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International Journal of Knowledge and Learning

International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL)

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International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (19 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Building authentic assessment criteria in teaching Mathematics in the direction of competence development for primary students   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Vu Dinh Phuong 
    Abstract: Authentic assessment is an assessment form that can assist teachers in conducting the assessment as well as improving student learning. Criteria are considered one of the necessary tools for authentic assessment. In what ways do various contextual circumstances influence the creation of credible assessment standards? How does one actually go about creating valid assessment criteria? This article aims at stating the research findings about the influence degrees of several factors on the authentic assessment criteria building process and authentic assessment criteria building procedure in teaching Mathematics in the direction of competence development. Through studies of several authors, this article analyses the role of learning outcomes, standards, and several particular factors in authentic assessment for authentic assessment criteria. The authentic assessment procedure is proposed and consulted by several education experts based on the experimenting process. In addition, the proposed procedure is analysed and clarified through an assessment task used in Mathematics for class 5th students.
    Keywords: authentic assessment; criteria assessment; competency assessment; assessment task; teaching mathematics; primary students.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2023.10057089
  • Virtual learning styles based on learning style detection   Order a copy of this article
    by G. Bhuvaneswari, B.R. Aravind, S. Suman Rajest, S. Arun Kumar 
    Abstract: Online learning spaces are virtual learning environments that have evolved alongside breakthroughs in information technology and the continual growth of educational ideals. Physical classes are always difficult for any instructor, and online classes have added to the burden by requiring teachers to consider the ethics, values, and viewpoints of students towards online learning. While distance learning has been viewed as useful for learners who cannot afford physical learning owing to a variety of causes, it has progressed in such a way that student viewpoints have reached a point where ethics are not considered. This paper attempts to find out the learning styles of students in the context of online classrooms and the data are collected using a questionnaire. The study was done with 322 students who belong to first year engineering stream and their perspectives based on their answers are analysed. The central tenet of behaviourism is that all actions are acquired through interactions with the environment. According to this learning theory, environmental circumstances have a much greater impact on behaviour than innate or inherited traits.
    Keywords: virtual classroom; online learning; learning styles; learning models; kinesthetic learners; visual learners; auditory learners; learning preferences; virtual environment; learning space; online medium.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2023.10057158
  • Legal study on the role and importance of technology in education for children with disabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Manjula Balachandran, C. Rabbiraj 
    Abstract: Education at all levels is becoming more dependent on technology. To provide universal access to technology, educational institutions must make sure that the employed technology is available to all people, including those with disabilities also. Technology offers a lot of untapped promise for supporting inclusive education. Universal learning design coupled with technology-supported learning has much potential, but the gap lies in accessibility and lack of resources. This paper examines inclusive education technology use, access, and need. The Information Technology Act of 2000 legalises electronic communication and commerce. Education for children with special needs (CWSN) is dealt with under the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016. Coalescing these enactments is a boon to the education system as it helps target CWSN who are diverse. The study is purely doctrinal and refers to the Indian context. Indian education lacks technical and legal infrastructure, according to research. Technology will change special education. New technology and instructional methods improve special education.
    Keywords: technology; information and communication; education; children with special needs; CWSN; assistive technology; Indian context; universal learning design.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2023.10057268
  • Comparative analysis of the impact of urban music on students of state, private and parochial educational institutions   Order a copy of this article
    by Agustin Angel Roberto Chumpitaz-Avila, Luis Fernando Castro-Llacsa 
    Abstract: Urban music has become a cultural phenomenon of a worldwide scale that invades social spaces and can determine the lifestyle of many teenagers. Likewise, music plays a very important role in the academic formation of students. The present study aims to determine urban musics influence on students behaviour in their final year of secondary education at state, parochial, and private institutions. To this end, exploratory research was conducted to identify behavioural patterns and their influence on their learning achievement. Moreover, a quantitative methodology was utilised through the literature review method to establish a foundation in previous works and enable the creation and implementation of instruments based on these indexed articles. The preliminary results obtained from applying the questionnaire and interview to students in their final year of secondary education demonstrate that socio-economic status, the ethnic origin of students, and the social spaces where these adolescents frequent all influence the choice of preferred musical genre and shape their social behaviour.
