoming and inspection in a warehouse of the case company to avoid any congestion and bottlenecks.
    Keywords: supply chain management; SCM; warehouse management; lean distribution; goods reception and inspection areas; case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067080
  • The Impact of Fresh E-commerce Delivery Quality on Customer Satisfaction In China   Order a copy of this article
    by XiangPing Li, Mawaddah Binti Mohamad, Suhaila Abdul Hanan 
    Abstract: The objective of this research was to measure the impact of fresh e-commerce delivery quality (DQ) on the aesthetic experience (AE), online service experience (OSE), and virtual community sense experience (VCSE) of Chinese customers. The study further tests the impact of AE, OSE, and VCSE on customers' satisfaction. This research also analysed the mediating role of the AE, OSE, and VCSE between fresh e-commerce DQ and customer satisfaction (CS). A Likert scale questionnaire was used, and a sample of 348 customers was collected from China. Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied for statistical analysis. Firstly, the significant impact of fresh e-commerce DQ on the AE, OSE, and VCSE of Chinese customers was established. Secondly, the impact of AE, OSE, and VCSE on the customers satisfaction was also confirmed. The study has significant importance in improving the fresh e-commerce DQ in China which will enhance CS.
    Keywords: e-commerce delivery; customer satisfaction; customer experience; fresh e-commerce.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067084
  • Optimisation Model for City Healthcare Vehicle Routing Problems with Fuzzy Time Windows: a Case Study in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Ai Linh Nhi Ho, Huynh Quoc Khang Mai, Tan Phuc Truong, Gia Huy Nguyen, Ngoc Da Thach, Duc Duy Nguyen 
    Abstract: Nowadays, the increasing demand for sample collection and testing at private centres has necessitated the development of advanced specimen collection models. This research addresses patient diagnostic specimen collection routing problems with fuzzy time windows. Firstly, mixed-integer programming is formulated to optimise the specimen collection routing, aiming at minimising the logistics cost within time windows. Unlike conventional fuzzy time window methods, this research utilises satisfaction rates for service times, defined by a convex fuzzy number. This is important in balancing between resource capacity and customer satisfaction goals. Secondly, to illustrate the model's efficiency and effectiveness, we use different 6 datasets from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Thirdly, the model is solved by applying the branch-and-bound algorithm in CPLEX. Finally, sensitivity analysis on satisfaction levels 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1 is done to represent managerial insights. The result shows that the model is significant in improving healthcare services.
    Keywords: Vehicles Routing Problems; Mixed-Integer Linear Programming; Fuzzy time windows; Satisfaction level; Specimens collection; Healthcare systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067207
  • Logistics 4.0: Case Study of a Multinational Company in the Brazilian Automotive Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Adriana Helena Ataliba, Ugo Ibusuki, Geraldo C. De Oliveira Neto 
    Abstract: Industry 4.0 brings in its approach successive changes and transformations in manufacturing, which go beyond the manufacturing environment. An area directly affected by this influence is the logistics area, the so-called Logistics 4.0. However, the definition of Logistics 4.0 is an emerging concept both in companies and academia; most existing articles in the literature are theoretical and conceptual. This article aims to investigate how the Logistics 4.0 approach is implemented in a multinational automotive company through case studies of three technological innovations and how these implementations have occurred in its internal logistics processes. The multiple case study method interviewed those responsible for the three innovations to describe and explore the cases. The results indicate that the motivations of the logistics area are directly related to the modernization project of the industrial park, which aimed to make the new assembly line capable of meeting the expectations of increased production volume and mix of products, at the same time, inserting the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Innovation.
    Keywords: Logistics 4.0; Industry 4.0; case study; Brazil; automotive sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067567
  • Sustainable Inventory Optimisation: Two-Product Green Production Model with Controllable Carbon Emissions and Government Subsidy Strategies   Order a copy of this article
    by Awais Younus, Nida Javed 
    Abstract: The paper presents a comprehensive model for a green manufacturing system, addressing the escalating environmental pollution caused by non-eco-friendly goods and industrial carbon emissions. Focusing on two high-tech products, the primary and updated versions, the model incorporates consecutive production runs, emphasizing the influence of the primary product's reputation on the demand for its updated counterpart. Noteworthy is the integration of a cap-and-trade system to regulate carbon emissions and two models reflecting the manufacturer's investment preferences in emission reduction technologies. The study's aim is to optimize production run times for both products and maximize average profit within an interval-valued system. Employing the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) meta-heuristic algorithm, the paper validates the model through a numerical example, comparing its performance with the Genetic Algorithm (GA). Furthermore, statistical assessments and sensitivity analyses provide insights into the efficiency and robustness of the proposed approach in making decisions that balance economic and environmental considerations.
