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International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management

International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management (IJEntTM)

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International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The Effect of Short Promotional Videos on Consumers: A Pilot Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Debopriyo Roy, Hirotaka Kosai 
    Abstract: The emergence of promotional videos has played an important role in rebuilding relationships with actual and potential consumers by broadening the scenes and the scope of understanding within which they watch videos, thereby making information penetrate more deeply among them. Although some people think that product promotion depends on the quality and length of the video for video marketing strategy, video efficacy as a marketing tool depends not only on video quality and length, but content as well. Interesting marketing content, more than any other characteristic, motivates consumers towards an affinity for the brand, sharing information, and promotes a positive image of the brand among consumers. Because there are many consumers on the Internet, consumers could be targeted with very specific and pointed information, and short promotional videos could be created based on consumers' type, background, experience with similar products, lifestyle, academic background, financial comfort, etc. By creating short videos tailored to the nature of each consumer type, it could be possible to positively change their image of a product by increasing their interest in it, making the content "interesting", and stimulating their desire to spread and share related information.
    Keywords: Promotional Videos; Consumers; Information Design.

  • An Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Braitenberg Vehicles using Lego Ev3 Mindstorms   Order a copy of this article
    by Pavlos Iliadis, Stathis Amarantidis, George Fragulis 
    Abstract: Braitenberg vehicles (BV) have been used experimentally in robotics for decades with limited empirical understanding. This paper uses well-known mathematical models of the vehicles to analyze possible trajectories of smooth stimulus sources such as light points. This sensorimotor steering control is used to implement a biology-based target approach, target search, or possible obstacle avoidance behavior. However, analysis of the resulting model shows that complex and unexpected trajectories can also occur with light stimuli. It also demonstrates how controller implementation and vehicle morphology interact to affect vehicle behavior. This work provides a better understanding of Braitenberg vehicles, explains experimental results, studies the biomimetic response of Braitenberg vehicles to moving external light stimuli, and possibly leads the way for applications in teaching in class various biology notions using robotics.
    Keywords: Braitenberg Vehicles; robotics; mathematical models; sensorimotor control; biomimetics; behavior analysis.

  • Content Delivery based on an Open Source Implementation of WordPress   Order a copy of this article
    by Alexa Rosa Maria Bäcker, Léon Brecht 
    Abstract: In industry-based information management, there is a shift away from traditional print documentation towards dynamic web delivery enhanced by semantic technologies. This has led to a growing interest in content delivery portal (CDP) and related solutions. A CDP has the advantage that recipients can receive product documentation in a more customer-focused and use-case-oriented manner. Because of the increased demand in CDP solutions, there are several CDP providers on the market. These systems have vendor-specific features, which must be considered by technical writers in the system selection process. In contrast to vendor systems, an open-source and self-managed CDP could have the advantage of offering a high degree of customisation. During this research, a CDP was developed, using the web content management system (WCMS) WordPress. A system solution like this could offer more flexibility eliminating dependency on CDP vendors. Thus, there is no need to compromise on system selection and a greater possibility for individual system extensions. Furthermore, the wide variety of WordPress plugins has the potential to make individual extensibilities easy to implement.
    Keywords: content delivery portal; CDP; WordPress; content delivery; semantic correlation rules; RSS; HTML; XML; XSLT; ReX.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENTTM.2023.10061215
  • Digital Transformation in Entertainment: Identifying Key Adoption Factors using Univariate ANOVA   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajneesh Ahlawat, Preeti Ahlawat, Renu Tanwar 
    Abstract: This research aims to discover and analyse the main factors that determine consumer’s intent to use 'over-the-top' (OTT) platforms. This was accomplished using the (general linear model) univariate analysis. A survey questionnaire and Google Forms were used to examine the proposed motivation factors for OTT platform adoption. The research was carried out in Delhi, NCR. A total of 304 responses were examined and analysed using univariate ANOVA analysis. The study findings indicate the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 epidemic have had a major effect on the widespread adoption of OTT platforms in India. The majority of the Indian audience favours OTT platforms due to their compatibility with various delivery platforms such as smartphones, PC/laptops, and smart TVs. Reliance-Jio and Airtel are identified as the key drivers for the rapid growth of OTT (Smartphones) in India. They achieve this by offering affordable internet bandwidth and bundled OTT packages.
    Keywords: OTT Platforms; Streaming services; Adoption; Netflix; Media & Entertainment; Amazon Prime; COVID-19; Smartphones; Consumer behavior; Disney+Hotstar.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENTTM.2025.10069027