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International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development

International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (IJKBD)

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International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Engaging Citizens in Knowledge-Based Public Services: A Conceptual Framework for Municipal Management   Order a copy of this article
    by Suélen Bebber, Ana Cristina Fachinelli 
    Abstract: This study proposes a conceptual framework for knowledge-based public services, focusing on mobilizing citizens' personal knowledge in the co-creation of value for public services. The empirical object of the research was the collective public transport services of Caxias do Sul, Brazil. The research method adopted a qualitative approach, with data collection through semi-structured interviews, and content analysis was performed using ATLAS.ti 22 software. The study expands the discussions surrounding the service-dominant logic theory by approaching the concepts of engagement and co-production. It identifies emerging categories that compose the knowledge-based public services framework, aiming to support municipal management in mobilizing citizens for the planning, design, and delivery of services.
    Keywords: Value co-creation; Public value; Personal knowledge mobilization; Public services; Smart Cities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10066074
  • The Influence of Women in Shaping Profitability and Corporate Social Responsibility within Knowledge-Based Economies and Societies   Order a copy of this article
    by Sujatha Pentireddi, K.M. Ashifa, Sukhwinder Sharma, Iskandar Muda, Divya Goel, S. Suman Rajest 
    Abstract: Our research explores the interconnections between board diversity, corporate governance, and intellectual capital (IC) management in knowledge-based economies. Utilizing the frameworks of upper-echelon theory and the knowledge-based view of the firm, we apply a multi-dimensional Intellectual Capital Index (ICI) to examine how board diversity measured by gender ratio, educational background, and professional expertise affects IC management effectiveness. Analysing a longitudinal panel data set from various sectors in knowledge-based economies, we employ advanced econometric models, including multiway panel data analysis, to ensure rigor. Our findings reveal that board diversity significantly enhances IC management, fostering innovation and sustainability. Independent directors, unlike in traditional economies, play a crucial role in shaping IC management policies in these contexts. Control variables such as board size, meeting frequency, and organizational learning culture are also instrumental. Our study contributes to the growing literature on intellectual capital and corporate governance, with significant implications for policy formulation. Specifically, promoting board diversity can be a key strategy for optimising intellectual capital in knowledge based economies.
    Keywords: sustainability investment; corporate social responsibility; open innovation; independent directors; female managers; CSR reporting; corporate governance; knowledge-based economies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10067019
  • Enriching the Knowledge of the Corporates: an Analysis of Ethical Practices on Sustainable Performance with Moderation of Corporate Reputation   Order a copy of this article
    by Ying Liu 
    Abstract: This study attempts to uncover the relationship between ethical practices compliance and corporate sustainable performance from the perspective of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using stakeholder theory and practices. The study also aims to explore the moderating influence of organisational image between ethical practices and corporate sustainable performance. First, the study affirmed a positive connection between ethical practices and corporate sustainable performance. Second, the study revealed a positive moderating influence of organisational image between ethical practices and corporate sustainable performance. This study provides insights into ethical practices that could be pivotal for optimising competitive performance along with the reputation of the firms. This study endows with numerous interesting and fruitful applications both theoretical and managerial for management.
    Keywords: Ethical compliance; corporate reputation; sustainable performance; empirical analysis; structure equation modeling,.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10067423
  • Corporate Governance in Family Business Firms: a Systematic Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Ata Harandi, Payvand Khamseh, Maryam Golestani, Shib Sankar Sana 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to highlight current trends in the literature on corporate governance in family businesses. As with other businesses, corporate governance is crucial for family firms. In many countries, family businesses account for the majority of all enterprises and play a significant role in economic growth and employment. The increasing volume of studies related to the concept of corporate governance and its derivative concepts, as a motivating factor, prompted the researchers to conduct a systematic review structured around the introduction, decision, and conclusion. To integrate the components derived from the findings of other authors in the field of corporate governance in family firms, this studys paper search was designed based on a four-step systematic review pattern. Through several stages of screening, 43 papers were analysed in the final stage from an initial pool of 440 papers.
    Keywords: corporate governance; family businesses; board of directors;family firms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10067436
  • The Role of Knowledge Management Capability among the Transformational Leadership and Radical Innovation Considering, Case of Municipality   Order a copy of this article
    by Sina Rezaei, Reza Rostamzadeh 
    Abstract: Learning new things helps companies get better at making new and improved products in a competitive market. This study adds to what we already know about how leaders can inspire big changes and new ideas. It also shows how knowledge management capabilities (KMC) can help create new and groundbreaking innovations. So, this study aims to see how being a strong leader can help create big changes in a municipality by using strong communication and knowledge sharing. This study is categorized as correlational and applied research. The data was collected with a structured survey questionnaire. The proposed model validated using structural equation modelling (SEM), specifically the partial least square (PLS) to test the conceptual framework. The results showed that transformational leadership (TL) has a positive effect on KMC and radical innovation. In addition, this study shows that KMC positively mediate the relationship between TL and radical innovation.
    Keywords: transformational leadership (TL); knowledge management capabilities (KMC); radical innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10068241