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International Journal of Export Marketing

International Journal of Export Marketing (IJExportM)

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International Journal of Export Marketing (One paper in press)

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  • The interplay of mental health, venture performance, and the Big Five personality traits: a multidisciplinary examination   Order a copy of this article
    by Henrik G.S. Arvidsson 
    Abstract: This article investigates the complex relationships between entrepreneurs mental health, personality traits, and venture performance, with a particular focus on the IT sector. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study examines how mental health issues, especially anxiety and depression, impact entrepreneurial success and explores the moderating effects of the Big Five personality traits conscientiousness, openness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Quantitative findings reveal that poor mental health negatively correlates with venture performance, while personality traits such as conscientiousness enhance resilience and neuroticism exacerbates vulnerability (Brandstatter, 2011; Coudounaris and Arvidsson, 2021; Masten and Narayan, 2012). Qualitative insights from interviews with IT entrepreneurs provide a deeper understanding of sector-specific stressors, highlighting the unique challenges posed by rapid technological advancement and constant innovation demands. The article concludes with practical recommendations for personalised mental health interventions, underscoring the importance of integrating psychological resilience and adaptability into entrepreneurship models. This research contributes to a more holistic understanding of the factors influencing entrepreneurial success and provides actionable insights for supporting mental health within high-stress industries.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial mental health; Big Five personality traits; venture performance; resilience in entrepreneurship; IT sector stressors; mental health interventions; personality moderators; sustainable market entry; adaptability in entrepreneurship.