    Keywords: urban music; social behaviours; secondary education; adolescents; ethical values; cultural development; globalisation; academic formation; interculturalism; influence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2023.10058257
  • Why do people disclose themselves on social networking sites? Evidence from Vietnamese Facebook users   Order a copy of this article
    by Nam Tien Duong 
    Abstract: Based on the theory of personal needs, this study aimed to understand how individual self-presentation and interpersonal needs formed by social networking sites (SNSs) influence self-disclosure to friends. Besides, the study would like to examine whether there are differences in personal self-disclosure due to personality traits. Specifically, the research model used two personality traits (extraversion and narcissism) as moderators. Furthermore, we conducted a questionnaire survey with 532 Facebook users. All the hypotheses are tested using SPSS and Smart PLS. The findings showed that: 1) self-presentation, expressed inclusion, wanted affection, and express affection positively influence self-disclosure; 2) wanted inclusion negatively influences self-disclosure; 3) personality traits with high and low extroversion and narcissism also have different effects on users’ self-disclosure. Finally, the study provides SNS operators with information to improve user interaction quality and enrich social networking sites’ content.
    Keywords: self-disclosure; self-presentation; interpersonal needs; personal trait; social networking sites; SNSs; Facebook.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2023.10059980
  • Inspiring future entrepreneurs: an investigation into the green entrepreneurial behaviors of students   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Ky Long Nguyen, Thi My Hanh Le, Nhu Hoa Vo, Thi Thu Hien Le, Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen, Khoa Nguyen Vu 
    Abstract: Many higher education institutions worldwide have implemented courses focusing on entrepreneurship for students. However, green entrepreneurship and green entrepreneurial behaviours are the crucial aspects often overlooked. This research endeavours to examine the determinants influencing students’ green entrepreneurial behaviours. A survey was distributed to students at a Vietnamese university, who had completed courses related to entrepreneurship. A research framework is proposed to explore the factors shaping green entrepreneurial behaviours among undergraduates. After analysing, the factors that positively and significantly influence students’ green entrepreneurial behaviours are investigated, and future research directions are also proposed based on the findings. The findings of this research contribute to the literature reviews concerned with green entrepreneurial behaviours by proposing a research framework. Additionally, the practitioners and scholars could apply the results of this study to make the decisions or do further research on green entrepreneurial development in higher education.
    Keywords: green entrepreneurial behaviours; GEB; university entrepreneurial support; UES; green entrepreneurial intentions; GEI; entrepreneurial motivation; ENM; entrepreneurial education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10062531
  • Financial stability towards instructional behaviour and work fulfilment of teachers in the Philippines   Order a copy of this article
    by Husna T. Lumapenet, Melanie A. Agarcio 
    Abstract: In the Philippines, a significant problem has been the lack of financial security for educators. It is common knowledge that having a secure financial situation is an essential component of successful work behaviour and attitudes, both of which can lead to feeling fulfilled in ones work. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between teachers stable financial situations and their levels of work fulfilment and instructional behaviour. The data and findings were obtained by sending out questionnaires in the form of a survey to a total of one hundred elementary school teachers working in public schools in the Philippines. According to the results of the study, teachers, on the whole, have favourable financial stability, positive instructional behaviour, and a sense of professional fulfilment in their employment. In the meantime, research has shown that the instructional practices of teachers are linked to their financial security. It was also found that the instructional behaviour of teachers is what determines how much they feel like they have accomplished with their work.
    Keywords: financial stability; instructional behaviour; work fulfilment; fulfilment of teachers; environmental values; comprehensive support systems; career advancement and promotions; nurturing future generations; Philippines.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10063876
  • Project-based learning to enrich the impact of machine learning algorithms for medical data analysis in engineering education   Order a copy of this article
    by Yogita Dubey, Prachi Palsodkar 
    Abstract: Many higher education institutions (HEI) are implementing project-based learning (PBL) as innovative pedagogy in their curriculum for effective teaching learning. PBL engages students with various phases such as identifying a problem statement, providing a solution to that problem, designing or implementation of that solution with best accuracy. This paper presents the effective methodology for teaching learning process in higher education using PBL to study the impact of machine learning (ML) algorithms for the analysis of medical data for diseases classification. The methodology is supported by hands on workshop conducted for a final year engineering students with feedback and impact analysis, followed by project implementation for five case studies on medical data. To assess the impact of PBL, report submission on these case studies was carried out with rubrics and assessment tools.
