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International Journal of Exergy

International Journal of Exergy (IJEX)

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International Journal of Exergy (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Thermodynamic Assessment of A Desalination System Integrated with Combined Cycle Power Plant via Throttling Process by Using a Vapour Compressor   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Zikri, Muhsin Kilic 
    Abstract: This study aims to conduct a thermodynamic analysis of desalination system integrated with combined cycle power plant (CCPP), with a focus on the throttling process method combined with a steam compressor, the influence of pinch point temperature difference (PPTD) on distilled water production (specific aquadest production/SAP) and specific energy consumption (SEC). Reducing condenser pressure from 10.89 to 8.43 kPa and PPTD of 10 can increase steam turbine power by 2.18% and allow the wastewater temperature to drop to 32.5
    Keywords: electricity; freshwater; pinch point temperature difference; PPTD; specific aquadest production; SAP; specific energy consumption; SEC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2025.10066839
  • Energetic and Exergetic Analysis of Multi-Energy Hybrid System Including Geothermal, Green Hydrogen, and Cold Energy Storage   Order a copy of this article
    by Gamze Soyturk, Onder Kizilkan 
    Abstract: This research delves into a thorough examination of a multi-energy system, combining geothermal energy, hydrogen (H2) generation, and cold energy storage. The system aims to establish an eco-friendly energy infrastructure by integrating these sustainable sources and storage methods. The study evaluates the system’s energy performance, scrutinising energy inputs, outputs, losses, and conversions across various components and subsystems. Furthermore, it conducts an exergy analysis to assess the effectiveness of energy transformations within the system, pinpointing areas of irreversibility and exergy dissipation. The findings reveal that the overall energetic efficiency stands at 11.31%, while the exergetic efficiency reaches 31.69%.
    Keywords: geothermal energy; green hydrogen; cold energy storage; energy; exergy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2025.10067147
  • An Exergetic Performance Improvement Potential of a Modified Ejector-Enhanced Auto-Cascade Refrigeration Cycle   Order a copy of this article
    by Ibrahim Karacayli, Lutfiye Altay, Arif Hepbasli 
    Abstract: This study examines both conventional and advanced exergy analyses of a modified ejector-enhanced auto-cascade refrigeration (MEACR) cycle. Conventional exergy analysis shows that the proposed model significantly improves exergy efficiency compared to similar ejector-enhanced auto-cascade refrigeration cycles in the literature. Advanced exergy analysis reveals that 63.47% of the total exergy destruction is avoidable. When the components of the MEACR cycle are investigated, 56.31% of the exergy destruction is attributed to the endogenous part. The low-temperature cycle (LTC) compressor has the highest avoidable endogenous exergy destruction rate of 12.64 kW with 38.5%.
    Keywords: refrigeration; auto-cascade refrigeration; ejector; exergy analysis; advanced exergy analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2025.10067148
  • Exergoeconomic Analysis of the Utilisation of Microalgae Derived Biostimulants for Sustainable Agriculture   Order a copy of this article
    by Nicholas Melenek, Murilo Rampi, Jose Viriato Coelho Vargas, Gabriela Conor, Anne Oliveira, Andre B. Mariano, Juan Ordonez, Vanessa Kava 
    Abstract: This study addresses a biorefinery system that enables the production of microalgae derived biostimulants, which includes a municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerator, heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), an emissions fixation column, a photobioreactor, a flocculator, a centrifuge, and a dryer. The output is dry biomass to be utilised as fertiliser. The system technical and economic viability is investigated via an exergoeconomic analysis, which evaluates the systems performance accounting for energy consumption, exergy losses, and economic features related to each stage. The exergoeconomic evaluation established an exergetic cost of 1.022
    Keywords: agricultural practices; plant growth promoters; PGP; mathematical model; sustainability; cogeneration; exergy analysis; municipal solid waste.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2025.10067746
  • Multi-Objective Optimisation of a new Multi-Generation System Integrating Waste Heat Recovery, and Geothermal Resources to produce Power, Hydrogen, Heating, and Cooling   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Ali Sabbaghi, Mohammad Sefid 
    Abstract: This study investigates a new multi-generation system through the integration of geothermal energy, waste heat, organic Rankine cycle (ORC), proton exchange membrane electrolyser (PEME) and water-ammonia absorption chiller cycle. The impact of various effective parameters on system performance is evaluated and the system is optimised based on three viewpoints. The obtained results show that the turbine production power is 101.2 kW, the hydrogen production rate is 1.467 kg/h, and the amount of cooling generated in the evaporator, 65.48 kW, is determined. The heat released in the de-superheater amounts to 81.79 kW, which is utilised to operate the absorption chiller.
    Keywords: multi-generation system; absorption chiller cycle; geothermal; heat recovery; optimisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2025.10067934