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International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management

International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)

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International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Exploring the interplay between dynamic capabilities and knowledge management: an exploratory study   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Kien Pham, Thuy Dung Pham Thi, Chi Minh Nguyen 
    Abstract: The rapidly evolving nature of today’s business environment underscores the need for dynamic capabilities, allowing firms to adeptly adapt to change. This research aims to fill a void in the current literature by integrating the dynamic capabilities framework with insights from organisational knowledge management. Through our exploratory analysis, we found that the essence of a firm’s competitive advantage hinges on the harmonious interplay between knowledge-based competencies and dynamic capabilities. This synergy is further influenced by the strategic choices made by the firm’s leadership. Our results not only reinforce the resource-based view of competitive advantage but also set the stage for a deeper understanding of the relationship between dynamic capabilities and organisational knowledge management using empirical methods.
    Keywords: knowledge management; dynamic capabilities; business.