    Keywords: CIA; Lagrange multiplier; Greening innovation; Emission reduction technology; PS Optimization; Carbon emission; Sensitivity analysis; cap-and-trade system; high-tech products; interval-valued system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067763
  • Growing By 'Accident'; A Study on Occupational Health and Safety in The Logistics Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Tuğçe Metin 
    Abstract: The research aims to draw attention to the increasing number of occupational accidents and occupational diseases in parallel with the growth in the logistics sector in Turkey, includes detailed data on the logistics sector compiled from various sources. Pearson correlation test and simple linear regression analysis were performed with SPSS 26.0 program. The results show that significant positive co-movement between the rate of change in total foreign trade according to the modes of execution and the rate of change in the number of insured persons who had occupational accidents and were diagnosed with occupational diseases in the sector. Simple linear regression analysis, 37% of the increase in the number of insured persons who had occupational accidents and were diagnosed with occupational diseases in the logistics sector can be explained by the increase in foreign trade transactions according to the modes of execution.
    Keywords: logistics; occupational accident and occupational disease; occupational health and safety; economic growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067831
  • Effect of Logistics Management Practices on the Efficiency of Medical Diagnosis in Public Hospital Facilities: the Mediating Role of Procurement Management   Order a copy of this article
    by Bright Junior Tanzubil, Durairaj Veeraiyah 
    Abstract: This study examined the effect of logistics management practices on the efficiency of medical diagnosis at public hospital facilities in the Upper East Region of Ghana. This study utilized a descriptive correlational research design, purposively collecting quantitative primary data from 463 health personnel through a self-administered research questionnaire. Analysis of data obtained revealed that logistics management practices such as information management, distribution management, and procurement management had a direct significant impact on the efficiency of medical diagnosis at public hospital facilities. The mediation test revealed that procurement management fully mediates the relationship between stock management and diagnostic efficiency, suggesting that the impact of stock management on the efficiency of medical diagnosis is only manifested through procurement management practices. A complementary mediation was established between distribution management and diagnostic efficiency. The study concludes that effective logistics management practices significantly enhance the efficiency of medical diagnostic services in public hospitals.
    Keywords: Logistics management; diagnostic efficiency; medical diagnosis; procurement management; hospital facilities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067833
  • Optimising Two-Warehouse Supply Chain Dynamics: a Non-Cooperative Game Theoretical Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Suresh Ankur, Dipanjali Ghosh, Pinki Majumder, Uttam Kumar Bera 
    Abstract: Efficient inventory management stands as a pivotal pillar across diverse industries. However, despite its criticality, a notable research gap exists concerning the intricate dynamics governing supplier-retailer relationships, particularly under profit-oriented policies. This study addresses this gap by introducing a sophisticated cost-minimisation model involving two warehouses, where suppliers and retailers engage in Stackelberg interactions under trade credit regulations, each aiming to optimise their costs through a noncooperative strategy. The research examines scenarios where the retailer and the supplier exhibit leadership behaviour, thereby satisfying each others optimality conditions. Key findings provide insights into the intricate supplier retailer interactions in a two-warehouse model highlighting effective cost minimisation strategies and underscoring the challenges of forming agreements in a non-cooperative game setting. By understanding the complex dynamics of supplier-retailer relationships and utilising advanced optimisation techniques, industry stakeholders can enhance supply chain management practices, leading to improved product quality, environmental sustainability, and greater overall efficiency.
