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International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics

International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics (IJHFE)

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International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Assessing the performance, usability and cognitive workload of an AI-based navigation assistant: a quantitative study with people with visual impairments   Order a copy of this article
    by Bineeth Kuriakose, Raju Shrestha, Frode Eika Sandnes 
    Abstract: Several assistive tools and systems have been proposed to facilitate navigation for people with visual impairments. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have also contributed to the design of navigation assistants. However, there is a lack of involvement and evaluations by the users (people with visual impairments) in most systems proposed in the literature. In addition, many studies focusing on the benefits of AI in the associated navigation assistants overlook how users perceive and respond to the technology. By involving actual users in the evaluation process, one will gain a more realistic and relevant understanding of the system’s usability and performance from the user’s viewpoint. In this paper, we present the results of an experimental evaluation of an AI-based smartphone navigation assistant for people with visual impairments that detects obstacles, identifies scenes, and alerts them during navigation to make their journey as safe as possible.
    Keywords: performance; usability; cognitive workload; quantitative study; artificial intelligence; AI; smartphone; navigation assistant; blind; visual impairments; assistive technology; user perceptions; human factors; user evaluation; user acceptance; deep learning; portable; DeepNAVI.

  • Empathy ability and emotion perception of people with visual disabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Hyung Nam Kim 
    Abstract: As people with visual disabilities have poor visual acuity, they significantly rely on vocal expressions of emotions in recognising and understanding emotions in other people, e.g., empathy. However, there is little understanding of individual differences in emotion perception and empathy abilities among people with visual disabilities. To address the knowledge gap, a convenience sample of 30 people with visual disabilities reported their perceived emotions when given various emotional stimuli of speech and completed the interpersonal reactivity index to report their empathy abilities in terms of perspective taking, empathic concern, personal distress, and fantasy. The participants showed statistically significant individual differences in emotion perception and empathy abilities for various emotions. The research findings could serve as foundational knowledge, contributing to developing adequate interventions to help those with visual disabilities to better manage emotional stress, promote emotional wellness, and construct healthy relationships with others.
    Keywords: interpersonal reactivity index; IRI; emotional wellness; emotional ergonomics.