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International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development

International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (IJKBD)

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International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Scheduling Constraints and Implementation in Teaching Management System Incorporating Association Rule Mining Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Jin Yan, Meng Li, Xiaoyan Ma, Junmian Wang 
    Abstract: This paper examines class schedules, precautions, and association rule algorithms and builds a more scientific class scheduling system. Data mining technology association rules handle scheduling conflicts and class omissions to improve scheduling efficiency and correctness. This method extracts efficient negative sequence rules from patterns. Using local utility value and utility confidence, e-HUNSR formalizes the problem of efficient negative sequence rules, generates candidate rules and a pruning strategy quickly, designs a data structure to store the necessary information, and proposes an efficient way to compute the antecedent local utility value and a simplified utility value calculation Association rules and mining are used to solve the scheduling problem. The system can conduct course queries, has high client-side compatibility, works with all browsers and OSes, and performs well in data mining. After experimental verification, the hybrid method with different scheduling condition criteria obtains 98.12% course selection satisfaction. Rule satisfaction averages 94.98 percent, and intelligent scheduling system scheduling efficiency 91.91%. Adding fresh ideas and methods to the intelligent scheduling system increases instructional resources and university scheduling. Smarter university timetable management allocates teaching resources and completes education and teaching plans.
    Keywords: Association Rules; Data Mining; Scheduling Algorithms; Scheduling Constraints and Implementation; Teaching Management System; Incorporating Association Rule; Mining Algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10064489
  • The Relationship Between Knowledge-Oriented Leadership, Conflict, and Knowledge Hiding: Empirical research in banking   Order a copy of this article
    by Nam Nguyễn Kim, Nga Nguyễn Thị Hằng 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between Knowledge Oriented Leadership, conflict and knowledge hiding behavior. Data was collected from employees working in the banking sector. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. The results demonstrate the significant role of Knowledge Oriented Leadership in reducing task conflict and relationship conflict within the organization. Knowledge Oriented Leadership also help reduce knowledge hiding behavior through the mediating roles of task conflict and relationship conflict. Furthermore, task conflict directly and indirectly affects knowledge hiding behavior through the mediating role of relationship conflict. The research findings contribute significantly to both theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge management in the banking sector, within the context of a collectivist culture such as Vietnam.
    Keywords: Knowledge Oriented Leadership; Relationship Conflict; Task Conflict; Knowledge Hiding; Banking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10064817
  • The analysis of the Effect of COVID-19 on the Innovation Capability of the Countries to make High-tech Exports in Europe   Order a copy of this article
    by Özlem Özsoy, Metin Gürler 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate whether the COVID-19 pandemic has breaking points in cases, deaths and vaccinations, as well as whether the pandemic has caused a contraction in the innovation capability of high-tech exporting countries. The test results show that there is highly positive correlation as 0.842 between normalised European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) index scores and normalised high-tech exports. The convergence is not high in high-tech exports and innovation capability in EIS countries. It seems that there is divergence for high-tech exports and innovation capability in EU countries. There is technology creation gap between the member countries. In the manuscript the breakpoints COVID-19 related cases, deaths, vaccination and normalised EIS scores and high-tech exports in the country set were analysed and the statistical test results showed that all of the five data series have different results and it is clear that vaccination has reversed the negative process.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; Economic growth; Convergence; High-tech exports; Innovation; Breakpoints.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10064823
  • From Mental Representation to Strategic Foresight: A Guide to Thriving in a VUCA Business World   Order a copy of this article
    by Morteza Soltani, Mohammad Ehsan Souri, Bahman Hajipour, Hamid Reza Yazdani, Shib Sankar Sana 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between representational complexity and strategic foresight in different VUCA environments. Using the Rough set theory, we discovered patterns that indicate the level of representational complexity that leads to better strategic foresight. The findings show that in uncertain and ambiguous environments, simple and less complex representations lead to more useful strategic foresight. However, in complex and volatile environments, complex representations results in more efficacious strategic foresight. This study extends past literature by investigating the previously unstudied relationship between representational complexity and strategic foresight in different contexts. The originality and value of this research lie in its contribution to the understanding of how mental representation can impact the success of strategies in VUCA environments.
    Keywords: Managerial Cognition; Mental Representation; Rough Set Theory; Strategic Decision-making; Strategic Foresight; VUCA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.10065505