    Keywords: Supply chain Model; Stackelberg equilibrium; Non-cooperative game; Two warehouse model; Trade credit policy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067835
  • Factors Affecting Employees Scheduling: an Approach to a Theoretical Framework Model with a Scoping Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Marwa Ben Moallem, Remy Houssin, Diala Dhouib Karry, Mohamed Haykal Ammar, Amadou Coulibaly 
    Abstract: Efficient Staff Scheduling is a critical challenge for many organisations, impacting service quality and operational efficiency. To effectively address this issue, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the current research landscape and the available tools and methodologies. This study aims to conduct a Scoping Review (ScR) to systematically survey recent research on tools for addressing critical Staff scheduling problems, which has become increasingly important in achieving high-quality services in various sectors, both public and private. We conducted a PRISMA flow diagram-based scoping search of the published literature for studies on Staff scheduling. Our approach mapped the research landscape analysing a total of 122 relevant studies across multiple databases that are classified with our own vision identifying research gaps, and covering limitations of the research field. Study selection and data charting were performed independently by two reviewers using standardised forms, with disagreements resolved through discussion.
    Keywords: Scoping Review; PRISMA; Review; Staff scheduling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067848
  • Identifying and Ranking the Barriers to Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in the Ethiopian Textile and Apparel Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Berihun Bizuneh 
    Abstract: This study aimed to identify and rank the barriers to sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices in the Ethiopian textile and apparel (T&A) industry. First, the barriers were identified from the literature and their relevance was evaluated by 99 respondents from 20 T&A companies operating in Addis Ababa, Adama, and Hawassa. Accordingly, the barriers were ranked based on their mean scores. Barriers related to regulation, suppliers, and finance were found to be the top three barriers to SSCM in the Ethiopian T&A industry. Further qualitative analysis was also performed to identify the inter-relationships among the barriers. The contextual relationships were established by interviewing eight experts from industry and academia through the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) approach. The ISM-based model depicted that financial and supply chain-related barriers should be approached first and last respectively for an efficient way of removing the barriers. The results could benefit governmental officers and firm-level managers.
    Keywords: barriers; sustainability; sustainable supply chain management; SSCM; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; MICMAC analysis; textile and apparel industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067972
  • Enhancing Supply Chain and Firm Performance through IT, Information Sharing, and Information Quality   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Bargouthi 
    Abstract: This study investigates the influence of information sharing, information technology, and information quality on supply chain and firm performance. Additionally, this study examined the mediation role of supply chain performance between information sharing, information quality, and firm performance. Using a structural equation model (SEM) and a sample of 172 Palestinian industrial enterprises, the results show that information sharing and quality positively impacted supply chain and firm performance. Furthermore, supply chain firm performance significantly affects firm performance and partially mediates the relationship between information sharing, information quality, and firm performance. The study highlights the critical role of information sharing and technology in manufacturing sectors and demonstrates the importance of information sharing and quality in supply chain management (SCM). As the first study of its kind in Palestine, it provides valuable insights for future research to investigate further the relationships between information sharing, information quality, supply chain, and firm performance.
    Keywords: information sharing; information quality; information technology; supply chain performance; SCPE; firm performance; structural equation model; SEM; supply chain management; SCM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067973
  • IoT, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Promising Applications in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Trends and Future Research Agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by Chaimae A.I.T. Caid, Hanane Assellaou, Brahim Ouhbi 
    Abstract: This paper addresses the question of how IoT, ML and DL penetration in logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) contribute to solve issues in this field. In response to this question, we develop a content-analysis based literature review to progress theoretical body of knowledge and conceptualise the notion of smart LSCM. The literature review is based on a scientific methodology, through gathering and classifying the prior works in a transparent and objective way. From the content analysis, we derive three macro-themes: 1) smart warehouse design and operation; 2) smart logistic service provision; 3) smart and sustainable supply chains. The promising applications in the frame of each macro-theme were highlighted, and challenges related to the effective implementation of emerging technologies and approaches were described. Then, recommendations for future research to be explored were identified.
    Keywords: internet of things; IoT; machine leaning; ML; deep learning; DL; warehouse design and operation; logistic service provision; supply chain resilience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10067992
  • Behaviour in Long-Lasting B2B Supply Chain Relationships   Order a copy of this article
    by Kiran Shrimant Kakade, Subhash Yadav, Shailendrakumar Kale, Ameya Patil, Sushma Patil, Jayant Brahmane 
    Abstract: In the context of this international situation, the effects of competitive energy on moderation will be looked at in more detail. Using a questionnaire as the research tool, a quantified study was made and changed over time. In order to look at the different impacts that capacity had on International Marketing Performance, dummies were made for the tests that used both low and high levels of competition energy. Based on the study, businesses that were looked at do better at global marketing when their marketing skills are both active and fluid. These skills mostly come from open marketing, managing the supply chain, managing the creation of new products, and keeping an eye on the market. There are two ways for small and large businesses (SMEs) that do business with other SMEs to sell. From their point of view, this study looks at marketing in other countries.