    Keywords: project-based learning; machine learning; teaching learning; case studies; assessment; impact analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10064104
  • Exploring the impact of ChatGPT usability on attitudes and beliefs among Indian higher education students: a structural analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Parveen Kumar, Anu Lohan, Parmod 
    Abstract: Receiving prompt answers from the AI conversational application made drastic changes in students’ learning. This research investigates the influence of generative pre-trained transformers (ChatGPT) 3.5 usability on the attitudes and beliefs of Indian higher education students. In this study, data was collected from 380 students representing 14 higher education institutions through email and personal interactions. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to validate the proposed model. Findings reveal a substantial positive correlation between ease of use and attitudes, as well as beliefs. Furthermore, it highlights a significant link between attitudes and the formation of beliefs among young individuals. These insights underscore the need for ethical AI interactions and provide valuable perspectives for educators, policymakers, and technology developers.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; higher education institutions; generative pre-trained transformers; ChatGPT; ease of use; attitudes; beliefs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10064106
  • Understanding the effect of system characteristics on e-learning adoption and usage during the COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by G. S. S. G. Krishna, Anup Anurag Soren, Shibashish Chakraborty 
    Abstract: E-learning in higher education and the professional workforce has surged in recent years. However, the influence of system characteristics on adoption factors of e-learning systems has not been extensively studied. This study aims to understand how system characteristics affect user expectancies and e-learning system adoption factors. The study employed the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and included five system characteristic variables to expand the model. The results demonstrated that the characteristics of e-learning systems influenced users expectancies and highlighted the most crucial system characteristics. It was also exhibited that user expectancies, hedonic motivation, and habit affected users intention to use e-learning platforms. Findings provide directions for educational institutes and organisations to improve the design and use intention of e-learning systems.
    Keywords: e-learning; adoption; behavioural intention; BI; system characteristics; performance expectancy; PE; effort expectancy; EE; course content quality; system functionality; SF; system interactivity; SIT; system response; SR; user interface design; UID.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10064444
  • Investigating green transformational leadership behaviour through digital information literacy (meta analysis approach)   Order a copy of this article
    by Sadaqat Ali, Rahmat Ullah Shah, Mudassir Hussain, Uzma Syeda Gilani, Imrab Shaheen, Aziz Javed, Naveed Saif 
    Abstract: With the growing concerns of environmental issues, researchers and academician tries to introduce the concept of green transformational leadership in various organisations setup. But still the concept of green transformational leadership (GTRFL) is in nascent stage and need to be defined in its true spectrum from various perspective. The current study investigated in detail about the use of GTRFL in various organisation setups since its emergence (2013). For this purpose, Meta-analysis approach was applied to investigate the highest cited article, university of affiliation and the use of GTRFL in Higher education. Results depict that only one study (Odugbesan et al., 2022) investigate GTRFL in HEI sector while the highest citation for (Singh et al., 2020) are more than 1,129. Based on the findings it is concluded that the importance of GTRFL is totally neglected in HEI sector, while most of the graduate students that may join corporate sector need to be well informed about the active role in shaping and promoting green organisation culture.
    Keywords: transformational leadership; green transformational leadership; academia; meta-analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10065272
  • Exploring the connection between educators emotional intelligence and their well-being in academic settings   Order a copy of this article
    by Latha Panneer, Nisha Ranjithsingh 
    Abstract: This research delves into the pivotal role of emotional intelligence (EI) in fostering the health and well-being of faculty members in educational environments, particularly under the strains of online teaching and effective student management. It claims that faculty well-being affects students' emotional and academic development, making it essential for student achievement. The study expands well-being to include physical, mental, and emotional qualities associated with EI benefits. Aimed at examining the correlation between EI and the overall health and psychological well-being of educators, the research seeks to provide insights into how EI can serve as a tool to alleviate occupational stress and enhance mental health in the workplace. A comprehensive literature analysis and descriptive field survey of 80 Chennai educators from diverse educational institutions were done to attain its goals. The study analysed data using percentage analysis, weighted average, and correlation analysis using a professionally developed online questionnaire. Educational policy and practise should incorporate EI into faculty development programs to promote educators' well-being and increase student results.
    Keywords: emotional intelligence; healthy well-being; faculty members; psychological well-being; occupational stress; anxiety and depression; awareness and health issues; happy life.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10065563
  • Investing in ergo-iconic value of distance scientific seminars organisers in the COVID-19 pandemic to improve organiser performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Andriyansah Andriyansah, Zainur Hidayah, Rulinawaty Rulinawaty, Mery Noviyanti, Endi Isnarno, Rahayu Indriasari 
    Abstract: This study aims to implement the ergo-iconic value for online seminar organisers to increase the number of seminar participants. The indicators of this research are related to the performance of seminar organisers with variable management performance, seminar theme, seminar implementation time, material and discussion, and material and discussion. Ergo-iconic value is a sense of comfort positioned by the organiser with inherent characteristics of the parties organiser. Snowball technique research data as many as 543 respondents. Research results find that the score of comfortable distance seminar participants far lies in the seminar media, time maintenance, and themes and speakers offered by the party organiser. Other indicators of investigation score comfortable for seminar implementation is the ability to communicate with participants and the depth and breadth of the material presented for scientists. The implication of this research is that seminar organisers can use ergo-iconic value investment to improve quality and add comfortable value for seminar participants.
    Keywords: ergo-iconic value; distance scientific seminars; organiser performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10065830
  • Navigating uncertainty: an empirical analysis of student anxiety and educational transformation in the COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Sumaya Mushtaq, Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Mudasir Ahmad Mir 
    Abstract: The current research aims to investigate the levels of knowledge, concern and pedagogical adaptation among students in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic. The study adopted quantitative research approach wherein the instrument was well pre-tested before the actual data collection. The instrument was adopted from existing literature and modified as per the requirements of the current investigation. The studys findings revealed that individuals often sought out information pertaining to the disease, including it is aetiology and methods of transmission. Besides the results of the study showed the Anxiety component had a marginally elevated mean score, suggesting a heightened level of anxiety in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Pedagogical Shift dimension has had a significant influence on the field of education as a result of the global pandemic. The primary concerns encompassed the transition to online learning, the absence of in-person relationships and the impact on academic advancement. This research offers significant contributions to understanding the diverse impacts of the pandemic on knowledge acquisition, anxiety levels, and educational experiences among individuals.
    Keywords: knowledge; anxiety; pedagogical shift; COVID-19 pandemic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10066243
  • Higher education and employment: bleak prospects in COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Sudarshan Maity, Nabanita Sen, Tarak Nath Sahu 
    Abstract: With immense uncertainty, the COVID-19 crisis has posed unprecedented challenge to the potential aspirants of higher learning and prospective job seekers. The consequences of COVID-19 on higher education and employment sector have been prodigious. With 800 respondents from West Bengal, the study attempts to reflect an overview of opportunities coupled with threats involved in higher studies that reckons employment trends now and beyond pandemic period. The study employs ordered logistic regression, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wilcoxon Sign test, effect size test and many more. The study infers that COVID induced lockdown has significantly affected scope of higher education and employment opportunities for prospective potential job seekers. The future career of these potential students and prospective job seekers seems to be at stake due to COVID-19 induced delay in the prevailing system. The outcomes yielded by this study may precipitate in formulation of development policies for sustainable growth and betterment of future generation.