    Keywords: dynamic marketing capabilities; adaptive marketing capabilities; international marketing performance; B2B market; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068048
  • Combining Material Handling Systems Design Framework and Lean Thinking to Improve Internal Logistics: a Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Patrícia Fonseca, Lopes Rui Borges 
    Abstract: Logistic activities are crucial for the efficiency and effectiveness of production systems. This work focuses on combining several methodologies to analyse, identify and reduce waste in internal logistics, namely, in the material supply process of an assembly line. The main methodologies employed were material handling systems design framework and lean thinking. Key tools used include the standardised work sheet for mapping, process activity mapping to identify non-value-added activities, and fault tree analysis to address root causes. In the case study it was possible to identify waste, propose measures to improve material flow, and use metrics to compare results before and after implementation. Implemented measures led to a 62% reduction in work effort for material collection, a 65% reduction in unnecessary motions, and an overall decrease in route cycle time. This work shows that applying material handling systems design with lean logistics concepts can positively impact material flow and waste reduction.
    Keywords: internal logistics; material handling systems design framework; lean thinking; case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068135
  • Low Carbon Cold-Chain Logistics Routing Planning Problem Under Optimal Cost   Order a copy of this article
    by Chaofan Wang, Takashi Hasuike 
    Abstract: With the rise of sustainable supply chains, cold-chain logistics is crucial for food and pharmaceuticals. This study investigates the optimal route planning problem from warehouse to distribution centers, with the dual goals of minimizing costs and carbon emissions. A vehicle route planning model was developed, incorporating genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization to identify the most efficient routes. By combining the rapid convergence of ant colony optimization with the computational efficiency of genetic algorithm, the improved algorithm achieved faster and more cost-effective distribution solutions. The experimental results show that both algorithms can effectively solve the optimal solution of the model. Simultaneously, this study combines the fast convergence of the ant colony optimization and the efficient computational speed of the genetic algorithm and obtains a more optimal distribution path by the improved algorithm. The results not only lower distribution costs but also reduce carbon emissions, achieving both economic and social benefits.
    Keywords: low carbon; cold-chain logistics; routing planning; genetic algorithm; ant colony optimization; optimal cost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068442
  • Evaluation of Companies Providing Fast Delivery Services through Online Grocery Applications: the Case of T   Order a copy of this article
    by Serdar Alnıpak, Adnan Duygun 
    Abstract: In the contemporary era, the speed of delivery represents a pivotal aspect of the level of logistics services across a multitude of industries. Among these, the grocery industry stands as a particularly salient exemplar. An analysis of the existing literature reveals a dearth of studies evaluating the fast delivery services provided by companies through online grocery applications. In the light of this information initial phase of present study entailed the establishment of fast delivery evaluation criteria for grocery companies that receive orders via online applications. These criteria were then subjected to a multi criteria decision making analysis, employing the AHP, FUCOM and SWARA methods to determine their relative importance weights. Subsequently, the delivery services provided by T
    Keywords: fast delivery; online grocery applications; multi criteria decision making; MCDM; Türkiye.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068472
  • Multi-Commodity, Simultaneous Split Pickup and Delivery Problem with Demand Allocation in the Context of Urban-rural Delivery   Order a copy of this article
    by Ziqiang Zhu, Yaru Chen, Mohamed Wahab Mohamed Ismail 
    Abstract: Abstract: Motivated by real-world urban-rural distribution challenges, this study introduces a new variant of the vehicle routing problem, multi-commodity, and simultaneous split pickup and delivery problem with demand allocation (MCSSPDP-DA). The MCSSPDP-DA involves jointly determining the assignment of rural customers to pickup and delivery stations, the quantity of each item to be picked up and delivered, and the optimal vehicle routes to minimize the total travel cost. We study thoroughly investigates the property of the MCSSPDP-DA. And formulate the MCSSPDP-DA as an integer programming model. To tackle the NP-hard nature of MCSSPDP-DA, we propose a customized hybrid metaheuristic algorithm, T-ALNS, based on the tabu search (TS) and the adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) techniques. Extensive experiments show that the proposed T-ALNS substantially and consistently outperforms the optimization solver, Gourbi, and the two existing heuristic algorithms for the small, medium, and large instances.