    Keywords: COVID-19; higher studies; employability; virtual teaching; virtual learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10066478
  • The rise of research on talent management: a bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Prashant Kumar Siddhey, Uttam Kaur 
    Abstract: This study aims to evaluate current and existing studies in the talent management area and provide potential directions for future research. As the complex interactions between work, workers, and the workplace have become more prevalent, talent management solutions have also evolved to meet these changing patterns. Drawing on a bibliometric study of 1,630 articles drawn from the Scopus dataset between 2013 and 2023. Using a methodical bibliometric analysis, this research provides an all-encompassing depiction of the publication patterns in the field of talent management, clarifying conclusions drawn from publication metrics. With the use of the Biblioshiny package in the Bibliometrix tool in R Studio. Additionally, by using VOSviewer for co-citation analysis, this study adds new knowledge. The study ends with a discussion of future research topics that build on the outcomes to put HR issues in the perspective of the modern work paradigm.
    Keywords: talent management; TM; human resource; HR; bibliometric analysis; biblioshiny; human resource management; HRM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10066538
  • Effectiveness of hospitality education curriculum: a systematic and critical review of literature   Order a copy of this article
    by Rahul Chowdhury, Mahuya Adhikary 
    Abstract: The Indian hospitality and tourism sector has grown tremendously in recent years. The curriculum evaluation process plays a major role not only in keeping the system up to date but also in directing the students toward their goals. The curriculum development process must be structured in a way that students can easily pursue their desired field of study without any barriers (Hussain et al., 2011). The pandemic has badly affected the education system across the globe as such traditional face-to-face learning was temporarily terminated by governments across the globe. The paradigm shift from offline to online education disrupted the education system (Chandler et al., 2020). This article reviewed the literature of 71 articles on hospitality and tourism employability skills, academic delivery, hospitality curriculum and paradigm shift in hospitality education. The paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of hospitality education curricula through a systematic and critical literature review.
    Keywords: hospitality curriculum; paradigm shift; hospitality education; literature review; curriculum efficacy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10066669
  • The impact of teacher instructional emotions on student academic emotions, and motivational involvement   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Kien Pham, Thuy Dung Pham Thi, Tien Nam 
    Abstract: This study constructs a teacher instructional emotions two-level confirmatory factor analysis model to explore the classification framework of teacher instructional emotions and constructs a relationship model between instructional emotions, academic emotions, and motivational involvement to analyse the relationship between instructional emotions, academic emotions, and motivation involvement. This study selects two groups of 1,083 students as samples and analyses them using SEM. The results show that: 1) the instructional emotions two-level confirmatory factor analysis model and the relationship model between instructional emotions, academic emotions, and motivational involvement constructed both fit with the observed data; 2) positive instructional emotions positively predict positive academic emotions of students; negative instructional emotions positively predict negative academic emotions of students; 3) positive academic emotions of students positively predict adaptive motivational involvement and negative academic emotions of students positively predict maladaptive motivational involvement. Based on the findings, this study discusses and proposes future recommendations.
    Keywords: instructional; emotions; teacher; student; involvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2024.10067741
  • The impact of COVID specific factors on purchase intention of retail consumer with the moderating impact of personality   Order a copy of this article
    by Ambica Prakash Mani, V.M. Tripathi, Dhani Shanker Chaubey 
    Abstract: Pandemic conditions caused unprecedented situations and brought dramatic changes in the lifestyle that continued after the pandemic also. The impact of COVID-19 has been very deep and changed the world in a big way. This research paper attempts to study the impact of COVID specific factors like fear factors, social factors, psychological factors, risk, uncertainty and digital media on the buying intention of the retail customers post COVID times. Personality factors are identified as the mediating variable. There is no doubt that the pandemic witnessed a complete shift in the buying intention due to unprecedented and uncertain conditions that were prevailing everywhere. Buying intention can be explained as the degree of willingness and inclination a customer displays to buy a product and service during a particular period. A structured questionnaire was created based on identified variables. These variables are based on extensive literature review. The questionnaire is administered to 580 respondents through online mode. 398 complete responses across the country are used for analysis. The impact of relationship amongst the factors of COVID pandemic on buying behaviour intention is checked with the moderating impact of personality using smart PLS.
    Keywords: buying intention; COVID-19; socio-economic; personality; structural equation modelling; SEM.