    Keywords: Keywords: vehicle routing problem; demand allocation; demand splitting; multi-commodity; simultaneous pick-up and delivery; urban and rural two-way distribution.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068557
  • Outsourcing and Insourcing of Logistics: Factors and Method to Support Decision-Making   Order a copy of this article
    by Ugo Ibusuki, André Bauerle Silva, André La Becca Chavez, Ailton Conde Jussani 
    Abstract: Logistics is an essential and relevant process in many companies, where it is possible to apply strategies to ensure competitive advantages. But, in many cases, logistics is not an operation that companies consider as core, so normally companies seek to outsource this process. This paper object is to compare insourcing and outsourcing of the logistics function through a literature review and propose a decision-making model raising the positive and negative aspects. This study has developed a 9 steps method to organize the decision-making matrix based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and validated it in a case-study interview carried out with a Senior Manager of a multinational company of white-goods sector in Brazil. The proposed method considers several external and internal factors involved in the decision to outsource or insource the logistics function of a company, bringing objective and direct analysis for the decision-making.
    Keywords: Outsourcing; Insourcing; Logistics; Decision-Making; AHP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068560
  • Integrated Supply Chain Management Challenges in Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Nicolas Zufferey, Olivier Gallay, Reinhard Buergy, Oleksandr Velykoivanenko 
    Abstract: A supply chain is usually made of various levels in the following sequence: suppliers, plants, warehouses, and shops. Each level has often its own decision makers, constraints to satisfy, and objective functions to optimize. Often, all these decision makers have limited information and optimise local levels on their own, which can result in large supply chain variations. In contrast, in the case of integrated logistics, fewer decisions makers having more information and more decisional power are likely to optimize larger portions of the supply chain. This can result in worse solutions for each supply-chain level but in better solutions when considering the entire supply chain. In this paper, in addition to highlighting the importance of capacity management, we present the benefits of integrated management approaches relying on three industrial applications belonging to different fields (namely, production scheduling, cross docking, and global supply chain management). Integrated logistics challenges are also identified.
    Keywords: Integrated optimization; capacity management; production scheduling; cross-docking; supply chain management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10068744
  • Logistics of Agricultural Produce using Android-Based Navigation Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Rindra Yusianto, Guruh Fajar Shidik 
    Abstract: The main problem of logistics navigation for agricultural produce is the characteristics of products that are perishable and sensitive to climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to handle logistics with good packaging. This research aims to offer a logistics navigation system with innovative packaging based on Android. We use the navigation radius with the Route Guidance System (RGS) to determine the shortest route. We combined Dijkstra’s algorithm with Google API server optimisation on a potato supply chain network in Central Java, Indonesia. We tested by compiling a network graph with distance parameters, estimated travel time, and route guides between Wringinanom (V1) and Wadaslintang (V9). From V1 to V9, it is 61.39 km. Using this navigation, we can determine an estimated travel time of 2 hours and 7 minutes. The results of the research show that the Android-based navigation system that we have developed complies with Google API server calculations and is consistent, with an accuracy rate of 99.82%.
    Keywords: Dijkstra’s algorithm; logistics of agricultural produce; route guidance system; innovative packaging.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068795
  • Comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis: CCR Models a Case Study of Major Ports according to Indian Scenario   Order a copy of this article
    by Sejal Bhagat, Ravin Tailor 
    Abstract: The port-led business has grown more important in Indias situation with a 7,500 km long coastline. Now the Deendayal Port Authority, Kandla is a seaport and town in Gujarats Kutch area in Western India. It is Indias largest port. As rivalry among maritime ports intensifies, Kandla Ports primary goal is to establish itself as the best alternative to Mumbai Port for businesses to conduct their trade activities, notably importing and exporting. The major goal of this study is to assess and examine variables that might have a substantial impact on Kandla Port efficiency levels in India. To optimise the prospects of growth and success in commercial operations, Kandla Port must pay particular attention to the evaluation of such efficiency. This research offers a method for comparing the effectiveness of Deendayal Port in India throughout the length of the 20202021 study period utilising the data envelopment analysis (DEA) CCR model. Finally, recent developments related to Kandla Port are highlighted.
    Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis; Port efficiency; Decision-Making Units; Charnes; Cooper and Rhodes.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068820
  • The Use of Big Data Analytics Capability to Build Sustainable Supply Chains: how Circular Economy and Stakeholder Interest Intersect   Order a copy of this article
    by Charles Ricky-Okine, Thomas Akrofi, Emmanuel Harrison Nuertey, Godfred Owusu-Bempah, Frank Frimpong 
    Abstract: This paper adopts resource-based theory (RBV) and stakeholder theory to investigate links between big data analytics capability (BDAC), circular economy performance (CEP), stakeholder pressure (SP) and supply chain (SC) sustainability. The paper aims two gaps; missing link between BDAC and SC sustainability of firms, mediated by CEP and the role of SP in shaping such links. A sample of 384 manufacturing firms in Ghana was used, analysed using PLS SEM (SmartPLS The study found that management capability and personal expertise capability aspect of BDAC directly improve SC sustainability and CEP in the firms. Also, management capability and personal expertise capability significantly improve SC sustainability through CEP. The study provides SME managers with insights on channelling resources into capabilities, most likely to activate BDACs and CEs potential to meet demands for sustainability. This study equips managers to make strategic investments that position SMEs at the frontier of sustainable industrial transformation.
    Keywords: Big data analytics capability; Circular economy performance; Supply chain sustainability; Resource-based view theory; Stakeholder theory and Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10068920
  • Optimizing Rail Integration in Multimodal Freight Networks for Environmental Sustainability   Order a copy of this article
    by Paul S. Hutauruk, Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel, Raldi H. S. Koestoer, Liputo Syafrin 
    Abstract: This study develops a policy model to enhance the role of rail in multimodal freight transportation, a critical shift from the predominant road mode that imposes significant environmental and external costs. Despite its potential for reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as evidenced by our findings showing up to 16.71% fuel savings and a 16.82% decrease in emissions rails utilisation remains suboptimal. Data were collected through literature reviews, surveys, and interviews with stakeholders and affected communities, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the impacts. Linear significantly influence transport mode choice among users. Additionally, using the analytical hierarchy process, we determined that the most effective policies are those that are indirect and voluntary, avoiding direct environmental impacts.
    Keywords: AHP; carbon footprint; emission levels; fuel efficiency; multimodal transportation; sustainable freight systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10069013
  • Production in a Flow; Management of Work-in-Process, its Production Rate and Lead Time   Order a copy of this article
    by Anders Segerstedt 
    Abstract: We present and discuss the connections between work-in-process (WIP), production rates and lead times in a production flow or chain, including consequences of different order quantities, variations in operation times and the placement of a bottleneck. From simulation studies and cited literature, it is presented findings and advice to researchers and production managers. Maximum WIP is the important parameter to control and reduce for an efficient production. Maximum WIP, not to be confused with average WIP, its real value is difficult to be aware of, it depends on the used control system and how it is used. We discuss the consequences and restrictions of the total (cumulated) lead time of the products. These importances are seldom or not treated in literature and textbooks. To reduce set up times and variations are always positive, we show why and how. Reduced order quantities require complementary activities to make the outcome positive.
    Keywords: Work-in-Process (WIP); Production rate; Lead time; Pull and Push; Material Requirements Planning (MRP); CONWIP; Kanban; Cover Time Planning (CTP).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2024.10069282
  • Designing a Robust Multi-Objective Blood Supply Chain Network with Permanent and Mobile Facilities for Disaster Relief   Order a copy of this article
    by Benyamin Feghhi, Mohamad Sadegh Sangari, Abbas Keramati, Mohammad Reza Rouhani-Tazangi 
    Abstract: This study presents a blood supply chain network design in disaster conditions with the objectives of minimizing total costs and blood delivery time while maximizing equity among demand points. To address the uncertainties in supply and demand parameters, a robust optimization approach based on Sim and Bertsimas' method is used. The initial model is solved using GAMS and then, to validate the proposed model, data from a case study of Fars Province Blood Transfusion Organization is used. Sensitivity analysis is conducted on the important parameters of the problem for optimal decision making in disaster conditions. The numerical results indicate that by increasing the error of nonlinear parameters and increasing the constant levels of supply and demand parameters, the objective functions will be worse. The findings help managers to plan for the worst-case scenarios and more effective supply chain decision making.
    Keywords: Supply chain network design; Blood supply chain; Disaster; Multi-objective model; Criteria of equity; Robust Optimization.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2022.10069389